Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 261: No regrets! [First! 】

At this moment, the soul of the catastrophe is infinitely entangled.

Even the rise of the meaning of a few points. For Chu Yang, the enemy of the cloud, the Emperor of Heaven, is worth it?

The dream is boundless to face Chu Yang, faintly said: "This time, the old man was ordered to come and catch you! But, you must say, you killed the nine Princes Yuan Shitu, with your position at the time, killing well! Killing is not bad! Killing is nothing wrong!"

"You Chu Yang, it is a man! The old man is very appreciative to you." The dream is full of praise and looks at Chu Yang, the sound is harmonious, but if it is said, it is like a cold winter wind: "But, appreciation is One thing, the responsibility is another thing, I have to chase you! Capture you!"

His voice was heavy: "I don't want to be in my heart. So, here, I hope you can understand."

"I understand that the military is obedient to obeying the command of the upper peak. No matter how ridiculous the order of the peak is, it must be completed first! I admire the military sentiment of the general!" Chu Yang long sighed.

"Although they are hostile to each other, although you should be rebellious in the first place, it should be done. Although my son, Yun Yuntian, is indeed dead and asleep, but the old man cannot have any kind of mercy for you because of his appreciation. Selfless!" There is a flaw in the dreamless endless voice.

But his voice, with one sentence and one sentence, the original guilt, disappeared a little bit, and gradually disappeared.

Chu Yang understands very well what this change is because of the tangled mood of the dream.

"No matter whether this battle is ultimately a life or death victory, Chu has no complaints about the generals of the dream." Chu Yang Jianmei picked one, said: "But also remind the generals of the dream, if purely on force, I Chu Yang is certainly far It’s not as good as it is. Therefore, if I want to fight against you, I must take some means that you can’t think of, or it’s a means other than force. I’m sorry for you, but you’ll never have any mercy! ”

"That is what it should be, everyone is in the heart." The dream is boundlessly dagger, and even a smile on his face.

"This is a free body, why can't help yourself, everything is just helpless..." Chu Yang sighed: "The so-called heart is right or wrong, it is still not a high weight, right and wrong, what is right? Black and white?"

There is no word in the dream, and I look up at the sky. After a long, long time, I said lowly: "This will be consciously speechless, but I have to be sorry!"

Chu Yang beheaded, I have understood.

I am sorry to say that this is more than a thousand words. I understand everything.

In everyone's mind, there are actually black and white, but when this is black and white, beyond the scope of his ability, this is not black and white, it becomes no longer important, even meaningless.

There is no absolute bad person in this world, but because of the persecution of one thing and one thing, the bad guys are finally created.

This is the case, whether it is intended or forced, and eventually becomes so.

The truth of the time to create a hero is not the case!

Heroic bad guys, or just a line apart!

"Life is the rivers and lakes! Heaven and earth are right and wrong!" Chu Yang haha ​​smiled and said: "I am here to accept the dream of the generals sorry! For your actions, deep understanding. Just as you can not do not scratch me, I can not If you don’t resist, you will be bound; you only hope that you who are dead, don’t be jealous, and it’s not a good thing to be with others!”

"This is the world, this is the heaven and the earth." Chu Yang's eyes swept through the faces of a group of officers from Mo Yuntian, Shen Sheng said: "This is the rivers and lakes, the rivers and lakes are involuntarily, ask whether the heart is flawed or not. , I know myself, how can I be confused!"

Although the people of Moyuntian are all thinking about catching Chuyang, at this moment, in this kind of opposite situation, the look on each person's face is somewhat complicated.

Some guilt, some admiration, and some resolute.

These are all the looks of the officers of the silver armor.

We respect you, not your cultivation, but your actions.

You have done what most people don't dare to do in this world.

But we still have to catch you. Because we are appointed to people, our positions are different.

This is undoubtedly a very contradictory and complicated psychology.

As for the face of Mo Yunwei, it is only chilly, only violent and ruthless.

They are the direct subordinates of the Emperor Yunyun, and there is no right or wrong in the heart. The only thought is that only the king!

They and the silver armor belong to the army; but they are not soldiers! The irons and loyalty of the soldiers, heroic and heroic, on them, only the death loyalty!

Chu Yang will distinguish the difference between the two.

Then suddenly my heart raised a plan.

Is it ok, maybe, or, maybe, probably?


"Chuyang, I will give you a chance, let's go! In this source of God, I will not move you! But as long as this place is out, at any time, you may face my pursuit! No matter what If you want to protect you, you can't shake my determination again!" The dream is boundless and long.

Chu Yang smiled and smiled.

When the words are heard, the words are changed.

In this sentence, the dreamlessness is said in the tone of the vows; when the words are exported, it induces the heaven and earth. I must witness it!

