Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 208: With the monarchy, the fifth is more! 】

It doesn't matter how the appearance of Chu Yang is different. As long as Chu Yang comes back again, everything else is not important!

Surprisingly, Chu Yang did not answer Mo Qing dance, but only looked at her affectionately, looking at her unusually. Full of love and disappointment, and embarrassment.

"Chuyang, what's wrong with you? Is there something wrong? You..." The sound of the instinct of Mo Qingwu is not right. When you look closely, you find that Chu Yang is bloody, and there seems to be blood falling on his body. .

That is Chu Yang's own blood, Chu Yang injured? !

"Who hurts you?" Mo Mowu, who discovered this point, was so heartbroken that she was so painful that she was hurting herself. She stepped forward and wanted to hug Chuyang.

However, Chu Yang shook his head slightly, stepped back and avoided the light dance.

"Light dance, sorry, I am really sorry." Chu Yang's voice is full of affection and embarrassment.

"No, no, you are sorry for me. Tell me, what's wrong with you? What's wrong with you? Tell me!" Mo light dances quickly, but Chu Yang is always three feet away from her. Clearly separated by a rule, it is as difficult as the end of the world.

It was so floating, so looking at her affectionately.

"I'm sorry, I am really sorry..." Chu Yang said gently: "Light dance, you can know how much I like you... When you died for me, my heart hurts, the wind and thunder battle, When I was dead, I had completely repented. The most precious thing in the world is you, and I have already lost you."

"At that time, I made a vow, if there is an afterlife, I will dance with the world."

"I swear, if there is an afterlife, I only love you, I only like you, you are my destined wife..."

Chu Yang said slowly.

Mo light dance only feels the pain of the heart, some panic seems to be the most beautiful thing in his life is going away from himself: "No... don't say it, I understand, I only want you, Chu Yang, nothing else. It doesn't matter, it's just hello, it doesn't matter. ······I am very satisfied now, really, really satisfied, light dance with gentleman, no regrets in my life...”

"No, I want to say, let me finish..." Chu Yang eyes on her face, slowly shaking her head: "Since I lived this life, I made up my mind, I want to protect you, do my best. Power to protect you, I want to reverse your destiny, go against the sky, and accompany you all your life, never give up.

"I want to be married with you, and I will be together forever."

"But later, I did not abide by this vow and repeated the vows again and again... Sorry, I said that I will not let you sad, but I did not."

"Take the sky, the day was an accident. I didn't even know that she was actually a daughter. On the same day, I was in the aphrodisiac. When I died, she saved me and saved me with the innocence of my daughter's house.... Then, I also gave birth to a son for me, she can't..."

"Qian Qian has a deep affection for me. I have never accepted it; just because you only want to give me the most complete and complete one, but I didn't even think about it. I have already owed too much to others. Too much……"

"When the last three days, Qianqian died to save me, my heart was shaken again...··························································································· I think I can make excuses for myself." Chu Yang smiled gently, smiled, had deep feelings, had helplessness, but no regrets.

"After then, I knew more about the things that make up the sky. I am even more confused. She, I can't live up to it."

"I have to shoulder the responsibility of being a man, I must be able to live against you. It is unfair to you. It is the responsibility of the husband and the father, but it is not because of you..." The vows and promises to you before the death of the previous life can not bear the most basic responsibility for them.... It is also unfair..."

"My final decision is to violate the oath..." I can't help you."

"I used to think that I used my life to make up for your apology and make up for regrets. I also decided... I want to make you happy anyway... but I am afraid I can’t do it now, I have again violated the oath. , my integrity, is it very bad?······”

Mo light dances and tears flow down: "I know, Chu Yang, I really know... I know everything, although I am angry, I have been with you before, but I am really angry." I don't blame you... I cherish our two loves more than anyone... Chu Yang, please believe me, I really haven't blamed you, your sincerity is very good, I have always been convinced. ·····”

"I know ······" Chu Yang happy sigh, some embarrassed said: "I really know ... more sorry is that I can not even give you the most basic happiness, I am a man It’s really bad, I want to disappoint you...·····

Mo light danced and shook a bit, suddenly felt the heart piece fragmented: "You..." What happened? What happened?"

