Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 89: Hell...

Under the iron and blood means of the Chu Dashan people, it is true that these gangsters will immediately become nannies and greet these ancestors...

Can't you get it? awesome! Come and come, gather people, and cramp in public. Let everyone see what color the human liver and intestines are, and satisfy everyone's curiosity... This can be all true, a little bit of no flowers and tricks...

All areas are chilling.

Under such unrelenting hooliganism, it turned into a small sheep...

The environment and public security of Zixia City, along with a series of good deeds by Chu Dashan people, have improved more than one grade within two days...

Chu Yang is pondering how to have a bigger place to stand... The time of the invitation of the city owner is over.

Chu Yang dressed up, a pair of red-toothed white, turbidity of the world's head, riding a horse, shoulders on the tiger brother, spring breeze to get the horseshoe, go to the city's main house...


At this moment, the cat teacher found himself wrong, really wrong.

At first he thought that he was only a dozen children, but after half an hour, he became dozens. After two hours, it seems to have become hundreds.

After a day, the number has exceeded 500.

By the next night, the number went straight over a thousand...

At this point, the cat teacher is on the verge of collapse.

This bastard, what are you doing? Benedict is a teacher of the Yi nationality, but also a master of heaven, how great the great man of the stalwart! Now you have fallen directly to the kindergarten teacher here? Too bad to take the teacher is not a teacher!

Besides, as far as your family is concerned, how dare you toss it like this...

How much money can you toss for a few days?

When the cat teacher collapsed, he was still worried about Chu Yang.

This mountain has also collapsed this time.

It’s really exhausting to say something...

But Chu Yang Chu Dashan people, this time is the spring breeze, the horseshoe disease entered the city government, went to the banquet...

The feast is about to begin.


The face of the city owner at the moment is really wonderful.

It’s wonderful to crash, and it’s about to kill.

During these two and a half days, the urban master is just like a year! A moment of paradise, a moment of hell. A moment of abyss.

The Li family was destroyed!

This news was the first time on the day of the incident. The master of the city has already known.

The urban master is happy and worried.

The good news is that this cancer has finally been pulled out; and it was replaced by a **** doctor, and there is no need to worry about the original balance being broken. Worried is whether the **** doctor can develop?

Can you compete with the Li family and compete with the other two?

Even if it can compete, is this **** doctor good to control? Are you ambitions?

But then I was worried that I was thrown into the clouds.

Because, the Chu doctor is really going to be a man. Although he destroyed the Li family, he did not contribute. Moreover, what is even more rare is that he handed over the Li family's follow-up power to the city government, which is a big man.

The master of the city who learned this good news couldn’t help but laugh a few times.

This is a super big pie.

I believe that no one will ever go down with money! The great benefits of being delivered to the door are not collected, this Chu **** doctor. Have a look!

This time, the city government has copied the Li family. Isn’t it all that I have said? The Li family is also a thousand years of accumulation, what an amazing amount of wealth...

When the family property is copied out, it is not letting yourself say, how much is it? I will say that there are only a few million in total, what can I do? The rest are here with me...


At that moment, if Chu Yang is in front of the city owner, the master of the city can definitely hold a sip of Chu Yang! Then say "pro"!

This Chu **** doctor. It is too bright. It’s too clear, too cute. Ah hahahaha...

In the next step, the urban masters set about sending people to the Li family. As expected, many people in the Li family were rushing to pack things and fleeing. The ancestors were all gone, and fled, Li was destined to finish playing... ...

Being a person can't be too bachelor.

Too much to kill, only to provoke resistance.

The master of the city naturally knows this truth.

Therefore, it is only sent to focus on several warehouses and secret rooms. The location of these places is not a secret for the people of the city. As for those who have escaped, let them take some of the things in their hands.

After all, is it necessary for people to survive? It’s really urgent, and it’s not worth the loss!

Besides, I have already got so many warehouse treasury, and have to **** a little something with the individual?

If you pass it out, don't do it yourself.

It’s really shameful.

In the morning of the Li family, the birds and beasts were scattered and disappeared.

In any case, they certainly did not dare to stay in Zixia City, and even dared not to stay in the surrounding area of ​​Zixia City, where the Li family had done evil before, even if the Jin family Wu family and the Chu **** doctor did not care to deal with them, The people of Zixia City can also swallow them one by one...

