Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 125: Whose tricks are you?

“Broken... broken hotel? Hotel?” Duan’s face stunned and said: “I said Master Chu, I am the number one restaurant in Zixia City...not a broken hotel!”

"Dome old, your life is going to be sent... Is it still broken? How do you want to break?" Chu Yang said.

"Close is a way..." Duan sighed and began to seriously think about the feasibility of the incident. He asked: "The problem is, even if it is closed, where can I go? I always need a place to stay." ”

"Absolutely there is a problem, you can come to me." Chu Yang Taishan decided: "I still lack a housekeeper, I will not mind."

"But I mind, you make me... a holy class... a knife... come to be a housekeeper? You dare to think!" Duan’s eyes suddenly smashed.

"I really dare to think! I believe that others will never think that the empty knife will give me this little landlord as a steward! Is it?" Chu Yang asked with a smile.


"You think about it yourself, even if someone tells you the enemy, the knife is empty to give a prefecture master as a housekeeper, do you guess they will believe?" Chu Yang asked.

"...the amount, no!" Duan Cang looked bright.

"The benefits of giving me a housekeeper are still a lot. In addition to having a new foothold and greatly avoiding the enemy, you live here, I can help you adjust your body at any time... In fact, it is far away. It's not convenient for you to be inconvenient, and your body's blood is running all the time and it's not the same..."

Chu Yang lazily said: "You give me a housekeeper, everyone is your own person, I don't want to lose your housekeeper, naturally I have to double my heart to treat you for injury, so many benefits, isn't it enough?!" Chu Yang agitated Such as the tongue of the spring, it is extremely powerful and tempting.

"This is not rough, it is true!" Duan Cang was so sullen.

"I didn't intend to really treat you as a slave. If you really don't want to, then I have a housekeeper anyway. I don't want to ask for it. If you don't give it to the housekeeper, I will try my best..." Who said that I didn't want to..." Duan Cangkong blurted out: "The old man can't ask for it! It is this!"

“Would you like it?” Chu Yang fainted, very unbelievable: “You really made me unexpected... I am actually joking. As for your identity, how can I be a housekeeper? Ladies! You are a joke!"

This is a swearing man, the right words, the coercion and temptation, what made him say, and finally a joke!

The legend of the Nine Robber Swords appeared only once in a million years, but Chu Yang’s current loading is already a million years and may not have one.

Hey, I can't always hurry to let you come? Since you agree... I have to take Joe!



"But I didn't make a joke with you." Duan Xiangkong actually had a tricky look: "You have a big fight with the Li family that day, I actually want to come over... I don't follow you, I always feel that this knife injury is not guaranteed. You are really gone, I have no hope of this injury... And now, the situation is gathering, I will have more hiding places in you. If it is still in the restaurant, I will show up in the restaurant...not three or five days. Will be recognized..."

"To tell you the truth, now some people have doubts..." Duan Cang sighed greatly: "You are right, there are several enemies... I have already arrived in Zixia City!"

"I feel like being pitted..." Chu Yang was a little depressed.

Is this a rock and a foot? Or does it mean that Xiaojiaque did not fight the thief in the end? !

"Haha..." Duan’s beard was awkward: "I have been so diligent in the past few days, you haven’t felt it..."

Chu Yang sighed: "Okay, okay, I am a little bit of a family, not much of your mouth to eat. Clean up tomorrow."

"Good! Obey!" Duan Cang laughed and left.

Looking at the paragraph and leaving, Chu Yang's mouth revealed a faint mysterious smile.


Who is it?

Since you are here, come in, do you still want to go...

Even if I want to go, am I willing? Can you? !

This is the first holy master of my network...

Chu Zhuang took a small tune back to find his wife, and went to the hard work.

On the other side of the room, the words are very secretive and screaming: this little fox!

The cat greasy and sighed: "Hey, Chu Yang is miserable, designed by the old fox, how can he talk so well..."

The words are as good as the mountains, and the cat is greasy. After a long while, the voice is strange. "Who is talking? Who is the fox? What are you talking about?"

"Who can be, of course, that paragraph is empty!" The cat is greasy and angry: "I can say anything, I said that the section is not a thing, use Chuyang to stop the disaster! Not Chu Yang opened Are you kidding? He is catching this joke, not arrogant, anything!"

The words are stunned and stunned.

Heaven, earth, what is the situation, as long as it is an individual, you can understand things, how come to the cat teacher, and the whole turn the other way around? Actually, I can say so confidently, of course, how can it be like this? !

