Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 252: The Lord appears [second! 】

This person is the third commander of Mo Yunwei; he has always been loyal to the royal family, and he has always ignored the imperial power for other things, and he has never asked right or wrong.

I saw him staring at the other people and said: "And everyone on your side, since I know that my nine sons are beautiful, why don't you help? If you don't help, you can see that the nine princes are killed by the monks! You This is connivance! This is the same pollution! This is inaction! If you don't act, you must punish, rule and wait for a crime of bullying!"

If these words are simply based on the position of Mo Yuntian’s royal army, Mo Yunwei, although it is unfair, as a royal guard, to maintain the dignity of the royal family, there is even more "the king of the earth, the land of the earth is not the king." "The concept is based on the benchmark, but it can't be said how his words are like."

However, as soon as the words came out, the major super-gates suddenly changed their faces.

What do you mean by this?

Even if you are Mo Yunwei, but this is a strong word, holding it inappropriately, but it is too much, right? Besides, if it is now in Moyuntian, it will be nothing more, but now it is Donghuangtian!

It’s already a big deal for your nine princes to rob people’s wives for no reason. Should we help them to be abused? Your own people have gone against it, and they have lost their goodness. In the end, they have been unhappy, and they have been slaughtered by their husbands. They still have to punish us.

Where is the truth, do you think that you can cover the sky with Mo Yuntian? If you are alone in one faction, or if you are in your strength, we are here to gather the super-Zongmen of the entire nine-fold sky, not to mention that you are a small guard, even a dream general, even ink. When Yun Tiandi is close, do you dare to fight with so many sects? !

The words of the third commander of Mo Yunwei have obviously provoked public anger. Although Mo Yunwei has strong tyranny and a large number of people, if it is really a brain, the super-Zongmen elite army of the entire Nine Heavens will be defeated!

The general of the dream of the cold said: "Shut up!"

The Moyun Weisan commander said: "Yes, the generals; it is these people who watched the ninth son being killed. The indignation of the subordinates is inexplicable.


The three commanders suddenly fell out of the air, rolling in the air for four or five laps and slamming into the ground.

After the generals of Mengda’s hands were negative, they said: “The old man said, shut up! It’s not for you to continue to talk! Did you understand my words?”

He waved his hand and said coldly: "This slap is just to let him shut up. You let him remember for a long time! Don't think that he is the leader of the ink cloud, he can be unruly! I don't need unruly subordinates. !"


Behind the dream general, the three officers walked neatly out of the body with a kind of awkward temperament, striding to the front of the three commanders, one of them grabbed the three coats and dragged them up. Then another person "boom" The punch hit the face.

At the same time, another knee has hit the top of his lower abdomen. When the three leaders got pain, they only wanted to make a sound. The rib had already been punched and the sound was just about to be heard. I snorted and went back.

In the eyes of the public, the three young generals punched one by one, one foot and one foot, and the slow and sturdy but extremely hot to the end of the three uncles who did not choose the military command, only played The dust was flying, but from the beginning to the end, even a scream was not sent out.

Unwittingly, I thought that the three-way collar bones were hard, but in fact, every time he was about to scream, he was slammed under the ribs. Hit his voice back!

This silent punishment is the most cruel and poisonous. Let you not even scream!

All three people are expressionless, it seems to be playing sandbags, and the action is as smooth as water, as if already used to nature.

Along the way, the three commanders of the three squadrons have long let the generals of General Meng Dajun not look pleasing to the eye, and now they finally have the opportunity to vent their anger.

At this time, there was a commotion in the camp of the Moyunwei.

The general of the dream seems to be totally unresponsive, and the straight body is still standing and standing. A dark, big cockroach, slightly ups and downs in the wind. Neither turned back nor turned around.

Going in a hurry, when he received the order, Mo Yunwei was ready to go, and immediately boarded the flying boat, all the way to the place, is it necessary for the old man to stand up?

This group of Mo Yunwei, indeed, should teach the lesson... Dream General thought in his heart.

For a long while, I said faintly: "Your Majesty has led me to lead the army. It is all that I have the final say! If there is anyone in Moyunwei who dares to move, do all the killings! Therefore, all the responsibilities derived from this, the old man bears !"

As soon as this sentence came out, Mo Yunwei’s momentary collective was silent.

General Meng Dao bowed to Haibo and others and smiled: "This incident is a long-term failure and fairness.

