Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 246: Afraid of his wife has nothing to do with strength [fourth more! 】

"I want you to be jealous? I want you to be jealous!? Good of you a bastard, I thought you are promising, the original ..... ah ah ah ah ah ah ~ ~ ~" cat little lazy to hear this sentence, first I licked it, and then I reacted. It seems that the cat is greasy and not as good as it is.

If you don't explain it, maybe the cat is too lazy to understand that becoming a cat is greasy and unwilling to endure her call, the Jedi counterattack, the hot hand to destroy the flower, it is more acceptable, at least it is a **** man to do things, but now this In fact, it is still a mistake of a vain, and this ankle has to be called a cockroach. After reading this, it suddenly hurts the liver and the heart trembles: "The old lady is letting you squat! What are you thinking about?! You Bastard, ah...······

The cat is greasy and tired, and the feet are retreating. The weak defense: "Can...·················································································

Obviously, the cat is too greasy to know the woman than Chu Yang. At this juncture, he still dares to defend and tries to reason with the woman. It’s really wrong, it’s wrong, it’s incurable.

His cup is already imaginable!

In the meantime, the cat is lazy and has already come flying!

"I told you not to make it clear!"

"I let you ignore it and justify it with me!"

"I want you to marry me!"

"Bold you!"

"I want to go back and tell your father! Say you bully me! I dare to marry me!"

"I want to go back and tell my dad! Say you bully me, dare to beat me!"

"I will kill you and me now! Let you bully me and let you marry me!"

Hey, hey, hehe...

The sound of a series of sandbags has become a piece of...·····

"You can do this, is there any justice? You really make me jealous, even if I understand it wrong, you have half the responsibility... 呜呜呜 ......" Cat greasy and protects the head, one hand Lived, grievances crying: "Hey... you can't ignore it..."

A cat is really a Tai Chi. Until now, I haven’t recognized the situation yet. I still think about the theory. It’s really a great thing!

"哎······ I haven't found it before. The greasy cat is actually the pig's head. Today is an eye-opener. I will be less with him in the future. Maybe he will be led by him that day. !! Chu Yang outside the courtyard quietly left, or wait a while to come again.

If I go in at this time, the cat teacher can only be beaten even worse, and I can’t bear it. I really can’t bear to see it...

Struggling with the sound behind him is far and wide.


In the afternoon, Chu Yang looked at the nose and face of the swollen cat tired: "I said cat brother, what is your fiancée's current repair?"

The cat greasy and miserable pouting: "The heavenly level is superior. Anyway, it must be higher than me. Why is it not my high point? If my cultivation is high, can I be so miserable? You say that a woman has So what is the use of high repairs, oh..."

Chu Yang bite his teeth: "Cat brother, everyone brothers, you can't bear to do this brother, so I will give you something good, let you break through to the heavenly level, definitely stronger than your fiancee. ?"

"Ah? Is it true? That's great, brother, you are my brother, ah..." The cat's greasy pair of eyes instantly surprised to the round: "If that's the case, I can have the power to fight back!" Great, great! Look at me and let the girls know what it is to conquer!"

"Come." Chu Yang took the cat's greasy and mysterious secret.

at night.

Everyone came to see the improvement of the process of repairing the cat after the greasy and surrendered to his wife, one by one, his face was not knowing what he was thinking. However, for this kind of open confrontation between men and women, especially the victory of men, everyone is very interested.


嘿嘿·Everyone will come to learn, what is conquest!

Not to be expected, Tie Bu Tian and Wu Qianqian come together with the cat lazy.

The cat is lazy at first glance and finds the greasy change of the cat. The most familiar cat is greasy and the cat is too lazy.

I saw the cat tired and upright, and stood in the distance, looking at his own eyes, actually changed the usual, seemingly very eager to try!

"Hey, have you improved your cultivation?"

"Hey, is it almost like me? Is it deeper than me? Not bad!"

The cat is too lazy to watch the cat greasy: "Come here! Give me a careful look!"

The cat is greasy and strange: "Hey? What do you say?" The provocative atmosphere is full!

The cat is lazy and surprised at the progress of someone. He said casually: "I said let you bring me over!"

The cat is tired and upright: "I don't pass! It won't pass!"

The cat is too lazy to listen to the cat's greasy conversation, and he has some hesitation: "Hey? You tell me!"

The cat is greasy and flamboyant, and the spirit is lively: "I said I will not pass!"

The cat was lazy and thoroughly understood. He was furious and furious: "Are you coming over?"

