Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 260: Talk to Jun, or kill! [Fourth! 】

The meaning of the catastrophe is very obvious. I am certainly not afraid, but I am afraid that you will be implicated. The two great sage-level strongmen will open up, you are a little holy seat, it is not squatting to die, it will die when you touch it. Are you seriously injured at the point?

Chu Yang obviously thought of this, can not help but think about countermeasures, but there is no good way to think about it!

The next moment, I saw that a black gas could not be hovered somewhere...·····

The dream was full of nostalgia, and the body disappeared again in the place. It appeared in the black air circle, and it was a fighting voice. Then, another zombie was picked up by him.

This time, he did not ask again, but directly and neatly shattered the zombies, so that another black gas came out directly. The two black air merged into one, faster, and floated toward the third place!

In a twinkling of an eye, a total of six zombies have destroyed five in the dream!

The face of the catastrophe is somewhat difficult to look at.

When the dream is dead, the sixth is killed. Then, after the loyalty of the life is gone, it will spontaneously come to find his master.

At that time, it is impossible to escape. When it comes to playing, he is not afraid, but what about Chuyang?

"You have to go out and take all the life of the life, and then play with him, anyway, he can't take you, and then find a chance to hide again." Chu Yang turned his eyes and said: "Zombies It’s not necessarily a good thing to destroy all of them. As long as you collect this life, then he wants to find it again, but it really takes trouble."

The soul of the catastrophe slowly nodded. Although this method is not the solution, it is also the best solution at present.

No, the dream is boundless. After defeating the five zombies, there is no more to find the last zombie. In the face of Chu Yang’s hiding place, he said: "Chuyang, I know that you are there, the old man wants Talk to you.

Chu Yang has a tight face.

Did he really find out? Looks like you don't want to be swindling? But I have never found it before. How did I find it now? !

"In this place, there are only a few directions in total, but this is the sacred spirit of this catastrophe, but it has twice deliberately avoided the direction you are in, so you must be here."

The dream is boundless and faint: "You come out! The old man promises that as long as you come out, I will never take this opportunity to deal with you! Even if it is an enemy, but some words still have to explain before the hands-on solution."

The dream is boundless and the words are very sincere.

But Chu Yang can't believe it, even a word doesn't believe it.

At this time, Yan Rushan suddenly said: "Chuyang! Come out! I will testify if nothing happens. Since the general of the dream said so, then the reputation of the generals of dreams will never lie to you."

The dream was frowning, and suddenly he looked up and asked: "Oh, the pledge of the Secretary?! You are like a mountain?"

Words like a smile in the mountains: "Yes! It is a certain!"

"No wonder!" The dream is boundless and naturally knows that Chu Yang, who is going to catch it, is just like a brother. It is no wonder that the mountain is so difficult, and now it is to maintain Chuyang in person.

Now I have a single guarantee, but I immediately feel the power of the vows of heaven and earth.

In any case, for the time being, it is impossible to start with Chu Yang.

Otherwise, it will lead to the thunder of the entire East Emperor's pledge!

It’s clear that this move is a trick.

For this, the generals of Mo Yuntian are all hateful!

Just now, a few people have already prepared for it. As soon as Chu Yang appeared, he immediately shot and killed it!

At most, after being punishable by military law, it is a big death. In short, let the person who killed the nine princes take one step at a time!

But now, the rest is to kill the great general, and even kill the owner of the East Emperor Tian and his son!

Between Chu and Yang’s thoughts, the idea has already set the mind and stepped out.

Since the words are like the mountains, Chu Yang can only come out now.

In addition, he also wants to see, this dream is exactly what kind of person, in order to infer personality, to develop their own best way to escape.

Although I seem to have the upper hand and the safety before, but at this moment, my own and the sacred souls have been broken. Even though the spirit of the catastrophe can be retired, it is not enough to grasp it. It is better to fall down. Ruanshan is backed by himself, and there is a lot of money and dreams.

Mo Yunwei hovered around.

Dreams have no sharp eyes and look at Chu Yang, faintly said: "Blow the number, all the people in Mo Yuntian and other gatherings! Nothing under the corner, there is no one, stand up!"

Immediately, the desolation of the horn sounded instantaneously.

All the Moyunwei silver armies gathered in a very short time. Whether they are searching, or are fighting, whether they are reluctant or not, they all return to the team.

Many people have been injured and hanged.

It’s been such a short time that many people have lost their lives here!

It can be seen that the gangs of these gangs are also tolerant of the extremes. When they are out, they will greet them directly, and they will not stop!

At this moment, when these people retired, the people of the major sects also breathed a sigh of relief and hated them! They gave them a glance, and immediately suppressed the heart of revenge, and rushed into the mountains to hunt for treasure.