As a result of the half-day eyes, I finally bowed my head and said: "I finally realized that you are a Yi, all talking about cats, how can I have a common language with you. Sleep!"

Said to lie down on the bed, no movement.

Determined that you can't communicate, or quickly break up, and then mix with the Yi teacher, I must take my own!

The cat is too greasy and puzzled: "What do you say? I said that the score is the official lingua franca of the nine-day Scorpio. Benedict's Mandarin is very good... You don't have a common language with me?" Swinging the tail, I was wondering to go out.

As the mountains screamed, I passed the quilt and blindfolded my head.

I can't stand it, I really can't stand it...

Early morning!

As a mountain of light blue robes, dressed up neatly, came to the yard.

The morning fog is ethereal.

This time, the children are still dreaming, only Chu Yang and Wang Dao are standing here.

"Brother! There is something to tell you in advance." The voice of the mountain is heavy: "My injury is all right. Today, I will finish the game and I will leave."

"That's leaving!? No more staying for a while?!" Chu Yang said that he would leave the accident.

"Well, now Zixia City is surging, there are too many places where I need me. I have been hurting you for a long time. It has delayed a lot of things. I need to go back and deal with it..." The words are faint: "Being brother It’s still...the official person, there are too many people who can’t help themselves.”

Chu Yang smiled and said: "I understand!"

Yan Rushan did not hide his smile and smiled. He was very happy with Chu Yang.

Only when you endure the pain of parting, will you be more expecting the joy of reunion.

No one knows this truth, but there are not many things that can be so free and easy in the real world.

"King, you come over!"

Wang Knife came to the front of the mountain with some confusion.

As the mountains and the sky sink for a long time, the voice said seriously: "The king knife, I say that the mountains are bright and open, only the killers and assassins, but never trained the killer or assassin."

"Today, you are the first one, maybe the last one." The words are as low as the mountain: "I want you to promise me, in the future, be a knife of my brother, galloping for him, for him to be a sea of ​​fire, for He was born and died, and he opened the world for him! You, can you promise?"

The king's knife is flushed and loud: "Yes! The villain promised! The villain's life is saved by the son, the son is the king of the villain; I am the knife of the king! I am willing to do everything for the son!"

"Don't die!"

"Very good." Yan Rushan slowly nodded: "It seems that these days, you still learn something with the cat teacher..."

Speaking, it’s like waving a hand.

At the same time, Chu Yang and Wang Dao felt that the boundless world disappeared inexplicably at this moment, and disappeared completely thoroughly.

The whole world, only three of them are left.

Between words and waves, the whole world has been blocked together!

In the next moment, he reached out and took out a strange bottle with some defects. He couldn’t hide the traces of the stains left by the years. It’s obviously a lot of spring and autumn, but it’s still in good shape. Value.

"This is a long time ago, a long time ago, Jun found a group of peerless elixir, made up the batch, sent to Zixiaotian, please Ziyan Tiandi Zihao to help refine the spirit. Zijing Tiandi Zihao used this batch Medicine, trained twelve spirits!"

The words of the mountains are revealed in the eyes of the heart.

Chu Yang was shocked.

On the king, naturally it is snow and tears.

Snow tears have gathered a group of peerless medicines? ! - What kind of elixir can make the snow and tears so important?

So far, Chu Yang, I can’t imagine it.

Moreover, with the ability of snow and tears, I still haven't grasped my refining, but I have to hand it over to Zizi Tiandi Zihao! It can be seen that it is serious.

"Later, Jun has used three of these sects. It is used to cultivate the younger generation... After the fall of the Purple Emperor, the Emperor will no longer be able to use this medicinal herb."

"In the past, my boss made a great contribution, and there was no reward for it; it was this when the king gave him a sacred one. But these twelve medicinal herbs are three kinds; and this one is in one. Group is a knife god!"

"There are three swords, the **** of the sword, the majestic and majestic! The holy **** in the knife, the blade of the king. As for the last one, it is this one in my hand!"

"This Dan is the killing of the sword!"

"This Dan Yun contains a congenital knives! The chaos of the ancient times when you open the earth! Neutralize with the elixir, wrap it, and transform it into the power that the human body can absorb... Once the knife is in the body, it will be invincible, no break, no break. If you kill your heart, then no matter what you are in front of you, it will be ruined!"

......(To be continued. Please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!)

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