Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 140: why are you? [A proud birthday fifth! 】

Chu Yang’s voice is very low, but what are the people present at the scene? Even if it is a thousand times lower, it can be heard clearly!

Everyone who has the same idea is a move in his heart, and then he is worried. When he looks at each other, he knows that there are so many people who have the same ideas as themselves.

Even when the two geniuses were discovered before, everyone expects to be only eye-catching, to see the talents, and to be lucky, but the fact is so cruel, if you have a glance, don’t let others have eye-catching eyes? !

Now, the wolf is less fleshy and it is really embarrassing.

Haishu Bohodi stood up and said loudly: "Lingyumen's elders, Haibo, have asked Chu brothers to talk about it, how do Chu brothers think?"

Haishubo’s high-profile appearance, other small and medium-sized sects suddenly sighed and completely died down.

With such a behemoth, what are you fighting for? Do you dare to fight? !

Of course, there are also some big factions who have not given up on this and have made requests. We are really not as good as you, but we are not weak. Besides, the conditions we have promised may not be worse than yours.

"Red dust is like Mengxuan; Cangwu Lingshan is snowing, and the elders of the sea are talking with the Chu brothers at the same time. I don't know what the Chu brothers mean?" Since the two sides have decided to alliance, Xue Xianzi naturally wants to help the sea.

What's more, she still needs to figure out the identity of Chu Yang, how to come out.

This out of the snow fairy, the other major gates have been squandered, and no longer dare to make a second.

If it is only one sea wave, we still have some confidence to fight for a fight, but at the moment, the red dust is like a dream, but it still shows its position.

Although everyone is unwilling, they can only swallow their voices.

At the same time, the last two giants, the decision is not a joke!

Chu Yang smiled and opened the flower, said: "There are two seniors, and I will meet later."

Everything is under control, everything is as planned, everything is like it!


"Chu Shen medicine is really a supernatural power. It has just been broken and the sky has come up for a few days. But it has already smashed a big family business in Zixia City. It has also been favored by the masters of this place. Now it has changed and changed. The Tianbing auction hall owner, in the first auction transaction, set an amazing record. The rare treasures displayed are even more eye-opening. This achievement is believed to be even more impressive than ever before.

Haiyan wave looks sly and sly, smiling at the New Year's greetings, but in a few words, Chu Yang's bottom is down.

This is naturally not surprising. With the status and power of Haibo, it is easy to find out the details of Chuyang. It is not easy to talk to him. As long as one looks, naturally there are a lot of people who investigate everything. Clearly clear, and finally summed up to him.

"As a newcomer to the scorpio, I am able to achieve such an achievement. I am admired by the old heart. However, there is one thing that is quite puzzling in the old age. I hope that the little brothers will be confused." Haiyan waved his beard and said: " In truth, this auction should never fall in the hands of your little brother."

Haishubo’s eyes in the eye sockets are shining sharply. It’s faint: “There are quite a few auction halls that are qualified for this nine-day sky. In this Zixia City, it’s enough to find hundreds of... Is it you? And you...have not even experienced an auction before!"

A glimpse of Chuyang.

The elders of the sea have become too quick to change their faces. The previous sentence is still praised for being young and promising. The latter sentence becomes the question of the red fruit.

However, this sentence is very reasonable.

Even if the mysterious people who took out these few treasures are really inconvenient to come forward and ask for anything, but when it comes to choice, even if there are more than 10,000 rounds, it will not be able to turn to Chu Yang. However, such a big day. The good thing is falling in his hands? What is the reason? !

Chu Yang asks if he is changing to himself, he also wants to ask, and he will also ask questions like this!

When asked, it is not only the key to the problem, but also the opportunity of Chu Yang Gu to talk about it. Even the time to think about other answers is not enough. It must be answered positively. In this way, the chance of a real answer is naturally The highest, even if it is not a complete real answer, is bound to be close to the real answer!

One side of the snow fairy has a beautiful look at Chu Yang, apparently waiting for the answer to this question.

why are you?

why me?

At this moment, this question naturally cannot be answered.

However, this question is not really easy to answer!

Because once an answer is not good, all the things that Chu Yang did before are all in the east, and even a great crisis is coming!

"This thing... is indeed another hidden thing." Chu Yang was in a heart, said: "The sea elders ask directly, I simply explain the beginning and the end, everyone is a part of the East Emperor, this auction is actually It’s someone who cares. And, from the needle.”

