Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 133: Super Zongmen calculation

The three men of the Iron League all seem to be arrogant and arrogant. They seem to be gangsters who have no intentions and good fortune. But if they really think so, it is a big mistake, their insidious degree. It is absolutely unimaginable.

If you really only treat them as ordinary widowers, then you really don't know how to die.

"This time the six treasures, all belong to me!" Iron and blood League, the main agent haha ​​laughed: "Speaking of this, it is really the day to follow people, come here, there are still such extra gains, enjoyable Enjoyable!"

I was talking, I saw the black clothes flying in front, and a team of people came from the opposite side. One of them sneered: "Is it so rich? Is it intended to be a treasure in so many forces? It is a good faith." what!"

"Oh, it turned out that you are the elder elder. This time, the Guimen faction is coming to the forefront, and the thunder is rampant. If you want to come, you will be sure to win it!" The man in the middle of the Iron League laughed twice, and the tone was actually a bit respectful and taboo. The meaning.

Apparently, the comers are by no means a general generation, at least those who can make the Jagged League members have to be jealous of their strength!

"Well, why, do you have any opinions?" The elders who fluttered opposite the white whiskers did not answer, but the person who spoke originally asked unceremoniously.

"No, no, dare not dare." The three men of the Iron League laughed twice and said hello, and hurried in.

The person who came is the second super-large door of Donghuangtian, Lingxiaomen!

The Iron League is far worse than the Linghuangmen in Donghuangtian. The strength of the Zongmen is a world apart. In the face of such a big force, even the Iron League will not dare to provoke.

"The guys of the Iron League have become more and more embarrassed during this time, not a good man." The black man whispered.

The white elders with white fluttering are faint: "You don't have to deal with their chopsticks! If you really have conflicts on the soul stone, it's not too late. If you really lack this crowbar, the variables are too many." It may not be beneficial."


While talking, but see the opposite white fluttering, three beautiful women floating like a fairy, strolling.

Red dust like a dream!

Three people fluttering in white, just strolling in the crowd, but the feeling is that three white fairy fairy walks in the clouds, ethereal and noble, unattainable. At first glance, you can't help yourself.

The elders in the eyes of the elders flashed, but they were the first step forward: "Is it the snow fairy to come in person? The old sea is so polite."

Opposite, the middle-aged beautiful woman of the middle ages smiled warmly: "The sea is very polite. After a long time, the sea is old and strong, and the style is not reduced! I am grateful."

The elders of the elders sighed and sighed: "The snow fairy is the real style, but the old ones are already dying, and He Fu was the year; when I thought about it, it was incomprehensible..."

"Oh..." Snow Fairy smiled and said: "Is this the sea, is this also?"

"Well, it is for this." Haibobo naturally understands that this ‘for this’ is not the auction treasure in front of him, but the Cangwu Mountain and the soul stone outside thousands of miles away.

"Well, some other continents seem to have come..." Xue Xianzi smashed his eyebrows.

"There are people coming, at least seven or eight have come." Hai Lao’s voice is slightly low: "However, Tianjian League has not yet arrived... or people can’t see it here, and it’s not known. ”

Even though the powers of other mainlands are far away, there are still more than seven or eight forces. The seven or eight forces that Hai Lao said are enough to threaten the super-class gates such as Lingqimen and Red Dust. There are actually seven or eight such forces, which is enough to make people surprised!

However, the most powerful Tianjian League has not yet arrived, and it is a great fortune in misfortune!

"I'm afraid not necessarily!" Xue Xianzi said: "As far as I know, the Dixin Pavilion is already on the way to this place. And... I have already asked the heart of the sword, and I have already set off. Since these have already confirmed that they have come, then Tianjian League naturally will not come."

The fascinating light in her eyes was flashing, saying: "If you want to save a little bit of energy, I am afraid I can't save it."

Hai's face suddenly sank, and a look of anxiety, climbed up his forehead, and indulged for a moment, then categorically said: "But I don't know the meaning of Snow Fairy..."

The elders of the sea are obviously a very decisive person. The position is clear and the situation is obvious. Since Snow Fairy is willing to tell such a major news, the meaning of the words is self-evident.

Snow Fairy smiled warmly: "The sea is always understanding people, this town soul stone, after all, we are born in the East Emperor." She will ‘We are Donghuangtian’ five words, bite very heavy!

Hai Lao slowly nodded and said that the wrinkles on his face seemed deeper at this moment. He said slowly: "Snow Fairy said it is good, even if we can't help but kill, but ultimately, it will still be profitable. Stay in Donghuangtian."

The snow fairy just smiled: "Hai Lao said it is reasonable, and I agree."

