Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 142: Can you see me? [Auspicious birthday seventh! 】

"No, just in the world, there are still many good people..." The old man in Tsing Yi lamented: "When I walked out for a lap, someone would be willing to give me a piece of amethyst chalcedony of more than 1,700 kilograms... this young man There is a future."

The ancient heart Wu really wants to spit on the face of this shameless person. Go out for a lap? Willing to send you? There are so many good people, no one gives them to me...

The heart of the ancient heart is crying.

The old man said that he turned around and left.

"Predecessors!" The ancient heart Wudang anxiously, hurriedly shouted.

"What?" Tsing Yi old man turned and frowned.

"My neck..." Gu Xinwu pointed at his twisted neck and tears flowed. My neck has been twisted a bit... You don’t want to give me back to the past...

"Have your neck smashed?" Tsing Yi old man looked at him in amazement: "This standard twist shape is not available to others... you slammed? Blame your father for giving you a standard?"

"No, no..." The ancient heart Wushu went all the way: "Also ask the seniors to give in."

"There is no way!" Tsing Yi old man flashed.

Snapped! A crisp and loud sound.

The tiger brother on the roof can bet: this loud sound can definitely spread throughout the city, and it sounds ten miles!

A quick and very slap in the face, crisp and sturdy, squatting on the face of Gu Xinwu. This slap is to the left. The heart of Gu Xinwu is like a ball hanging from the line and slamming out.

His neck was actually taken up at this moment, and it seemed that there was an infinite stretch of elasticity and a straight line. With his head in the air, he slid into the air.

However, the old man in front of Tsing Yi has disappeared at this moment.

Until now, the ancient heart Wu has finally issued a heartbreaking horrible!

Just now, regardless of the shackles or the neck, the whole process, he actually did not feel a little bit of pain. Until now, the pain that had accumulated before was burst out of the brain, and tears flowed and pains.

However, I have to say that the neck of Gu Xinwu was originally just like a normal person, but after that, it turned directly into a giraffe. His height was actually raised by half a foot!

There was a sigh in the air: "At this age, it’s still a long time... It’s really late."

It’s really late to develop...

The ancient heart wu screamed and screamed, and died...

The two masters around did not dare to scream, pale face and back to the ancient heart Wu, a smog disappeared ... ancient heart Wu sad reminder!

He has thought that the other party is coming to robbery. However, he did not think that he suffered such a bad luck, only because he had offended Chu Yang!

The tiger brother on the roof looked at the eyes and took a pump.

This old man... really...strong! It’s just a strong endless... Even if the tiger brother is repaired, I’m afraid I can’t stand a hand, it seems like this is too high, right?

Just, who is this old man?

This will not know anyone.

Since Gu Xinwu has already been taught, Tiger Brothers do not want to take any more risks. I was about to turn back and suddenly screamed and widened my eyes.

The amethyst chalcedony, which has been taken away by the old man, does not know when it is placed behind his buttocks, emitting a sparkling purple light.

This old man tossed the willingness of the people to send out the amethyst chalcedony, actually did not want!

Lost behind your ass? What is going on here?

Tiger brother blinked and only felt more confused.

Regardless of who the old man is, it seems that his real purpose is just to learn from the ancient heart and not want this piece of amethyst.

In addition, the old man actually found himself long ago, but also saw that he came because of the amethyst energy... So he put the amethyst chalcedony on his side...

The tiger brother was confused for a while, and then he waved his head: "No matter who it is, but the amethyst chalcedony is a good thing..." Looking at the amethyst chalcedony in front of him, the tiger brother is really awkward.

Would you like to return to Chu Yang? Or are you directly full of private pockets?

Hey, he has already sold it anyway, now someone else has given me a drop!

Doesn't that mean that I dripped?

Tiger brother thinks so, feels refreshed, and has a good mouth, wow! Four paws clinging to the amethyst chalcedony, oh... a mist of mist.

Only a moment, the whole piece of amethyst chalcedony has completely disappeared, leaving only a gray powder.

The tiger brother wiped his mouth and the satisfaction disappeared.

After it disappeared, the old man of Tsing Yi flashed from the air and landed in the position of the tiger brother. He frowned and meditated: "What kind of beast is this? How can I even never see it?" was really fun...and I meant to let this guy bring the amethyst chalcedony back, this guy actually ate the amethyst chalcedony..."

Tiger brothers will be wrong in their wishful thinking.

People are rushing back to give back to Chu Yang, after all, the ancient heart is strong to buy and sell. The old man is not willing to take advantage of this, so the kitten is tracked from Chuyang, let it take it back.

