Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 256: Stir the water and say it!

Because, the general of the dream has always stood upright, and the pair of blind people are cold and cold with all the people in front of them. He knows that it is not appropriate to do so. However, at present, it is really no longer possible, and it can only be hoped for. The soldiers took Chuyang as early as possible and left the crowd as soon as possible.

However, just in the midst of a thousand miles, a sudden white cloud turbulence in the distant sky, spewing up, a stock rollover!

Above the clouds, a golden banner is a hundred feet wide, and there are thousands of feet across the tree.

Above, eight big characters!

"Donghuang Tianwei, Yune is unparalleled!"

An unusually strong world of power, suddenly cover, Ze Yuanguang is, everything is everywhere!

The golden flag is like a real sweep of the world, coming quickly, from beginning to end, always unfolding.

Between the homeopathic, everyone's attention has been attracted to the past, and they feel that they are heavy.

Because the appearance of this banner means that the East Emperor official has an action!

Even the most quiet dream general, the pupils can not help but shrink, knowing that the biggest obstacle to the arrival of the East Emperor is coming!

The strength of the major sects is certainly not to be underestimated, and even enough to cause a devastating blow to the army they led, but as long as there is no decisive moment, the major sects will never dare to do it. Once they start, it means becoming a deadly enemy with the entire Mo Yuntian. This is not what the top sects are willing to see.

The major sects are even more reluctant to pay the heavy price that they should not pay. This is the strength of the generals to suppress the slogans of the major sects!

However, what is going to be faced now is the official of the East Emperor, and this reliance does not exist.

This is the East Emperor's homeland. It is very abrupt to lead troops across the border. If the other party does not care about it, it is necessary to cure one of its own crimes. It is impossible to distinguish itself, not only because of their own reasons. Feet, and because of a problem of dignity, you led the army to come to our territory to arrest my people. I didn’t say anything before, so the arrival of such a big thorn, the blatant search, said that you put me in the East Emperor In the eyes, who believes? !

The heart will be more than the heart, the generals of the dream ask themselves, change themselves, and they will not easily take a break!

The white clouds suddenly slammed into the two sides, and in the air, there suddenly appeared a military barracks with strict barriers!

Banner exhibition, endless!

I saw the shadows but I can't see anyone coming out.

A door that seems to be supported by white jade isolates everything from sight.

Behind the dream general, several ink cloud officers feel the hostility of the other army. At the same time, they hold the hilt, arrogant, and want to spray out.

The general of the dream sighed in the heart.

The posture of the other side is obviously a bad intention. Today, I am afraid that it is difficult to be good.

The next moment, the door in the air slowly opened, revealing an unusually wide passage.

Only this passage is temporarily empty, and there is no half ghost shadow.

"I don't know which one of the emperors of Donghuangtian came? There is no end to the dream in the next ink cloud! Please come out and answer." General Meng said.

The air is still a silence.

No one answered.

Such silence usually only represents one meaning. We will take care of you!

The faces of the generals behind General Meng Dajun were extremely humiliating and angry!

Our generals personally opened an inquiry, and you didn’t even say a word? Everyone is a general of the nine worlds, do you actually humiliate your opponent? Is it too much!

At this point, I was so angry that my chest was up and down, and there was a fire in my eyes! I believe that at this time, as long as the General of the Dream is ordered, these generals will be able to live in the past!

They didn't know. At this moment, the generals of the General Blue are actually caught in a quarrel.

"The teacher must be famous, who will ask?" The generals of the Blues are slow.

"I go!"

"I go!"

For a time, the subordinates below all rushed.

"I still go." The words that are spoken are not the words of the military.

Everyone is depressed, everyone is fighting for it, but we are all in the military. At least it can be said that it is the responsibility, but what is your identity? You are a vow of the generals of the vows, what fun?

However, General Lan’s deep glance at the mountain and said: “The generals of the generals are very good, so please ask the generals to take a trip!”

Everyone is stunned!

What is the good idea? What did he build?

Who is this turn, and shouldn’t it be the turn of the mountain?

How did the generals let him go?

What is this called? !

Say the mountain low eyebrows: "Thank you for the great general trust!"

Turned around.

Just outside the crowd, a Tsing Yi figure, so carrying his hands, and slowly came out of the door. This person looks very young, but the long sleeves of the green robe and the clothes are fluttering. At this moment, the volley stands at a high place, and there is a style that is not high in the past.

More indifferent and indifferent, his face is arrogant, and there is a fascinating posture that refuses to be thousands of miles away.

General Meng’s brow wrinkled and said: “Don’t ask me?”