"You let me go, I will pass? Who do you think you are! I just can't pass!"

"You can't say it again? I will tell you who I am!" The cat was lazy and narrowed his eyes in danger. The atmosphere was getting worse, and the gas field seemed to reverse!

When the cat is greasy, there are some drums in the heart, and the subconsciously walks over and can still be hard: "The past is over! I still don't know who you are? You can smash it!"

At this point, the thriving people like Chu Yang have already vented their anger. Grass, this bastard, has been soft seventy percent...

Seeing him step forward, the cat is too lazy to talk about it, and the face is covered!

The cat greasy and rebelled, and shouted: "I used to let you, and I can't beat you, now I can beat you! I will never let you again!"

The spirit of Chu Yang and others is one of the vibrations.

Is there a play! ?

It’s rare that the cat teacher is so hard!

Maybe there is a reversal? !

Just listen to the cat and scream: "Do you still dare to fight back?"

The cat was tired and tired, and suddenly said: "You can't fight back when you hit me? There is no justice in justice!"

But the hand is obviously soft.

The cat is lazy and chasing, chasing him and punching him. He violently jumps like a thunder: "Are you still looking at me? You are back? Don't let me, you still hand!"

The cat was greasy and stubborn and supported for a while. Obviously, it was only the merits of parry, and there was no power to fight back.

"Well, hello, you dare to parry, are you waiting for me to go back, I will tell you Dad! You will tell me my father again! I will bully me, let them both clean up, I see how you parry!?"

The cat is lazy and screams.

At this point, the cat was so tired that he was completely defeated. He actually went to the ground in the battle, and hugged his head with both hands, crying and shouting: "I don't want to fight, you don't complain, you call it, just tap it..."


Chu Yang and the Lightning Snake and others have been stunned for a long time.

Then sigh together.

This... Is this a skill to do high and low things?

It seems completely irrelevant to that.

This goods are born to fear my wife...

This disease is not cured!

Chu Yang secretly rejoices that he was not willing to give too good things and did not improve the cultivation of a cat as much as possible. If you really give it, it is a waste of vain, and it is a shame!

Chu Yang and others are eager to sigh, and while shaking their heads and sighing away from the table, they really can’t bear to watch it, and they are even more angry. How does this make us look at it?

As for the persuasion ······Is it still provincial, the buddy did not get the heads of our heads have to burn high incense, but also to go to persuade? It’s crazy...

For three days, the space integration in the nine-robbery space is still going on, and it is impossible to see what is going on. Even the movement is not much. Chu Yang can only pray: Tens of millions, to be integrated before the arrival of the people of Mo Yuntian.

Otherwise, labor and capital can be too bleak!

What Chu Yang didn't know was: In the thick night, in the distant sky, there were three giant boats in the sky, wearing heavy fog, like three prehistoric monsters, coming to the East Emperor!

There are at least a thousand people on each boat!

On top of a flying boat, an old man’s face frowned and looked at the fog in front of him, without saying a word.

The people behind him are almost the same expression.

Chu Yang, who dared to kill the nine princes... must be born and caught!

His Majesty said, let him try to die after all the pains in the world!

"Tell me, how long does it take to go to the East Emperor?" The old man did not return, but he asked.

"There are less than ten hours of time!" one responded.

"There are less than ten hours!" The old man’s face showed a strange expression, and he sighed softly: "There are less than ten hours, and the old ones must do it one by one." It's a thing."

Behind him, a young man said cautiously: "General, this thing..." Why didn't you tell your majesty at the beginning? This matter is actually the fault of the nine princes, we don't make sense. Why are you..."

The old man closed his eyes for a long time, and said: "How do you know that I have not been squatted? I used to talk about it, but I didn't show up the next day. I went to his house to find him, but I was told that I was in the same place. Rehabilitate, do you understand? Is it a cure, not a disease...·····

The young man couldn’t help but be shocked!

"I have seen the injury of the prime minister with my own eyes!" The old man closed his eyes and sighed deeply.

The young man closed his mouth tightly. Around the circle of people, they also bowed their heads, closed their mouths, and they were completely silent.

Since adults have seen it, it must be true.

Who is the prime minister? The second person of Mo Yuntian! The peak of one person below the million people!

There is only one person in the meditation of Mo Yuntian!

As for who is that person?

Is this still guessing?

Even the prime minister was beaten because of this incident...···

So what about other people? Don't even mention it. In this case, reasonable and unreasonable, heavy?

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