Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 244: What is the tiredness of the cat? [Second more! 】

That is, the cat greasy and lowered his head and sank, carefully pondering Chu Yang’s words for a long time without speaking.

"To tell the truth, do you like her?" Chu Yang asked.

If the cat is tired and doesn't like it, even if it is against the conscience, Chu Yang also decided to help the brothers to settle the matter, and complain that it is a misfortune for a lifetime!

"I········· I like her...” The cat grumbled and said: “But I really don’t like her temper...·But sometimes I like it, but that’s it. Fear...·····Fear from the bottom of my heart...”

"Where are you, do you like it?!" Chu Yang clap his hands and did not hear what he said after the goods: "What do you like?"

The cat is greasy and licks the eyelids, with two tears. The tragedy says: "I found that talking to you now is the chicken and the duck.... You can't understand the inner grief of your brother. Who are you? ”

Chu Yanghehe smiled: "I tell you, she likes you very much... I believe that anyone can see it. If you think about it, if she does not marry for the rest of her life, she will be lonely all her life, until she has been whiteheaded. To death... will you feel bad?"

"Will!" The cat is greasy and this is absolutely certain. When I think of the cat, I have to be lonely and lonely for a lifetime. I have been alone until I die. The cat is tired and suddenly feels depressed and unable to breathe.

"If she does not marry for the rest of her life, suffering for a lifetime, lonely and bitter, is what you caused! How do you say?" Chu Yang asked again.

"Fart! How can I do that? I am not that kind of person!" The cat is tired and angry.

"Then you say who you are? You are not doing that now?!" Chu Yang said coldly.

The cat was tired and tired.

For a long time, there is no sound.

"She can still come to you now, but also to pursue you at the end of the earth, that is, she thinks that she still has capital, is still young and beautiful... But can women's youth have a few years? Wait a few years, Her appearance has changed, her mentality is old... I told you that the cat is greasy! At that time, even if you lick your head in front of her, she will not forgive you, she will not Will change your mind!"

Chu Yang always sighed: "Old cat, this is a woman! Men for a lifetime, can touch a woman who loves herself is not easy. Especially this woman still likes it, it is difficult to add, it is too rare! ”

The cat is tired and greasy, saying: "...I..."

Chu Yang turned and walked away: "I am jealous of you, I am troubled, and you will be with me; if you really don't want to see, really want her to be alone, old cat, you are leaving now, I am a brother. I will take the time to cover you. Even if she chases you, I am also responsible for stopping her; at least I can guarantee your escape time for a month. I can still guarantee this! Isn’t it a mourning conscience? For the brothers, I will be mourned. Conscience!"

After that, Chu Yang turned and left, leaving a sentence: "Old cat, let's go!"


Two steps.

Three steps······

Chu Yang counted his heart, and his heart was playing with a drum. He said, "Why don't you stop me?" Hurry and stop me, hurry up!

However, the cat behind it is greasy and has never been moving.

Chu Yang strode forward, it seems that there is no hesitation. In fact, the heart is already very nervous: if the cat is tired, it really ran...

I was thinking, suddenly a big bang.


Chu Yang smiled, he just took the fifth step.

The cat was tired and wheezing and rushed over. If the eyes want to spurt fire: "Why should I run? How can you give me such a bad idea? Are you a brother to do this? You conscience let the dog eat. !?"

Chu Yang shrugged: "Big brother, I think for you!"

"Hey, you dare to say that it is for me. Do you just look at us for a lifetime?" asked the cat greasy.

"What is that about me?" Chu Yang rolled his eyes: "I just want to be with my wife for the rest of my life. Who can manage you?"

"Hey!" The cat was so tired that she went to the hall and went straight to the hall. It was quite ambitious. "I have to face it all! Isn't it a wife? What a big deal! I remember that the woman is both love. My people are also the ones I love!

"Good! There is a kind!" Chu Yang shouted loudly and raised his thumb.

Seeing that the hall is getting closer and closer, the cat is greasy but it is getting slower and slower. It seems that it has no longer been arrogant.

Chu Yang followed, can clearly see the cat's tired face on the face of the sweat drops replied...

There is still a final ten steps from the lobby.

The two legs of the cat teacher began to soften, then began to tremble, and then began to shake the general shaking up.... Finally finally stopped, it seems that they can no longer move.

Turning his head, looking at Chu Yang with a look, shaking the ropes of the rope: "······ Brothers, or else... I still ran?..."

"You **** me in!" Chu Yang was so angry and funny, a break, a squatting on the cat's greasy thick buttocks.

The cat was greasy and screamed, and the whole body flew up in the air, dancing like a fly, like a swallow wearing a forest, the milk swallows cast a general, fell into the hall!