In the afternoon, the Li family, once famous, has become an empty shell.

With the command of the General of the City of the Zhou Dynasty, 5,000 city guards wrapped the entire Li family into a watershed; immediately, several important figures joined the Li family.

Investigating the work of this kind of family must be coordinated by civil and military, and must be carried out by many people. There are fewer people, and there is inevitably a greed law. In this case, the urban master still thinks very thoughtfully.

After entering, even if I started to checkpoint...

This check does not matter.

It’s too shocking!

The master of the city was originally waiting outside as a city owner. He had to make a gesture. Even if he was so urgent, he couldn’t rush into the same way as ordinary soldiers. That's a lot of price.

Therefore, the urban master has to bear the temper, waiting to listen to the good news.

Then the news came.

General Zhou’s face was sallow, and his face was cold and sweaty. “Adult, adults, we met the ghost this time...” “General Zhou, steady! Steady!” The urban master shouted.

This is too damaging, what is the matter? Have you seen the ghost? It’s a ghost in the blue sky!

"No, no... it can't be stabilized..." Zhou’s face was trembled with his beard, and he even patted his ass: "This time it’s really a **** of the day, it’s really a hell..."

"What the **** is it? In detail." The city owner frowned. Asked majesticly.

This week, the generals have no calmness. It seems that it is the right decision not to let him master more power for so many years. When I encounter something, I am so panicked, how can I do something big? Really owed to experience!

"Adult, Li's warehouse is empty..." General Zhou's face slammed down, and this can only be truthful.

"What's wrong with the empty? What???!" The lord of the city answered with awkward answers, but the next moment he was shocked by his own words and stood up. Big channel: "Empty? How can it be empty?!"

At this moment, the voice of the urban master has changed! From the low voice of the previous inexhaustible majesty, it suddenly became a male duck that had caught his neck.

"It's empty!" General Zhou nodded and nodded, crying: "All warehouses are empty, there is no material..."

"How is it possible! This is impossible!" The lord of the city screamed: "Don't take me to see it!"


Indeed, it is empty. All warehouses, all treasures are empty!

Every warehouse is clean and even includes granaries!

Even the granary is empty and clean. It is estimated that a mouse must have two tears coming out... even a grain of!

The entire Li family, in addition to the empty courtyard, and some furniture, flowers, trees, rockeries, ponds...

Nothing is gone!

As for property...

It is also a water cloud coin!

It’s a completely empty yard!

The city owner is stunned. There are many doubts in my heart. I only feel that my blood pressure has risen sharply, and the next moment is dizzy. Eyes are golden!

"This is this... what is going on here?!"

The lord of the city is angry, and it is impossible to be angry.

I thought I was about to take over a huge amount of wealth, and I would laugh when I dreamed at night, but nowadays, huge wealth becomes a painting cake, and it seems that I can't find a place to cry!

Everyone else stood down with their heads down, lest they should touch the head of the city master again. At this time, shut up.

How do we know what happened?

"Hello? Have you ever seen a ghost? Really a ghost?" The lord of the city was stunned...

General Zhou’s mouth twitched. Is this so-called steady? It’s better to meet up!

But the urban master is the urban master, and he soon calmed down.

Muttered to himself: "It’s so clean... It’s impossible to evacuate today... It must have been premeditated... Li may have planned to move away early? Have you started to transfer property very early?!”

He said, everyone clicks once.

So many things have disappeared, and if they don't plan ahead, the pigs won't believe it.

"Li Jiaduo has moved away... actually wants to provoke people... It seems that I want to get rid of this Chu **** doctor, and then let Zixia City completely lose balance? There are no time, energy, or opportunity in these three aspects. It’s difficult for them to make sure that they can retire when they are evacuated. If they are not the only ones, they will miscalculate the skills of Chu’s doctors, and their plans will be perfect!”

The master of the city thought about it and his face became iron.

"Pass me to order! Full search for Li's departure staff! No one is allowed to go away! Give me back all the time! Don't be afraid, don't let go, don't let go!" In the last sentence, the city owner is directly arrogant. The order was placed.

"Adults, Li family also backed up. In the past few years, Li’s daughter had a married man who was married to Dongbo City. Although it was only a small sister, it was...this is always...this is too I am afraid..." The aides were very careful to remind me.

"Let your mother's fart!" The master of the city has lost control... (to be continued...)

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