Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 87: Black pot and windfall

This income, um, this windfall, obviously has greatly exceeded Chu Yang’s expectations.


Chu Yang thinks of a very serious problem: " are not going to evacuate all of Li’s treasures and warehouses?"

Tiger brother looked up: "Crap! Don't move the air, do I still have to keep the city owner? Don't worry, I don't even give them the rest of the sheet of paper, my grandfather is everywhere, the grass does not stay..."

Chu Yang has a big sweat, waterfall sweat, Genghis Khan...

Imagine the eagerness of the landlord to send people to copy the house, but only saw an empty treasure house... the expression on the face at that time...

Chu Yang couldn't help but collapse.

This time, the master of the city, let the tiger brother give the pit a lot.

Even if he is a water cloud coin, he can't copy it, but in everyone's mind, he thinks: This time the city owner is a big man! Made a big hair!


Looks like the devil of the city owner, but it is hard to eat!

Chu Yang does not want to eat the big cake of Li Jia; but the problem is that his current strength, if he wants to eat on the bright side, will definitely be killed.

No matter which aspect, you will never sit down and look at Chu Yangyu as a big bargain.

Therefore, although Chu Yang is reluctant, she is reluctant, but the move to the city government is absolutely true and serious! but now……

Chu Yang is only gloating...

Chu Yang’s forefoot sent people a person’s general feelings, but after the foot, the tiger brother made people enter the abyss...

"Tiger brother... you are really..." Chu Yang stunned for a long while, finally grabbed the tiger brother and shook it: "Ha ha ha... you are so cute, hahaha..."

The tiger brother was shaken and dizzy, and dissatisfied: "Hey, who are you cute? Can you describe it with cuteness? It should be majestic and arrogant! You can make a living, so something." The virtue that makes you happy... Hey, unfortunately I found too little amethyst in the house... or I can eat more. It is enough to fill the stomach."

"Amethyst?" Chu Yang blinked.

"Yeah. My current injury wants to recover. I must use the energy of the heavens and the earth. The energy contained in the Amethyst is also somewhat effective. Unfortunately, it is not very big... but it is better than nothing." Tiger brother is a bit bored.

"Amethyst? Amethyst I have here!" Chu Yang said.

"You have? How many pieces can you have? I know that most of the small characters that you have just ascended up are a few, but..." Tiger brother turned his eyes uninterested.

“Several pieces?” Chu Yang rolled his eyes: “Look, this is a few...”

Then I screamed. The whole room was filled with Amethyst, and almost didn't bury the tiger brother!

Tiger brother looked stunned for a long while, and exclaimed: "I rely on so much... very good, hahaha..."

a mouth...


Chu Yang looked stunned, just a full house of Amethyst, under the mouth of a tiger brother, instantly turned into a powder!

It turned out to be "咻" and it was gone.

"Too good, great..." The tiger brother is obviously unfinished: "Is there still? This stuff. More and more good, more points..."

Chu Yang is a cross-heart; Amethyst is a thing of its own, but there are a few billions.

Anyway, I still have so many amethyst hearts, amethyst chalcedony, the soul of Amethyst...and even more advanced... How do these amethysts give the tiger brother?

So another wave of hands...

"Wow!" Tiger brother was amazed.

Another wave, oh la la...

Now it’s the turn of Chu Yang to start the clearance sale...


For a long time...

"It's almost, it's almost... I have to digest and digest first..." Tiger brother satisfied with the belly, very happy. "These amethysts can actually restore me one percent of the injury." ...not bad. The windfall is amazing."

"One percent of injuries can restore one percent of the injury..." Chu Yang has the urge to marry her.

What kind of injury is your belly?

Tens of millions of Amethyst eyes have turned gray, and you can only recover one percent of the injuries?

Can you still be a little bit more? !

"This result is already good..." Tiger brother is still somewhat undecided. I also looked at Chu Yang with some caution: "How is it all amethyst? Is there no point? If there are more advanced ones, for example, Amethyst Heart, Amethyst Chalcedony, Amethyst Soul... Those, if There are so many words, I can recover one-third... One-third is already the limit, it is impossible to be more, and the power of Amethyst can only recover one-third of my peak. strength……"

"But it is already very good..." Tiger brother thief looked at Chu Yang: "I don't know if you have..."

Chu Yang licked his mouth.

This guy is really a thief, but I can guess that I have the good things he wants.

"I have, but can you still eat tonight?" Chu Yang said with a sigh of relief: "You have to finish eating Amethyst and say something else..."

The spirit of the tiger brother is shocked: "Yes, then eat it tomorrow night! I will digest and digest this evening. This time I have enough food, I need to compress it into the power I need... Don’t forget tomorrow night, more Prepare for premium goods."