Hai Yanbo's skinny figure stood here, the night wind blew, and if he wanted to blow him a gust of wind, for a long time, he finally said: "Snow Fairy... If so, you need to fight."

When it comes to the word 'need to fight', his voice has been paused. It is obviously a long-term decision. The decision to make up his mind is still so difficult.

The Snow Fairy smiled softly and gently when he said these two words, nodded, but no longer talked.

The two eyes are opposite, Haiyan wave is like the silence of the ancient pool; and in the eyes of the snow fairy, it is a piece of frost.

At this moment, all the people in the entire Zixia City feel unexplained at the same time without any warning!

At what moment, it seems that there are any wild beasts, and suddenly came to Zixia City!

Even in Chuyang, which is in the auction hall, I can’t help but feel a glimpse of it.

In his arms, the tiger's body was blown up!

Then Xue Xianzi and Haishubo stepped at the same time. The snow fairy was in front, and Haiyan wave was behind, and entered the Tianbing Auction Hall one after the other.

Two people have a pair of eyes and have already made a decision on this incident.

Although Lingqimen is the second-largest door to the strength, the real strength is obviously different from the red dust like Mengxuan. Because... the red dust, such as Mengxuan, is in the whole Nine Heavens, it is also the top three behemoths, one of the strongest sects in the true sense!

If Ling Xiaomen is really ranked in the entire Nine Heavens, I am afraid it has already been squeezed out of the top ten!

"Great elders, you have to make such a decision, it is not sloppy!" A black man walked while listening to the sea waves.

The sea otter wave has to float for a while, and the voice is silent: "Whenever you remember, here is the East Emperor!"

Then the heavy road: "It is our home!"

Then he whispered, "What is... home?"

"Yes!" The black man looked a glimpse, and the whole body was straight and straight.


This has always been a very sacred word!

No one can grab something from my house! That is ours! My home!

In the sky.

The words are as solemn as the mountains, and they stretch out their hands. The two pieces of mind naturally fly into a seemingly weird disc in his hand. This is the tacit agreement of the high-ranking warriors!

In the twinkling of the snow fairy and the sea bream, the deep hidden secrets of the two gangs are formed!

Speaking like a mountain, spit out a breath.

I am afraid that this incident will be a bit big.

Frowning, but seeing the far place, the purple light flashes.

The official army of the Eastern Emperor came from the pressure.

The words fly like a mountain.

"See the generals of the blue general! General Wanan!" The words are like a mountain, and my heart is relaxed.

Since General Blue has come to the town, there is finally a real principal here. You can also let go of this big stone.

“What is the current situation?” asked General Blue.

"The situation is extremely complicated, and it is difficult to say a word!" Yan Ruodao said: "According to the current situation, seven of the top 100 sects in Jiuzhong Tianlu have arrived here, including the red dust such as Mengxuan, Lingqimen, and the Iron League. ... However, the two major sects of the Central Region are also on their way to the place. At the latest, tomorrow, they will be able to arrive... other Tiandi sects have also arrived."

Yan Rushan took a deep breath: "According to the speculation, the martial art that finally came to this place, I am afraid it will not be lower than... seventy!"

"Seventy!!" The generals of the Blue General browed slightly and slowly said: "So, the final size of the martial art that came here should be at least 300 or more?"

As the mountains are fine, they say, "Yes." Some admire in my heart.

General Lan Dagang had just arrived, but he had listened to some information from himself, and he had already quickly figured out the number. Such wisdom is really terrifying.

It is not easy to figure out this number, because the factors that are unpredictable involve too many and too many factors, so the final sect of the martial art gathered here, after a few thoughts, is only two hundred and seventy-eight. Between three hundred and twenty three.

Of course, Jiuzhong Scorpio will not have such a sect. Don't say three hundred, even if it is 30,000, it is said to be less.

This is because the soul of the town is out, the distance from the martial art, near the water, the natural madness, these sects are mostly in the East Emperor.

After waiting for a little time, everyone knows that such giants like Tianjian League, Red Dust, such as Mengxuan, Dixin Pavilion, Zhixingee, Lingqimen, etc., have gathered here, naturally there will be most small and medium-sized The sects dispelled their intentions - so many giants are here, what are they doing? Tiger mouth extraction? Still looking for death in vain? !

Even if you really come together with the estimated results, you will just bury yourself here.

So the only thing that comes to the end is only those big sects.

The small and medium-sized sects will never come to this drowning.

And before I have already arrived here, I am reluctant to leave, and I need to take risks. After considering it over and over again, it is estimated that there are still some that must leave. In the end, I am lucky to be left behind.


Time flies... (to be continued. Please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better and faster!)

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