However, I am waiting for my duties. This is also a way to do things. It is always necessary to do what you should not. Please ask for your ambition. ”

Xue Xianzi took a deep breath: "The sorrow of the king, the sorrow of the lord, the generals of the generals, I am naturally clear."

General Meng had a deep sigh and his face was very sorrowful.

The truth is the fact.

This investigation is, in the final analysis, just an illusion, a fantasy that is very unrealistic. Everyone understands what kind of person the Nine Prince is, so investigating; but hopefully, he can find some reasons for his own nine sons, no matter how reliable. Not reliable; how can one be famous, and peace of mind.

But now all the facts show that the nine princes are damn, and there is a lingering death!

However, the reality is so cruel, such a shameless scum, if not a prince, he must kill him personally! But because he is a prince, he still has to avenge him!

This kind of thing, in my life's life, is really the most helpless thing!

The husband has something to do, but the current situation is not what it should be, but it cannot be done!

At this moment, a black shadow came far away, the speed was extremely fast, and it did not stop at all. It was just passing by everyone, and went straight to the mountains!

"Who is this person?" In the cloud of heaven, some people are dissatisfied with this black shadow, and dare to fly directly from our heads? It’s really courageous!

"This person, you should be long-awaited for being famous." The cloud smiled faintly.

"Long-term reputation is like a thunderous ear? But this is the point of repair? At best, it is the level of the holy step and the half-step of the heavens, can actually let us long-awaited the name of the thunder? Originally, outside the cloud, the measure is based on this? Most of us here are worthy of being famous for a long time!" In the officer, someone snorted with disdain.

In the clouds, Tian Xiaowei smiled and seemed to respond inadvertently: "If you also have the courage and courage of this person, you can't say that I will be arrogant to you forever!"

The general of the dream heard a shock, and some strange looks at the figure that had become a little black spot, and looked serious: "This person is Chu Yang?"

The sky in the sky is a faint smile: "Dream General is really worthy of the name, see the micro-knowledge, yes, this person is the party that killed the Moyun Tianjiu Taizi Yuan Shitu, Chu Yang!"

The general of the dream was wrinkled, his face was dark, and he said: "Catch people!"

With a bang, countless figures immediately vacated and chased in the direction of Chuyang.

Unexpectedly, the first moment I came here, I saw the culprit in this trip to ask for sin!

General Meng’s face showed some faintness; just now, he did what he was most unwilling to do in his life, so he was in front of himself. Face to face, no way to escape.

When the heart was stunned, he sighed and grew up, turned into a Changhong, and chased down in the direction of Chu Yang.

All the people of Mo Yuntian hula cheered the whole army and went all the way.

"Not good!" Wood elders exclaimed.

"What's wrong?" The people were shocked. The elders of Tianjianmeng Wood, but the recognized masters of the major gates were heavy. How could they scream at this moment? Although Chu Yang appeared to be abrupt, everyone did not understand how this kid suddenly lost his heart and went to death, but he also took away the people of Mo Yuntian, which is a good thing for the major gates. How is it instead? Would it be bad? !

"Chuyang went to the direction of Cangwu Mountain!" Mu Chang's face turned white.



"Is this person not messing up?"

“Does Chu Yang want to use the source of the source to resist the power of Mo Yuntian?”

“Does he want to completely mix the water? Or even want to use the power of these people to fight against the sky?”

"Don't speculate, let's go quickly, and the number will increase even later!"

At this moment, people are like this, and the heart thinks the same way. Everyone flies at the same time and follows, behind the Moyuntian army, lightning-like dust.

Chuyang swayed all the way, and even deliberately flew high over all the troops of the ink cloud, the purpose is nothing more than to draw their attention. However, under the action of the other party, the momentum of the mountain fell into the sea, but it also really made Chuyang scalp numb!

This is not a guts, a qualified army, just by the momentum, it is definitely not a person's strength to compete, of course, those who are strong in snow and tears can be exceptional!

The other party came up in a big way, and the densely chased after him, and it was a silvery white on the left. It was the color of the Moyuntian military uniform, while the right side was a black pressure, but it was completely attached to the confidant of the Moyun Emperor. Army ink cloud guard!

The two sides are distinct, but they are equally powerful and rushing in; the speed is approaching the extreme, and Chu Yang sneaked his head and saw it, but he couldn’t see it.

This battle, at least 10,000 people!

This is the most conservative estimate!

Faced with this reality, Chu Yang was almost soft, and the scalp was bursting, and the limit was accelerated. The strength of the milk was used out. The meteor rushed to the sky.

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