Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 209: And let the enmity first be happy, why not fear that life will not come back? !

A strong ominous sign, shrouded in the heart of the purple evil, she upset and walked back and forth in the yard, the more I thought about it, the more I was confused, I didn’t have a clue.

A white boy suddenly rushed in: "Zi girl, what happened?"

The purple evil wrinkled his eyebrows and said: "What happened to Jiuzhong Tianzhu during this time?"

The white-haired boy scratched his head and said, "Where did something happen? Nothing..."

Purple evil said impatiently: "That, the last time I asked you to check, did you find out?"

"No..." The white boy is a little embarrassed.

But if the words have not been finished, they will be kicked out by the purple evil.

Although the temper of the purple evil is a bit violent, it is usually very convergent. At the moment, I don’t know how, suddenly I can’t restrain myself from anger: “You can’t even find a person, what kind of demon prince?”

The young boy in the white dress, the second monk, couldn’t touch his mind. He was just trying to defend himself. But he saw the purple evil feelings and ignored him. He just meditated and muttered: "What happened to you? What happened to you?······"

The next three days. In the palace!

The emperor Tie Yang suddenly looked up suddenly, and his eyes were deeply saddened: "What happened? What happened? Why?!!"

Suddenly he felt his infinite loneliness. He seemed to have lost his greatest refuge in this world and became an unaccompanied orphan!

"Don't leave me..." The little emperor suddenly burst into tears...·····

In other places in the Nine Heavens, the Nine Robbers, no matter what they are doing, suddenly neatly awkward at this moment.

Mo Tianji threw out the fat of life, hurriedly calculated...

Everyone feels restless and infinitely misses Chu Yang.

what happened?

Hey, hey, hehe...

Chu Yang is still walking coldly, the footsteps are consistent, clear and audible; just like ordinary people walking.

His eyes are calm and the face is calm, with no fluctuations at all.

Just step by step.

However, Chu Yang at this moment is so horrible, just as the death of the human beings walking through the world, only endless death!

In the hands of Chu Yang, the nine-robbery sword is actually bloody. After each step, at least seven or eight ghost-spoken masters will splash blood and corpses, and the soul will be destroyed!

Brothers, I said that I want to create legends with you. Unfortunately, I have to take a step first.

You have to be good! You each have to create their own legends!

Chu Yang's gray eyes look to the front.

This will only have the last five people.

Five people, like the lambs to be slaughtered, looked terrified at Chu Yang's body; one of them was Yuan Datu.

Yuan Shitu is always the owner of Mo Yuntian. Even if this incident is caused by him, as long as his identity is still there, the ghosts must first ensure their safety, and they will exchange their lives. To do, this is the sorrow of the next person!

The other three are the three people who went to the Chu Family Courtyard.

The reason why they can live to this moment is their strength on the one hand, but their identity on the other. They are the highest-ranking people in Mo Yuntian’s trip and the strongest.

But at the moment, all three of these people are all face-to-face, with a sense of despair in their eyes.

Everyone else died as the culprit, at least as an accomplice. How could it be forgiven by the gods?

However, under the power of suppressing the heavens and the earth, the idea of ​​rebelling against it can not be born, and it can only be stunned!

This feeling makes people crazy!

In the desperate eyes of the three people, Chu Yang said nothing, striding forward with the sword falling, Jianguang flying, these three ghosts are the strongest masters of this trip, still no room for resistance, flying high In the neck cavity, the round blood column squirted fiercely. This horrible scene looked like a scalp scalp around the snow fairy sea wave.

These three people, but real masters, and even definitely not inferior to their own master!

But it is such three people, the masters of the three high hands, so killed without any resistance!

Even if you kill a chicken, you have to struggle. But now killing, but even the process of struggling is omitted!

And the sneaky scorpion is the other two super-four sects of Mo Yuntian. All of them are white-faced; thousands of people around them are controlling themselves and afraid to make any sound.

Even the breath did not dare to breathe.

Yuan Shutu looked at Chuyang in a horrible way, shaking like a sow in the old sow, and already regretted it for 100,000 times! Not a woman? Where can I not find it?

Even if you can't find the pure Yin body, you can use other alternatives. ......·····

Why do you want to provoke Chu Yang?

It has been clearly killed by the other party, and actually still want to provoke him.

This is really looking for death, and it’s still three times and five times to find death.·····

"Rao me..." I have spared me..." Yuan Shitu stepped back and panicked, and it was already incoherent. In addition to these three words, one word could not be said.

Chu Yang took the sword cold and cold, completely indifferent.

