Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 139: Outbreak of the windfall [Auspicious birthday fourth! 】

The man's slender scorpion shot a fierce look to the extreme look, sneer: "Do you really think that the so-called mysterious high man can make you look for you? What are you! What a cockroach ant!"

This guy’s brains are not stupid. Chu Yang said so, he immediately guessed what he said.

Chu Yang said faintly: "Then you can wait and see! Look at whether you finish first, or I will finish first! Let time prove who is speaking more authentic!"

This person suddenly hesitated, and Chu Yang’s tone is too determined, and there is a life-threatening ambition.

However, when I thought of the benefits of taking a large piece of Amethyst chalcedony back, the blood of my heart was instantly filled. The doorkeeper waited for such amethyst chalcedony, but it has been waiting for three thousand years!

The purple spirit of the main cultivation of the Lord comes to Xuan Gong. It is just that a complete amethyst chalcedony can achieve the highest level. Compared with the current situation, what can be calculated with a small adventure?

Besides, when I came out this time, I only brought less than one million Zixia coins, most of which were my own savings, not public funds. And looking at the auction of Amethyst Chalcedony, one million is absolutely unstoppable! Is there any way to get it without doing this? Is it really necessary to accompany your life savings? !

If you are competing by other martial art and you go to robbery again, then hatred is even bigger!

Simply bet this shop!

He smiled slyly and said: "If this is the case, then I will wait to see if it is finished or I am finished! Hahaha..." In the voice, he yelled, saying: "The words are blamed." In fact, the auction is a bid, but the situation that is waiting now is not short. No one has ever bid again. The result is obvious. This piece of amethyst chalcedony is mine! It is not unreasonable to pay the money in one hand. People. But if anyone dares to obstruct it, don't blame me for being dying with it!"

This sentence is extremely tough, but it is also more shameless. It shows that it is to press the people and tear off the last cover of the ugly! .

Many people were screaming at the scene.

The iron man’s rhetoric is obviously a wrath!

The snow fairy blinked and wanted to stop, but finally sat still.

The Iron League is naturally not afraid, but... because Chu Yang, the value is not worth it? Is this Chu Yang not a Chu Chuyang? Looking at his age, it is very consistent with ... If so, then ... ... can not make him detrimental to the heart of the dance! It’s better to let the Iron League solve it...

The snow fairy does not move, other people naturally do not move, the anger is burning, but the real thing is another thing, especially without any interest, only a moment of arrogance, it is not worth the candle.

The man who just came in frowned and frowned, looking at Chu Yang, he also wanted to see Chu Yang to this point, what choice?

Chu Yang’s approach is very generous. He smiled and said: “There was a little episode just now. Now the episode ends, the auction is saved. Just the last bidder’s bid is 600,000. Is there anyone else to bid? 600,000 first... six 100,000 second time... 600,000 third time, deal!"


The hammer is falling.

Chu Yang looked at this person and smiled faintly: "You can go through the formalities with your car, and you can deliver the money in one hand. This money can't be less. As for the future, it is necessary to look at the luck of the car."

The man laughed and said: "No matter what, we will follow."

A vain voice said: "What do you mean by this sentence, can I understand that the Iron League will leave this matter? Regardless of the consequences? No cost?!"

This person is inexplicably in the heart.

This voice is abrupt, more illusory, and the sound source is clearly in this hall, but I can't hear where it comes from.

Don't say that he is, even Snow Fairy and Haitangbo, did not hear where the sound came from.

But at this moment, the situation is like riding a tiger, and never being able to take it soft. Shen Sheng said: "Not bad!"

The lord needs this thing, and it is naturally smashed by the Iron League. Now the facts have been made, and any consequences and costs are worth bearing.

The voice said: "Very good, very good, great!"

A few good in a row, it’s awesome, and then I won’t hear anything.

Chu Yang faintly said: "The auction house is always the land of the Chu family, please leave a name."

This strange smile, said: "Since offended, it is possible to offend the end, this seat is the third ally of the Iron League, the greedy wolf of the third place is the ancient heart!"

Say a hand, laughed, and went to pay the money: "Kid, I heard that your kid is a doctor, medical skills are quite good? Unfortunately, it is not possible to look at men. The so-called doctors can not take care of themselves, the auction is finished. Look hurt, otherwise you can die, but I don’t even remind you! This time it is because you don’t respect your predecessors and give you a little lesson. If there is another time, I will kill you!”

"Thousands should not be, you should not encourage others to mock me!"

A strong air and quiet.

Chu Yang only felt a pain in his chest, a boring, his head was dizzy, and a "wow" spit out a blood.

This greedy wolf ancient heart Wu, actually started!

