Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 247: The road is broken! [The fifth! 】

"Returning to each other's posts! After ten hours, you may be fighting at any time; everyone should be prepared to rest and rest in advance. Maybe, we will have a good chance to have a good rest in the next period of time." Slowly said.

"It’s not a Chuyang district. At the very least, there are a few people left in the three sects that Mo Yuntian went to explore this time. What are the values?...Is it still necessary to prepare for long-term operations? Is it a little fuss? ?" Someone dismissed.

The old man looked coldly at a glance: "Mixed things! There is Donghuangtian! Who is the East Emperor? Don't you know? If Donghuangtian intervenes in this matter, he doesn't even use him to do it. As long as he orders, we can Retired, are lucky!······”

The man trembled with excitement: "Yes."

At this point, no one dares to let go.

"Accelerate!" The old man closed his eyes and gave a command!

The flying boat continued to accelerate in the night, heading to somewhere in the dark night.

Chu Family Courtyard!

It is still calm at this time.

Chu Yang is lying on the bed, with the iron on the left and the sky on the left. Wu Qianqian on the right, a light-filled room, two delicate bodies are full of temptations of spring; Chu Yang with a passion after the cool lying, close eye.

However, even at this moment, Chu Yang can feel faint, and a huge crisis is gradually approaching!

This time, can you support it in the end?

Chu Yang really dare not say that he can!

What is the most fearful thing for humans!

The only universal answer, the unknown!

On the day of the demon, Fa Zun, despite the amazing strength, Chu Yang even joined hands and robbed, the real strength contrast is very different, but in Chu Yang's heart, but there is always no fear! Because both the devil and the law, their strength is strong, but they have already exposed their strength to the eyes of everyone. The already exposed strength, the card that has been fully shown, even how sharp, how to be strong, can be targeted.

Only unknown, it is unpredictable and difficult to predict!

Too low an estimated enemy will only increase his own time limit for defeat.

Too high a pre-judgment of the enemy will only increase the unnecessary pressure on one side!

Therefore, only the right assessment is the right way for a qualified leader!

And Chu Yang is now making such an assessment, not to enlarge the strength of the enemy, and not to underestimate the crisis that the enemy may bring!

At this moment, suddenly there was a sudden turbulence in consciousness, and Chu Yang felt a splitting headache, lest he woke up the beautiful woman and couldn’t help himself.

"The sword master, something happened! It’s a big joy!" The voice of Jian Ling came.

Chu Yang’s consciousness has moved, and the mind has entered the space of nine robberies.

This time I went in and it was suddenly into a white space.

The change of the environment is still second, and the oncoming one is pure to the extreme aura, and almost let Chu Yang suffocate.

For example, oxygen is a good thing, but if it suddenly bursts up to ten times, it will give you ten times the compressed oxygen. But you can kill you directly, killing people with oxygen, it sounds incredible. Absolutely possible!

The opposite of Chu Yang’s eyes is this situation. The pure aura is definitely a good thing under normal circumstances, but when it is too pure and the quantity is still very large, it will make people unfilled!

"Oh, the integration of the two major spaces has been completed. Now, it is the power of the nine-robbery space that relies on the power of the drug king space. It is upgraded!" Jian Ling said excitedly: "After this upgrade, it is a small universe. Xiaoqian space! Sword Lord, this is a happy event."

“Really?” Chu Yang felt that she finally heard the good news.

"It's not true!" Sword Spirit said: "The original book of this planet has another meaning. The king of medicine, the **** of the king, did not absorb all the aura inside. In it, it also concealed tens of thousands of times. Pure aura, this time because the grade is lower than the nine-robbery space, it will be completely decomposed by the nine-robbery space; the aura is finally fully erupted!"

"The fusion has just been completed, but it has only been in such a short period of time. The nine great medicines and the holy crystals have all been upgraded to the first level. In the spiritual medicine garden, the three medicine spirits have also been upgraded to the first level. Other elixir It is growing at a rapid rate."

Sword Spirit said: "The sword master, now only just started, if there is a master to practice here, you can fully enhance your strength during the period of space upgrade! You can increase the number of times!"

“Improved several times?” Chu Yang’s eyes brightened: “Can there be a limit? How many people can I accommodate?”

Sword spirit is excited: "The aura here is somewhat out of date. Even if there are thousands of people, it can be loaded, but because we need to give them another independent space; so the number can't be too much. ··... It is best not to exceed fifty people at a time."

"No more than fifty people..." Chu Yang meditates.

"Well, the sword master, the benefit of this thing is still for our own family, even if it is to give outsiders, but also to those who can fully trust to improve, although in terms of timeliness, those people in a cloud sky may be the best , but they are still not your real team." Jian Ling reminded me.

Chu Yang meditated.

Who are you, and who you trust yourself?

At present, Tiebu Tian, ​​Wu Qianqian, Mrs. Mei, Xie Danfeng, Hu Yan Aobo and other brothers and daughters, certainly can be trusted, the standard of their own people. In addition, the Wang knife and the cat are greasy and have no problem.