The last one mentioned in the last surviving five is the black-and-white-sold old man. At this moment, he can still maintain calmness, and the goodness of his heart can be seen. !

The old man sighed and said loudly: "Respecting the car, this thing is indeed what we did wrong, but now you have already killed a lot, I believe that the gas is enough, why don't you sit down and talk about it? If you still have dissatisfaction We are willing to pay compensation, no matter what the price, we can accept it! Just ask to calm the anger, how to 71"

Chu Yang looked at him indifferently, no response, still stepping forward.

The black-and-white white-solder is one step forward, Shen Sheng said: "Respect, you have to think clearly, once you act, there is no way to turn back! The repair of the car is certainly shocking, but my family is not ordinary people. My family is a master..."

When the voice did not fall, I saw a flash of Jianguang.

The black-and-white old man is incredulously watching the long sword like a splendid stream of light that can recover the time. It crosses the boundary between time and space and pierces his own heart. Chu Yang does not allow him to finish the last sentence. words!

The blood in his mouth slowly overflowed, and he looked at Chu Yang without a god. He said: "If you regret it, you will regret it..."

The former Chu Yang will regret it because of the present, this answer is uncertain, but Chu Yang will not be at this moment, because the word "repent" is meaningless to him!

Chu Yang cold and cold will be a sword, has turned his chest to open the body "brush" into two, fell to the ground. The slamming sound turned black.

In front of him, there is only one Yuan, and the last person in the darkness of Mo Yuntian.

"Don't kill me..." Yuan Shutu suddenly burst into tears, and he slammed it down: "Don't kill me... I'm wrong... I don't dare anymore..."

Jianguang flashed.

Yuan Shutu's arm fell down, and the screams in Chu Yang were cold and cold: "Catch my woman?"

This is the first time Chu Yang has made a sound since the killing!

Yuan Shitu screamed loudly and screamed.


Another sword, Yuan Shutu left shoulder also fell, Chu Yang faint road: "rushed to my house to grab a woman?"

Yuan Shu is already in the mouth, crying, saying nothing in meaning.

Jianguang is another flash.

Yuan Shitu's two legs were broken and the screams had not yet been sent. Chu Yang had already stabbed him into his arm, and said coldly: "Even if he is dead, he is not qualified to be a man again."

Everyone around them saw scalp tingling but no one dared to move.

Just in the eyes of the public, Chu Yang slowly swayed a little bit to dismember the Yuan, and a piece of flesh flew out and a piece of bone was picked out, and it was cleaned up, and the pieces were placed on the ground.

However, Yuan Shutu is still not allowed to die for a while. It is really a sorrow, screaming, and the sorrowful screaming of the world.

Chu Yang Machinery's sword and sword stabbed, at this moment, Chu Yang has no specific thinking, just remember one thing: this guy is his own enemy who does not share the sky!

At this point, the power of collapse has finally begun to fade.

Chu Yang also slowly felt that his body was weak and the whole mind disappeared. The mind was gradually recovering. The moment between the mind and the flash was instantly stunned, and a sword pierced the Yuanshu throat and used his life. The power exchanged is about to disappear, and you must never let things change again!

Under the spin of the sword, the head of Yuan Shutu slid and flew up.


Immediately, Jianguang burst into a violent flash of brilliance.

The head of Yuan Shutu became a crumb in the sky, regardless of the flesh and blood, and turned into powder.

The killing has finally come to an end.

But the hearts of the audience, but there is no slack.

Chu Yang slowly turned back, and Sen’s cold and cold eyes slid over the faces of the various masters who watched the war. No matter who they saw, the person couldn’t help but go.

These fierce and brutal eyes make all the people timid.

Chu Yang's chest, the huge wounds once again shed blood.

Chu Yang can clearly feel that his vitality and spiritual strength, in a little bit of passing, can not be suppressed.

I have to leave the world again!

Chu Yang’s thoughts in his heart, this world is really much stronger than the previous one...·····

"Since Chu Yang debuted, the most important thing is my family, my woman, my brother." Chu Yang endured dizziness, cold eyes looked at a personal face, cross-swords as a chest, squatting, Look down the world.

The blood on the nine robbers fell on the ground and fell to the ground.

The surrounding is silent.

"This is my bottom line." Chu Yang said softly: "Whoever dares to take a step, the consequences will be like this!"

The tip of the sword pointed at the corpse in front of him, a bloody, **** flesh.

Chu Yang's faint smile, indifferently said: "And the enmity is first of all pleasure, why not fear that life will not come back?!"

The snow fairy face is blue and white.

Haibo is also almost repentant in the intestines.

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