Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 132: The curtain is opened

"Chuyang! Will it be here? This Chuyang, will it be Bi Chuyang?" The woman in white is almost subconscious. An exquisite and pretty face emerges instantly.

Before leaving, I would like to tell the niece of the jewels more than once, even ask yourself: "Uncle Shi, please be sure to ask me, Chu Yang's whereabouts, thousands."

"That is the most important person in my life, and the man who should not be missed!"

"Uncle Shi, everything is here to you, tens of millions."

The woman in white flashed her eyes and sighed softly: "Just don't know this Chu Yang... Is it the Chuyang?"

"Before leaving, my sister-in-law has also been stunned... Don't deliberately inquire; even if you see it, you have to pretend that you haven't seen it..."

"But now, if the main thing here is really that person, how can I do it?"

"Just yesterday, the new news from the sister, this Chu Yang, should also be a genius ... and, with a pure treasure of the body ... but did not say anything, just say if you encounter it, take a closer look, If you don't meet it, don't care..."

"In this way, the most important thing for the sisters is always a light dance."

The woman in white holds an invitation in her hand, and she stands up thoughtfully and walks back and forth in the tent. The eyebrows are slightly slim. Finally, I finally made a decision: "Go! It’s just a matter of time."


"You are afraid that there will be some rushing into it." Tie Tiantian frowned and looked worried.

"Well, it's really some." Chu Yang said: "But now, it has already reached a knot. I don't have to, I have to, I have to take this time... After all, this opportunity is impossible. ""

"I naturally understand this section." Tiebutian sighed deeply: "But the strength we have now is too thin. I want to be in the environment of masters like clouds. It is really...'s hard to go to heaven."

"Reassured, the boat is naturally straight to the bridge! We are not faced with the difficult dilemma. I believe there will be nothing that will be difficult for us!" Chu Yang straightened up, his eyes were cold, his tone was abnormal, and it was difficult to overflow. Confidence in faith.

"This time the soul of the town stone incident ... is too sudden." Iron fills the heavens: "According to the general practice, this kind of treasure-taking event, suddenly should not appear too high-end things, but this event The beginning and the process are quite unusual..."

"Just to say that the beginning of this matter is contrary to common sense, but in reality it is not necessarily unreasonable. If it is just a general treasure, then how can the super-large sects come in, even if the ordinary sects do not look at them, At best, only small and medium-sized sects come... If that is the case, we can fish in troubled waters..."

"As our forces continue to grow, it is the most important step to follow if we think of ways to further raise concerns and expand our affairs."

"In the current situation, even if there is only a soul of Amethyst, we are all destined to be unable to keep it." Tiebutian frowned while trying to find a way, but he wanted to go to the knot: "Not to mention the soul of the soul." It’s enough to shock the rarity of the entire Nine Heavens!"

"This..." Chu Yang smiled bitterly.

Does he not know this?

But at that time, Chu Yang himself was already ready to give up. I want to wait until the future strength grows, and then uncover the secret of the soul stone, but who can think of it being shattered by the tiger brother?

The plan will never catch up with the change! It all became so sudden!

Now that things are coming, it’s okay to catch the ducks on the shelves.

"At the moment, I have to take a step and take a step." Chu Yang said faintly: "So, I will arrange your mysterious throne to take charge of the Chu family compound."

"If the wind is too urgent, your throne will turn everything from dark to dark. At that time, I will naturally try to draw everyone's attention and leave you time to develop... Chu Yang is not here. Then the mother is not in nature, there is no target, and there is no attack..."

"But, that is always the next policy..." Chu Yang sighed softly: "I hope we don't have to go that step."

Tiebu Tian reached out and hugged his arm and said, "I understand, just... if you do that, you are too dangerous."

Chu Yang smiled and said: "How do you forget that since the debut of the self, the danger can be said to be my family's routine, the legend I wrote, and where the lack of danger, only the crisis is the turn, is the opportunity! I am legendary The nine-robbery sword master, the kind of heavenly man who cares for Heaven, is determined not to die so easily."

The iron-filled angel nodded his head and looked sad in his eyes: "I will definitely not go to that step. Even if we can't force people, can we not be smart?"

Chu Yang smiled slightly.

Chu Yang sat on the ground with his knees, running the nine-pointed gods, and I forgot both, and meditation, until the afternoon, I woke up from the deep breath.

