Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 248: The road is dead, I still have a sword in hand! [First! 】

Chu Yang was shocked.

Not only can I not feel the space of nine robberies, I can't contact people like Tiebutian, and even the news of Jianling can't be passed over!

If it weren't for those auras that were still pouring in, Chu Yang almost thought that the space of the nine robbers disappeared, or it collapsed...

In addition, another amazing change has also appeared. The nine robbery swords trembled fiercely. Chu Yang felt that the nine robbery swords seemed to be undergoing some changes. Although they could still hide in Dantian, they lost one point. Smart.

It seems to be a lot of stagnation.

Nine robbery in the sword.

The shadow sat up at once: "What is going on? How could it suddenly seal the sword? No, how can the world have the ability to seal the sword? You need to seal the sword." The full energy of a big world is only possible, and it is only possible. The nine heavens should not have such a strong!"

Immediately, I went out and tried to see what was happening, but I immediately realized that I was unable to leave. I couldn’t help but feel anxious: "Which situation, even I can’t go out? Is it true that all the energy in one world is instilled in the nine robbers? ?"

"This is a good thing, but the two molding spaces are integrated with each other, which will inevitably form an energy infusion, causing the loop under the energy limit backlash to be temporarily closed!? Or what other situation... If it is not in general It would be good to sort out three or five hundred years, but now, what can we do now?"

"At the moment, it is the subtle time when the kid has caused a great disaster. Don't say that three or five hundred years, three or five days are dangerous. I used to think about helping him to sit in the town, but sealed the sword at this mouth, and sealed me with it. Isn't this his own death?? What kid is that kid doing?"

Some shadows are a little anxious to walk around, but there is nothing to do.

"In terms of its own strength, apart from the two, look at the universe of the heavens and the earth, Hong Meng Daqian, who can trap me? But the problem now is that I was sealed inside the nine robbery sword, and it is still a space of nine robberies. The whole is sealed. This is equivalent to the strength of the son because of the external force wrapped me ... Although not from the heart of the son, I still can not break through ... but what can be done? It is terrible!"


Chu Yang looked at the nine robbery swords and looked at them with great enthusiasm. Unbelievable, suddenly he felt cold.

The current situation is that the nine robbery space is not only unable to enter, or even inductive, completely lost contact, in other words, the people inside can not come out for a while, a lot of helpers are inside, such as tiger brother, such as Three knives...for example...

These talents are the people Chu Yang really can trust!

In particular, Tiebu Tian and Wu Qianqian are also inside. Once they encounter something, they have no more people to discuss.

All things, you can only be alone!

There has never been a nine-robbery space, and at such a critical moment, there has been such a big leak!

I am still facing the pressure of the mountain, and I have lost all the help!

This extreme frustration and repressive feeling is indescribable in words; and Chu Yang is now full of this feeling.

Chu Yang long sighed: "This is also good, if they are outside, I really do not trust, so no one can find them, only I am alone in the face of the world, but also a bachelor Fear, everyone is born together, die together!"

The children have been sent away today. Their future must be brilliant and splendid. Tiebutian and other brothers and wives, and so on, the people they care about are strictly protected by the space of the nine robbers. As long as they do not fall, they are safe...

Even if they fall, they may not have an accident!

Chu Yang also let go of his heart.

Thinking about it, suddenly a kind of ‘single bachelor’ suddenly rises!

No matter how difficult it is, it will not be difficult to get through the eight thousand miles that Da Zhao died in the past!

At that time, the same strength of ants could overcome many difficulties. Now it is tens of thousands of times higher than the original. Isn’t Laozi afraid of it?

At this moment, I am no longer living for myself, but for everyone. I can't fail this time. Failure means death. Or maybe it is possible. If I fail, the space will collapse.

This is not a ticket!

Perhaps it is excessive pressure, but the Chu Yang heart slowly settles down.

The mind was moved, the nine robbery sword appeared again in the hands, God bless, although the nine-robbery space was blocked for some reason, the nine robbery sword can still be taken out from Dantian, looking at the nine robbery sword in hand, Chu Yangshen I took a deep breath: "Old man, now you are with me, only you. From now on, we will face the biggest difficulty in our life. Let's spend it together!"

Nine robbery swords trembled, and again radiated Yingying cold light.

Before, because of the sudden changes, even the nine robbery swords once lost the light of the past, I do not know whether it is the determination of the lord Chu Yang, the nine robbery swords and then the cold, reproduce the past!

