Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 253: Come with me! [The third! 】

At the moment, on the Cangwu Mountain, except for some fairly fresh bodies, it is completely empty.

This is conceivable. The sword suddenly disappeared, and there was a passage. Who can bear it? Once someone passes it safely, others naturally do not hesitate to embrace it, lest they can't grab good things, and want to get something else!

Behind Chu Yang, he pulled out an unreal and distorted space crack; at this moment he has tried his best.

As long as it is a little slow, it may be caught up, after that... there will be no more!

Unexpectedly, behind a fierce break in the air suddenly sounded, an invisible big hand, broke into the air.

At this moment, Chu Yang’s body is plunging into the top of the sky, and the big hand has been mixed with the ruin of the mountain and the smashing of the mountain!

"Leave it!"

Chu Yang only felt that he had stopped even breathing, and he spared no effort to go forward. The "call" suddenly entered the space channel.

Too dangerous!

I have just flown from above, and those people have not responded. They have rushed at least half of the distance. The talents started to move, but when they reached the top of the mountain, the other party actually came over!

What is the speed?

How is this repaired?

These things, Chu Yang now really do not have time to think about it, and now the only thought, into the relics of the source of the source, only sneak into there, there is a line of vitality, the last vitality!

And my own original plan, there is a chance to achieve!

The body rolled into the long space passage, and I felt that the vest was hit by a blow, the throat was sweet, and a blood "wow" spouted out, and the body had already floated down, and once again staged a long-lost freedom. Falling body movement! .

The big hand grabbed the air and the "bang" was shot at the top of the mountain.

Immediately, countless crushed stone chips slammed up and the peaks on the top of the mountain were actually flattened by this palm!

You know, this is not an ordinary mountain. At the beginning, when Chu Yang was mistakenly entered into this place, he used all his strength to pinch a stone. Under this palm, he was evenly flattened!

When Chu Yang falls, he feels that his soul is not attached.

The people are powerful!

The figure flashed and the general of the dream fell on the mountains of Cangwu.

Looking at the narrow, bottomless hole in front of him, his face was cautious and muttered: "Is this the ... the source of the source of God?"

At this time, the people of the two units fell.

"What about people?" asked another representative of Mo Yunwei.

"Mu Yunwei and Yin Jiabing each sent out 500 people to go in and search for it!" General Meng’s face sank and immediately ordered: "Always to the passage of the passage, the person who first dispatched the communication will immediately alert the police once there is any emergency. Passing one person, sending the message out at the first time, Chu Yang’s life will come to this place, and there must be some reliance!”

"Yes!" Both men agreed at the same time.

It is the commander of the silver armor and the commander of the ink cloud.

Although the silver armor is not as dazzling as the ink cloud, it is the enemy of the dream general! The level of precision is actually not inferior to Mo Yunwei! Especially this time the expedition to the East Emperor, the follow-up, is even more elite among the elite masters!

It’s just a blink of an eye. The two commanders have each chosen to send a competent man, and one of the next silver and black people will enter.

Next, one after another, the ink cloud guards and the silver armor soldiers sneaked in!

A thousand people have already flown into this channel in less than five minutes.

"Immediately occupy this mountain, prohibiting anyone from entering, arrogant, and dying!" Mengda General ordered a faint order.

"Yes!" The voice of the subordinate's promise just sounded -


Numerous sounds of broken air sounded one after another, but the people of the major super martial arts rushed in. When they saw that the hole had been held by the people of Mo Yuntian, and the people of Mo Yuntian were still stalking... ··

All of them suddenly red eyes.

What about him! When you came to occupy this place, what have we been here for for months? Make a wedding dress for you? !

"Dream General, what do you mean by doing this?" The wooden elders came out like a submerged water: "It has been descending since ancient times, but wherever there is a source of divine power, it has always been a wealth of resources shared by the Jianghumen School. Official forces must not intervene; especially here. Or Donghuangtian, even the Emperor of the East did not send people to occupy, let us Jianghu people freely distribute the competition according to the opportunity; why did Mo Yuntian come to hold it here? Should the general give a statement!"

General Mengda said faintly: "The raft, just this part of the punishment is because he violated the military discipline, not from the military order, but not afraid of you, or afraid of all of you, now is the same, this seat The second time is to act on the scene, to arrest the murderer who killed the imperial family; the duty is not to be neglected! If so, let the murder of the Emperor Yunyun blame, can you afford it? Or, you can bear it. Start?"

