Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 255: Kill Laozi!

When I think of it, I start to succumb to each other and start to lighten up, float, and turn up...

However, the inertia of more than 20,000 zhang is close to 30,000 ft. There is also the falling force of the 10,000-kilogram hammer that has been walking with inertia. How can this huge falling power be dissolved at once?

It’s too late, it’s fast!


Suddenly a loud noise, the moment of the source of the gods instantly shakes the mountain!

The first ink cloud guard is like a meteorite, and it falls on the top of the flat hill that was almost broken by Chuyang!

But when I heard it, the hard mountaintop was left with a glimpse of it.



Another one!


It’s another...hey, it’s a pair!


Chu Yang only feels the earthquake, or the earthquake of the super-scale, his ears are almost shocked to be deaf!

If there are dozens of shocks in succession, the people of Mo Yuntian have the following dumplings in general, and they are almost squatting together!

Chu Yang estimates that the most dear friend, I am afraid that it has become a pile of minced meat at this moment...

No one really can endure such a collision... and it’s still dozens of times!

Then, some of the above people finally got the chance to adjust the speed of the fall, but the result is that after all, the result will be heavy. No matter how it is adjusted, the inertia still exists.

It only distinguishes the inertia after adjustment!

Booming and banging...

"This scene is too fierce..." Chu Dashan people sighed in their hearts, only feeling their own careful liver and jumping, asked the soul of the disaster: "A few dead?"

The catastrophe is screaming: "These people are not simple. They are all dead. The other ones are just serious injuries. There is still a breath, and it is estimated that they will soon be completely finished."

When Mo Yunwei and the Silver Armor are in a state of perfection, they can naturally resist the chilly and cold, but at this moment they are seriously injured, and it is really a matter of time to compete with the dead air.

"There are so many deaths? Can you kill all of them as soon as possible?" Chu Yang asked cautiously.

"There is no problem at all! Little meaning!" The catastrophe of the gods is a big bag; this time is the opportunity to perform in front of the little ancestors, and the soul of the catastrophe naturally has to sell well.

Besides, these are all masters. It’s all dead. For the soul of the catastrophe, this is directly super tonic!

In silence, the soul of the catastrophe is full of confidence and floats out: "The son, hehehe... You look at the old man who killed the guy who dared to chase you!"

"The sooner the better, the later will change!" Chu Yang reminded.

"Okay good!" The soul of the catastrophe Mei Shangren patted his chest and slammed out.

The six zombies were dispatched together, and together with a saint-level catastrophe, they were in the darkness of the sky, and they rushed to the Mo Yunwei and the silver armor!

Even though each of the Mo Yunwei and the Silver Armor is a warrior who has fought thousands of wars, but why did he fight in such a strange place?

This is really no wonder they!

It is clear that Chu Yang, who is weaker than they have cultivated, falls down and seems to be fine. But they fell off and it happened!

There is no reason at all. There is really no such thing as a strange thing.

In fact, the problem lies in the fact that they don’t know that Chu Yang had come in before... And, this time, although unexpected, Chu Yang has a catastrophe to catch up...·····

And they, but there is no such treatment!

This directly caused this tragedy.

Especially the two people at the bottom.

The whole person slammed into the hard stone directly. On the spot, the lower part of the body suffered a broken fracture, and the internal organs were directly seriously injured. In the future, he could have a slow breath, and his own companion meteorite was usually on his own!

Even if the call is not called, it will die directly.

The worst thing is that if they are simply dead, they are not worried. Because the strong players who have reached this level can basically keep their souls intact.

As long as the trustee opens the passage of the Nether, and hand over the morning wind, you can make a turn in the world...

However, there is still a soul in this space that devours the soul!

This is a complete tragedy, and it is simply a bleak end.

Hundreds of people who fell down, only the last one or two hundred because of the need to maintain contact with the above, so the fall is relatively slower; but also escaped the dead.

Inside, the soul of the catastrophe has begun to be fierce and arrogant, and slaughtered in silence. These people's repairs are much lower than him. At this moment, they are accidents. They are seriously injured and even scored considerable strength to counter the erosion of the cold and cold. Where can there be any resistance?

It was only a moment before and after, and it was already more than one hundred people who were killed in the hands of the gods of catastrophe. They are all the kind of gods that are devastating.

At this time, someone shouted: "Everyone pays attention! There are monsters underneath! Everyone back to back, hurry to concentrate in one place, work together against the enemy, and have vitality."