"Someone is waiting for it? Leading the needle?" Haibo wave smiled and said: "But I don't know who the person is? Where is it now? The old man is here to listen."

"Hai Lao, Snow Fairy, I will say that things may be more common sense, but they are personally encountered. Whether the two believe it or not, the truth is! I will talk in my head, I hope the two will not be surprised!" Chu Yang said sincerely

"The little brothers can come together one by one. I believe that the younger brothers will not make a big foolment and fool me! I want to be ruined by the countless years of the old and the snow fairy. How can we not tell the truth and truth!" The elders of the sea are screaming, but the sound of the sound is looming.

"Things are like this... Some time ago, I was here to drop a patient from the sky. It was really a person falling from the sky..." Chu Yang showed a very embarrassed expression, pointing to the sky.

Snow Fairy and Haishu wave looked at each other and nodded.

From the sky, the patient came to the incident. The matter came from abruptly. The people who knew it were extremely rare, but they were not completely unknown. The two men had already learned that there was such a thing in Chuyang. Strange things.

In fact, any strange information within one year of Zixia City has been collected by these two major gates. At the moment, it is a remnant of the soul of the town. Any trace of clues may be of great use. Information is naturally ranked first. Bit.

Therefore, the ordinary person who ‘drops in the sky’ sounds absolutely unbelievable. In the ears of these two people, it is taken for granted.

"The younger generation had a little experience in medical treatment. In the spirit of the medical practitioner, he rescued the patient with great help. He was rescued by this patient. It was this patient who recovered after a period of recuperation and introduced me to this sale... ..." Chu Yang said, giving people a subtle feeling of great reservation.

But one thing is certain: this patient will definitely not be an ordinary person!

Hai Yanbo’s face was serious and he asked softly: “Who is this patient, dare to ask? Where is it now?”

Chu Yang frowned: "In fact, I don't know his identity until he left, and he didn't mention it."

Speaking, suddenly suddenly realized that he said: "Yes, he left me a piece of jade when he left."

“Jade?” asked Haibobo and Xuexianzi at the same time.

"Yes." Chu Yang reached out and said: "I don't know his identity, but this jade is a very good thing."

The voice has not fallen, and the hand has been extended.

In his palm, there is a piece of jade, this piece of jade is crystal clear and green, looks cute. Yupei, who is like a mountain, has never returned since he gave Chuyang. At this moment, it was just for him to take out the tiger skin and make a big banner.

Haiyan wave reached out and saw it on the surface of Yupei. Two large characters were carved: "Oath!"

"Vows!" Snow Fairy spit a long breath. The look of both the sea and the sea wave is dignified.

On the back of Yu Pei, there are eight words: "The gentleman vows, the foundation!"

There are five small characters on the side: one word is like a mountain!

At the bottom, it is a symbol that is almost indistinguishable, very vague.

But the face of the sea bream and the snow fairy who saw the special symbol changed instantly.

Obviously, I saw the five words and the symbol of ‘a word is like a mountain.’ Two people already know who this patient is and why?

It turned out to be him!

It turned out to be him!

However, how could the first general of the vowed division be seriously injured? It actually fell from the sky. It fell to the remote location of Zixia City...

The sea bream and the snow fairy face each other, they feel a little ridiculous and puzzling.

To put it bluntly, if the two are in accordance with their own cultivation, they are all higher than words, and in the case of Snow Fairy, they are even more than ever.

The two people are not only prominent in their respective Zongmen status, but even in the entire Nine Heavens, they are also able to rank high.

However, it is an official person!

That is to say, in comparison with the main city of Zixiacheng Wencheng, although he is also an official person, although the sea elders will give him some face, he may not really take him seriously. If it is really important, he will absolutely ignore it. ,

But if the object is like a mountain, the two are not the same, it is totally different.

Because the words are like the official, but also the first general of the vows. This identity is close to the center. As a word, if necessary, it can definitely be passed into the ears of His Majesty the Emperor.

This can be serious!

This heavy identity is enough to make the two people pay more attention to thousands of times!

Unexpectedly, I was actually in the early days and introduced the mysterious guest?

Does that mean that this person is actually an official person?

The two thought of this, the heart suddenly appeared a few strange feelings.


With two nights, I really felt that I was old. I have been doing this for three consecutive years, but now it is only two days, that is, a burst of dizziness... (To be continued. Please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated Faster!)

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