Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 141: Willingly [Auspicious birthday sixth! 】

In the time of the conversation in the auction hall, something happened outside.

After the amethyst was successfully photographed by the rogue method, the iron confession of the three ally greed and the ancient heart Wu did not stop, but chose to leave immediately.

In order to get this amethyst chalcedony, the Iron League in this auction site can be said to have become a street mouse, the target of the public. Those super sects are not shot now, but they don't mean they won't be shot after the auction ends! Once you shoot, you can't eat and walk.

Therefore, Gu Xinwu left here the first time.

At the moment, the remaining three auction items are attracting everyone's attention and giving the ancient heart Wu to make an opportunity.

In fact, Gu Xinwu just shot on Chuyang. He originally intended to give him a slap. Even if Chu Yang didn't die, he was afraid of being seriously injured. However, at the moment of the shot, Gu Xinwu changed his mind. There is a good embarrassment, even if it is seriously injured, the auction will be interrupted immediately. At that time, I may not be able to go, so I will only be able to take advantage of it, only Chu Yang suffered a lot of internal injuries.

No matter how good or how perfect it is, there is no change. The amethyst chalcedony must be sent back in the first place. If the big co-owner can use this amethyst chalcedony to break through the barrier of the heavenly human peak, then the overall strength of the iron-and-blood alliance can be further advanced. In other words, there is no need to fear anything in the future!

However, as the ancient minds thought, the plan did not change quickly!

He had just arrived at a corner, and the next time he returned to the Golden House, a blue figure suddenly appeared in front of him.

"Is this going?" The man's beard fluttered and smiled at him: "How? Fear?"

On the roof, a Dongdong, which looks like a little white cat, squats quietly.

I took a test, this person seems to be very powerful, the tiger is now repaired as not yet fully recovered, it seems that this is not the opponent of this person!

"Who is you?" asked the ancient police officer. Although he had not seen the depth of his opponent, he had already told him that the people in front of him were extremely powerful.

"Well, I am who you are not worth asking. You just need to know, I am very dissatisfied with you. In addition, I still like the piece of Amethyst chalcedony!" Tsing Yi old man standing in the fluttering, leisurely Said.

This person's rhetoric is very straightforward, and the position of opposition to each other is already clear, and there is no room for relaxation!

"Do you like it?" The ancient heart whispered in the eyes of the gods: "There are more people who like this chalcedony. How do you like it? Amethyst chalcedony is here, it depends on you. No such thing can be taken!"

The ancient heart Wu has already repaired himself to the top, and since it is destined to be impossible to solve peacefully, he has to put everything on force to solve it!

Tsing Yi’s old man nodded in agreement and said with amazement: “This sentence is really very reasonable...”

Suddenly the body floated, and one hand was set to extend forward.

Looking at this posture, it is actually to hold the neck of the ancient heart.

Gu Xinwu almost laughed out: This goods, will not be looking for death? Such a crude means also loses his hand, and he is too overestimating the strength of his predecessors, but that’s it!

This thought has just flashed, but then it is endless. Even the other two companions around him are shocking!

Because the three of them found at the same time: the moment the old man shot in front of him, all the space and air around him became a strict and inseparable whole.

Three people can't move if they move.

Even the blink of an eye can't do it!

I could only watch the wide right palm in front of me, and stretched it out at a very slow, slow, and slow speed. Then, I grasped the neck of the ancient heart with ease. .

Immediately, the ancient heart Wu was smashed by the man with one hand, and his feet were off the ground. The ancient heart Wu of this meeting is more like a dried salted fish.

The old man in Tsing Yi sighed with the ancient heart and sighed: "To tell the truth, I really don't want to rob you, so now I will give you a chance, you give me the amethyst chalcedony. The robbery does not do the old man." But others willingly give it to me, but it is another matter."

Gu Xinwu squinted with anger and anger, and his legs kicked helplessly in the air. If you can't move, and you don't dare to move, you will almost spit out a blood.

Are you still robbery?

Willingly give it to you?

This...the shameless degree of this statement is really the ultimate!

"Would you like to give it to me? Why don't you talk? Is it acquiescence?" asked the old man in Tsing Yi and his amiable. Said, relaxed control of the three.

Gu Xinwu’s feet fell to the ground again, and the big mouth was gasping. The feeling of complete suffocation just made him almost collapse. But the fierceness that has been cultivated for a long time is deep-rooted and screaming: "Give it to you, what are you..."

When the words were not finished, the old man reached out and grabbed his neck again and again.

Then, uh...

