Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 126: Killing in the knife

"My boss treats me as a parent, and he is practicing a sword. He has not repaired the knife. So he left this spirit to me. And I also have my own unique weapon. It is also a place to get things and nothing, and it is a pity to abandon it. And this kind of spirit is only taken when it is taken from ordinary people, and the effect will be the greatest."

"So I have never been willing to use it."

"I originally wanted to give Chu Yang, but Chu Yang itself did not practice the knife."

"Until I found you, I am sure that you are the one who has this elixir." The words are heavy and heavy: "The world is unpredictable, and the number is only a person who has nothing to do with the knife." , but finally got this Dan, God is unpredictable, you take this Dan, I will help you to practice, the license to achieve the killing of the knife! Let your strength, from an ordinary person, to a heavenly level Knife Warrior, achieve a fantastic leap!"

"But you have to keep in mind that your strength is derived from the air, you want to truly become your own, you must continue to hone, constantly comprehend, and constantly killing ... so that you can slowly experience, truly integrated Be handy and have the possibility to continue to improve!"

"This Dan may be able to create a peerless killer!"

"So we have been careful and don't dare to use it. Today, if it is not the Zixia City, the strength of my brother is shallow, unable to protect myself, and I, in this case, have to leave, there is nothing to do... I don't really want to The best policy!!"

Rushan asked seriously: "Can you understand?!"

"The villain understands! The villain today is the gift of the king! The future of the villain is also the king!" The knife's back is straight, kneeling on the ground, and his face is determined.

Chu Yang heart shock!

When I was in the mainland of Jiuzhongtian, I heard the purple evil sentiment: "What is the speed of cultivation? What is the speed of cultivation? There is more than one means in the big family of the nine-day family. The ordinary people of the force, overnight, the achievement is supreme, even higher!"

At that time, I heard that sentence, Chu Yang is not without doubt, ordinary people, how can become a master between the day and night, if this is the case, everyone still desperately practice what to do, find a big family to vote for it!

But now, he believes, and he believes in it.

Because this remedy in front of you can really make an ordinary person, in a moment, become a heavenly master!

Between the day and the evening, it becomes a master of the nine robbers who can overcome countless adventures!

As long as the premise is, the emperor of the East Emperor Jun Xue tears cold medicine, the alchemy of the Purple Emperor Zihao!

The two emperors cooperated to create such a heavenly medicine!

The sound of the mountain is coming: "There is a success in the evening, so the remedy is called... step into the sky!"

Step into the sky!

A veritable name!

Chu Yang took a deep breath.

There is such a drug in the world. He couldn't help but think of Dong Wu's injury: If the tyrant of the knife is to let Dong have no injuries, what will happen?

If you see snow and tears next time, you must ask, this kind of thing can not be wasted in the old things...

At the time of thinking about Chu Yang, there has already begun.

"This process will be very painful!" The words are as low as the mountain: "You must live with it. If you can't stand it, you can only blast your body, or step into the sky, or step up to heaven!"


"Open your mouth!" Yan Rushan shouted.

Wang Dao involuntarily opened his mouth, the old bottle was broken instantly, a shimmering purple brilliance of the gods and medicinal herbs, floating up, a fierce knife light, faintly flashing; but this faint flashing, but seems to have a stroke Breaking the sky!


The sputum "嗖" fell to the mouth of Wang Dao!

At the moment of the entrance to the drug, the words suddenly screamed and screamed: "Under!"

Then he slammed the thunder and thundered, and slammed it on the head of the knife!


Chu Yang clearly saw that a glaring Guanghua shined from the words of the mountain, and poured directly into the head of the king!

Immediately, it was a loud voice: "Chong!"

The left palm does not move, and the right palm falls lightningly on the front of the knife!

Immediately, the body of the mountain was flat, and one hand pressed the door of the king's knife, and one hand pressed the chest of the knife. The whole body stood upside down, and then the waist was bent. The shoes on one foot were broken and bent down. The toe is accurately located on the cervical vertebra.

Then the other foot is also the same action, against the heart of the knife.

At the moment, the whole person presents a strange and extreme posture suspended in midair.

Wang Kn’s face suddenly showed a strange look to the extreme. He seemed to be unable to hold his mouth open, but the words blew out in a breath, and his life sealed his mouth. His arms are moving, and he is like a mountain scorpion, and he screams twice.

For a moment, he seemed to be unbearable to stand up, but which foot on the waist violently exerted his force, causing his lower body to “scream” and sink into the ground.

Immediately, it was a loud drink.

The sound of "Boom" flashed through a white light, and the ground of the entire yard became stronger than the steel, and the body of the King knife was tightly restrained.

"If you can't stand it, you are waiting for the bones to be broken, and the smoke is gone!"

