Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 91: Intentional support, special treatment

This result was largely deliberate for both sides; Hua Siye saw that he was unconsciously relieved.

It seems that these two people have already taken over, and then they will see how they can arrange an opportunity to treat the murder of the lord of the city. As long as they succeed, their purpose will be promising...

At this time, the Jin family and the Wu family also came one after another. For the two comers, the urban master just said hello to the cold, and then greeted the crowd.

"Let's talk while eating."

Talking while eating?

Both homeowners are in a dream.

Entering the living room, I was greatly surprised.

There is only one small table inside, and there are several small plates on the small table. Inside the small plate, all are small green vegetables.

Looks like there are no more flowers.

As for the entourage, they have already been driven out by the people of the city government. "Is there still worried about being assassinated here? Go back, go back..."

In the past, the Wencheng Lord was a very face-to-face person. The bodyguards of the bodyguards had corresponding banquet receptions. Today is this awkward? The two homeowners were secretly surprised.

Is it happening that we did not know about the accident?

"Small family feast, it is not a tribute." Wendong came to the city to warmly toast.

Everyone is frowning in their hearts.

It’s really not a tribute... absolutely no respect.

Look at this table of vegetables, there are no points, no, my mother, I believe that the lowest servant of my family is better than this... Is this actually a bitter sweet...

"Well, in order to show the closeness of the city to you, this is a few dishes that the lady has been sizzling." Wencheng Lord smiled and said: "You are not outsiders when you come here, but except me, The only one who can taste the craftsmanship... please, please... don’t be polite.”

It’s not the city owner. In a word, it not only hides the embarrassment, but also pulls everyone into a position of ‘friends and relatives’.

The owner of the Jin family is a middle-aged person with a correct face. Eyebrows show. At first glance, it was a righteousness, and it was awe-inspiring. However, the cold and sharp edge of the occasional flash of the eye, the road to break him is not as good and just as it is on the surface.

The owner of the Wu family is a goatee, and the little old man is thin and dry. But the body naturally has a kind of temperament.

Chu Yang only glanced at it and made a general impression on the two homeowners, and he bowed his head.

Then the urban masters enthusiastically and personally introduced the people. Gradually, the conversation was very happy. In particular, Hua Siye, who is here, has received special privileges from the two homeowners.

As a rising star of the new promotion, the two homeowners are somewhat wary, and they are more polite and more polite. Prevention of faintness, but intimacy is absolutely insufficient.

"This time, please come to you, it is for some recent events in Zixia City..." The wine has not been patrolled three times, and the city owner said the purpose of convening the meeting.

The original meeting content is certainly not the case now.

But the unexpected incident made the urban masters impoverished, and the real two sleeves breeze. So the original plan was forced to cancel. As for the most important thing at the moment, the natural thing is to collect money...

"The first thing is the destruction of the Li family." The master of the city looked at Chu Yang and said: "After the Li family is destroyed. Then a large house. It can't be empty... I don't know who you are, who is interested in taking over?"

It is ‘who is interested’. But the eyes are only looking at Chu Yang.

The two homeowners of the Jin Family Wu family are very interesting and have no answer.

Both know that if they take over, they will never be happy. The master of the city will not agree with it; now the master of the city is arguing that it is to support the Chu doctor, so that the Zixia City family will not be unbalanced.

Chu Yang coughed, said: "The master of the city, there is this plan in the bottom, but now between the hasty, but also can not make so many ... cough, purple Xia coins."

Wen Donglai smiled and said: "But I don't know how many Chu brothers can get together?"

"Dare to ask the house, what is the price of the official sales?" Chu Yang is not stupid, simply ask the price on the spot.

"400,000, Zixia coins!" The city owner extended four fingers.

This is the famous lion opening mouth! Or maybe it is a price.

The owner of the Jin family and the family of the Wu family were not allowed to lick their mouths.

The government has removed all the things in the Li family, and there is only one empty house left. Actually, I want to sell the price of 400,000 Zixia coins. That is a water cloud worth 400 million yuan!

That broken house, how to overestimate, it is absolutely impossible to sell 100,000 Zixia coins!

But Chu Yang is clearly in the sinking, it seems to be moving...

The two homeowners couldn’t help but gloat in their hearts: Is this big head going to be hooked?

Sure enough, Chu Yang spoke.

"The price of 400,000 is only a little expensive...but if it can be sold together with the surrounding land...and Li’s original business trading take over, this figure is not too far off the mark... ..." Chu Yang is sinking.

Even if you add those, you can't get a hundred thousand purple coins! Not to mention the 400,000 giant! This Chu **** doctor seems to be a stupid! And it's still a good high, and I want to be stupid with us!

