Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 263: Let's go to Jiangnan! [The third! 】

"These are the bargaining chips for us to negotiate with Mo Yuntian. We are not the first offenders. I believe there will be room for manoeuvre."


"Not to mention the people there are, as long as they want to track the clues, we must keep us!"

"Yes, so we have a great chance to live, and we don't have to worry so much."

"However, just selling them like this, some of them are not strong. After all, many of them are our friends, friends, and the same door." Some people hesitated.

"Do you have a brain pumping?" Someone yelled: "Even if we don't do it, they will still be able to escape, and we will all die. But after doing so, we can survive, it is better than all dead." What?"

"That's also true. Since it is destined to die, then use their death for our vitality, even if it is waste utilization?"

"That is."

"Then we will do nothing, just wait here?"

"Of course, do you still want to go out and let the other person think that we are provoking?"


On the other hand, after the "fugitive team" left the Chu family compound and left the Zixia City in a straight line from the west, Chuyang stopped and gave a drink order. The people pulled out the five people in the team and got together.

The five people, even the screams, were too late to die, and they died in a state of relaxation.

“Is there still?” Chu Yang has a heavy face.

"Nothing." Everyone knows that this is a big matter of life and death, and immediately answer.

"Check the number."

"Total, four hundred and ten people."

Chu Yang frowned: "You have not been scattered to inquire about the news before? How to stay in the mansion?" He asked, is the man who slashed his knife.

Two hundred people, all at the moment.

This result made Chu Yang very angry.

"I will know that the true meaning of the Zhuangzhu let us go out to inquire is actually letting us escape this great disaster; after all, we are all born with faces, not many people know that we are actually the masters of the owners, but we can’t just go."

As the first big man said: "I waited for the humble identity, repaired to be inferior. It was also short when I was in contact with the owner of the owner; but we also know who is really good for us."

"The sinner died for the confidant!"

"I have low strength, although I can't help much, and with us we will only add cumbersomeness; but in these circumstances, we can still do it to distract the enemy's attention."

Two hundred big men also clenched their fists at the same time: "I am waiting for the brothers, so I will pay no respect to the owner! If he is lucky enough to leave his life, he will return to the owner, and he will live with the brothers and die together!"

After that, I waved my hand: "Brothers, let's divide into five teams and march in different directions! If you can finally stay, come back here and wait. If you die, then come and be a brother!"

Two hundred people did not wait for Chu Yang to speak. At the same time, they screamed in a low voice, and they slammed into five teams on their own.

Each team, forty people.

Looking at these hot blooded people, Chu Yang has some fever; he sighs deeply and said: "Please take care of all of you and look forward to a meeting with all the kings!"

He did not say anything; because now, following him is the real dead end. Since they can take the initiative to attract enemies for me, can't I lead them all the enemies?

Brothers, it’s not that you know how to give,

I will, too!

"Go!" Chu Yang shouted.

There are two hundred and ten people left.

Behind Chu Yang, like a sharp arrow, shot at a very fast speed, everyone knows that this goes, life and death is not clear; this goes, nine deaths.

Can you survive in the dead? Isn’t it really ten dead and no life?

In the face of the entire death of the ink cloud, the killing of death. Which step can we go to? Which step can we escape?

However, it can only go on and go on without hesitation.

I only hope that this person who leads us can let us go a little longer... time, for a long time!

This day will be loaded into history books in the future!

The celestial calendar, the seventh sacred king.

Sixty-seven thousand seven hundred and nineteen and nineteen years, autumn. The time is at the beginning of October.

The autumn wind falls, and the yellow leaves of the heavens and the earth float.

Qiong’s throne, Chu Yang, led the two hundred and ten people who were not familiar and not united, and began to come to Jiuzhong Tianzhu’s first long runaway! Escaped from the time when the Emperor Yunyun Emperor Yuan Tianjun tried his best to pursue the killing, and the two teams with great differences in strength made a decision on life and death.

The weather is changing and it has changed since then.

Since this day, Mo Yuntian has begun to decline; and the legend of Qiong Yu’s throne has begun to rise in the Nine Heavens!

On that day, the sky was blood-stained and covered with red leaves.

————— “The Record of the Winds of the Winds” Wu Buxiao added a note.

Just as Chu Yang took people out of the road, he climbed up to the top of a mountain and suddenly heard an explosion of earth-shattering behind him!

The sound is so great that Chu Yang and others who are already hundreds of miles away feel an unusually strong shock and shock, and everyone almost falls to the ground!

Just turning around on the top of the mountain, I saw the direction of the Cangwu Mountain, an unprecedented huge mushroom cloud rising, in the meantime, mixed! Unpredictable wind and lightning lightning! !

The place where the mushroom cloud rises is - ˉ - Cangwu Mountain!

