Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 90: The first sight of the urban master

"Take his mother's Dongbo City Lord! What is he doing? Dare to do it right with Laozi! Let him be bold in a day!" The lord of the city is thundering, completely unstoppable, and there is no choice: "I might say this time." It’s just behind him, I want to see Laozi’s joke! Grass! Give me a kill! Catch up and kill! Don’t leave it! Look for me to settle accounts? As long as the boy dares to come, Lao Tzu swallows him alive!”

The city owner is crazy!

I thought that I accepted the gift of Chu’s doctor, I thought I could make a fortune... but I only got an empty yard...

There is no water cloud currency.

However, now everyone in the city knows that they have copied the Li family, and they must make a fortune... Zixia City is waiting for the project because there is no money to continue the project. Now all the officials have already put the project. The report was placed on his desk...

Everyone is eagerly awaiting that they have copied the Li family’s property and returned it...

Thinking of this, the owner of the city is bleeding!

After going back, I believe that I can use whatever I say, even if I bring people to the Li family, it is useless to see for myself, because no one will believe it!

Even Zhou’s generals and others testify to themselves...

Someone will believe it! ?

Paralyzed, a big family lets you go to the house, and at the end of the day, you haven’t copied it. Just finished! In this case, the devil does not believe it!

You guys, it’s true that the city owner has given you the benefit and blocked your mouth...

Poor Laozi is not divided into a dime...

Yes, the officials waiting for the city government will definitely think so, they will think so...

Well, I don’t have the benefits of a penny. Don’t even want to swallow it! I have to finish playing together!

A bad deal, a sealed report will be like flying up with wings. And the above-mentioned supervisory body, one by one coffin face will be a batch of troubles to find trouble...

Even if you are really a big man, you will definitely find out the problem, not to mention that you are not at all, the **** is definitely not so clean...

This time it really is going to kill people...

The urban master will have a green face.

This is the next. Laozi is finished.

I didn't expect Laozi to be a chicken. Now the official business is coming to an end...

Also, it seems that your property may be lost...

In other words, as a man’s fun, he’s gone...

The lord of the city is angry with the sky.

Li family!

You dare to hang me like this, even if I am going to die, I will pull you back, and a soul will go to Jiuquan!

The master of the city has a heart. Unwavering.

"What to do? Adult? Now!" General Zhou was crying and sullen.

"What to do? Receive the team! Instantly close the team!" The urban master's face recovered cold.

"Receive the team?" General Zhou was amazed.

"Do not accept the team, do you drink the northwest wind here? Or do you want to dig a block of land on your own grave from here?!" The lord of the city screamed and screamed.

General Zhou touched his head and looked at the old man who had gone without a shadow: "The team will receive the team, the murderer is fierce... The general is not dead, where is the grave?"


These days. The master of the city has been thinking of ways, sitting and waiting is not good...

Nothing, the most urgent task is to appease the people. Only by calming the emotions of these people can we fight for time and recover the situation. If we can recover the savings of Li’s savings within the time limit, everything can be restored!

A team of people came back.

The two teams are back.

The Li family who was intercepted is quite a lot. But what I snatched back... I really let the lord of the city have the urge to kill! Collect the bodies of several masters of the Li family. Check the storage ring.

Only three of the Li family were discovered, and one of them had exploded with the sword of Chu. The other two were received by the owner of the city. When they saw that there was not much space in the two boxes, the owner of the city screamed, and the two high-priced storage rings flew into the septic pit of the city’s main house...

This also led to the regret of the city owner after two days of calming down; specially sent out a lot of slaves to dig the huts... At that time, the lord of the city was crazy...the two storage rings also had a lot of money...this is a later story Not to mention.

The money did not catch up.

But people should be comforted anyway.

It is necessary to make a wealthy and rich, and take advantage of the big money to distribute dividends to everyone, or else, ... can't do it...

The lord of the city was worried, and had no choice but to open the warehouse of the city's main government. He directly used public funds and sent some property to everyone. It was divided into red. The treasury was not enough. The lord of the city took over the private houses that he had accumulated over the years. The money was also posted out... I temporarily blocked my mouth and I was happy for a day.

As for those projects: Well, the city government is considering, but also to calculate...

Still admit it for the time being.

As for today’s meeting... um, banquet...

When I think about this, the urban master can't help but want to beat his own mouth.

Paralyzed, now is the time when a penny is spent in two halves, and his mother’s big banquet... Where does the food and drink come from? Do you want to buy chickens? Even if it is feasible, the words of Laozi are not worth the money now...

If you take it from your wife...

Oh, don't mention it.