You don't have it, not even one of your men, even if the name has those, what is the use? Who manages for you?

The two homeowners screamed in the heart, but on the surface they naturally said nothing.

Even a trace of expression is not owed.

"Well, if the Chu brothers are interested, it is okay to decide so..." Wencheng Lord is very happy. A total of only tens of thousands of Zixia coins sold forty thousand yuan at a time, can solve the urgent need, the mood is naturally great.

"But I don't have that much... I can only get it out at the moment... 100,000 Zixia coins." Chu Yang looked embarrassed: "Others are afraid that it will take a while to turn around. I don't know if I can't make up the debt first?"

amount. Everyone is at a loss.

Immediately understood the meaning of Chu Yang: This goods, clearly is to eat all the business outside the Li family with 100,000 Zixia coins. I am in arrears... The remaining 300,000, I am afraid I am planning to rely on it.

The glory of the two homeowners: This stupid, you still don't know the temper of the urban master? Attendance? As long as you have laid down the owed, you can only get it out, and it is absolutely impossible to succeed!

How many years have we dealt with the city owner?

"No problem!" Wencheng Lord is very refreshing: "I can trust you!"

Mind, I can trust you, but I can't believe you, but I will go to the meeting once a week... How many are there, and I will go through the years. Don't say 300,000. Three million also got back.

"Thanks to the trust of the great master of the city..." Chu Yang was very happy to thank, a stone in the heart finally fell to the ground.

Laozi, finally, there is really a place to settle down.

And still a big enough place to stay!

And also adjacent to the ultimate goal of Zixia Wangfu!

Immediately, the urban master also carried out a division of the current forces, said a few warnings with a strong voice, and then said that the project that the city government is now organizing, etc., to play the autumn wind...

Successfully knocked out thousands of Zixia coins from Jinjia and Wujia.

After the goal was reached, Wencheng’s master rudely ordered the guest to order: “Hey. I’m going to be a little tired, Chu brother, please leave a little more, I have something to marry you.”

Yes, let only the Chu **** doctor stay, other people. Let's get out of the way.

That's what it means.

Hua Siye’s established goal was reached, and later on, he said that he stood up and said goodbye and went away.

The two homeowners of the Jin family Wu family, as if they were swept out, went out. No one actually sent it...

"Golden brother, how is this going?"

"And look."

"This Chu Yang... I am afraid that my ambition is not small."

"Oh... there is no one, but it is also awkward."

"That is that!"

The two laughed. Parting ways.

"Chu brothers. I heard that you are very good at treating the diseases of the widows?" Hurriedly pulled Chu Yang into the study, the first sentence of the Wencheng Lord is this.

To be said as a city owner. Such disregard of demeanor and disregard of courtesy is somewhat disgusting, but as a man, the practice of the city owner is quite sensible.

"Amount..." Chu Yang touched his nose and said: "In this regard, Chu is still a bit of a bit of experience."

Wencheng master laughed and patted Chu Yang’s shoulder: "After life is awesome, afterlife is awesome!"

Cross-talking, making such intimate moves when you meet for the first time can only show how excited the city owner is at the moment, and the tide of the heart cannot be suppressed.

Chu Yang blinked, and then he laughed.

It seems that I have not figured out what is happening in front of me. It is obviously my own self-improvement, and it is how to lead the other party’s ‘after fear.’

"Little brother, I heard that you have just recently risen from below?" Wencheng's attitude is more intimate. Don't look at the origins of Chu, Li, Jin and Wu. The origin of Chuyang is always incomprehensible. The origin of the city is clear to the origin of Chuyang. In Jiuzhong, the identity proves that no matter how advanced the status is, there is only one. Chuyang is in purple. Xiacheng's identity certificate, his origin is not confidential for the Wencheng Lord.

"Yeah, when I first came to the local area, I still made a lot of jokes at the time. I can't look back on the past."

"But I don't know which plane the little brother came from?" Wencheng's master smiled and asked: "Maybe, my old brother and acquaintance..."

"Well, I am flying from the Nine Heavens." Chu Yang simply said, this is nothing to hide.

"Is it a nine-day continent?" Wencheng's main face suddenly changed.

"Yeah, the city owner has heard of it?!"

The face of Wencheng’s master was obviously solemn: “But is the original place of the morning wind and the flowing clouds?”

Chu Yangyi, I don’t think these two legends are so famous in the Nine Heavens: "Is it true that the city master knows two predecessors?"

"I don't know if the little brother knows a predecessor named Liu Yongxiang who is a promise knife. I heard that he was also born in the Nine Heavens continent?" Wencheng Lord spit out a deep breath. (To be continued...)

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