Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 257: Enter all! [First! 】

"The old man has never said that the purpose of this trip is to open a dream with the East Emperor, and endure the temper.

The other party clearly wants to go to war.

What to do? Why do you fight? This is temporarily unknown.

But General Meng is only clear: once you start the war, everyone you bring, together with yourself, will die here! And still have to die without dignity, all worthless 1

If it is a real war, it will die. This is the fate of the soldiers. But if it is for the revenge of a villain who is robbing a wife, he will lose himself. The general of the dream believes that not only the self and the silver armor will die, but even those A Mo Yunwei will also die!

It is one thing to be loyal to the royal family, but it is another matter to humiliate and humiliate!

Therefore, the more the other party is going to fight, the less they will fight against it. This is not a timid thing, but a strategy, and it is the wisdom of the general.

Moreover, the consequences of this war may be irritating, it will be unimaginable!

In the heart of General Meng, the people like Yuan Shitu, even if they are still alive, are not worthy of fighting for the two worlds, but not so much now! ? Not to mention that in order to grab someone else’s wife, she was killed by her husband...

If it is for such a dregs to drag the entire ink cloud into the flames of war, then the whole Mo Yuntian people really want to cry...

"Since it’s not a crime, what are you doing here? Are you going to swim in the mountains?" The words are as loud as the mountains: "Is it fun here? So you travel?"

The dream is boundless and good temper. When I hear these words, I can’t help but be provoked.

This sentence directly starts all the problems from the beginning: What are you doing? I am going to catch the murderer. Why did Mo Yuntian fugitives come to Donghuangtian to catch? Because the fugitive is in the East Emperor. Do you want to invade the East Emperor? Fighting with Donghuangtian? We don't want to fight with Donghuangtian. You don't want to go to war, well, what are you doing here?

Well, this is a perfect cycle, and it can be circulated forever. Of course, one of the premise is that the temper of General Meng can last for a long time without endurance!

"Is this general's daring to deliberately make it difficult for the old man?" The dream finally fell to his face, and the voice was calm and turned sharp.

"You are so big and the team is quiet and there are no signs to come here. Isn't it difficult for us to be in the East Emperor's Day?" The tone of the mountain is so loud: "I ask you! This is the source of the East Emperor." The location of the relics! The location of the relics of the source of the gods has always belonged to the interests of the rivers and lakes! We are not occupied by the emperor of the East, and what is the intention of you to block this place when it comes to the sky? In the end, it is difficult for us, or Is it difficult for you to be everyone on our side?!"

This sentence is too sharp, and directly set the ink cloud to the opposite of all people and all forces!

On one side, the big super sects heard this and they were like the ice cream on the hot days!

It is so cool.

Let you cloud the sky and arrogant, it really is a wicked person still need evil people to grind! When you meet someone who is stronger than you, is it soft? Oh shit.

Losing your previous training, we and the grandson seem to have finally turned to you to taste the taste of the air. We all have their own jealousy, and we dare not rush to rip the face with your grandson, but now you have a better experience, see what you say!

"The murderer we were going to search for was waiting for the opportunity to enter the realm of the source of God, to avoid the hunt, and I naturally want to take the murderer!" General Meng was very angry: "We are not ignorant of what is in the source of the source of God." I believe that the old man is here to guarantee that there will be no crimes in the autumn!"

"Ha ha ha ha ·····" said a loud laugh: "You can only lie to three-year-old children! Your guarantee does not say that I believe or not, you ask, all the super martial representatives present. Can any one believe in the guarantee you said?"

Everyone shook their heads together and the movements were neat.

Obviously, at this moment, even if you believe, you can't believe it.

Would rather offend Mo Yuntian, here is not the home of Mo Yuntian, we will never go to Mo Yuntian in the future. But if you offend the East Emperor's military, as long as people turn their faces, it is absolutely impossible to get out of this world.

Besides, now the East Emperor Tianjun is doing what we are talking about, and we are all doing our best for us.

What can you do in the nest?

And the most important point is that the general said that the relics of the source of the gods are disputes between the rivers and lakes, and the official military will never intervene. This is really tempting, and there are official representatives who are so sensible. Who can't ask!

The dream is boundless and bites his teeth and said: "What is the general intention of the general, please let me down!"

He can see it, whether it is the person in front of him or not, or someone behind the inspiration, anyway, I am afraid that it is difficult to be good today!