The cat is greasy and falls to the ground!

Looking up, I saw a pretty face that was suitable for you. Just then, the pretty face began to gnash your teeth: "Wow! The cat is greasy! You, you, you..." ?!"

"Helping you..." The cat was tired and only felt that the lower body was suddenly! The front and back were in a hurry, and the tears were mixed and shouted. !

Tiebu Tian and Wu Qianqian looked at each other and smiled quietly out of the hall.

This is a matter of people's family, let's not eavesdrop on it!

Chu Yang did not go in at all. Just hiding outside the hall to eavesdrop.

It is the wall roots of the couple who want to eavesdrop!

Then, immediately, I heard the voice of the sandbag when the hard-working people came out to practice: "Hey..."

Immediately, it was the scream of the cat who was tired of being tired and screaming and pleading for the sake of death: "Helping you..." I am not daring... I will never dare anymore, I will not kill me. Got it, save your life..."

no answer.

Only the voice of "砰砰砰砰·····" has continued.

Chu Yang eyebrow frame jumps!

Cold sweat on my forehead...

Mom, oh... I am such a wife... Oh, thank you, this is not my wife.·····

Chu Yuzu thought about it and suddenly thought of the purple evil.

Can't help but make a nap...····· want to cry without tears. My brother, I want to improve my strength as soon as possible... Or else, how much better can I be more tired than a cat? Looks like he is worse than him!

For a long time.

"You still run? I see where you can go?"

"I don't dare, I dare not, you let me go..."

"Hey! Let me go? Or let me kill you first, when you die, I will let you go!"


"Oh... I regret it..."

"What do you regret?"

"Why should I listen to the ghost of the kid, I should run 呜呜呜······"

"What?! You came back after listening to someone else's words? How do you listen to that person, do you have a way, tell me clearly..."


After half a squatting and half a squatting, the cat was too lazy to sneak a slick muddy cat and walked out. At a glance, he saw Chu Yang and immediately blinked: "What are you doing here?"

Chu Yang’s spirited spirit shook: “Don’t do it, don’t do it.”

Suddenly, I suddenly felt that something was wrong. I blinked back. "I said, this is my home. What do you say I am doing here?"

At this time, the cat that was squatted was greasy and screamed: "Brothers..."

The voice has not fallen, Chu Yang has no loyal turn and ran, and disappeared at a rapid speed.

I rely on!

There was a slamming sound behind him and a voice said: "You still dare to call for help! Come and come, you call again! You call again, you call, you broke your throat and no one will save you. ......"

The cat is greasy and completely silent, disappointed, hopeless, desperate, in short, hopeless.·····

Iron-filled days turned out, standing to the unsettled Chuyang side of the mouth with a smile, I don't care.

Chu Yang said with some concern: "I said sweet, wouldn't it really kill people?"

Tiebu Tian sighed: "You are really... don't know a woman at all!"

Chu Yang was in the right eye and didn't know how to respond.

Wu Qianqian on the other side grinned and looked at Chu Yang's eyes full of embarrassment.

Chu Yang is annoyed and angry. "I don't know what it's all about. I don't know if I still take you to bed?!"

The two women suddenly turned red and the powder fists came out.

Chu Yang left and right to hide, and then counterattack, in the two women took advantage of the opportunity to touch a hand, a large share of cheap, his current strength is far above the two women and has already mastered the power of the Holy Position, at this moment "bullying" The two women are naturally like a duck, making it easy.

If this situation is seen by the original owner of Donghuang or Tiandi Chenghua Dan, I don’t know if it will vomit blood and three liters. What am I doing? I have fought for my life/I have spent a lot of time to practice the elixir. Will you save such a mean and shameless guy? !

For a long time, "bullying" has finally come to an end. The two women looked blushing and took the initiative to hang up the war card. In the face of this guy's invincible rogue means, if he fights again, I am afraid he will be taken to bed in the daytime...

Red face, Tiebutian quickly changed the topic and said: "Chuyang, there is something, I am always puzzled."

"What is it?" Chu Yang asked.

"In the beginning, Yun Zhongtian once said one thing, you told me that I still remember it until now." Tie Butian said: "At the time, Yun Zhongtian said: Jianghu things, the interplay between juniors, adults can not Interference; unless it is related to life, it will not be handed. If it is caused by casualties, it is a taboo."

Chu Yang’s decapitation: “I have said this before, what happened.”

The spirit of Tiebutian was shocked and said: "And, Yunzhongtian once said that the competition between the Jianghu and the sects is dominated by the juniors, and the life and death are defeated and defeated. If there are predecessors who cause death and injury, then this person is The sects will surely be smashed by the world! Have you ever had the words of life and death, victory and defeat?

As for the poor... I went to your sister!

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