The reason is because of the ridicule of the people caused by Chu Yang’s ‘married’. He does not dare to offend so many people at the same time, but Chu Yang, who is the initiator of the singer, especially the ones with such weak strength, naturally will not have too much scruples.

As he said: Since you have already decided to sin, you may want to offend more thoroughly!

Chu Yang shook his body and giggled: "Iron League! Iron League!"

Another blood spurted out.

I hurriedly took a Jiu Dan, which only suppressed the injury.

Take a deep breath and instantly restore calm.

And the three men of the Iron League have gone without a trace.

Chu Yang haha ​​smiled, if nothing happened: "Now start auctioning the fourth lot, yin and yang poisonous longan pair! The auction method is as before, there is no reserve price, the price is high!"

Chu Yang’s tone is very calm. It seems that nothing has happened. It’s still as good as before. It’s still a long-sleeved dance that encourages the atmosphere.

But there are so many masters below, but my heart clearly feels a chill.

The average person has encountered such a thing, I am afraid that it has already been retired from the ground, but this guy has suffered such a big loss, and he can continue to host the auction so nothing.

Even a half-faced expression is not honoured.

This is a bit embarrassing.

Almost everyone raised such an idea: this Chu Yang, there must be a backhand!

Of course, if there is no backhand, there is no follow-up to this matter, then it means that the mysterious guest may not exist. Then, Chu Yang is just a person with a very thick face and no character...

And see how the development of this matter has progressed.

The tiger brother in the side of the quiet room, roared in the mouth, and chased out silently.

Since there is courage to cause trouble, there must be an awareness of the consequences, but the cost of the consequences of the loan may not be affordable for everyone!

that is it!

Later, the man stared at Chu Yang, with a smile on his lips, muttering: "Interesting, interesting. Very interesting kid!"

Immediately, he suddenly disappeared.

In the crowded field, an empty chair appeared quietly.

No one found out when this person came, and no one found out when this person was going.

Haishubo Chuanyin Snow Fairy: "What will happen to the fairy?"

Xue Xianzi smiled faintly: "Between the two. But no matter what, this Chuyang can not be underestimated, as long as there is a certain space for development, time, this is not a thing in the pool."

Haibo wave nodded in agreement.

The man has his own pride and blood.

It is not easy for Chu Yang to endure now. If he can stretch, then it will become more and more precious at this moment!

"The elders of the sea, I have a hunch." Xue Xianzi said faintly: "Iron League... This time it is really kicking the iron plate, I am afraid that it will be bad."

Haishu wave smiles: "I also feel the same, arrogant for a long time, once lost, fairness is not in the hearts of the people, right and wrong, right!"

The next auction process was all very smooth.

The fourth auction item, Yin Yang Duan Long, Chu Yang shot out 500,000 Zixia coins. And the next Amethyst soul, is the super high price of two million purple xia coins, photographed for the red dust like Meng Xuan.

As for the last piece of Tianxingmu, it fell into the hands of Lingqimen Haibobo at a price of 1.3 million.

Chu Yang also really learned: In this nine-folded Scorpio, it really only recognizes strength, regardless of right and wrong.

If it is about value, practicality; Tianxingmu is undoubtedly more precious than the soul of Amethyst; but the auction price of Amethyst Soul is higher than that of Tianxingmu!

Even even the piece of amethyst chalcedony, if there is no iron-and-blood alliance to insert a bar, the transaction price is only afraid to force Tianxingmu!

Although it was a little bit of a mid-section, Chu Yang was still very satisfied with the results of this auction.

Even with the war of the Iron League, the total amount of Zixia coins obtained from this auction is still close to 6 million Zixia coins! !

This huge amount of wealth can make him develop calmly in the nine heavens. Even if he raises tens of thousands of people, he can ensure that he will not eat and drink in a hundred years! Of course, the extravagant cultivation of the heavenly treasure is not counted.

Close to the field, Chu Yang received 17 and eight shares at the same time.

These people are hoping to talk to Chu Yang after the auction.

Among them, it includes the two top figures of the Red Dust, such as Meng Xuan and Ling Yu Men.

People with high eyesight are not the only two of them.

There are many other people who have also seen the qualifications of the two teenagers.

For such a genius, naturally no one does not want it.

Chu Yang’s eyes turned, the joy was full, and the face was twilight, muttering: “So many high-ranking people come to me, why?”

The speaker is not unintentional, and the listener is more interested.


The second wave of updates began in the afternoon. I have been working overtime since now, and I have been writing until 6 o'clock in the afternoon, no matter how many times I write it all the time! Then go out for a drink! (To be continued. Please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better and faster!)

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