Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 259: Conflict escalation, zombies appear [third! 】

Even later, Snow Fairy and Haibo and others began to squat. Of course, some people in Mo Yuntian have touched the bottom line of these people.

The "quality change" opportunity that Chu Yang expects will soon be formed!

The dream is boundless, and the gods are used to see the movement. He can clearly feel that some people are in the dark. In many ways, the most easy place to find the baby will always lead to conflict.

On the contrary, there are some unobtrusive places, but nothing.

At the source of many conflicts, there is a tyrannical energy at work, and many treasure traps are quietly arranged. The purpose is nothing more than to let the major gates and the Muryuntian army fight.

It is a pity that even if the generals of the dream have understood the middle and the end, they still have nothing to do.

Not only because there is no evidence!

Also, because these bureaus are all conspiracy, that is, Yangmou, those treasures are all treasures before the age of a long time, there is no flower holiday, if the people of Moyuntian can’t afford the heart, if these autumns are not committed, these tricks will not attack themselves. Broken, but human nature, his own inevitable break into these conspiracy!

In addition, the tyrannical energy of the director is the most elusive, erratic, this is the most headache.

Still, the unknown is the most unpredictable and horrible thing!

At this moment, the dream is boundless, and the heart of the search is concentrated. It is necessary to search for the soul of the catastrophe. Only by first grasping the ruin of this ignorance, Chu Yang has no gimmicks.

Before the dream is boundless, I will show the hand of nothingness. Although I didn’t really get Chuyang, I asked myself to “know” the depth of Chuyang. On the contrary, if the soul of the catastrophe has never appeared, it is equal to a strong enemy, then I want to Under the protection of such a powerful catastrophe, the capture of Chuyang is undoubtedly an idiotic dream, and it is never realistic.

In the territory of Shenyuan, the hesitant quarrel gradually escalated, and finally the temper was more popular and began to fight.

At the beginning, the imitators rose. The situation is getting worse and worse, even if both sides are willing to endure; but when one side turns around, it will inevitably be sneaked into the shadows. Once injured, in order to protect themselves, it is natural to turn around and play, no matter what!

Counting me? I have given in, you still count me? ! Just pretending to be a fake fake, the original is to count me!

Who can swallow this breath?

At one time, all of them were Peng Peng's fighting voices. At the beginning, everyone still had restraint and did not dare to kill the killers. But when one party finally had a life, the emotions were no longer controlled. Go and fight!

Let's play in the north and south!

The words above the sky looked at this chaotic situation, and my heart was a little bit gloating.

In the face of this situation, even the dreams of the endless soldiers who have been hundreds of thousands of years old, they feel helpless.

There was a lot of fun and the battle escalated. There are also the East Emperor Tianjun in the surveillance, sitting on the mountain. If you are involved in the command, it is estimated that Donghuangtian’s **** will immediately be pressed by the whole army...·····

This is all without a doubt.

But now the conflict is getting more and more intense. If it is not stopped, the casualties will inevitably become more dramatic. Moreover, it will be dead with the super martial art under the heavens!

This force is the taboo of the Emperor Yunyun Tiandi.

Except for the people in the Tianjian League in the middle of the sky, there has not been any conflict with their own, and the other sects have basically been beaten.

at last.

Another mysterious force suddenly flashed -

The dream has not moved, and the sudden movement has moved. The body is like a ghost, and it disappears from the original place.

The position that appeared next time is already three hundred feet away.

"砰", the dreamless endlessness seems to be in the palm of a hand. It has been chasing the past more quickly; only to hear the sound of the shackles there is a whole piece.

The next moment, the sound has disappeared.

But seeing the dream, nowhere, holding a certain thing, the whirlwind is generally turned out, and the "砰" is thrown on the ground!

Everyone took a closer look.

Something is a zombie!

Many parts of the zombie have collapsed, some joints are very strange and broken, and the lumbar vertebrae have been completely punched out of a large hole, ventilating before and after. At this moment, I was thrown to the ground by my dreams. I was still twisted in a strange way, moving a little bit...·····

"The zombie of the catastrophe?" The dream looked around and looked around and shouted: "The soul of the catastrophe! Come out, if not, I will break the zombies that you have cultivated hard! I will beat all your zombies one by one." Broken, all broken into powder!"

Behind, there is no sound at all.

The soul of the catastrophe in a certain hidden area, like a living person, swallowed a bit, and some stunned: "Who is this? Can actually make the heavenly zombie into this virtue in a face-to-face Sex, quite good strength!"