Mudu said with anger: "In your opinion, if you catch a murderer, you will occupy it here? You know that I have waited for a few months here! How much manpower and material resources are consumed, and what is our consumption? "!

General Meng’s face said coldly, “The wooden elders are a little bit safe, and this seat has never thought of the treasures of the East Emperor’s source! The old man can guarantee that once the murderer arrives, all the members will be evacuated! Everything in the source of the source of God , not moving!"

"This, please rest assured." The dream general said.

The snow fairy is cold and cold: "The general is a good eloquent. The general is arbitrarily speaking to the soldiers of the army. The order is forbidden, but we are not under the generals. If we are here to guarantee to the generals, after entering, never Will intervene in the military affairs, not to assist Chu Yang, the dream general will believe us, let it go?"

General Meng Dajun, cold and cold: "The implication of the fairy is to say that the old will eat and say fat?"

Xue Xianzi said faintly: "The general hopes that I will believe in the generals. I hope that the generals can believe me. We can guarantee to the generals. We just want to let us go in for treasure hunting. I will not interfere with the pursuit of Mo Yuntian. The murderer!"

"This is impossible!" Mengda general categorically refused!

All the faces of all the sects have anger!

If we say that the three commanders are going to commit public anger, then now the generals of the dream have already committed public anger, just because the strength of the generals of the dream is unpredictable, and the main brains of the major sects are not willing to tear the dough immediately and fight!

Even so, the two sides are gradually forming a trend of arrogance. Each other is not retreating, almost immediately!

The general of the dream did not know the seriousness of the matter. It was extremely unwise to forcefully suppress the sects by one's own strength. However, this slogan had to be done, because once the various sects were allowed to enter, the variables would inevitably increase. Chu Yang must take advantage of these people to go in and do something big, whether it is planting a blame or smashing fish, it may not happen in the realm of the source of God.

Even Chu Yang took the opportunity to refit and escape, it is not impossible.

In this case, it is better to let Chu Yang be inside, as long as it is caught, it will come out, without any involvement, it is the best policy.

So he will never let the people of the great super martial arts go in!

General Meng Da and the heads of various sects are arguing, but in reality, they are delaying the time. As long as the thousands of people who went down in the darkness of the sky, they will win the Chu Yang as soon as possible. Naturally everything will be closed, and there will be dispelling disputes. However, before Chu Yang Mingming made a trick. The injury is bound to be heavy, and I have already delayed a lot of time, so I have not been able to capture it!

The dream of the generals is undoubtedly very good, but the reality is very bad!

The people of the major sects are now even red eyes!

Damn, we have been here for a few months, and the meal is sleeping, just for today. Before this, a sword was suppressed, and we had no choice; it was hard to wait until the sword was gone, but it was occupied by the people of Mo Yuntian!

Is it not just to travel, but to come to eat?

The Laozis are not raised by the maiden. Why are you so overbearing?

Since you don't believe us, why do we believe in you?

If you directly say that it is a piece of cake, it is not unreasonable. The things in the source of the gods are all equal, but you are planning to take them all away. Isn’t that confessing to all of us?

The atmosphere on the top of the mountain is extremely tense, and it’s just a hit!

Everyone is a face!

Chu Yang screamed with the whistling wind, and when he went to the "free fall", he even used all his strength to make the martial arts. Let your body fall at the fastest speed!

Otherwise, it will be caught up by the people behind.

These ink clouds and silver armor, which are chasing after them, are each a desperate. They saw that Chu Yang used a hammer, and they all had the same kind of learning. They all accelerated the fall!

They haven't even thought about it, what will be greeted below!

However, this matter is really impossible to consider and has no time to consider: the realm of the source of God has just broken. Who would have thought that Chu Yang has actually entered and exited this passage several times?

Since Chu Yang dares to do this, his repair is lower than ours, so why don’t we dare?

Even if there is any unpredictable crisis below, Chu Yang is in front of him, and he is unlucky to be unlucky! With Chu Yang's buffer, how can everyone avoid the past!

Driven by this kind of thinking, everyone is a daring person of the art high, and they are chasing down one by one! ,

Chuyang all the way down, just for a moment, it fell out of the martyrdom that had to go through a long time, and in the middle of the void, suddenly screamed: "Grass! What is going on?"

The chilly cold that had already disappeared completely, actually whistling here.

It’s full of eyes and no fingers!

Chu Yang has just fallen, it has been completely surrounded by this chilly gas, and the spirit of the spirit has a chill. Can't help but blurt out is a bang!

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