A burst of urgency like a gust of wind and rain suddenly sounded.

The head of the ancient heart Wu swayed back and forth with the palm of the hand, very rhythmic, crisp and sweet.

Then, the old man put him down, one hand screwed his neck, a little effort!


The ancient heart Wu found that his face was facing the whole.

The head has rotated at least one hundred and eighty degrees!

Gu Xinwu did what most people in the world couldn't do: because he really saw his back from a positive angle, and even saw his **** clearly!

"Now are you willing to give it to me?" Tsing Yi old man whispered: "I am a man who knows the law, and is a good law-abiding person. I will never break the law. I never steal or rob, really."

Gu Xinwu almost cried out.

What's happening here? !

How come you encounter such a metamorphosis? Who is this in the end?

My head is still facing backwards...

Huh? After my head is clearly twisted, why don't I die?

"Reassure, you can't die for the time being, how can I kill people casually?" Tsing Yi's old man said with kindness: "Hey, I ask you something, you replied to me quickly, I am old, and I have poor patience." ”

Gu Xinwu finally collapsed completely: "I, I, I... I will give it to you..."

The Tsing Yi old man sighed and said: "Really? Is it true? Don't be stubborn!"

Gu Xinwu nodded again and again: "Really! Really! Not reluctant, not reluctant!" He was surprised to find that his head was twisted directly, but he could nod!

Lying in the trough, this is really... a miracle that cannot be said...

"Well, do you mean that you are willing to give it to me? Is that true?" Tsing Yi old man said with anxiety: "I don't want you to be a little bit stubborn, really!"

The ancient heart sheds tears, and when you meet such a person, you can't cry.

You kept me in control, so I couldn't move it; first hit a meal, twisted my neck directly, and said that I didn't want to force me...

It’s so amazing when it’s swollen!

Boss, don't bring such a play!

"I... I am willing to give it to you, really..." Gu Xinwu said with tears.

"Oh, since it is willing, what are you crying? Is it touched?" Tsing Yi’s old man said with dissatisfaction: "You said that you are so big, you will not do anything at all, even a smile that will not laugh." ?"

Gu Xinwu quickly revealed a smile that was more ugly than crying: "I really want to give you you..."

"The smile is not qualified! The old man is very mindful! The old man does not accept!" Tsing Yi old man said seriously.

Gu Xinwu is very eager to die.

You are coming to rob, but actually come back: the old man does not accept!

Follow me on the rush to give you the general.

The old man angered, "You make my heart very awkward. It seems like I forced you to... I have to adjust it again, smile more kindly, and be a little warmer, warmer... warmth is not necessary."

"I..." What Gu Xinwu wants to do most is to cry and cry.

In this case, I am okay, warm and friendly, can I get it?

Do you want to play with me?

"Forehead, forgot, you are still facing backwards." The old man said faintly.


The heart of Gu Xinwu was screwed again, and it turned back to the front and returned to its original position.

Amount, not right, not to restore the original position, because just screwed it over, it is screwed to the right, now screw it back, or screw it to the right. In other words, the whole neck of Gu Xinwu was twisted in a circle, a full three hundred and sixty degrees.

Then I went back to the original position. Well, it's posture, not position. Now the heart of the ancient heart, showing a standard twist shape. It seems to be a broken fritter...

"Hurry up and laugh as I said, then I said very sincerely, I am willing to give it to me, don't waste my time, do you think everyone is so free with you? Hurry!" Tsing Yi old man dissatisfied.

Gu Xinwu closed his eyes and resisted the urge to burst into tears. He barely brewed his emotions, and then showed a charming smile like a pug on the swollen face of a pig: "Predecessor, this amethyst jade My heart, I will give it to you with sincerity. A little bit of my heart, not respect, I don’t want to dislike the seniors..."

The Tsing Yi old man said: "How can I not be willing? Do you force me? Repeat it again, and with the words of willingness, I am not robbing you..."

Gu Xinwu has completely collapsed, re-emphasizing a charming smile and nodding his head: "Predecessors, this amethyst chalcedony, I am willing to give you the elderly..."

"Well, this is like a word!" The old man in Tsing Yi was satisfied with the amethyst and the chalcedony from the ancient heart, turned and went, but turned back: "Right, do you think I am bullying you??"

The ancient heart shed tears: "No! Absolutely not!"

"Well, then I haven't forced you?"

"Absolutely not! Absolutely not!"


The seventh chapter is still a thousand words... I continue to work hard! (To be continued. Please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better and faster!)

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