In the past two years, I have developed that as long as I see my wife, it is like a mouse. I have no confidence in seeing a cat. I want to take money from that woman... unless it is a life!

Still don't think about this road...

This is not the case, nor is it impossible for the master of the city to do anything directly.

It is said that it is a man who has stumped a hero, but now it is a table of banquets that have stumped a city owner!

Is it true that Laozi’s city owner can’t get confused?

But I want to cancel, but I can't cancel it.

Only continue to carry on the scalp, such as sitting on a needle felt like a needle felt.

I am dripping a day... How did Laozi say that he is also the master of a city? How did he get into this world? Hateful Li!

No matter how reluctant the city owner is, this day, after all, it is still coming.

At the door of Chuyang, he met a Chinese grandson who was waiting for him.

"Hey, Chu Dashan people are coming." Hua Siye smiled and made a small joke.

Chu Yang haha ​​smiled: "Why should the four masters of China raise the Chu... Who does not know that Jiangdong Huajiaze was born? What do I think of this little thing?"

Hua Siye laughed.

The general big family, in order to build bridges and pave the way for good and good, to take the public eye and earn a reputation for good deeds, must be necessary. Although mostly only surface work. For example, periodic porridge, occasional winter clothing, and so on. But it does help a lot of people...

It is here that the truth is not to be small.

Of course, Xiaoshan does not cover the big evils. The secrets of the male thieves in these families are not evil, but they are not something that ordinary people can know.

Hua Siye patted Chu Yang intimately and walked in.

When I saw the master of the city, Chu Yang almost laughed.

It’s not that Chu Yang’s strength is not enough, but there is no way to laugh. I thought of the ‘big man’s sent by myself. Think about all the things that Tiger Brothers ‘theft and robbing’ back, and then think of the huge black pot that the owner of the city is carrying...

Chu Yang is very sympathetic and very sympathetic to the city owner.

The urban master is obviously a little thin; and this thinning can be seen: it is a sudden thinning between a day or two!

The urban master is not happy.

This is what everyone can see.

The face is covered, frowning, and the face of the stranger is not close. That vigorous anger seemed to burn from the square of the founder.

In all fairness. If the urban master is not so sloppy, it is still very elegant, very gentleman.

The identity of Hua Siye is specific. It is a small presence that does not need to care about the happy and unhappy existence of the city owner. He took the Chuyang Trail and walked away.

"Chu brothers, this is the owner of the Zixia City Wencheng." Hua Siye enthusiastically introduced.

"Wencheng Lord, this is the Chuyang, Chu brothers who have been famous in Zixia City in these few days. Chu Shen doctor. Chu Dashan people!" Hua Siye introduced, but also the title of a new king.

The city owner turned his face. Actually, it was hard to squeeze out a touch of smile: "It turns out that the gentleman is the Chu brothers, come, the little brothers are invited, everyone, don't be polite."

Even if the city owner is unhappy about this, but Chu Yang gave him a 'great person' after all; although the final result of this incident is dumb eating huanglian, but in the eyes of outsiders, Chu Yang is really beneficial. The land was given to the master of the city a 'rich wealth of the enemy'!

Therefore, although the master of the city saw Chu Yang’s heart as if he had suffered from awkwardness, he still couldn’t help but smile and face you so much, even a smile. You are too bad for this person? Who will dare to associate with you in the future.

What's more, when the owner of the city saw Chu Yang, he remembered what Hua Siye said: "This Chu **** doctor is really...the doctor of the gods, not the master of the city, the younger brother is surrounded by the murder of the widow for a long time... ...that is, the Chu **** is healed, and the master rejuvenates, and immediately sees the shadow..."

Hey, Hua Siye’s faces are all showing off, telling himself the most shameful topic of this man privately... Isn’t it credible?

Therefore, the expectations of the Wencheng Lord for Chu Shenji are also great.

Well, just don't know how to tell this doctor?

Since the master of the city has released goodwill, Chu Yang must seize the opportunity: "The long-awaited name of the great master of the city, is the talent of Tianwei, the handsome Yan of the country, seeing it today, it is really heroic, meet more Winning is famous and well-deserved."

"Haha, the little brother is really polite." Wencheng Lord laughed: "The little brother doesn't have to be so polite, my name is Wen Donglai; the Chu brothers call me Wenda."

"How dare you be?"

"When you deserve it, you are completely deserved. The little brother is a young hero. He can meet with the little brother. It is Wenmou Gaopan..."

"Don't dare, don't dare!"

It’s just a meeting, each with a ghost, and each of the two people with good intentions is as good as honey.

............(To be continued...)

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