Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 108: Super big trouble!

"But to say, in addition to being a huge treasure location, it is still a dangerous and terrifying place of horror! It is definitely a place of extinction for all beings, and the demon is the place of extinction!"

Sword spirit sighed softly. [r/>

Chu Yang is frowning, thinking about the three necessary conditions.

But when I think about it, it always feels unreasonable.

Completely imprisoned, all killed, but also buried all the aura together...

How do you see it, how can it be a little more than that? Now that you have decided to kill all, why bother to be buried together with Aura?

"I said, how can we do this to complete these three conditions?" Chu Yang asked.

"If you want to achieve such a condition, there are two implementation directions. The first is to have enough hatred. You must kill all the people here. Moreover, the hatred of this person has reached the fear of getting rid of anyone. A dog is not willing to be extreme. So that before the implementation of the killing, the first step is to implement a complete imprisonment to avoid the possibility of someone escaping."

"After the implementation of the complete imprisonment, the subsequent extreme killings will kill all the people and all the living beings. In the end, they are also worried about missing something, simply burying the aura here; then destroying all the outside feng shui, let here It seems to be unremarkable, so that you can be sure that no one will be interested in it again..."

The spirit of the sword spirit shocked, said: "I figured it out, no wonder this place of the gods will be so weird, it was after the killing, after the total imprisonment, the damage was implemented; if not, how can it be destroyed? thorough……"

"What about the second implementation direction?" Chu Yang asked.

"The second direction of implementation. It also requires a bitter hatred, but the people who started it have a considerable degree of respect for the object of revenge, so they use the most respectful enemy to completely bury it here. Let all foreign objects be buried with it. After a long time, it is also possible to form a powerful ghost group, which is to let your opponent survive in another form."

"The soul stone is born for suppressing the ghost. But there is still its limit. As long as the ghost forms a powerful enough force, it can break through the limits of the soul stone. If it is true, the strength of the ghost should already be To the point where you are not afraid of the rules of the world and ignore the way of the secluded world, you can survive in the free world and practice in another way; become the soul of the catastrophe, and the soul of this catastrophe can be reincarnate in adulthood after spending ninety-nine days. And have the strength of the world is difficult to have rivals!"

Sword spirit bites his teeth. The mouth creaked and said: "But it is only limited to the legend. It is necessary to spend this heavy disaster. It is no more difficult than going to heaven. Second, the time is long enough to make any undead creature go crazy. If it is only a few thousand years, it may be hard to bitter, but it will take tens of thousands of years, hundreds of thousands of years, or even millions of years, not to break through the soul of the town... So, no matter what powerful soul, Can't keep going."

"In the world, there have indeed been spiritual objects coming out of the soul stone of the town; but basically they are all irrational, extremely fierce and evil, and they are in jeopardy of the world. The final outcome is only killed and destroyed by the masters; never There are exceptions to the avatars of the souls of adults! No one."

Chu Yang slowly nodded, gazing and contemplating.

"The place where the soul stone is located is generally at the surface of the earth, but there should be something hidden. It should not be seen casually. How did you find it before?" ask.

How did you find it?

Gossip about this problem, Chu Yang suddenly awkward, said: "I just came here, and then found that their spiritual consciousness is limited, can not continue to spread, find no effect, just think about being lazy, then see It’s very stable here, just sit down and sit down...”

Sword Ling’s eyes widened and he pointed at him, and he couldn’t speak.

Look here, the surrounding is very flat, the dense grass covers the soul of the town, it seems to be a reason...

However, Jian Ling can't accept it anyway. It is Chu Yang's lazy sitting, just a bite out of a town soul stone!

This is too clever, right?

It’s a bit of a coincidence...

Is this luck? Is it lucky, or bad luck? !

Tiger brother is on the side, a grin of anger: "True cow fork, really admire... a buttock sitting out of a town soul stone... This mountain covers at least a few thousand miles, a stone of the size of the butt, Not as good as the size of a shrimp in the sea, but it is actually sitting on your ass, this luck, Tiger brother I also served, convinced..."

Jian Ling is directly without words, and again broken.

Throughout the ages, there are not many people who have embarked on this mountain, but they are definitely more than ten thousand. So many people have rummaged through the whole mountain, and they have not been able to find this piece of soul stone. Now they are used by Chuyang. Way to sit out...

Hard to find a treasure that can shock the nine heavens...

How does this make people feel? !

I believe that if those who have been on Mount Cangshan know it... absolutely one by one will spray dozens of blood, depression and end...

