Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 78: Breakthrough breakthrough!

The thirteen plus eighteen people who died before are fortunate and fortunate. They are the first to die, so they are unlucky, but they are also lucky, because their death is a sword to break the soul, no pain!

At this moment, everyone saw only a broken limb with broken limbs, falling from the air with dripping blood, and countless wails came and went. Li's second ancestors were pale, but they did not expect that the grandmother of the family's lowest generation of grandchildren... with his own death, he brought a terrible enemy to Li Jia!

The enemy of a person-level peak, but can let himself have no courage to take this level of the first stage! Even if you barely shot, your heart has no chance of winning!

Is such an enemy, Li Jia really provoked? In order to quell such a big enemy, Li’s family is only afraid to pay the most costly price.

All of this is based on the fact that this Chuyang is just an ordinary river and lake scattered person. If there is a background behind him... What kind of background is there to cultivate a kind of strength and strength like this? Genius disciple!

At this point, the Li family's two ancestors shuddered, but things have come to this point, there is no room for change, everything can only be hardened by the scalp!

"Getting it together!" An old voice came from his ear, and he couldn't help but shout: "Hey?"

"Don't make a sound! Let's take it together! At all costs, it will be destroyed at full speed!" The voice in the ear continues: "This person is extremely dangerous and must be ruined by accident. Otherwise, after today, Li is afraid that it will be finished." ""


Chu Yang has always been able to harvest life with a gesture of ease. A fresh life disappeared from his sword, but there was no fluctuation in his heart. His body was quick and fast, and he swept through the air.

The blood rain sprayed; Li Jia was originally like the momentum of the rainbow, and the masters of the tyrannical tyrants have now become a group of sheep that have been targeted by the tigers and slaughtered.

At this moment, everyone's eyes are filled with fear, which is a kind of fear that is confusing.

What Li family, what family, what glory, what kind of temperament, what kind of integrity... all go!

The most important thing now is to escape! I have no life, but I still think that those who have something make sense? !

A total of more than 180 people, but in a moment, under the Chu Yang sword has destroyed more than 130! Fortunately, the rest of the people, the mental state has also completely collapsed, the mouth unconsciously screaming, shouting that they do not believe that they are shouting out from their mouths, desperately dodge, use all means, even with the body of their comrades Cover yourself.

If at this moment someone can block himself and let the dead sword light can't find himself, then even if it is a brother, he will not hesitate to launch.

The sword is shining, the man is screaming, the blood is spraying, and the head is rolling.

Before and after the only moment, the two hundred masters of Li’s imposing manner have already collapsed.

The heart of Chuyang is still as ice-like as snow.

Suddenly, two dangerous breaths suddenly rise.

Have a master?

Chu Yang instantly felt that two bursts of pressure came.

I can't help myself.

Those who can feel this kind of pressure must be higher than their own! Moreover, it should not be just a level of master. Also, if you come, you will get two people.

Chu Yang can feel that his soul is shaking. That is a crisis of life and death!

Chu Yang’s mind was flashing. When he had not felt the attack, he had already slammed his body up and down. He rushed to the height of 30 feet. Below, he almost wiped his soles tightly. It flashed away.

The long-awaited attack of the two men, under the amazing sense of the soul of Chu Yang, escaped dangerously.

Two figures, appearing on both sides of the moment, one left and one right.

One of them is the Li family master who just led the team. The other person is quite similar to him, but he is a little older. In the hands of both of them, they are all long swords that are clear in autumn.

Chu Yang's pupils shrink.

From the two people, he felt the pressure of the mountains!

Such pressure, Chu Yang is not unfamiliar, in the extraterrestrial demon and Fa Zun, have experienced it, today facing the double pressure at the same time, the oppression is actually multiplied!

Chu Yang knows that although he has just realized the swordsmanship, his strength is greatly advanced; if he is alone in facing any one of these two people, he will be sure that he will not lose, even if it is a little weaker to the strength, he It is not too difficult to kill them with confidence.

But at the same time facing these two people, they are at risk of losing their lives at any time.

The gap between each of the nine heavens is really too big!

Between the human level and the local level, it is the difference between heaven and earth.

The first and middle levels of the prefecture are two completely different worlds.

Chu Yang’s Nine Robbery Swordsmanship is beyond the scope of ordinary swordsmanship. It is not difficult to kill people in different levels. However, in this piece of heaven and earth, the first level is a rare miracle, facing the level higher than the two levels. Mid-level master, Chu Yang can save his life, it is already very good.

Now facing, it is a local-level middle-level strongman, and combined with another pre-level master to deal with Chu Yang!

