Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 92: You have to keep it secret for me.

"How do I not know, Liu Yongxiang's predecessors in the nine countless continents of the legendary population, few people do not know!" Chu Yang could not help but some doubts, the city owner seems to be very familiar with the nine heavens...

"There is no such thing, there is no such thing..." Wencheng Lord was very emotional.

"Well? The words of the city owner..."

"The little brothers don't know, the strongest people who have soared in the mainland, are generally settled in the East Emperor. These strong people are all among the people, and they are all famous. In our East Emperor, they are all famous. ”

The owner of Wencheng said with some emotions: "While other places are flying up, most of them are small shrimps; they are low-weak and not elegant; some people die after they come up, and some people come up to follow others. , falling into the end..."

"Only the strongest people who have soared in the mainland of the nine heavens can really afford the word "strong"!" Wencheng is somewhat embarrassed.

Chu Yang nodded: "It turns out."

Mind, what is strange about this, other continents are mostly supreme, but in the nine heavens, the Supreme Nine is not enough; this is equivalent to following the two-stage martial arts below. Will come up. Of course it is better than some other places.

Moreover, after coming up, according to the inertia of the nine-day Tianzhu people, it is believed that the people who have just ascended the rise are the ideological formula of the weak; the people who have soared from the mainland of Jiuzhongtian actually have the advantage.

Ordinary forces can make them look up and down when they come up.

"It turns out that there are so many predecessors in Jiuzhongtian mainland that are so famous in this East Emperor's Day..." Chu Yang seems to have some honor and look.

"It’s just a name!" Wencheng’s main face is somewhat respectful: “In those days, the Wuji’s knife was first entered into the Nine Heavens, and the husband and wife both set off a lot of **** hurricanes, killing a local family of the youngest brothers who entangled his wife. Clean, chickens and dogs do not stay; more from then on, in just 30 years, it is really an enemy everywhere. Almost everyone thinks these two are dead, but two hundred years later, Liu Yongxiang not only did not die, He also took his wife out of a heroic name! His death of the enemy is dead. Concealed concealment. One heart is not hiding from the world."

"And now, the four words of the Promise, has become an immortal legend of the Nine Heavens!"

"There are also the morning winds and the flowing clouds. The same day, when the couple rushed up, they made a big move that was turned upside down. They were more embarrassed than the Liu Yongxiang couple. When they came up, they offended a strong and strong. The family, the two joined forces to escape. Where to go where to kill, all the way to escape, all the way to kill, for fifty years, are all fleeing. But, fifty years later, when the East Royal City once again officially appeared, Already both holy levels! The two men responded strongly and almost killed the big family in one day."

"In the end, I still dispatched the master of the East Emperor's Crown, and then I will accept the two men. The Emperor of the East gave birth to the gods, let the morning breeze and the Liuyun couple guard the Ningyang Yangguan; supervise the door of the ghosts and ghosts in and out, such positions Even if it is in the Nine Heavens, it is a prince!"

Wendong said when the morning wind and the clouds. It is the envy of a face.

Obviously, the two men are now in the official position. It’s much bigger than a small city owner...

As for the Promise, the Wencheng Lord did not show his envy. Well, people are already legendary, legends and legends will do, and then compare with others, that is not self-reliant...

"This is the most famous four people among the people who have soared in the mainland. It is still two couples." Wencheng is the master of Chu Yang: "Chu brothers, you...will not carry the lady up?"

Chu Yang coughed and said: "Hey, I am alone to come to our Zixia City."

It seems that the owner of the city seems to be very jealous of the existence of the ‘couple husband’. Chu Yang certainly has to hide. Of course, this is not a lie. Chu Yang is really a "one person" who came to Zixia City. As for how the Wencheng Lord understood it, it was his business, and Chu Yang could not manage it.

Wencheng’s main sigh of relief, even the channel: “Single person is good! Single person is good.”

To tell the truth, he is really afraid that under his own system, there will be a couple of husband and wife who are like the singularity of the morning wind... As long as there is such a pair, the millennial accumulation of political achievements may be transformed overnight... ...

"Big brother, the younger brother has something to understand."


"Listen to my ambassadors, saying that a flying person is not allowed to settle in the same place. Why can the two couples, the morning breeze and the endless knife?"

"Do you know what?" Wencheng said: "Because of the two pairs, the Emperor genius has modified the decree, and at the same time, the ascending can not be in one area at the same time... This is also a kind of prevention. Let's go."

He sighed: "Little brother, you don't know, the two couples, the original Emperor Tiantian made a skyrocketing look... Then again, it always belongs to the rivers and lakes. And the East Emperor is a rule, the rivers and lakes are rivers and lakes, the government is the government The rivers and lakes are in the rivers and lakes; the official family officials do. As long as they do not kill the officials, as long as they are pure rivers and lakes, the government will never interfere."