"Actually, I didn't find it at the time, but I felt something was going into the butt." Chu Yang is thicker than the wall like a cow's buttocks. This time I can't help but blush: "The situation is really scary. This is research research..."

"唉~~~" Sword Spirit sighed: "In general, the soul of the soul of the soul is definitely not such a performance, but when the concentration of the power of the gathering reaches enough, it is naturally positive to the outside. Things give birth to feelings... When you sit up, the unusually strong vitality will surely attract the chilly forces inside..."

"And you sit up, you have an entrance there..." Sword spirit shook his head silently: "The power of yin and cold will naturally rush into it. Although the situation is unbearable, it is unexpected, but it is true. Among them..."

Chu Yang's black line on his face, angered: "What is the situation, although it is unbearable, what is reasonable... I have exactly an entrance where? What entrance?! You are simply swearing! Believe me or not You are unexpected. Reasonable!"

Sword spirit shrinks the neck, do not look at the strength of the sword spirit and then leaps forward, still afraid of a certain king.

Especially this will, the sword master looks like a subtle moment of anger and anger...

"You understand this. You tell me clearly, then how did it go back? Is that chilly breath?" Chu Yang asked.

"Well? Is this difficult to understand? You left, without the attraction of yang, the only ending of the chilling force that came out would only be incinerated by the yang of the world. So if you leave in time, the chillyness will naturally shrink. Going back. If you don’t shrink back, you are looking for a dead end. It’s just an instinctive reaction...” Sword Spirit said.

"If that breath is really coming out... What will happen?" Chu Yang asked.

"This...therefore, the consequences will be unimaginable..." Sword spirit shook his head and warned: "Don't let them out... If it's really made out, after a period of habit, they have a good chance. It will become a monster that can’t be ruined and ruined... It’s a disaster!”

"This is not a joke!" Sword Ling added another sentence.

Chu Yang is contemplative, but the tiger brother reveals a look of disdain, and turns his eyes again and again: this world. Is there something like this? Tiger brother, I want to see and see. Even if it becomes a monster. There is a tiger brother sitting in the town, it is easy to kill...

"That is, the treasure. Or the sect of the ruined sect, should be under this mountain? Just open from here straight down?" Chu Yang said thoughtfully.

"In theory, this is true." Jian Ling said: "But... the power of the ghost is now able to enter and exit the soul stone at random. Then, it is already reaching the point of awakening, if it is rashly open the ruins, The consequences..."

Chu Yang fell into thoughts, apparently analyzing the pros and cons of it.

Sword spirit nervously accompanied him to think, lest he make any extraordinary, reckless action...

However, neither of them noticed that the tiger brother had smashed the smoke and slid over the circle of the soul stone.

Immediately, he knocked on the door with a small front paw and rubbed his head. The head of the tiger was full of curiosity and exploration.

A look of curiosity is very strong.

Sword Spirit has already deliberately watched all the movements around him. Naturally, he first saw the movement of the Tiger Brother and could not help but say: "Don't move this stone!"

Tiger brother looked up very uncomfortably, looking at the sword spirit, the heart of your master has not spoken yet, your goods is not welcome, actually ordered the tiger brother me?

Can you command the tiger brother?

Under the extreme mood, I just sat up.

I was just caught off guard, but this time I have to sit and watch!

I don't believe that after I have prepared everything, the chilly power can still get into my ass, and it is against him...

Of course, although dissatisfied, but the tiger brother also knows that the matter is important, in fact, there is no idea or plan to destroy the soul of the town...

But things change, it's hard to be as good as it is!

It doesn't matter if you sit down, the chilly force suddenly rushes up, and there is a tendency to be stunned...

Tiger brother turned his white eyes and carried his own masculine gas down. This uncle really does not believe, I will not be able to suppress your chilly anger...

So, under the tiger's buttocks, the two powerful forces of one yin and one yang began to collide with each other.

And this point, if it is on the surface alone, nothing can be seen.

Tiger brother's little **** is sitting there, but his **** is small, but he is also sitting tightly. After all, that place... it’s just a small... hole! Ok.

While competing with the strength of the force, the tiger brother also turned his eyes and looked at the sword spirit. The implication is: You are not saying that you can't sit? Tiger brother, I have to sit! Still have to sit still and sit for a long time! When Hu Ye is an ordinary person?

Can you swear? Are you waiting?

Jianling has nothing to do with this product.

There is no way to go.

However, who can think of it, because the sword spirit is not in control, the tiger brother actually came up with a super big trouble that bombed the nine heavens!


<At the end of the month, everyone is asking for a ticket. I am also very embarrassed to open my mouth: Give a few monthly tickets? No breaks, some lack of confidence...>

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