The master is a master, even in such a bad situation, quickly developed the most appropriate solution. !

But the six zombies, a catastrophe, have been savagely rushed up...·····

The zombies themselves have no soul, but they are not afraid of pain and are not afraid of death.

It is a standard slainer than the dead!

In an extremely dark environment, zombies are like water, and they are all unscrupulous and unscrupulous. The destructive power is not as high as usual.

Although both Mo Yunwei and Yin Jiabing have different degrees of earthquake damage, they are caught in an unprecedentedly bad situation. However, they have calmed down at the moment, and they are spontaneously listed in the dark. The formation, in the most consistent with the current environment, the most stubborn resistance, at least not as usual before.

This battle, which was short but intense, was only able to hear the inevitable collisions in the battle. In addition, there was no more life, and I never heard anyone yelling. Or screaming.

Zombies can't talk, naturally there is no sound, but the other party can actually ignore the pain completely.

This perseverance, Chu Yang’s self-question is also only seen in life!

In particular, in such a sudden situation, and even more succumbed to the savage fighting under the harsh conditions, all the members of the war can be so calm, and carry out the counterattack of the Jedi. The elite qualities of these two armies can be seen.

However, with the strong involvement of the catastrophe, the Mo Yunwei and the Silver Armor once again fell into the absolute downwind, and fell into pieces. In the end, some people finally called out! And still yelling!

Just shouting the content, but not calling for pain, nor speaking to the outside world to save lives, but tips -

"The opponents here are all zombies! They don't have the ability to reduce their combat effectiveness due to injuries! The general attack does not work for them!"

"There is also a very powerful catastrophe! It is beyond the limits of our ability to compete!"

The voice is high and the content of the discourse is full of negatives, but there is no fear, but it is full of a sense of irony.

What they want to pass is just the news that is not good for themselves.

Chu Yang’s heart glimpsed, only to hear far away and another person called: “The opponents here are all zombies! They don’t have the situation to reduce their combat effectiveness due to injuries! The general attack does not work for them!”

"There is also a very powerful catastrophe! It is beyond the limits of our ability to compete!"

The voice of this person just fell, and there was a shout in the direction of the distant crossroads. It was obviously a burning drink of life and the content was the same.

"The opponents here are all zombies! They don't have the ability to reduce their combat effectiveness due to injuries! The general attack does not work for them!"

“There is also an extremely powerful catastrophe! It is beyond the limits of our ability to compete!”

Further away, someone shouted out, but the voice was almost inaudible.

Chu Yang suddenly realized.

This should be the way of communication under the arrangement of Mo Yuntian. Under these strange situations, the people of Mo Yuntian can only adopt this most primitive way.

But there is no denying that this way is the most effective means of communication at the moment!

Chu Yang shouted: "Accelerate the attack frequency, it is necessary to kill all these enemies before the next wave of reinforcements!"

The calmness and fierceness of the other side, as well as the perseverance of the incompetence, have made Chu Yang feel a sense of awe.

However, these do not affect his determination to destroy the other side.

On the contrary, the more such an enemy is the more unstoppable goal.

Can only be eliminated as much as possible!

The hostile positions of the two sides are clear. It is not that I destroy them, that is, they destroy me.

"No problem!" The catastrophe screamed sharply and whistling, and the whole source of the gods suddenly became more and more fragrant and cold. Then, countless gimmicks appeared out of thin air with a screaming ghost, from the air. The ground will fall down.

The war situation is more and more viscous, and the death and injury are more dramatic.

Of course, there are still only the death and injury of the ink cloud and the silver armor. Even if the spirit of the catastrophe is abandoned, the six zombies themselves must be above all the soldiers entering the group, and they are not afraid of injury. If you don't have these soldiers, they are well trained and have a strong personality. They have already completely collapsed.

As for those gimmicks, it is even more difficult to destroy the soul of the gods. It is not completely annihilated, but the essence of the game is extremely pure and chilly. You are really scattered, but it will make you chilly. Opportunity to drill into your acupoints, only to die faster, this is the most powerful group of killings!

Above, the major super martial art groups were strongly suppressed by the generals of the dream, and everyone was almost unable to bear it. Spitfire in a single eye, just want to move, as long as anyone first moves, it will completely detonate everyone's bottom line.

But there is never one person who dares to go beyond the pool!


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