Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 134: Mystery guest?

The words of the mountain are sighing: The blue general who has drawn this number not only counts the development of the situation, but also clearly understands the mind and mind in a blink of an eye. If it is a general, how can it be a "general job"? !

"To carry out the umbrella of the sky, gather the clouds and camp." The general of the blue general ordered, and the wind in the sky was surging.

"Keep a little in mind!"

“The rivers and lakes are rivers and lakes, and the government is the official residence!”

"The rivers and lakes are the rivers and lakes of the martial art, and the government is the official residence of the people!"

"If the various sects are still able to follow the rules, they do not have to interfere, let them kill and die. If anyone dares to violate the rules, no matter who they are, they must chase them to the end!" The generals of the Blues murdered. command!


"The generals..."

"What's the matter? Happy to say!" General Lan Da turned and asked.

"If it is... this time... the people in the middleland..." Rushan said, some difficult questions: "The final result, if the people in the middle are taken away... this treasure, what should we do?"

General Lan’s face is a majestic face, and there are a few shades in the blink of an eye. There was no sound in the face.

"Our East Emperor's martial art strength is weak compared to the other side!" Words said in a breath: "If this time is defeated, even... take away... then..."

"You mean... in the future, Donghuangtian, I am afraid that it will be difficult to look up again!?" General Lan has turned around.

"Yes!" The words rose up and answered positively.

"But, that's just a river!" The general blue general voice is very strict.

"Even if it is a river or lake, it is still the strength of the East Emperor!" Yan Rushan said: "There is a slap in the face; the forces of the rivers and lakes have lost, and it is also the face of the emperor!"

"Let's relax!" General Lan was angry.

The wind in the sky suddenly swayed.

"The nine emperors and the holy princes have decided to covenant, and the rivers and lakes are just rivers and lakes!" The general blue general voice is very heavy: "If this agreement is violated, the emperor will also lose face! And, I am afraid that it will cause Other places have the same kind of learning, and the official forces interfere in the disputes between the rivers and lakes, and the legacy is far-reaching!"

"Yes." As the words are in the mountains, the concerns of General Blue are obviously quite reasonable.

"Furthermore... This is always Donghuangtian!" General Lan Da said: "It is the home of the red door such as Mengxuan and Lingqimen. The event believes that they will not be strong, if they still It was taken away by the other side of the inheritance of the soul of the town..."

General Lan Da turned and turned coldly. "That is why they have no interest!"

"And it's not ordinary, no interest!"

General Lan Da said a lot, and immediately asserted: "The discussion about this matter ends here, no need to say anything!"

The mountains are heavy and unusual.

However, after a long while, suddenly it looked bright.

The generals of the Blue General said that it is very meaningful.

Where is the base camp? !

"The generals are justified and thoughtful, and they are negligent."

"What did I say? I didn't say anything!" General Lan’s face was serious.

"Yes!" Yan Rushan said: "The rivers and lakes are rivers and lakes, the official government is the official!"

General Lan Da nodded with satisfaction: "What are you doing now? Have you gathered all the forces in the city together?"

"It's an auction, and the momentum is not small." As the mountain said, there was a hint of warmth on his face: "And, the host who hosted the auction this time is quite interesting."

“Oh? The auction host is interesting?” General Lan’s raised his eyebrows: “How interesting is it? It’s not easy to tell you that these faces are quite interesting!”

"This man saved my life before." Yan Rushan solemnly said: "It is my latest brother-in-law."

"Worship the brothers?" General Blue General turned his head with interest: "How old is he now? What level of cultivation is there? What are the good things? Is there something worthy of your value?"

Do not blame the generals of the Blue General for curiosity. It is really these people. Everyone has the dignity of being an arrogant and high-deep martial artist. Anyone who is above the top of the eye is always in the eye. In addition, Donghuangtian has its own constraints, and the officials must not have too many intersections with the people in the rivers and lakes. For example, if the mountain character is square, the official person who enforces the most strict order is officially executed.

But can this person actually get the heartfelt recognition? It is an accident in an accident!

"He is very young... he only has to be twenty years old. He has already completed the first-level revision of the land level." Yan Rushan did not know how to introduce it. Is it straightforward to say... Say that my cherished brother is actually a super waste?

“Yeah!” General Lan’s faint smile: “Be only twenty years old, it’s already the first level of the prefecture... It’s not bad, it’s like a mountain, your eyes are really different!”

Hearing the words, all the officers around him sneered.

The first level of the land level... In the eyes of these people, it is simply more ants than the ants! Not to mention that it is only twenty years old, this huge age gap!

Yan Rushan actually worshipped the son with such a young man.