However, if you witness, if you go out, you will no longer be able to help, because once you help, it will also provoke the power of heaven and earth to counter!

This dream is boundless, and it is really hot, so I found my own flaws so quickly, and in turn used the identity of my vows!

Chu Yang’s smile is also a reflection of this.

"I let you go, it is for your sentence, 'Is it awkward or not, I know what I can do, how can I confuse'. At this moment, the old man asked himself if he was worried, but it is not within the realm of this source. The old man can't deal with you! You have to understand this section!"

The dream general and the awkward smile: "Although you have a helping hand, but this piece of heaven and earth is always too narrow. Moreover, you can use it all, and you have already used it. Look at your husband who is still a **** husband. Deliberately set this vow. I hope that you can understand the pain of the old man.

Chu Yang said a little embarrassed: "The generals have said this, can I still say that I don't understand?!"

The dream is boundless and smiles: "Between my hands, I can destroy this space." He said faintly: "You are all nine people, you should know that the wind and thunder of the Emperor of the Clouds."

Words like a mountain have changed.

Wind thunder!

Is it the wind and thunder? !

This is the unique instrument of the Moyun Tiandi Yuantian limit; once used, no matter where you are in any space, you can break it in an instant and break through the blockade!

Moreover, this wind thunder has another characteristic, that is, it can instantly condense the wind and thunder. Once released, it is a powerful power that destroys the earth!

It’s like never saying that Yuan Tian’s limit actually made the dream endless and brought out the wind and thunder!

Under the threat of such a big killer, the situation has changed instantaneously!

The wind is extinguished.

Actually it is wind and thunder? The general of Mo Yuntian actually brought the **** thing to him?

The news of the catastrophe hidden in the darkness stunned the news, and suddenly the scalp was numb, and the mood was difficult. If this dream is not worth mentioning, if the wind and thunder are taken out, and you can escape the life with the characteristics of the catastrophe, it is already very good.

There is a gram in all things in the world, and there is a gram in life. This gram is the least. There are at least one gram of sentient beings in the world. It is not good luck. It is common to encounter a 375 grams a day.

Of course, the higher the strength and the stronger the ability, the less naturally it is able to restrain him. That is to say, in the case of the sacred soul, in addition to the sage level itself, and because of the physical specificity, the world can restrain the things that have been produced. There are few and few, but it is not absolutely unrestrained, but this kind of raw-gram relationship contains several different contrasts, which can be roughly divided into complete grams, mutual grams, Lectra, Xiangke, Shengke, etc. category!

For example, the mysterious sword shadow, he is the nemesis of all spirits, but also the strength is far better, so he can complete the blame. With a wave of hands, you can make the soul of the catastrophe extinct, never surpass!

Another example is Jianling. He is a mutual relationship with the spirit of catastrophe. Both of them are spiritual. The key to winning or losing depends on who is stronger. Under normal circumstances, Jianling is a great tonic for the soul. If Jian Ling gets the soul of a catastrophe without injecting a part of the body of the tyrannical power, that part of the body will become a great tonic of the sword spirit. This is called mutual gram.

Shengke, contrasting the attributes of the two sides is the opposite, restraining each other, the best example is water and fire, water can extinguish the fire, but the fire can also boil water!

Lectra, comparing the two sides may not have the same or opposite between the attributes, but one of the forces is too strong, and the other side basically has no room for resistance, just as the former catastrophe faced the East Emperor.

Xiangke, but it is one of the characteristics of one side, just can restrain the other side, just like the wind and thunder and the soul of the catastrophe, the wind and thunder can block the space, but also can be condensed to the strength of the wind and thunder, just can restrain the catastrophe The body, and the dual characteristics of immortality.

The soul of the catastrophe hears the other person holding this big killer, how can it not be scared? !

More this layer, and then say that annihilating so many Mo Yuntian army directly becomes a bubble.

Helping Chu Yang, it seems to be an empty talk!

"If this is the case, then I will leave here." Chu Yang smiled, and the manners were dazed, and he was calm and clever. He said: "You are high in the mountains, and there will be a period later. Today, you can talk with Jun, the gentleman of the kings, the military, Chu Yang is very admired. However, even if I cherish each other, it is only limited to this. In the past, it is only limited to this place, and it will not be seen again tomorrow!

"Once you go out, it is the enemy of life and death. The kings will not let the hands and me, and I will not be merciful to the kings!"

Chu Yang calmly faces the eyes of the ink cloud in front of the eyes, calm face, and manners: "The narrow road meets, Chu must be unwilling! You, if you die in my hands, Huangquan Road, all the way. If I Chu Chuyi lost..."

Chu Yang paused, suddenly burst into laughter, Yang Tianxiao said: "...that Laozi will not have any grievances!!"


First, ask for a monthly pass! (To be continued. Please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better and faster!)

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