In addition, the section of the sky, as well as the lightning knife and other three knives, can also be included in the ranks of absolute trust.

Others, such as the three sects who have just turned around, are somewhat uneasy.

It seems that there are fewer than twenty people in this count. Which should be added to the tiger brother.

Chu Yang frowned, but the supply exceeded demand.

"Sword master, it’s still faster to let people in. If it’s late, these auras will only be absorbed back by the nine-robbery space. At that time, it’s really nothing to do, it’s only hidden, it’s not as good as it is now. Just create a few masters!"

Sword spirit urged to say.

"Alright!" Chu Yang took the initiative and made up his mind.

Just this evening, Chu Yang came to an emergency gathering. First, he ordered the Lightning Snakes to choose their own subordinates and select the most reliable and loyal to choose 20 people.

Although the three did not know what the owner of the Zhuangzhu had in mind, but they knew that there must be some truth, they immediately went to the election.

In this empty space, Jianling uses the power of the unique landlord to quickly establish independent spaces that are never connected and never connected. Chu Yang first informed Wangdao that he would hurry back and immediately make up the sky. And Wu Qianqian sent it in.

Next is Tiger Brother, Hu Yan Aobo and others. The cat is greasy, the cat is lazy and so on.

After confirming that everyone has entered, Sword Spirit is specifically assigned inside.

Jianling is the most understanding of Chuyang. Naturally, the best position is given to Tiebutian, Wuqianqian, Tiger and then Huyan Aobo and others; then the cat is greasy, the cat is lazy... ··

And the position of the next level, gave the paragraph Wang Wang Wang knife; and so on.

As for the Lightning Snake three, they were arranged in a relatively medium position by the sword spirit; those of his subordinates could not fit in the middle position and could only be placed on the outermost periphery.

However, even in the most peripheral areas, it is also an incredible degree of aura.

And every moment, every moment, it is in a sharp growth.

Lightning Snake Thunder knife and other people are ecstatic!

It is now, I am afraid that it has already exceeded the maximum core position of any of the big gates and super sects under the sun at least 100 times! And it is still increasing, and it is increasing rapidly!

In other words, practicing one day here is almost equal to practicing one year outside! And this range continues to increase. Seeing that you are practicing here for a day, you may be able to stand up to the outside world for ten years...

Of course, the outside world is roughly equivalent to the core cultivation area of ​​Super Zongmen!

Sword spirit smiles.

ten years? Ten years is a fart! Wait until the aura is completely evaporating, so that you can improve it several times!

"They all went in, me, me? You arranged for me there?" Chu Yang asked with great interest.

"You don't have to come in, I don't have a place for you at all." Sword Spirit said strangely: "This space is in your body. If you don't come in, it is completely inclusive. You can enjoy all the space. You don't have to come in. There is, you have a little common sense, and you are the one who has the most benefit. I don't hesitate to talk nonsense with you, too uninformed, too common sense!"

Chu Yang was relieved and smiled and said: "That? It's too good, it's so good, I don't know what it is, I am happy, I am excited, I am proud..."

Everyone has gone in, and they are all concentrating on practicing, because such a strong aura makes them in an environment where they will suffocate at any time without practicing hard!

Aura is now rich to the extent of water droplets, and it’s falling in DDT.

Seeing it, maybe after a while, it will form a solid state...·····

In such an environment, if you don't work hard, you can't talk hard, don't try hard to practice, you are looking for death. If you are killed by too strong aura, this kind of death seems too bad!

Chu Yang’s own situation is the same, and even exaggerated. He clearly can clearly feel that his nine dantians are madly absorbing this aura and filling it at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Seeing it, it will be full.

Now is not the time of the prefecture and the heavens. Chu Yang is now a holy level. The amount of aura that wants to fill Dantian is no longer the same, but even with such a premise, it will soon be full!

Through the internal view, Chu Yang understands his own situation and can't help but get crazy.

Immediately, I suddenly heard the exclamation of Sword Spirit: "This... What is this all about? How?"

Then Chu Yang only felt a shock in his mind!

A blood spurted out!

Then, Chu Yang’s horror discovery revealed that he had lost contact with the nine-robbery space. Although the intensive aura is constantly pouring into his body, he has completely felt the existence of the nine-robbery space.

I have to ask everyone a question: Now Chuyang’s back road has been cut off by me. The snow and tears went back, and the people left did not understand the intention of the snow and tears, and would not help Chu Yang. The nine robbery space was broken by me; the nine robbery sword was restricted by me. One of the powerful swordsmen can't come out.

Chu Yang has to face the entire opponent of the world.

To be honest, I have forced Chu Yang into the dead!

More realistic: I can't think of it myself, how Chu Yang can cope!

- When I sent this chapter, I had nothing to do! !

Above, lie a lie, the sky is gone!

- And I have to break through tomorrow! This deadlock! ! !

Do you have any good ideas?

Chu Yang's present, just like my present.

I can't break it, I admit defeat on the monthly ticket list!

But the breakthrough, I still have a chance!

How can I break through?

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