However, I did not expect that the tiger brother directly became a non-owner, and he ate it with lightning speed.


In the auction hall.

Haitang wave is sitting on some wax.

"Since it is him...the introduction, then this sale will naturally not be a problem. We will not ask more. It will make sense for the generals to do it." Haibo wave is awkward, ask and ask, finally Actually asked the official body to go ... It was like a punch of his own strength, but hit a mountain that could not shake.

The official residence of Donghuangtian, but has always been jealous of such things.

At this point, Chu Yang’s heart was relieved.

Staged battles, won!

As long as the two people believe, basically it means that everyone believes. Moreover, from now on, no one will dare to come to the trouble in this auction hall. Well, at least for the time being, no one will come to trouble.

I don’t blame Chu Yang for being so cautious and step by step. It’s really an empty shell now. It’s really nothing in my heart...

"Well, I would like to thank the Chu doctor for telling me honestly. I will wait for my doubts in my heart. It’s just that the old and the snow fairy have seen the doctor. In fact, there is another thing I want to discuss with the Chu **** doctor..." Haishu wave sighed.

In the tone, in addition to restoring the previous peace, more careful.

Originally thought that this incident is just a sigh, if Chu Yang does not know each other, and does not agree, then it is no big deal to forcefully take people away. But now it seems that forcibly taking away such a thing obviously does not work.

If you don’t say anything else, if you know that you are savior to him by tough means, you will not let go.

In terms of the official power represented by the mountains, even if it is just the influence of the mountains, even if it is a sea wave, it is necessary to measure the quantity. It may not be provoked. The most important thing is that it is not worthwhile to attract such a force. .

Chu Yangdao: "Predecessors are too polite, dare to ask the seniors to discuss anything? Please say that, as long as the ability of the younger generation is within the scope of the younger generation, never let the seniors disappoint."

Well, the second wave of staged battles started, and a big fish will see it on the hook...

Chu Yang’s mouth is respectful and his face is supple; but his heart seems to be seeing the mood of a fisherman who has swallowed the bait.

I am killing you!

Haishu wave meditates and decides to be honest and honest. Shen Sheng said: "In the course of the auction, there were two white teenagers holding swords on the stage... The two teenagers, old and want to be accepted as disciples, I don’t know Chu Cut love!?"

In the eyes of Chu Yang, there was an unusually bright brilliance. "That is a disciple? The predecessor means that they should be paid to the door wall of Lingxiaomen?"

"Amount, yes, that's it." Haishubo was a little surprised, this Chu **** doctor is so excited? However, no matter what, it looks like it is not as unwilling!

The elders of the sea are now very likely to suffer from the loss. I am afraid that Chu Yang’s refusal will make him a dilemma and there is no choice.

Chu Yang's face is full of enthusiasm, hehe smiled: "This ... Hai Lao, since you have a green eye, they are fancy, they are naturally their blessings, just... since they want to accept disciples, then collect more Anyway?"

Haishu’s subconscious mind: “Yes, it’s true. It’s okay to have qualifications. If it’s too bad...” What’s wrong with this guy? Why can't you see what he is going to do, what is the situation...

"Haha, that's good, great." Chu Yang eagerly said: "Hai Lao, you see my qualifications are also okay, can you also worship the Lingmenmen door wall?"

"You?" Haibo wave self-recommended to Chu Yang, a sudden Mao, and he did not expect that Chu Yang would suddenly come to such a statement. Although he had known about the origin of Chu Yang and a series of recent experiences. But there is no intuitive impression of Chu Yang’s own strength and qualifications, until now, no

Have a close look at his qualifications.

The elders of the sea were free to see, but they saw that there was not a strong aura in the body of Chu Dashen. In a rough judgment, this person’s qualifications were only limited and tight; if they were in peacetime, they directly refused, but now they are asking for People, in any case, can not directly refuse, frowning: "Chu Shen doctor so value this door, but it is the honor of this door, please God doctors reach out, I see if your qualification is suitable..."

Mind, if it is okay, it is good to earn Lingxiaomen. At least it can bring two geniuses. This sale is not a loss. Even if it is rubbish, I also recognize that at least this Chu Shen doctor is still a mountain. The savior is very useful. What's more, there is a good medical skill in it... Well, the special widow is sick.

Chu Yang happily reached out: "Hai Lao, you can watch it well. In the following time, many people said that I am a genius in genius! The cultivation speed is amazing! If you earn me a bonus, I will definitely be able to The door is full of glory..."

When I didn’t finish the talk, I saw that the face of the sea was waved according to my wrist.

This chapter, make up more. (To be continued. Please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better and faster!)

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