But things are too important, even if he still has to make the final effort, as long as there is a chance to not tear the skin, you have to work hard!

I don’t want to say anything like this: "I didn’t know whether you came to catch the murderer, or to encroach on the interests of the East Emperor. Now, everything in the East Emperor does not allow you to intervene without permission. It is not allowed to disturb the order! It is not allowed to damage the people's livelihood! Now, everyone will immediately retreat, first lift the blockade of this place, and let the realm of the source of God! As for the future, see your performance! If you dare to resist, then you can provoke. Don't blame me for not reminding me first!"

This sentence, let all the people of Mo Yuntian whether it is Mo Yunwei or Yin Jiabing, all of them are almost mad at the belly!

People want to face the skin.

Being pointed at the nose and being so insulted by irony is not only a dream, but even their first life!

If there is no military order, I will go up to work now!

The general of the dream looked at the neat military uniform of the East Emperor, and looked at it for a long while, waving a hand, saying: "The whole army is scattered!"

This is the meaning of the concession.

Let the road open and let the big super gates go in.

This is downright soft.

No way, the situation is stronger than people. If you insist on not letting go, it will mean that the car and the horse are facing each other. All of the 10,000 people here have to be buried here!

Under the hands of Mo Yuntian, the generals only got thicker necks, but they finally waited for such a reply. The one-eyed brain was filled with blood: "The general!"

"General! No!"

"The generals..."

"Shut up!" The dream of the generals is like a water: "The military order is like a mountain, is it not heard? Is there a violation of the order, killing innocent!"

At this time, we must make strict orders. Once there is any accident, the consequences are unimaginable!

"Yes······" The generals dare to anger and dare not speak, with a look of anger and anger, have come down

Only a moment before and after, the army of the ink cloud days spread out and gave up the source of the source of the gods.

This point makes the words in the sky feel strange.

It seems that this dream general is really an extremely terrible character!

Can this be tolerated?

As the people of Mo Yuntian flashed away, the people of the great super martial arts would enter. They had already waited impatiently. It was always the place where the military confronted the two days. If it was not the treasure in the realm of the gods, it was really tempting. To be irresistible, I have long since stayed away from this right and wrong. Now that I have the opportunity to enter, I will enter early, and the sooner I finish, the better! Let's talk about the dispute between the two worlds. It doesn't matter to us!

General Meng Dafeng frowned and looked at the movements around him; on the side, a general gathered up and said quickly: "General, this..."

"Shut up!" General Meng Dajun said: "The mission of our trip is to catch Chu Yang lively and kill the cynics of Mo Yuntian. It is definitely not to fight with Donghuangtian! As long as we complete those, we will be subject to more humiliation. Completed the task. If it is really fighting with Donghuangtian, then I will complete the task, and it is also the sinner of the entire Moyuntian!"

"Once the battle is started, the consequence is that the entire murderous corpse is traversing the wild, and the entire East Emperor's Day will also be like a mountain..." and all of this is actually caused by our inadvertent intrusion. At that time, we are dead. In the year, it is also a history book, a stinking eternal sinner!"

General Meng has bitten his teeth and said: "Forbearance! Be sure to endure, endure!"

"Yes!" The general stunned a chill.

Yes, it doesn't matter if you start a war with a moment of blood. If only one person is dead, it will die; but the problem is that these people, now represent the whole ink cloud!

Above, Yan Ruan is also going to pick the bones in the egg again and continue to provoke, unexpectedly...

The sound of a heartbreaking heart is coming up!

"The opponents here are all zombies! They don't have the ability to reduce their combat effectiveness due to injuries! The general attack does not work for them!"

“There is also an extremely powerful catastrophe! It is beyond the limits of our ability to compete!”

The following news finally came up.

The general of the dream heard the words change!

Huo Di turned to look at the wood elder snow fairy and other people: "There is a presence of catastrophe here?"

He didn't understand the specific situation here, so he rushed in, so I thought there was such a big pit underneath?

The snow fairy looks cold and faint: "The general is joking. Is it strange to have a catastrophe under the seal of the source of the gods? Or does the general simply do not know what the source of the source is?"

There is no limit to the dream. At this moment, there is still the problem of the attitude of Xue Xianzi. I am so worried that I will grow up and become a black smoke, and quickly enter the martyrdom.

Behind them, the people of the major sects and all the Mo Yunwei and the silver armor also rushed in.

Brush brush... brush brush...

Charming. hair! break out! Chapter One!

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