Chu Yang smiled a little, inexplicably felt a bit gratified.

It turns out that I am not alone!

Although there is no sword spirit as a companion, there is no incomparable nine-robbery space, but there are still nine robbery swords, a sword in hand, dare to test the world!

Let your thousands of horses roll, I will face it with one sword!

Clearly feel the madness of the rushing into the meridians, let him feel that no matter what opponents, you can fight!

No matter what kind of loss, Aura can make up for it instantly.

This is the only welfare left to him after the closure of the nine-robbery space.

The Nine Robbery Sword seems to be accepting the constant erosion of this aura, and it is slowly changing, or evolutionary.

After the last auction, almost all the rare metals that Chu Yang got were swallowed up by the nine robbers. The only thing left is the heart of the star. Now the texture of the Nine Robbery Sword can be said to have improved several grades.

Compared with before, it has already been a distant word.

Chu Yang even faintly felt that the change of the Nine Robbery Sword has not been completed, although the current nine-robbery sword power can already be very awkward.

But... there should be something else.

Carefully checked out the existing equipment, in addition to the nine robbery sword, there are less than 100 small flying knives; there are six super version of the nine heavy Dan, ten incomplete version of the nine heavy Dan.

Finally, there is a small gourd snow tear cold wine inside the space ring, fortunately, in order to hide the eyes and ears, brought a space ring, there are hundreds of thousands of purple xia coins, and some ordinary Materials, these are all of their own homes now.

If you don't have these, you are only afraid that you will be arrested. In the past, there was an iron-filled day for yourself to have everything inside. There is a sword-housekeeper inside, and there is nothing to worry about. There is also a foreign housekeeper who has all the foreign affairs. When is it? Need to worry about yourself? Now I am afraid that I have to be personally involved!

I don’t know if I don’t know how to use it. In my usual sense, it’s definitely quite a lot. However, in front of such a bad situation, it’s an absolute meaning. It seems that it’s very likely that within a day. Fatal and serious injuries dozens of times... How much does this medicine play?

What's more, here is not just Chu Yang himself, but also the elites of the two real sects outside.

Regardless of them, are they alone? How others do Chu Yang can not control, but let Chu Yang take the initiative to abandon these people, Chu Yang asked himself can not do, even if they know that they are not really sincere, Chu Yang still can not give him all abandoned!

early morning.

Chu Yang’s spirit of excitement went out, and the two martial artists had already gotten up, and they still had their own duties, patrolling patrols, and practicing exercises. Some people look calm, some people look dull, and some people express their uneasiness.

For those who look calm, Chu Yang remembered one by one.

These people are not in chaos, and their spiritual cultivation is excellent. In the future, if there is an opportunity or a big use, it may not be possible.

As for those who are dull and still able to remain determined, it is clear that they have already made up their minds to die. I am ready to meet the worst situation. Such a person can be a slain, as long as he has spare energy, he must do his best to preserve it.

As long as they can get their approval, they can get their loyalty!

As for one third of those who are uneasy...

Chu Yang is not directly considered.

These people, most likely, are the first wave of betrayal when facing the enemy.

Don't say that you can't reuse it, you have to be careful to watch out for them!

Chu Yang waved his hand and coughed, and concentrated everyone in one place. Everyone looked at him in confusion, not knowing the intention of the "temporary" master.

"Well, I am here to announce one thing; lightning and a gang of them have been sent out by me, to open up an absolute safe place where we can avoid at a critical moment." Faced with the eyes of everyone, Chu Yang is calm and eloquent. .

Aggravated and said: "Their goal is an absolute safety! We will face this battle, it will undoubtedly be very dangerous, but even if it is the most dangerous, there will still be a way to leave it to everyone! Even It may not be a way of life, but it can give you some breathing space!"

The spirit of everyone is shocked.

The people here are all the elites of the two sects of Mo Yuntian. No one gives them any white. If Chu Yang tells them that the lightning snakes are leaving, they are seeking a way for everyone to live. No one will believe, lightning snakes and others. Although the strength is resolute, but compared to these people at best, it is the level of the middle reaches. How many of them can find a way to live?

But seeking one, and taking a little bit of life, this statement is actually much more. The so-called Rex Rabbit Cave, no matter the big man and small person, facing the life and death checkpoint, will make every effort to find a feasible way for himself, even if it is temporary delay, it is extremely Hard to do.

Now, there is one more way! This is undoubtedly the best news that everyone wants to hear.

......(To be continued. Please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!)

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