"The matter is suddenly, the sky is caught by people... I want to save her. But the enemy is really strong, strong enough to exceed my ability limit, make up the sky, I use the prohibition that I can never use, I Doomed to live! Come here..."

Chu Yang smiled and said: "Light dance, don't blame the sky, make up the sky is my woman, light dance, I can do anything for you...··········································· Yes... I just hope you don't blame me."

"Don't be angry with me." Chu Yang smiled, looked at her with deep affection, and slowly flew back, the speed increased: "Light dance ····· in the days to come, you To take care, be sure to take care."

"You don't want to leave, don't leave me!" Mo light dance screams, tears like a fountain overflowing: "Chuyang, you don't want to go, I will listen to you later, I will not be angry with you, I... ...I... I can accept everything, just ask you not to go! Don't go!"

"Too late..." Chu Yang's **** body is slowly blurred, his eyes still smile deeply: "Light dance ····· I really like you, I love you in my life...····· ”

"Don't go... you are a liar! You said that you have to accompany me forever! You said you want to marry me! You said, you solemnly promised!····· ·"

Mo light dance crazy chasing: "If you dare to go, I will not forgive you forever! I will not forgive you in my life! You can't leave me alone! Don't go!"

"Light dance ······You take care!" Chu Yang's body is like the same stream of light, in the blink of an eye has disappeared thousands of miles away: "light dance ····· my favorite person... take care ·······”

Yu Yinying, still echoing in the ear, but the figure of Chu Yang has completely disappeared.

"Cheat! You liar! Hey... If you dare to go, I will die for you! You can't leave me alone!" Mo-Meng dances crazy and screams: "Chuyang······ Don't you go..."

Suddenly woke up, but found that his master is watching himself with concern: "Light dance, you wake up... What happened? Do you have a nightmare?"

Mo light dances and looks around, but finds himself lying in bed, it turned out to be a dream, a nightmare.

But how can this dream be so real? I don’t want to think about it at all, but all the circumstances are vivid, but it’s not forgotten.

The feeling in the dream is completely brought into reality.

His own tears are still falling, the pain of the heart is still continuing, still fearing, desperate...

What happened to me? How could this be?

"How are you doing well but suddenly falling down? Can you be injured?" The middle-aged woman was worried about watching Mo.

Mo light danced and snorted and gasped, suddenly jumped up: "Master, I want to go out."

"Go out? Where are you going?" The middle-aged woman was puzzled for a while. ,

The body that Mo Qingwu was flying out suddenly suddenly stopped, and it was awkward.

Yes, where do I go?

Where is Chu Yang? I don't know at all.

How to find him? Where are you going to find him?

Heaven and earth, in the vast and boundless nine heavens, want to find a newcomer who just flew up soon, what is different in the haystack!

Mo light dance looked around, only feeling that there was only oneself between the heavens and the earth. Suddenly, the atrium was inexplicably cramped again. "Wow," a spurt of blood, called: "Chuyang, don't want to go... ”

The body fell straight and fell.

As long as you don't die, as long as you don't leave, I will give my life to heaven!

What if you change your life? !

Chu Yang, don't go, don't die...

Mo light dances in a coma, the body is constantly twitching, constantly silently calling, calling the person on the side of the heart...

What happened to you?


Small courtyard!

The purple evil was shocked, and suddenly it was a mess.

In the midst of it, there seems to be someone talking, but it is so vague.

can not see clearly.

She cursed her eyes and wanted to see clearly. She wanted to think and understand, but there seemed to be a mist in front of her eyes, covering her eyes and covering her heart.

In the heart, it hurts intensely. The purple evil sighed, bent down, grabbed the chest, and the panicked look in her eyes, she found that her heart was completely chaotic.

How is this going?

Suddenly, she remembered one thing. At this time, she was inexplicable-thinking of Chu Yang, remembering the poem she left when she left.

The wind and the clouds are high and hidden, and they are alone in the world: if the clouds meet, see Jun Jiangnan sweeping the flowers!

Suddenly, my heart twitched: "What happened?"

A voice said softly: "Flowers are like dreams, dreams are illusory; red dust is flashy, dreams are falling; purple big sister, take care..."

In the sea of ​​thought, the shadow of Chu Yang quickly went away.

The black clothes fluttered and turned into a black cloud on the horizon, which disappeared without a trace.

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