Since the words have gone, Chu Yang feels that the pressure on himself is much heavier.

When the words are in the mountains, the repairs are unfathomable. Even though I don't plan to rely on him, I still feel that I have to rely on it. But he left...

Especially now that so many masters gather together Zixia, Chu Yang feels that his strength is so small. The sense of crisis in the heart and a faint fear made him feel urgent and stressed.

Therefore, during this time, he almost always practiced when he had time, and spent all his spare time practicing.

Others can be rampant, why can't I!

Others can laugh and swear, why can't I!

The sword spirit came back and forth to carry the spirit of the dead spirit, Chu Yang constantly absorbed strength from the heaven and earth aura, refined skills, the power of Hong Meng Zi and the nine great medicines in the nine robbery space are also constantly facing the body instill……

Chu Yang can clearly feel that his cultivation is growing at a rapid rate! Especially the horrible death, now almost half of the dead Dantian!

And still half of the concentration!

According to Jian Ling’s guess, under the soul stone of the town, there is also a huge number of sources of dead air!

Chu Yang estimates that he does not have to absorb it at all, and his own dead Dantian can be filled. Moreover, due to the yin and yang reciprocity, the transition between life and death; after the dead air runs in his meridians, under a certain wonderful effect, there is actually a considerable part of the transformation to the vitality, in other words, his own vitality, Dan Tian, ​​is gradually accumulating.

Although this speed and frequency are extremely slow, it is an additional channel for rapid growth.

When the Hua Deng first appeared.

The Tianbing Auction Hall in Chuyang officially opened its doors and provoked red lanterns. The interior of the auction hall is even more splendid, the lights are shining, and it is as white as it is.

Just different from the general auction site, it is quiet, there is no service staff. Come in, you can only sit and sit. Not even a cup of tea.

So entertaining, but the number of gifts is not good!

Opposite the seat is a large table, naturally the auction house.

The auction floor is also empty, all without decoration, making people feel very uncomfortable, at least it is very uncoordinated.

This arrangement has a great relationship with Chuyang. Chu Yang has always only participated in the auction, when did he host the auction?

Therefore, when I was in other auction halls, I saw the girls who had blossomed and rushed back and forth, and they were very entertained. I always felt that there was something wrong with them: I was coming to the auction, not to come to me!

You have good things here, no one can find Laozi to buy it; but if you have nothing here, then... I don’t come to the same as the gods: I am a warrior, not a rich man who only enjoys it!

I came to the auction only for the benefit.

If it is only for beauty, oh, what can't you see? In Laozi’s own bedroom, it’s more than this!

Therefore, Chu Yuzuo is not ready to entertain.

One by one, they began to enter the Tianbing Auction Hall. Faced with extreme abnormalities and impoliteness, no one showed dissatisfaction.

The reason why everyone will give such a face is nothing more than a curious look at this suddenly-born Tianbing Auction Hall. There are also some faint precautions: in this delicate moment of stormy weather, this Tianbing auction hall will choose to be at this time. Born. If you say that you are not relying on it at all, you have no confidence, and that is not the case? Isn't that just looking for death?

Moreover, the auction items that were taken out this time are all rare treasures, and they are bold enough to come up with such auction items for auction. If they are not sure, may they?

In particular, there are still so many large and small forces in the entire mainland, and even a number of super sects, even the half courtesy. If there is no such thing, how dare you do it?

Then, who is the owner of the Tianbing Auction Hall? What is it? That Chu Yang, is this really the principal here? Will it... behind it there are... extremely terrifying people? Or, power?

These things, without exception, are all flashing in the hearts of everyone.

Anyone who can come here is not a fool! Naturally, everyone thinks a lot. But the more you think about it, the more you dare not act rashly!

"Ha ha ha..." A burst of arrogant laughter came, three purple robes came together on the street, one centered, two guards, it was the people of the Iron League!

For the first time, this is the leader of the Iron League, the principal.

I saw three people walking in the dragon, and rampaging along the way, passers-by along the way. It seems that arrogance has gone to the extreme.

Passers-by all show the indignation of dare and anger.

Of course, those who are indignant are all ordinary people, but all in the eyes of the warriors are all taboos, only because they know the name of the Iron League, and they also know the behavior of this group.

............(To be continued. Please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!)

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