Chu Yang smiled bitterly.

"I only know that he is a master, and it is not clear what to do." Chu Yang grinned.

"At least it is the first-level saint, almost the same level as me! The soul is straightforward: "I said Xiaozu Zong, how is your enemy this! Is it powerful? ”

Chu Yang dismissed: "Is it very powerful? How does he compare with the snow and tears?!"

"Oh, little ancestors, this seems to be incomparable. What is the character of the Emperor of the East, although this general has certain strength, but if he dies, he still has to die in my hands!" The catastrophe is very conceited Road.

"Is it so strong? What are you waiting for? Get out of the way and get rid of him!" Chu Yang is overjoyed!

"Little ancestors, you misunderstood what I meant, I mean if we both die, then I can get rid of him!"

"I didn't miss it, I just let you do it!"

"Oh, oh, oh, in fact, there is basically no possibility of death in our realm. With his strength, it must be under one person, a big man above ten thousand people, how can it happen? If you don’t die, even if you really want to die, the strength of the two of us is roughly between the two, no three or five months, I really can’t kill him!”

"Hey? Three or five months? Three or five months to fight a fight? You play with me?"

"You misunderstood, the strength has reached our level. Time has not meant much to us. It is not a long-term war to cause enough fatal damage. I am confident that I can do it myself. It’s not because of the traits of my sorrow, it’s not dead!”

"Is it like this?! Doesn't that mean you can kill anyone in the world?"

"It’s not the same. With my cultivation, I can easily kill the vast majority of people in the world. I can kill people who are level with me and those who are better than me. But when I meet someone who is much stronger than me, I will Only the share of escape, such as the presence of His Majesty the Emperor.

"That is to say that after the nine monarchs can clean up you?"

"It’s not appropriate to use it. Although they can easily beat me, I can retire with the temperament of the catastrophe. When I encountered the Emperor’s sire, I thought it would be too shocking to the emperor’s majesty. In the face of the East Emperor, although I am definitely not good, I don’t even have the courage to fight with it, but I want to retreat from the whole body, but it is not difficult."

"I am going, then you are not quite worth it?"

"You can't say this in this way. There is a gram in life, and there is no need to restrain my nemesis!"

The catastrophe is returning to the soul. In fact, the soul of the catastrophe is not dare to say it. The shadow behind you is enough to restrain my super nemesis. His strength is higher than that of the East Emperor. There is no statutory theory, but when it comes to Control me, wave my hand and I will be finished!

"There are so many roads here. It’s hard to kill a certain degree. If you forget it, don’t want those things that are far away. Let’s say that you said that the general’s high repair, but take I have no way, this does not prove that my future is far-reaching! So simple, do you not understand?"

"It’s also true." The soul of the catastrophe nodded and suddenly it was a bit elated.

This sentence is really justified.

Can ants be enemies with dragons? That is something that you don't even have to think about.

Before the ancestors dared to use the strength of the heavens to fight against themselves, now they are all holy, and then with a person who is quite equal to their own strength, what counts, it is too much fuss, even if the ancestors told It is not surprising that he and his enemies are Jiujun and Yizhong!

At this moment, the dream outside was shouted again.

Immediately, he stepped on the zombie's head with one foot, slowly and forcefully, screaming, and the zombie's head, which is said to be immortal, was instantly crushed. Then, the cervical vertebra was down, the whole plate was crushed, and the whole body was full of powder.

A smoky smog, popping out from the zombies, and turning around in the air, actually has to escape, as long as the smoky smoke can get out and repair the whole three or five hundred years, it is another zombie.

When someone sees it, he has to intercept it, but the dream has no place to sway, stop the movement of his hand, and his eyes are sharply looking at the whereabouts of this black smoke.

The black smoke is folded in the air and drifts away spontaneously.

The dream is not moving, but the eyes are watching closely. He wants to use the characteristics of "the spirit to return to the Lord" to find the owner of the zombie.

The black smoke gradually drifted to the northeast.

"Not good!" The catastrophe screamed: "He is looking for me using the black gas of the zombies."

Chu Yangyi: "That black smoke is your life?"

The face of the catastrophe is somewhat ugly: "Yes. If it is not my life, it will not promote the formation of zombies."

Chu Yang asked strangely: "You are not afraid of him, as for his face so ugly?"

The catastrophe of the catastrophe: "I am not afraid of one thing, but the anger of the life is precious, and I can try not to lose it without losing it. But if I rush to show up, I am not afraid of fighting with him, but my ancestors what would you do……"

Continue with the fourth word code!

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