Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 107: Town soul stone!

"And this is something that everyone can think of. So even if it is the closest sect from here, as long as there is a master in the sect, there will be a master!"

Sword Spirit clearly understands what Chu Yang is playing, so he said it is extraordinarily detailed, and he reminded him: "The sword master, this...but the fate of the sale... With our current strength, the basic is to wipe and die, touch If you die, you can get a little bit of bones..."

Chu Yang mouth squatting like a smile and laughing, watching the night without saying a word.

"At the time, the holy level is full, the heavens are not as good as the dogs; the heavenly level is in the air..." Swording shuddered: "It is very likely that there are also sage-level peers who are also watching... but this is not People dare to marry the horse honeycomb..."

Speaking and speaking, Sword Spirit is almost in tears.

Because, he understands the temper of the sword master of Chu Yang: this is definitely a daring master! There is absolutely nothing that can make him have any scruples! There is absolutely no risk that he can't take it, as long as it is worth the risk!

In the mainland of Jiuzhongtian, when it was stronger than the ants, I dared to point to the nose of the East Emperor’s snow and tears. I still know the premise of the snow and tears!

Such a lawless mix of balls, what an anecdote is he dare not do?

But the fruit of this time is too serious, and it will be wiped out by the whole army. It will not be ruined... Sword Spirit has to fully discourage!

"Nobody dares to marry the horse!!" Chu Yang smiled funnyly, faintly said: "If you can take this opportunity, look at the world... It is also a great blessing."


There was a mourning in the heart of the sword, and this guy was determined to step in.

He actually wants to take this opportunity to see the world?

God, is that so beautiful? ?

"We are now divided into three directions to find the exact location of this ruin." Chu Yang said with awkwardness: "Even if you dig three thousand feet, you should find it for me! Immediately, immediately, hurry!"

Sword spirit's face is speechless, stunned and stunned. It was a fragment.

The tiger brother jumped up. Xinghong said: "I am most interested in mining treasures, I am going to..." Shake his tail and ran.

Sword spirit sighed and chose to search in the opposite direction. I can't help you all the time: Don't let me find it... Don't let me find it, thousands, thousands...

Chu Yang body floated and chose another direction.

The three directions of one person, one beast and one sword spirit are exactly a very well-balanced triangle.

Chuyang all the way to search the past.

On such a mountain top. His range of knowledge is still limited, so he is the smallest one in the search. And now in the middle of the night, it is bound to be able to take out the nine robbery swords and dig out to make a big fanfare...

Therefore, Chu Yang just let himself go through the game.

His real hope is the sword spirit and the tiger brother.

Not far away, Chu Yang chose a relatively smooth and smooth place to sit down. Be prepared to be lazy and take a break.

But it doesn't matter if you sit down; Chu Yang suddenly feels that the chrysanthemum is cold. There seems to be something that seems to be squirming, fǎngfo wants to break into the door...

Chu Yang's hair is stunned, and the sound of "嗖" jumped up, and the hair of the whole body exploded!

What, actually want to get into my brother's...where?

Looking down, I saw that the stone I made was still as plain as before, and there was nothing unusual about a common bluestone.

Chu Yang frowned, looking left and right. Did not find a slight abnormality.

I reached out and touched it. There is still no reaction at all.

Can't help but scratch his head. Was it just my illusion? How can I have such an illusion?

Chu Yang frowned and could not understand.

After thinking for a long time, I still didn’t give up. I finally tried to lick my **** and sat down on the bluestone...

After sitting down, Chu Yang is still holding his waist, ready to bounce.

However, carefully attached to the butt, but only felt the coolness of a stone, the other, did not feel anything.

Chu Yang turned his eyes and moved his **** inward, still holding his waist and guarding.

Still can't feel...

Is it really an illusion?

Chu Yang recalled the sitting posture just now, a cross-hearted, the whole buttocks were pressed up, not with the waist brakes prepared...

at last……

Finally, the greasy and dangerous feeling appeared again.

Chu Yang screamed, and he bounced up, his face yellowed, and the rest of his life was robbed.

That is a very strange feeling.

A cold feeling, go up the back court, and the sound of "嗖" entered the body. Chu Yang jumped up and felt that the moment was like a diarrhea. The feeling of coldness actually went out after his **** left the stone...

Between one out and one in, Chu Yang's lips are white.

This is this... this piece of stone can do the work! ?

