Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 275: Meet in the narrow road [fourth more! 】

Everyone behind Chu Yang is holding his mouth tightly. Everyone knows that this has reached the limit of danger. As long as it is discovered by the enemy, it means no luck.

At this time, the people spontaneously opened the distance according to the previous agreement.

One team was divided into four dials.

Time passes by little by little. The night has already come, but the fire that has spread thousands of miles has made this piece of dark space supposed to be as white as it is!

A fragrant kung fu is passing by!

Later, on the fire, someone shouted: "Dream General, here, three bodies were found here!"

The dream is boundless and immediately passed.

"It’s the doormen of the two sects, all of them are beheaded by a sword, a fatal!"

The dreams have no end to observe these corpses, look up and think carefully, and categorically say: "This should be in the process of escaping, because of what, but by the Chu Yang beheaded the public, to the effect of · · ...... ...... ...... They should have fled before the fire. Otherwise, the three will not be disgusted to be decapitated..."

"So they are mostly not in the grassland now!"

"Everyone is crossing the fire at full speed, and the whole army is chasing!"

"Just, why do they resist? It is because the previous series of actions are too tired; and this prairie gives a rare sense of security. Although this sense of security is only a false package, it is true. existing."

"Since it has already killed people because of this, then this escape team should be close to the edge of falling apart. It is always a team that is forcibly pieced together for the same purpose. It lacks the minimum of running-in, is not a climate, and is difficult to become a big event!"

The dream is boundless in the soft pocket and is carried over the raging fire, and indifferently said: "In this case, the people in front of us are copying the bread from us and we are going to cut off their back roads, and we can accomplish it. One battle!"

Five thousand people, the speed of the earthquake has increased sharply; the opportunity to complete the mission is in front of us, naturally it is not to catch up with the general!

Chu Yang’s original black dress is already full of other colors.

As he was moving forward, he suddenly stunned and suddenly stopped moving forward.

Not only him, but one hundred and ninety-nine people have exposed the same look.

Someone in front!

Even more than just the front, there are people in all directions who are getting closer!

Mo Yunwei, who was opposite the enemy when they found the enemy, also found them. Someone called out at a time: "Someone in front, it should be the target murderer!"

"Kill the past!"

Enemies in all directions quickly gathered!

For a time, the atmosphere was extremely dignified.

There are enemies behind the enemy.

The situation is so bad that it has reached its limit!

"Fourth team!" Chu Yang cold drink.

Forty-eight people from the fourth team took the group one step forward. It was originally fifty people, but it was killed by Chu Yang before; now there are only forty-eight people left!

Chu Yang looked at these people deeply and said in a low way: "There is no way to go ahead, please open the way! Please!"

The remaining 149 people, at the same time: "Please!"

These forty-eight people all showed a kind of smile on their faces, and finally said: "You all go all the way! Let's go side by side!"

Suddenly a long shout, forty-eight people rushed out!

In the smog, everyone is a decisive!

In any case, you have to take care of yourself, even if you sacrifice yourself.

Also sacrifice the greatest value!

In front of the shadows, there are already one or two hundred Mo Yunwei rushed here to rush here, and other people are on the way to speed! A shout of tremors in the night sky: "Found Chu Yang!"

There are also countless roads in the distant places!

At this time, the team of forty-eight people has been like a giant bomb, screaming into the camp of the former rush of the ink cloud!

The two sides are only between the sparkling fires that have just been in contact, and the huge roar of the bombings has continued.

The blood suddenly became the main color of this night!

The screams became the main theme of this destined night!

"Don't let the road go to die!"

"Leave your life!"

Only when the two sides contacted each other, formed a fierce situation with a life-saving life!

Especially the people on the side of Chuyang, even with the mortal heart, but seeking a death, but also to break the road ahead of the first shock instantly shocked the opponent! These people are all elites in the super martial art. The one-off choice is that the strength is not weaker than that of Mo Yunwei, and even it is still there. Although the number is relatively small, at this moment everyone is desperate, the sharpness of the front, no one at a time.

The sword is like a forest.

The master of an iron sword door rushed up to the sword, and the hoarse smile in his mouth: "Brother, don't forget, the old man has a grandson at home. `····· Hehehehe, everything is pleased. !"