"Let you kill and die!"

The city owner showed a sly smile. Apparently refers to the grievances of Chu and Li.

"It turned out to be."

Chu Yang slowly nodded.

"It is precisely because of these four people that the subordinate plane of the Nine Heavens continent is famous in the Nine Heavens!" Wencheng Lord sighed.

When the Wencheng Lord said this sentence, he never thought that the young man who looked handsome and handsome in front of him and harmless to the human and the animals would soon pick up more than the big couples of the two couples!

What he didn't even think about was that the four people at best only set off an uproar in the scope of the nine-day Heavenly Emperor, and the guy in front of him turned over the entire nine-day scorpion...

"Little brothers, you must not marry the prestige of your nine-day mainland." Wencheng Lord said very carefully.

"Well, I try my best. I work hard." Chu Yang is very modest, very cautious, and even humbled.

Until many years later, Wencheng’s master recalled that Chu Yang said in front of himself that ‘I tried my best, I worked hard. 'The humbleness of the time; I can't wait to run to Chu Yang again, screaming at his face, your spit, your efforts, your efforts are to turn the entire nine-day scorpion upside down, stunned, stunned, old and old ! ?

"Hehehe..." Wencheng master started, and East Laxi took it for so long, still did not talk about the real problem, how to provoke the topic?

Chu Yang’s face is serious and gentle, waiting for the city owner to speak first.

Chu Yang is absolutely unable to take the initiative to open, in case he offered to come: the city master, you know that I am a doctor, I will show you the disease? Are you a little bit so what? !

Then the urban master will definitely cut him into meat on the spot!

It is really impossible to lose that person.

"Chu Shenji... Oh, Chu brothers, haha, Chu brothers in this time in Zixia City, doing good deeds, doing good deeds, Ze was Zixia City thousands of people, for the city government to ease a lot of pressure, here, I have not yet Brothers thank you.” Wencheng’s main manager laughed. He had already said the guest words that he could say. He would have nothing to look for, wearing a high hat.

"It should be." Chu Yang cherishes words like gold.

Wencheng master instantly gave birth to a dog biting hedgehog, nowhere to feel the greasy feeling. After laughing for a while, I finally got a heart-to-heart: "Chu brothers, since you have a reputation as a medical doctor, you will not only see that kind of disease?"

"Of course, of course, I can take a look at it, but the **** doctors do not dare to do it." Chu Yang is very serious. The intestines in my stomach were all laughed.

"Well, that's good, then it's good." Wencheng master screamed and said: "I was in a battle with the enemy of the past. I had some dark injuries. Some time ago, I had a battle with a strong beam, and finally I was touched. In the past, the old wounds, and then in the process of recovery, and because of the eagerness to recover from the official business, almost rushed into the fire; if today's official business is tired, I feel that the body is a bit... cough, not strong..."

"I don't know if I can trouble the brothers to show me?" Wencheng's master squatted and blushes, saying: "Even if you can't eradicate the old disease, it's good to be able to relax for a while. Of course, I am old and sick. If it is The brothers feel embarrassed, I am not surprised."

"Well, I can save it."

"Chu brothers, people are in their place, involuntarily, this matter involves my body, and it is also about the stability of Zixia City... If it is known to some unscrupulous people that I am hurting... Zixia City can be... "The Wencheng Lord is asking for confidentiality."

The implication is that you should never reveal it to me.

The concerns of the Wencheng Lord are certainly not from any threat, and it is even more unlikely that Zixia City is in danger.

As long as he is still in the seat of the Zixia City Lord, even if it is the enemy of the enemy of the heavens, it is necessary to think about it if he wants to deal with him.

Because the Wencheng Lord is only a city owner, then he is not a person. Behind him, there are too deep and deep forces, so deep that there are almost no rivers and lakes, and no rivers and lakes can shake.

Just like the rules of Donghuangtian: the rivers and lakes are rivers and lakes, and the government is the official residence!

The two can never be compared.

The strictness of the laws of Donghuangtian has already reached an unimaginable level. Therefore, the selection of real power officials is also extremely strict; the inspection of officials at all levels is even more than a year, or open investigation, or micro-service private visits...

Located in the integrity and ability of officials, the most is to make great efforts. If it is found to be unqualified, it is a rare thing to withdraw on the spot. It is not a rare thing.

However, there are positive and negative things. In such a large background, the return of officials is naturally a top priority.

If someone dares to deal with an official openly, it is equivalent to the whole Donghuangtian with one person!

... (to be continued...)

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