Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 262: Escape begins [second more! 】

The dream is boundless and slowly dagger. !

Mo Yunwei silently.

However, the silver armor of the Nightmare Army suddenly burst into the scream of the earthquake!


"Good man!"

"Although I use your intrigues! I am waiting to die, and I will die under the conspiracy of your iron-blooded man, but there will be no complaints!"

"Every means, go for a fight!"

"If there is an afterlife, let's talk about it!"

"Good! Good! Good!"

Chu Yang laughed happily, and his body flew up and screamed: "You are just outside the world of flowers and flowers. In the middle of the rivers and mountains, let us rely on the means to fight for it! Chu has left!"

No one noticed that an invisible breath has been quietly attached to Chu Yang.

That is the soul of the catastrophe, leaving a unique soul symbol belonging to him in Chu Yang.

Chu Yang's body is getting higher and higher, just in the blink of an eye, has already reached the entrance to the ramp. The arrogant and heroic laughter still echoed in the ear, but the figure of Chu Yang has completely disappeared.

The general of the dream sighed deeply, his eyes recovered sharply and shouted: "Give me the soul of the catastrophe!"

As soon as the body swept up, it swept the black smoke in the air, but in a very short time, the last zombie had already been dragged out by him.

Chu Yang has now gone, go outside to prepare for a new round of war, or try to escape.

It is always Donghuangtian.

There are many night dreams, and the variables are not expected by anyone.

General Meng also worried that there would be another change, so he didn’t keep his hands, just three fists and two feet, he had completely destroyed the zombie!

Immediately, a rich black gas quickly formed and floated toward a certain place.

With a hoarse and strange smile, the "bang" sounded an unprecedentedly rich, extremely wide range of chilly deaths and sudden outbreaks. The black gas was enveloped. At the same time, countless gimmicks were out of thin air. Appearing, instantaneously permeating the whole source of the gods, the world is creaking, and before it is full of the realm of the wind and the clear source of the gods, it has become the yin dynasty, the ghost house.

The next moment, a singular voice screamed: "Wow, haha... I want to kill me? Just because you want to kill me? Hahaha..."

The voice suddenly turned into a stern voice: "Let me kill you first!"

In just a short time, the soul of the catastrophe has experienced countless ideological struggles!

The enemy who just heard Chu Yang is actually the Emperor Yunyun, the first moment of such a powerful enemy, the first thought of the catastrophe is: I quickly withdraw. Otherwise, it will be really tempered by this little ancestor. But how can I withdraw? Is it immediately apologizing to the other party? Or is it soft, begging for mercy?

But then Chu Yang faced the intrepid pride of the Mo Yuntian army but shocked him.

This is called a man! This is called a man!

This is called life! This is the rivers and lakes!

In the heart of the catastrophe, there was a wave of turbulent waves, and asked himself: If Chu Yang was replaced by himself, when he was so weak, did he have the courage to face up to the army?

Have you had the courage to kill the Emperor of Heaven?

After that, is there any courage to let go of a fight?

The answers are all negative!

I dare not. Or, when you really encounter such a thing, you may have handed over your wife long ago, maybe!

But Chu Yang does not!

Not only did not compromise, Chu Yang's resistance is the most intense and fierce.

Moreover, from the reaction of Chu Yang today, Chu Yang is already psychologically prepared to face this unprecedented disaster!

For this, the catastrophe is not as good as it is!

Inexplicably, the catastrophe rushed into a blood, although he had no blood equipment before, but at this moment, he was born with this feeling, very strong, very real.

When Chu Yang’s figure disappeared, he immediately heard that General Meng had ordered that he should pull himself out; that posture is clearly destroyed to the utmost!

The soul of the catastrophe suddenly understood: I have killed so many people before, and I want to talk about what kind of reconciliation, it is simply an idiotic saying that it is impossible. The positions of both sides are obvious, and the death and hatred is a foregone conclusion. There is no room for conversion!

Suddenly, the catastrophe is no longer swaying.

Even more, a determination to break the net of fish is definitely rising: do you want to destroy me?


It is simply unbearable!

So the soul of the catastrophe suddenly broke out, and the unprecedented warfare broke out. The counterattack method is also unprecedentedly fierce!

Seeing the catastrophe, the soul is strong and counter-attacking, and the dream general’s eyelids are not stunned. He directly sighs: "The soul squad, stand! Full force attack, kill him!"

In an instant, among the Yunyunwei, ninety-nine people jumped out at the same time!

