Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 88: Chu Dashan

"What I want is the thrill of victory! I pretend that I can't beat anything, but in the end I am going to win. You let me lose directly, this uncle is really no face! I want to write invincible myths, unbeaten legend! ”

Tiger brother is very angry and protests roaring.

However, Chu Yang directly ignored the rebellion against Tiger Brother.

All the responses, there is only one sentence: "Amethyst! Want to eat and do not want to eat? I have a lot of places!"

The meaning of the words is obvious. If you don't listen to me, then don't want to eat.

Naked threats, brazen coercion!

Tiger brother tickles at a time, but also knows that the situation is stronger than people, only to succumb to someone's arrogance...

The amethyst inventory of other people in Zixia City is far worse than Chuyang. If Chuyang is a gold mine, then the Amethyst stored by others can only be regarded as a piece of gold.

For the tiger brother who is eager to restore strength, it is definitely a rare gold master!

During this time, Chu Yang is also working hard to recruit and recruit troops; for this famous Chu Shen doctor, there are many people in Zixia City who have followed the interest.

However, the conditions under the recruitment of Chu Shenji are very strict: the lowest limit level!

This condition is too high. Which one of the prefecture-level masters does not like to be free? If you have a level-level cultivation, can you be a slave to you?

You are just a local level...

Three days later, the prefecture-level master was half and did not receive it.

Therefore, Chu Yuzu had to be like a part of the time, recruiting a large number of teenagers, and some homeless nephews, young children; all in a large yard they bought, collective training...

The biggest of these little guys is only fifteen or six, and the youngest is only two or three years old. Wangdao temporarily became the head of the child and led these children.

Said to be training. In fact, most of these little guys are just playing now.

As for when will it come in handy. That's what it is all about.

Under the premise that the Chu Yu seat is not willing to use Jiuzhong Dan, and is not willing to send the elixir, it may not have what it is for a lifetime, and become a strong person.

The cat is greasy and the cat teacher has become a teacher in these two days.

He was sent by Chu Yang to teach these little guys.

In this regard, the cat teacher is very unhappy. But Chu Yang let the cat teacher obey a sentence: "Hey... you eat me now, live with me, you don't even help me with this little effort. How did I save your life?" ”

When the cat teacher first heard this sentence, it seemed to be very guilty, very embarrassed.

However, when I heard it seventeen or eight times in two days, I couldn’t stand it anymore...

"You are also very envious of the newspapers, and people are not willing to report. You? Shien did not forget to report, you..." The cat teacher thundered.

And answering him, another sentence from Chu Yang heard his cat's ears swearing: "Oh... the original Yi teacher's attitude toward the savior is today, it is the beginning of the world..."

At this point, the cat teacher completely defeated, sneezing a tearful pleading Chu Yang: "Brother, there is something to talk to you; I just do it, anyway, there is nothing wrong with it now. No... but you can never say These two sentences... I am afraid that I really can’t help but cut you. If you are not afraid of being cut by me, even though...”

Chu Yang is also aware of the depths. Naturally, it is the arrogance of the troops, and they are waiting to win the battle.

As for the words of the mountain, Chu Yuzu certainly can't make this super master idle.

Although the big master can only stand up reluctantly, he can't move freely, and he is seriously injured, but Chu Yang still pulls him up.

"Speaking brother, please help me to see, your eyesight is high, your experience is enough... See which one of these little guys can make it..." Chu Yang took a long shot. Then come again and don’t forget to report: "I will save you a life after all, isn't it?"

Then another emotional depth: "Not to mention we are still brothers, good brothers!"

For a time, the words are as big as a bucket.

"I can help you choose it, but... what about the rest of the children?" asked the mountain: "You will not abandon them all?"

Chu Yang patted his chest: "How is it possible? Since I have been taken in by me, then, even if there is no qualification, can the work such as boiling water and cooking be always competent? How can I never let them starve? ""

"The forces have been established in the future. These little guys will stay safely in the rear. If there is no martial arts future, can you go to business? Even if you don’t have the business mind, can you be responsible for a shop? If not, the blacksmith. , or what other professions are always available? Even if nothing can be done, farming can be done, three hundred and sixty lines, and there is a future."

"Since I have taken them in, I will be responsible for them. I will never allow them to be hurt. When I grow up, I will find a wife for them and settle down. I Chuyang said that I can do it. I still have this credibility!"

Yan Rushan nodded deeply and expressed his approval.