Looking around this strange stone left and right, looking at it and looking at it, looking back and forth, looking at the circle, or a little bit of anomaly has not been found... This is really amazing.

At this time, Tiger Brother sent a message: "Is there really a relic? Is there a treasure? I haven't found it yet."

Chu Yang rushed to the soul: "I didn't find it, you will come back soon, I am a little weird here."

Sword Ling also came back almost at the same time, and nothing was found.

Now Chu Yang's posture seems to be a bit strange, squatting, licking his buttocks, a slap-sized kitten on his shoulders, and a tangible and ruthless guy.

"Look at the two of you, this stone is very strange, very weird..." Chu Yang pointed at the strange stone. As for how strange and strange the law is, there is really no good intention to say.

"Weird? Weird? What can be a strange thing about a stone?" Sword Spirit is very cautious in viewing, but the tiger brother is a small head, and the big thorn says: "It is strange again, it is just a stone."

Chu Yangdao: "It's really weird, very weird..." I thought about it or didn't know how to describe it. I had to say: "If you don't want to go to sit down, feel it, but remember, I feel it." Just go down now, don't sit for a long time, remember thousands."

The tiger brother slammed into the stone and walked back and forth for two laps. "I didn't feel anything strange. Is it strange?"

"You have to sit down, don't sit down and feel it."

"Sit down and sit down. What the storm hasn’t experienced?"

Tiger brother sat down on the bluestone, and looked at it from the left and said, "Isn't it a stone? It's worth a fuss..."

The words have not finished, and suddenly exclaimed, the lightning jumped up, and the moment has returned to Chu Yang’s shoulder. A small body shivered, his eyes were round and his eyes were slamming outwards: “I Awkward! I am a slap! This is... this stone is going to **** me..."

Tiger brother can't see it, but Chu Yang and Jian Ling can see Qingchu Chu this time.

At the moment when the tiger brother jumped up, there was an extremely fine black gas, which quickly retracted from the back of the tiger's buttocks, like a faint black smoke, quickly indented into the bluestone, and the blink of an eye disappeared.

Bluestone or bluestone, as usual!

"Soul of the town!" Sword spirit exclaimed.

Chu Yang whirls back, gazing eyebrows: "Soul of the town? What is the soul of the town?"

Sword spirit has been stunned at this time.

The three words he was blurted out by himself were shocked.

After a long, long time, some voices trembled and said: "The soul of the town... In this world, there is actually a soul stone exists... Is this possible? Is it in front of me? Is it really possible?..."

During this time, Chu Yang and Tiger Brother did not say anything. They knew that Jian Ling needed time to calm down the shock in his heart.

"The soul of the town... is the heaven and earth spirit. Wherever the soul of the town exists, there will be earth-shattering treasures!" said the sword spirit.

Obviously, it has not recovered from the shock.

"Where is the soul of the town, there must be a treasure trove of earth-shattering?" Chu Yang's eyes brightened.

"Yes!" Sword Spirit finally took a long sigh of relief and said: "But the formation of the soul stone must have strict conditions to the extreme. First, a specific environment is needed. This particular environment must be the source of God. The environment, but also must be a completely sealed source of the source of God, the seal here, refers to the total imprisonment! Even the heaven and earth spirits together!

"In the case of complete imprisonment, even the souls of the original law of detachment can not escape."

"This is still the first condition. The second condition is that there are too many masters to be killed and killed in that particular environment. Note that the masters mentioned here must have a holy level. Repair, if it is below this limit, even if there is more, it will not count."

"The third condition, you need the aura of this place, and with the death of these people, all buried in it, nothing!"

"However, even if these three conditions are fulfilled, countless years will be needed. Only after many years, these ghosts will gradually sway because there is no chance to escape or escape; eventually they become some powerful ghost creatures; At this time, this kind of spirit that is beyond the heavens and the earth is suppressed by the heavens. In the place where they are smashing and about to break out of the earth; a piece of soul stone is born!"

"Put those powerful ghosts under this pressure forever."

Sword Spirit took a long sigh of relief: "In other words, since there is a soul stone here, then the baby below is definitely not touched by anyone... and there is a place where the heaven and earth spirits such as the soul stone can be produced. You must be a very powerful person before you can qualify for the world!"

"So there is such a rumor: the soul of the town, there must be an earth-shattering treasure!" (to be continued...)

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