The words are as cold as the ice, and the voice is long: "East Emperor Tianwei, unparalleled in the world! The emperor's dignity, can't be tolerated! The army below, who is it? From where, why did you suddenly commit the emperor, why?"

There is anger in the mind of General Meng.

This attitude of the other party is a deliberate provocation!

In this case, the high is still in the second place. The most hateful thing is that he is clearly saying that the sentence is looking for something wrong, but he is still looking for a big problem. The word "criminal" even completely contradicts the positions of the two sides. !

But the reality is that his own people are on the ground, and the situation is stronger than the people. Although the generals of the dreams are extremely angry, they know the number of rituals. It’s not a matter of grievances, but what matters is that they cannot .

"Under the innocent cloud, the dream of the dream of the army is boundless! It is the life of the emperor of the Emperor Yunyun, and came to arrest the murderer. This trip has been too hasty, and it has not been reported to the high-level officials of Gaotian. It is indeed rude.

Also asked the general to report upwards, and the dream is boundless to apologize for this. ”

As far as the dreamlessness is concerned, it can be said that it is very low-pitched. ,

Under normal circumstances, people in the officialdom have always been acting in a flower sedan chair. People will not be able to say anything to death at any time. In any case, they should turn around and return, and then the Shangguan will make a final conclusion.

It is a pity that today’s words are definitely not "normal"!

Yan Rushan said with a slap in the face: "Catch the murderer of Mo Yuntian? Good reason! I am really interested to know how the murderer of Mo Yuntian ran to our East Emperor's Day? What is the truth? Is it the murderer from Mo Yuntian? One escaped ten thousand miles and came to Donghuangtian? Could it be said that the murderer has a 'sage, is the above level repaired? Or is it so far-reaching?"

"Don't you say that you have fallen to the point that even a murderer can't catch it?"

In the army of Mo Yuntian, an officer couldn't stand it anymore. He said, "Hey, what do you mean by this word? Do you know who you are talking to? The people of Donghuangtian are so big and small, I don't know how to be humble. What?"

"Let's relax!" Yanshan looked at the officer with a cold and cold look. Sen Ran said: "I am waiting for the heavens and the earth to come to our East Emperor's Day. Can we have the consent of the army? Can there be a document? Can we negotiate? Can be reported, can you have a seal?"

"This······················································ Originally intended to come here, if it can be resolved as soon as possible, go back as soon as possible, if not resolved as soon as possible, then contact Donghuangtian official to handle these procedures.

I thought that Chu Yang was at best but the strength of the saint, and that people would turn and leave, saving the truth.

Before I was lucky, I met Chu Yang on the front, but I didn’t expect the latter to change again and again. So the official effort of the East Emperor’s Day came.

Although it is not sincere, but now people ask this question in person, but it is really worthy of a mistake.

But still that sentence, no one thought that the army of Donghuangtian could come so fast. It’s just like it’s already here.

Cough, in fact, the real situation, it is indeed here just waiting to come, this is considered to be slow, if it is not Chu Yang has a catastrophe help, perhaps it is really caught early, Mo Yuntian and his party have returned.

"Nothing?" The words like a big hat were deducted: "Are you coming to the side of the crime? Or come to aggression? See if your military is so prosperous, can I understand that

Do you want to declare war on our East Emperor? ”

The dream is nowhere to listen, the more you don't care.

What exactly does this guy mean, the words are stinging, and the words are all provocative, just like deliberately causing the two sides to fight?

Moreover, the more you say the more you are, the more military you are. If you say this, it’s just a fart. There are more than 10,000 people on our side. This can be called the military, and this person dares to commit crimes? Dare to invade your East Emperor's Day with hundreds of millions of troops?

"Dare to ask the general to honor the surname?" The dream waved his hand and stopped the man who was about to break out. Su Rong asked.

Words are like a cold and cold road: "I am just a small person. What is the name of the surname? My purpose is just to ask you. If you insist on wanting to commit a war, our emperor will be in the air and will not be afraid of you. Mo Yuntian!"

The generals of the words are the brothers of Chu Yang, and those who have no dreams are to catch Chu Yang.

And the cause is still not the other party.

For all this, Yan Rushan has already broken his belly.

At this moment, can you give them a good look? My heart is even more eager to directly conflict, to destroy all of these people here.

The reason why the generals of the Blues did not send others, only sent a message like a mountain, and its intention is also the same, because the words of the mountains are undoubtedly among all people, the most hoped that the two sides will fight, as far as the mountains are concerned, most of them are also in the hearts of the generals of the Blues. miss you.

Just to stir the water!

The people of Mo Yuntian came to Donghuangtian without authorization, can Laozi be able to make you better?

Two chapters of the day! It’s really bad today, my head is knotted...·····

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