The sound of the mountains is cold and cold.

"The killing of the sword... it is so easy to absorb!"

"Don't suffer hard, why do you kill people!"

"If you want to go to heaven in a step, how can you not hesitate to go to **** and get honed?"

"Give me!"

"Give me!"

Wang Jian’s muscles and blood vessels seem to be on the surface. Like a cyan scorpion, slowly moving, swimming; slowly, the cyan becomes a reddish.

In the next moment, the blood of the body suddenly burst, the muscles burst, the **** fog was like rain, and the sky was swaying.

As the mountains shouted, the superb sanctification was carried out in full swing, and the recovery and squeezing were fierce.

At the moment when the blood fog is still scattered in the future, it has been sent back to the body, poured back into the blood, and the broken skin on the body surface is also quickly healed.

Wang Gong’s eyes have already dripped blood.

Unprecedented pressure, painful pain, and an indescribable sense of collapse.

But he can't move, he can't call.

This process of ascension is believed to be the same as dropping the 18-story hell. It is the first-class torture in the world!

Chu Yang saw a burst of inexplicable feelings: this kind of thing from the ordinary people to the sky... Where can it be easy to do? If you want to "go to the sky", you must first prepare for "ascension"!

As I was thinking, the words in the field suddenly changed.

Because the meridian's meridians, although transformed, and in the constant repair of the mountains, can withstand such potency, but the stagnation of hatred in the heart suddenly rises.

The knives of the gods in the knife suddenly became crazy when they were stimulated by such hatred.

Crazy and unstoppable.

Seeing that this is going to rush out from the body of Wang Dao.

Once rushed out, the knife will be destroyed!

If you count on the mountain, you will miss this point. Stepping into the Tiandan is the basis for letting a person start, starting directly from the heavenly level!

But how strong is the hatred of an ordinary person? So there has never been such a thing happening.

However, the knife is different!

The king knife is really carrying a **** sea of ​​enmity!

Although it has been reported, but the time is very short, all the tragedies are still vivid. It always appears in front of the eyes, and the fire of hatred is really boiling.

Under such hatred, the knife in the knife is like a full complement; it is directly uncontrollable.

Words like a mountain face is tragic!

Chu Yang did not know it, some wondering looked like a mountain.

Wang Kn’s body has already had a trace of blood, and if the blood is not pressed, the knife will die! Step into the sky, naturally invalid!

As the mountain flashed, it was decided!

This is the end of the matter, it must be!

Suddenly, he suddenly slammed his mouth, and a strong suction force turned him into a vacuum and became a space black hole. Chu Yang only felt that his body was volleyed under such suction, and quickly floated forward. !

It was a sigh of relief, and the whole person of Chuyang was sucked over.

Chu Yang couldn't get it, even if it was guarded, it didn't work. The gap between the two was too far away. When the words went all out, the breath exceeded the limit of Chuyang, and Chu Yang had already reached the mountain. before.

It’s like a mountain screaming.

In the mouth of the white light Xuan moved, actually turned into a needle, pierced at the tip of ten fingers in Chuyang.

Chu Yang has not felt the pain, and ten drops of blood have quickly flown away from the body.

At this time, Wang Dao's blood is bursting again!

As the mountain shouts, the ten drops of blood from Chu Yang, dripping from the head of the king knife, quickly integrated into the body of Wang Dao.

A slap in the air, flashing, and hovering from the body of Wang Dao!

A strange pattern, so it appeared on the top of the head of the knife, and then turned into a large net, slammed down.

The blood spray from the body of Wang Dao was actually caught by this net born out of thin air, tightly tied to the body of Wang Dao, and disappeared immediately, and the blood fog returned again!

The knife circling in the arms of Wang Dao for a whole week, finally fell back to Dantian.

At the same time, an unspeakable sigh of breath suddenly rises, this is the breath of breakthrough.

Chu Yang is very clear.

The breakthrough of the road broke out.

After the Wushu moment, he was directly a martial artist; then he blasted to Wu Zong. As the season rises... Wu Zun, Wu Wang... Then the knife slammed in a hurry, and the knife screamed in pain.

The knife is shining!

Knife king!

Then I stepped up again step by step...Knife Emperor...Knife St., the sword is supreme...Three products... Five products...

Chu Yang was stunned.

This upgrade, such speed, really never seen, unheard of.

The breath exploded and exploded.

In the throat of the king, a purple-black blood clot was spit out, and then the wow was vomiting. The pieces were spit out like blood clots, falling on the ground, and there was a continuous burst of muscles in the body.

However, there are words like mountains, the application of strong cross-overs to control the body repair, and the beginning and the end, always makes the body intact.

This is the application and application of the rules!


I said that I have a cold in the past and you believe in it... (To be continued. Please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better and faster!)

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