In the twinkling of an eye, a strange battle has been formed and attacked at the same time!

There are more than a group of ninety-nine people in a battle to form the same combination, and in the end has formed nine!

Around the initial big array, ten big arrays, nearly a thousand people, and at the same time, shot all out!

In addition, there is no conflict between the outer array and the large array inside. When the outside attack touches the innermost array, it will naturally form a water! the power of blending and fully integrate it. Go in! !

The next moment, a glaring white light suddenly rose.

This is a magnificent white light that can be said to be full of ‘‘holy meaning, full of a pure, pure feeling, seems to purify the whole world!

This glaring white light has already filled the whole source of the gods!

Let the whole source of the gods be filled with the radiance of holy white light!

Even the most intense chilly death that has erupted from the catastrophe can't be suppressed!

Soul Eater!

It is a very strange battle, specifically for the soul, can purify the undead energy! The dream is boundless in the first time to order this array, and still ten big arrays together, has proved his attention to the soul of the disaster.

Although he has been cautious to the extreme, the strategy of placement is very correct, but he still underestimated the catastrophe in front of him!

Seeing that these guys actually came out to clean up the white light of the soul, the catastrophe was furious and fierce, and under the fierce whistle, countless black palms stretched out at the same time!

A bang, the whole world suddenly became dark, and the white light that had swept the entire source of the gods could not be seen.

The ninety-nine people in the middle and most central position of the whole battle felt dizzy in their heads at almost the same time, and then they felt their throats stuck.


A burst of bones shattered.

Immediately, the soul of the catastrophe screamed and turned into a thousand black arrows, and rushed to the dense crowd of Mo Yuntian! After the black arrow, ninety-nine people fell neatly.

Everyone is sullen, with a hand in the throat, an unbelievable look in the eyes, and a life at the same time!

The soul of the catastrophe is between a move and kills ninety-nine ink clouds!

This is also a manifestation of mutual gram, the purification of white light in the Soul of the Souls can theoretically purify all the undead in the world, and the soul of the catastrophe is indeed for its gram. But the number of catastrophe is too high, beyond this soul-breaking array. The purification limit, when the catastrophe spirit is full of counterattack, there will be such a situation that the load cannot be reached. Once the load is not enough, the people in the array will only die!

The face of General Meng’s face suddenly changed, saying: “It’s actually a saint-level catastrophe!”

Seeing that the enemy is so powerful, it has exceeded its initial budget, and if its own response is late, I am afraid it will cause even more death and injury!

The next moment, the brilliance flashed, and the mountain whispered: "The wind is thunder!"

Suddenly, countless wind and thunder sounds filled the entire source of the gods!

Immediately, a fierce explosion.

The roar of the catastrophe

Chu Yang left the source of the gods at the fastest speed, rushing all the way back to the Chu family compound; just entered the door and shouted: "Everyone, immediately gather, the enemy will come!"

The ones that are still in the Chu Family Courtyard are all masters, and they are all in high alert. The reaction speed is of course fast. The collection is completed almost in the same amount of interest.

"We need to escape immediately!" Chu Yang quickly smashed and smashed, and said to the door.

"But we need someone to break!"

The second sentence of Chu Yang, look at those who are vacillating in their hearts: "You leave behind!"

This sentence is a slap in the face!

These people are first angered in the heart: You have all escaped. Why should we leave behind? How is this going? !

But after thinking about it, my heart is somewhat overjoyed.

Because they have escaped, we are now the most valuable time, the people of Mo Yuntian will certainly not kill us immediately; once they want to pass the movements we know, as long as we honestly say, we can Second, the average person is not white, forcibly attacked, they have to pay the price, three, they are the only people they can use in this East Emperor! All of the above are all negotiating conditions.

Therefore, this is a great opportunity for you. This is the real way to survive!

When the anger appeared, it became a heroic cloud: "No problem! After I swear, I will definitely get enough escape time for everyone!"

"Brothers, all the way!"

Immediately, those who had collusion had a look at each other: they must leave traces.

Otherwise, tracking is still difficult, without tracking value, the bargaining chip is much less.

Chu Yang and others did not seem to find it, and the people who took the hurry directly took the road immediately.

A roar of whistling, more than four hundred people rolled away.

Only the remaining 192 people stayed behind in the empty Chu family compound.

"What do we do?"

"What should I do?"

“Yes, this is our only chance to survive.”

"And we have mastered so many secrets..."

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