Gentleman revenge, not too late for ten years. It is serious to hurry to collect the treasures here!

But this time the decision is not finished!

You are so arrogant and arrogant, let us remember you.

The dreamless and sharp eyes looked at Chu Yang, faintly said: "You, is Chu Yang?"

Chu Yang's kind smile: "If you change."

"Be bold!" A general next to him shouted, and it was really a thunder.

"Slightly don't worry." The dreamless drink stopped the man, took a deep breath and said: "What about the catastrophe?"

Chu Yang smiled and said: "What is the soul of the catastrophe?"

The dream stared at him, looked at him for a long while, said: "Chuyang, although people do not say whispers before, but since there are some words you do not want to say, then I am not reluctant; but since you do not admit, then I will You have nothing to do with the soul of the catastrophe.

Chu Yang has a sudden heart.

Among these words, there are huge traps.

If Chu Yang denies, then, when a dream is boundless, it is necessary to deal with the soul of the catastrophe, and even use all the forces of Mo Yuntian to jointly deal with the soul of the catastrophe; Chuyang has no reason to intervene, and it is even more impossible to use the influence of Donghuangtian. . However, if Chu Yang admits that the soul of the catastrophe is his own person, then the source of this sacred source will be a land of no ownership and become a private territory of Chuyang.

So where did the treasures go?

In other words, Chu Yang is equal to simultaneously sinning all the super martial arts under the sun!

These two consequences, no matter which one, Chu Yang does not want to bear. Especially the latter reason, directly can not afford.

Chu Yang thought about the balance, but his face was quiet and said: "The dream general has something to say."

The practice of General Meng is undoubtedly old-fashioned, but he has judged the wrong thing. One very important thing is the strength of the spirit of catastrophe. Even if he gathers all the power of the ink cloud, he can't destroy the catastrophe!

If you are not polite, as long as it is not the peerless power of the nine monarchs, you will not be able to effectively harm the spirit of the catastrophe, that is, the dream of the generals. Although his true strength and the catastrophe are roughly between the two However, even if he has the support of the Mo Yuntian army, the comprehensive strength is far better than the soul of the catastrophe. Once it is opened, the soul of the catastrophe is certainly not its enemy, but the ultimate damage is still only the ink cloud soldiers.

Chu Yang was the one who had exchanges with the soul of the catastrophe before, confirmed this point, can calm down this, full of enthusiasm! As long as Chu Yang can ensure his own safety, the safety of the catastrophe does not require Chu Yang to worry.

Dreams are slow and slow: "First of all, I want to explain to you. This time, the ups and downs are the nine sons of our Yunyuntian. The difference is not right. Whether it is your wife, you are forced to defend yourself. · Regardless of life or death, all of them are the wrong ones of this day! You killed him, and it is a matter of course! This section must be explained in advance."

He said heavily: "The old man has been in power for hundreds of thousands of years. Although he is murderous, but at the very least, it is not black and white. I still know clearly."

Chu Yang’s face showed a heavy look: “I understand what you mean.”

"No, you don't understand!" The dream is boundless: "The nine princes were killed, and the Emperor of Heaven was extremely angry! So, even if the old man did not catch you, then there will be another group of people coming! If you don't die The matter will not stop!"

Chu Yang slowly daggers: "This section, I can also predict."

In a distant place, there was a smog of smoke.

The dream is invisible, but there is no movement.

On the one hand, it is said to Chu Yang, on the other hand, it is also said to the soul of the disaster: you do not think that you help Chu Yang, we have no way!

You should not think that the enemy facing Chu Yang is just me!

The enemy of Chuyang is not only in front of him, but his real great enemy is a heavenly emperor, or a world!

That is such a huge force, as long as your catastrophe is not a fool, then you should measure it. Intervene in the consequences of this business!

Can you afford it?

The role of these words is undoubtedly great.

The soul of the catastrophe was really shocked. Even, it was scared! When he first heard it, he even shocked to the point where he could not perfectly conceal his breath, so that the smoke exploded.

My embarrassment!

The enemy of the original ancestors was actually the Emperor of the Clouds! Yuan Tian limit!

That is the big man who is on the same road as the East Emperor Tiandi Snow Tears!

And this little ancestor, with the ink cloud Heavenly Emperor, is the enemy, even the killing of the enemy! This is a different kind of hatred that never dies.

I just turned to the little ancestor, and he brought such a big trouble! ? - At the thought of this, the soul of the catastrophe is almost like to cry.

With the power of a catastrophe, I am going against the whole world of Mo Yuntian?

祖宗····· You are too much to see me...

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