This move to Chu Yang is very praised, and it is still very much appreciated. He believes that this is purely a kind act! To cultivate one's own strength, since the beginning of mankind, this action has never been cut off. There are some people who have taken advantage of it, and those who have been deceived by the swindlers have it.

But like Chu Yang, this way is unique!

Because such a pay is too big.

In front of the group of children, most of them are jealousy, wandering children, there is no foundation at all. As for saying that you want to find out the genius of martial arts from here, it is too difficult, and the opportunity is too embarrassing.

If Chu Yang does not accept them, most of them will end up being hungry and die.

As for Chu Yang, let these little guys grow up and do things for him... This is a matter of righteousness!

Parents have raised their sons and count on their children to endure their pensions; let alone outsiders?

With the help of people, you only grow up, but there is no demand for return?

Where is the white lunch in the world?

What's more, if you do a living, you can still have a reward... It is equal to the stability of a lifetime.

This is definitely a very cost-effective thing!

Therefore, the words nodded and agreed, and expressed their support by action.

It’s just that Rushan has never thought of how much trouble he has brought to himself.

It’s just like a mountain, Chu Yang immediately increased the scale of the collection. The orphans and children of Zixia City, Chuyang, in one day, accommodated more than one-third!

It also includes a lot of serious dying, Chu Yang one rescue. It is hard to grab people from the hands of the king.

It seems to outsiders. Chu Shen doctor is doing this purely to do good deeds.

And in fact, the same is true.

Nine heavens, although the legal system is strict, but with the polarization of the rich and the poor, especially because of the endless private struggle between rivers and lakes, orphans are naturally indispensable.

The money of Chu’s doctors is like a flower in the water...

The original intention of Chu Yang’s practice is definitely another picture. But the fundamental reason why he is so endless, unscoped, and unrequested is that he really moved his heart: seeing these children who have no mother, Chu Yang remembered his childhood. I am suffering again, and there is always a master to take care of. But they, but nothing...

Under the sympathy, if the income can not be collected, the income should not be collected. All received!

Since I am determined to set up a super-power of the nine-dimensional Scorpio, then, do I still care about such a few bites?

Money is the bastard, and the flowers will be earned! I am not bad money!

Even if the qualifications are really too rubbish, nothing can be done, how can I plant the land, and be my strategic depth backing can always be competent?

I definitely have my purpose.

No purpose, purely good deeds. Even the world's richest man... will eventually be emptied.

Also. Chu Yang’s rescue target is only for children under the age of fifteen, for the age of seventeen or eight. Already have their own labor ability but still begging, Chu Yang has only turned a blind eye to it: the physical health has the strength of hands and feet, but can not support themselves? Then what do I raise for you? Such a person is simply a **** rogue. When I am a big man? !

Under the charity call of Chuyang, all orphans and vagrants in Zixia City seem to have seen the savior, and a brain swarmed... even some surrounding villages, some towns...

As long as it is age-appropriate, it is like a tidal wave that rushes toward this side.

Requesting asylum, requesting Chu Yang to accept...

There are also some young parents who live in poverty and have many children. They also send their children here...I can’t raise them, and even if they can support them, growing up with them is just farming, but at Chu’s doctors, But maybe there will be a future.

The future... These two words are the biggest hope for parents for their children! The biggest in life... pray!

As long as it is really difficult, Chu Yang will not refuse.

So that Chu Yang Chu Shen doctor has another nickname 'Chu Da Shan Ren'!

This title is even more popular than the Chu doctor!

In addition to the massive amount of money, Chu’s good deeds are of course quite a land, so the more the house is bought, the more and the yard is getting bigger, can you put down so many people...

Under the influence of countless money and gradually expanding the chassis, Chu Dashan people, after eradicating the Li family, went out of their way, and instantly became the celebrity of Zixia City, and also the watcher of the emerging forces...

"There is no way to kill the world, killing people and playing the sword, and smashing the world, and the Chuyang son is the most romantic!"

These four sentences are almost all the poems that are not good at shit, but they have become poems that almost everyone in Zixia City is catchy.

The reputation of the Chu Da Shan people, as time passed, day by day is louder...

There were only two days before and after, and Chu Yang was once again caught in a subtle situation of overcrowding.

As the number of these children continues to grow, managers are not only headed by Wang Knife. Chu Yang used the old method and conquered a lot of rumors. He concentrated the seven or eighty hooligans on the whole street, and beat them up, then sent them to poison, disobedient, and died. (To be continued...)

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