Almost the ancestors and the gray grandsons worshipped, the difference between the generations is at least 100,000 miles!

It’s just...somewhat mad.

Yan Rushan is calm and calm, and very calmly said: "My brother... One day, you will envy me and sincerely envy me."

"Ha ha ha..." everyone laughed.

No one cares, almost everyone thinks that the mountains are in the dead duck mouth, a prefecture-level garbage warrior in the district, what is the place to be envied! General Lan Da touched his chin and looked at him with a squinting look. Well, do you want to go down and see?

But this plan can't let others know...


The sky was talking and laughing, and the auction below, has already begun.

Chu Yuzuo personally went to the auction platform. Holding a hammer in the hand, it is like a veteran auctioneer.

Sitting below, there are more than three hundred people. And these people, any one of the strengths, must be higher than Chu Yuzuo!

But Chu Yang is now looking at the eyes of these people, but it is like watching millions of tens of millions of Zixia coins!

These guys are the rich people in the true sense!

All are big money, huge money wow!

How can you stand up to yourself?

Seeking in the rich and the dangerous, starving to death, timid, and daring, people, still have to look at the money!

Therefore, Chu Yang’s fighting spirit stood up.

"Welcome all of you to visit the Tianbing Auction Hall. The auction of Tianbing Auction Hall today is very sudden and rushed. I believe everyone is very surprised. Even I have not thought of it myself a few days ago." Chu Yang’s speech is very Unexpectedly, it was very different from the ordinary auction host, and did not say anything about the auction as soon as it came up, but instead opened up the idle.

But everyone below, but no one speaks.

This auction hall is a bit weird, everyone is weird.

"According to my original plan, how can I open the business after half a year, and, with the strength of our newly-built small family, it is also impossible to get everything that can make you feel good..." Chu Yang continues to pull east and west: However, just three days ago, a mysterious guest found me."

"This mysterious guest is powerful! I can't see anything under the micro-repair of Xiao Ke... Well, I should accept it." Chu Yang said vague. But everyone below is a smile, the heart of this goods seems to be forced? This is a bit interesting.

"This mysterious guest asked me to make this auction within three days. And, on the spot, I took six treasures! These six treasures, just one of them, I have never seen before. The rare treasures, these treasures, if they really belong to the next, do not have to belong to me, even if one of them is something that truly belongs to me, I will choose, permanent treasure, after all, such a thing, for me For small people, once they reveal their news, it’s a blessing, and it’s a disaster!”

Chu Yang was open to the mouth, but his face was very serious, especially very very very Chen Hao.

The people in the room really do not doubt Chu Yang’s rhetoric. In fact, Chu Yang’s remarks are the most reasonable statement. The people in the audience are all people. The origin of Chu Yang’s identity and recent experience have been fully understood by them. The strength and the body of the company itself should not have the six treasures recommended by the auction.

Also absolutely unable to save.

Even if it is sold, the wealth that is sold out is still enough to destroy the grassroots like Chu Yang.

"This mysterious guest said... the price of all the auction items, you set your own, how much you end up, it doesn't matter..." Chu Yang said: "And the only request of this mysterious guest is this auction. Time must be completely detonated before the event of the town’s soul stone Cangwu Mountain!”

"And the sooner the better!"

Chu Yang said here and stopped.

But the people below can no longer remain calm before.

Because of these words, everyone can understand not only, but also a very speculative step.

Although they did not doubt the process that Chu Yang said, they were very interested in the request of the guest!

What is the reserve price is not important, and the final transaction price is not important. The only important thing is time...


What does this person mean so incredible? !

The snow fairy and the seat of the Linglongmen Haibobo elders are all good positions, and the distance between them is more than ten feet. When I heard this, the two men looked at each other in the same direction.

There must be a reason for something abnormal!

So, what is the reason?

"What do the elders think?" Xue Xianzi's lips did not move, but a trace of voice has reached the ears of Haibobo.

"This mysterious guest, a great opportunity is our Donghuangtian people." Haishu wave does not move, and the voice goes back.

"Yes, I think so." Snow Fairy nodded: "And, the current weapon of the auction, the purpose is to help the East Emperor's side of the door, hope that we can do this in the soul of the town."

"This is definitely no doubt." Haibo wave nodded in agreement.


Tomorrow is the second anniversary of the proud world, I will try my best to erupt, to reward you all the way to support the virtues. Brilliant, proud!

Vibrant, proud!

Unite, proud!

Handsome and handsome, proud of the world!

Yushu is prosperous and proud!

The latter two are the authors... um, continue the codeword. (To be continued. Please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better and faster!)

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