When I jumped into the bed, I was very excited.

Actually, he still licked his leg.

Very cute, very cute!

Chu Yang sighed.

It seems that the family that I have set up in the mainland of Jiuzhongtian is mostly going to break into the belly of this tiger brother...

Being confused, just listening to the tiger brother suddenly opened his eyes, very solemnly shouted: "Don't forget to give me Amethyst tomorrow night..."

Chuyang has a black line.

This goods, I still worry that I can't get it?

But this evening, the words are as true as they are surprised.

What happened?

The movement on the other side of Chuyang, how can I suddenly feel nothing at all...

When a tiger brother was asleep, he was too excited to forget to understand the mental blockade...

Therefore, the words of the mountain will completely break the induction of Chu Yang side!

So it can be seen that the strength of Tiger Brother is really strong.

But this point, Chu Yuzu certainly does not know...

Although he also knows that the mountains should be strong, it is not clear to what heights of the mountain-like cultivation, and of course it is even more difficult to measure the strength of the tiger brother...

A night full of shocks, it’s like this!

In the next three days, Chu Yang did not do anything else, burying his head in the men's hall and arranging the things stolen by the tiger brother. While letting the nine robbers swallow all kinds of substances. Then all the medicines that are not used are sorted out and refined into pure medicine.

Don't look at the tiger brother's ignorance of Li's treasury. A certain king is still very rare. Even if the quality is not particularly high, it can't stand a large amount, such as those bundled ginseng... that can be met in the eyes of ordinary people. Looking for high-end goods.

Chu Yang suddenly got so many good things, and suddenly broke out. As for the large-scale refining, there are many incomplete and complete versions of Jiu Dan.

even. There are also a few super version of Jiu Dan.

These are naturally included in Chuyang's private inventory, which are all prepared for emergency. Of course, there are still a lot of medicinal herbs that have been reinforced by physical fitness, and Chuyang has produced thousands of batches of refining.

Since it is ready to make a big impact, it is natural to use people. There are many people. If there are many battles, it will be accompanied by casualties; Chu Yang has now learned the precautions of Mo Tianji. Of course, there are still upstarts in the bones, and there are money reminders!

All of a sudden there are so many medicines, too many repetitions, when not to use them more quickly?

Therefore, Chu Yang was corrupted once.

All the stocks of Li’s family who are not in the eyes of Tiger’s eyes are a huge asset for Chu Yang. There is even a part of the metal brought up from the mainland of Jiuzhongtian. Before this new batch of stocks. They are all eclipsed.

Nine Heavens, after all, is much higher than the plane of the Nine Heavens. Even though it is only a remote area, what a millennial family can collect is definitely not rubbish!

In view of this, Chu Yang did not hesitate to let the nine robbery swords swallow up those relatively poor. There are also some ordinary, ordinary, and all the nine robbery swords swallowed up, all to the high-tech development, not the best thing, never leave the place.

In other words, Chu Yuzuo is very thorough and simple.

It’s just after this time that I went to 芜存, and the amount of “empty” in Chu’s nine-robbery space has not only not seen growth, but also a lot of empty space.

A large number of amethysts have swallowed up the tiger brother; although the tiger brother wants to drop what amethyst heart, amethyst chalcedony and better things... a king is not reluctant to give, nor is it not, but understand Since as long as Amethyst can work for Tiger Brother, why bother to waste those more expensive?

Waste is not right, or shameful!

In the principle of diligence and thrift, Chu Yuzu will never let go: you still have to eat the amethyst first!

Although these amethysts are definitely not enough for Tiger Brothers, because he will devour tens of millions of amethyst essences in a day, and then refine them, but before the amethyst is not used up, Chu Yang will definitely not consider using amethyst. Heart.

There is also the amethyst chalcedony amethyst soul, etc., all the same...

I would like to see how much you can swallow this guy, there are hundreds of millions of amethysts, even if you can devour tens of millions every day, you can deal with ten days and eight days...

Of course, in the nights of these days, Chu Yang will still be incarnate and go to the Colosseum to fight, but because of the sudden destruction of the Li family, Jin Jia and Wu Jia will inevitably have some rabbits dying of foxes. Both families are very quiet, and they have no gambling.

In addition to these two, it is not that no one else has to gamble with the big officials, but the bets are not big, and Chu Yang naturally has little interest.

So it was very simple... I lost two nights.

The two brothers on the two nights were all the lowest-level spirit beasts, but they could not continue to write unbeaten myths again. The gorgeous and beautiful defeated... This made the tiger brother who used to play pigs and eat tigers very unhappy.

............(To be continued...)

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