Under the joint attack of two people, Chu Yang really began to be dangerous.

Li Jiaxiu is the two highest ancestors, flying in the air, and continually launching a fierce attack toward Chuyang. One after the other, close together. If Chu Yang concentrates on dealing with any one person, it will inevitably lead to the mad killing of another person!

Chu Yang took advantage of the flexible footwork method to gradually avoid, and sometimes fight back; for a time, he could not find the opportunity to develop the sword.

I didn’t have a sword just because I was going to attack the sword and I didn’t want to have a sword. Now I am a strong enemy and I am powerless!

The joint attack of the two ancestors of the Li family is getting closer and closer and more and more fierce.

Chu Yang can clearly feel that with the kind of fierce and close offensive of the other side, as he is at a disadvantage, the arrogant and imposing momentum has the momentum that gradually disappears from himself, if the new one As the momentum disappears, the forces that can be exerted by itself will be further weakened, and it will be even more difficult to compete against the two strong enemies in front.

Chu Yang has a chaotic heart and the situation is even more precarious.


"Almost! Just wait a little longer and you will win and lose. As long as you see the blood, you will immediately attack, and you must ensure the safety of Chu Yang." The distant hook nose thought that there was no chance to wait for himself to be shot. Suddenly I saw the situation turned sharply and suddenly overjoyed.

The cat in the man’s hall is too tired and eager to fly out to help.

"Don't move!" Yan Rushan grabbed him: "The thick foundation of Chuyang is only seen in my life, but he has never been able to truly play his own realities. It is generally that he has no pressure in his heart, and it is difficult to truly break through his strength. This time, let him experience the crisis of life and death! Rest assured, with your cultivation, you can definitely save him at the most critical moment!"

The cat is greasy and angry: "It’s not a pain to stand up and talk. Don’t be afraid that you are in danger. If it’s too late?”

He looked at him silently: "Cat, how did you get to the heavens?"

The cat was tired and tired, and suddenly argued: "Of course, I am desperately practicing, trying hard to practice, and desperately smashing the rivers and lakes..."

It’s a veritable nod: “Yeah, trying to practice and practice hard, you’re so desperate to be so innocent, you can live to this day, it’s so lucky...”

The cat was tired and tired and blushing.

Straight to the end of the buttocks is also red half.

Inadvertently turning back, but an exclamation: "Well? This is... How is this possible?"

When the words were suddenly shocked by him, the instinctively used the consciousness to detect the surroundings. With his calmness, he couldn’t help but widen his eyes and muttered: "Well?! How can this be?"


Chu Yang has been under the rigorous blow of the other side, and has been in an extreme downwind. Even the nine-robbery sword has been exerted; it can only be passively beaten, and the heart is naturally more and more wrong.

And the momentum of the former arrogant and arrogant, seems to gradually retreat in the extreme grievances.

Seeing that the other father and son will soon be connected to the sky, and they will be completely covered; Chu Yang desperately counterattack, but completely helpless; only feel that their strength is too far from the other side, too disparity.


At this time, Chu Yang slammed loudly, desperately fighting back!



Chu Yang found his biggest weakness in the most critical moment. Since I was born again, it is indeed a bit of a pity. But... Sometimes, you can't care too much! Sometimes, you can't be too afraid of death! People who are too afraid of death, do not have the guts to die, but fall before the death!

Chu Yang yelled, as if he had broken away from some kind of tie in his heart, suddenly felt a heartfelt effort.

At this moment, the enlightenment of the mountain corrects the power of the wrong direction in the heart, and it is exactly one with the will of this ‘death to break the shackles’!

The arrogant momentum of the nine robbery swords, if it is gradually dissipated, is said to have been forced by external forces. At this moment, it has been oppressed to the extreme. Since Chu Yang has not been overwhelmed, the other result is - the ultimate rebound!

In the most aggressive manner, the ground is counterattack!

Hongmeng silk in Dantian suddenly rushed through the meridians!

The nine-fold heavenly power is like the unstoppable violent movement of the Yangtze River.

Chu Yang only felt that he was stunned for a while, and seemed to have broken away from what he seemed to get rid of. The long sword suddenly reappeared, and the wind and thunder roared, and it was easy to rush out of the heavy siege.

When the two sounds, the long sword in the hands of the two sons of Li and his son were cut off by the nine robbers and fell to the ground.

Chu Yang gasped and stared at each other, and her heart was still a little confused.

Just now, what is going on?


Looking for a ticket? (To be continued. Please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better and faster!)

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