The source of the source of God!

Completely destroyed!

Chu Yang Yang Tian sighed and said: "The wind is thunder!"

The smeller is all the same.

As the super martial art of Mo Yuntian, the natives, they naturally understand the other worlds, ‘the wind is thunder, these three words represent what!

A black smoke, almost surpassing the speed limit of the extreme speed, attached to the Chu Yang body.

Chu Yang was taken aback.

The person who came is actually the **** of catastrophe!

However, the weakness shown by the soul of the catastrophe at this moment is unbelievable by Chu Yang.

"The realm of the source of God has been completely broken, and the people of Mo Yuntian are crazy..." The catastrophe screams hard: "I need to heal immediately. Please prepare me an independent space...····· ”

"What independent space?" Chu Yang hurriedly asked.

I have any independent space now, but it is not really no, it can't be opened!

"Space ring can be!" The soul of the catastrophe Mei Shangren felt unlucky. Looking forward to hundreds of thousands, millions of years, finally lifted the seal and banned, and finally re-visited the sky, but also became the legendary catastrophe soul and has the sage level of the sage, but in this case, successively Not smooth, being abused by people, being bombarded, and now almost dying!

The wind and thunder are extinguished, and the treasure of one of the Emperor of Heaven is really extraordinary!

If I had not left my own unique seal of soul in Chu Yang in advance, I am afraid I really can't travel so far to find him. In that case, it is very likely that the soul will completely dissipate between heaven and earth...

However, with that imprint, the soul of the catastrophe can come to Chuyang in the shortest possible time. Even when he came to Chuyang, the dreamless people and so on still stayed in the same place in the stun of the violent explosion!

"I am sorry, I am afraid that I will not be able to help you in a short time. But the dream general is not much better. He has also been hit hard by me. Even if I can control the wind and destroy it, I will inevitably be I am ruined by the Jedi.······” The soul of the catastrophe left a sentence, and entered the space ring of Chuyang!

Chu Yang heart smiled.

This is a whole thing.

First, his own nine-robbery sword was sealed, the sword spirit could not be used, and the nine-robbery space was also blocked. All his helpers were sealed in the nine-robbery space.

Now the only help outside, tyrannical power, and the soul of the catastrophe have entered the ranks of being unable to fight!

Is it true that Jiuzhong Tianzhu is really with me, do you have to stop playing after I have to die? !

It seems that only one of the remaining words is like a mountain, but also bound by a vow of dreams!

If you go to the other side to help you to neglect your duties, it is the most important thing to accept the power of the heavens and the earth.

Chu Yang smiled bitterly and took people across the mountains.

"Zhuang, where are we going on this trip?" someone asked.

"Let's turn south!" Chu Yang said calmly. Then I remembered two words in my heart: Jiangnan!

Involuntarily asked: "What is the name of the biggest river in the nine heavens?"

"What are you talking about, is it the first river in Tianzhu, Wujiang?" Bai Yuchen asked.

"Fog River?" Chu Yang looked at him in doubt.

"The Wujiang River is the first river of the Nine Heavens. The river is extremely wide, even if it is a clear sky. The river is also named after the rich fog. It has been the whole of the nine heavens and earth. Since ancient times, no one has ever been. Knowing where the source of the Wujiang River is, no one knows where the river will eventually go."

Bai Yuchen said with a deep voice: "This river, the most strange place is that it is through the middle of the sky, it is the east-west direction; through the ink cloud, or east and west, through other Tianzhu, are also Things are going to go. And this situation should never exist, but the reality is that it exists! Therefore, this river is also called 'Memo,.'

"In addition to this strange thing, there is another singularity. The terrain of the Nine Heavens is high in the west and low in the east. Therefore, there has always been: 'One river springs eastward, said, but this foggy river, It is from the west to the east! So, it is also called 'Xijiang,!'

"There is another feature of this river, because there are too many places where it flows. If there are thousands of different rivers in different regions, it is called ‘Thousand Rivers!!’

Bai Yuchen smiled bitterly: "This river is known as the mystery of the ancient times that no one has been able to explore since ancient times."

"And no matter where it is, there is a thick layer of fog in the river. In the cold winter, no matter how cold the weather is, the river will never freeze. Look at the moon on the river, don't have a sentiment. Some people are hailed as: Qianjiang has water Qianjiang Month, thousands of rivers have foggy months!"

"In the middle of the river, the masters below the heaven level can't gather themselves to cultivate themselves; this is also the most important **** and barrier between the big worlds and regions." Che Xuchu added a sentence.

Chu Yang nodded, took a long breath, and shot an indescribable look. Shen Sheng said: "We will go to Wujiang! Jiangnan!"

The situation of Chuyang is difficult.... I will start to spend the rest of my life tomorrow... I will ask for a monthly ticket.

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