One of the enemy’s swords and his left hand fell, but he still smiled. The sword in his right hand had already quickly penetrated into the mind of a cloud guard. However, the enemy’s right hand was also degraded by the enemy, but he However, it seems that he did not notice the generality.

In the next moment, seven or eight handles are almost the same chapter. The whole body is full of vitality, countless devastating real elements, swearing in his body! But he is laughing: "Go!"

Suddenly the body banged and exploded!

This sound explosion, suddenly abrupt, the momentum is more shocking.

Behind Chu Yang, someone sighed long.

"Don't sigh, now there is no such effort, hurry!" Chu Yang swept out!

At the moment is the best time to escape; it is not that Chu Yang has no sorrow, but now, it is definitely not a time of sadness.

A series of explosions sounded, and the forty-eight people chose to limit their own mental and vitality, then rushed into the dense enemy group, exploding and killing themselves, breaking their way and using blood. Watering out an escape blood road!

In a group of flesh and blood, the people they want to maintain are so traversing.

Under the circumstances that everyone's strength is similar, these people have burned all the residual vitality and mental strength. The power that can be exerted at the moment of self-destruction is at least three or four times higher than the normal situation. How can everyone resist? .

Even if Mo Yunwei is not afraid of death, he is not really afraid of death, but in the face of such an enemy, there is nothing to do with it for a while!

As many as seventy or eighty of Mo Yunwei were buried in the blast of these masters; in addition, many were seriously injured; for these people, Chu Yang is merciless!

The wind is generally passed, one sword, one account!

"Must be alive!" The last master of the fourth team screamed, "bang" explosion!

In the face of Mo Yunwei, there are only the last twenty people.

The situation seems to have reversed at this moment? !

Do not!

In the distance, there was a slap in the air, and the voices were smashing. Several voices shouted together: "At all costs! Stop Chuyang!"

The squad's Mo Yunwei is coming in succession!

The timing is fleeting, there can be no hesitation!

Chu Yang sighed with sorrow and sorrow, and the nine robbery swords flashed with light and even people with swords, straight through the past!

Behind them, a total of 149 people are like a cone, and Chu Yang is a cone!

Nine robbery swordsmanship, why not kill the world!

Nine robbery swords bring out a splendid sword, direct volley! Directly rushing to the cloud defense to block the defense!


In the face of the unparalleled sharpness of the nine robbery swords, countless weapons have no room for conflict, and they have broken, and the blood has spattered from the chest of one of Moyunwei.

Just for a moment, seven or eight human bodies, rolling and fluttering to the left and right, and the sound of awkwardness, that is the flesh and blood that was cut down by Chu Yang.

Chu Yang only feels a cold shoulder, and a large piece of flesh of his own flies out.

A sword slammed into the cross, and the momentum was strong and the force was heavy. Chu Yang did not stop, keeping the momentum of the flying scorpion, shaking hands is a trick ‘a little cold and eternal mans!

The 10,000-point cold flashes out, and the ink cloud guard has no room for it, and one of the unspeakable ones falls down, and the blood arrows are scattered!

Due to the tight time, Chu Yang did not use the latest nine-robbery swordsmanship of the last sword spirit drill. Although the sword can be more dramatic, after all, it has not really realized that the slogan will be delayed.

And now there is no allow for any slight delay!

Therefore, the one that Chu Yang used at the moment has already been practiced.

But once it was used at the moment, it was suddenly discovered that the power of the sword at the moment was far from being comparable in the past, and the power increased by a degree that Chuyang could not imagine before!

It is important to know that although Chu Yang did not thoroughly understand the new fusion swords, but unconsciously, the understanding of the original tricks has entered a layer, although only a layer of difference, the power is The difference between the clouds and mud!


Chu Yang’s forward body kept going all the way, and all the way madly rushed in. At this moment, he didn’t know what was hurt, what was tired, only one thought: rushed out! Be sure to rush out!

The battle has not been a moment, but I don’t know how many enemies I have encountered, I don’t know how many kills I have, and I don’t know how many weapons have been cut.

The people behind him followed this closely, and in the shadows on both sides, there was a long sword and a big knife.

This team that is going out is also constantly reducing staff.

As long as someone is injured in the leg, they will immediately leave the team, rushing to the injured opponent, blew himself to death!

When the two sounds, the two cut-off swords suddenly rushed to the sky, the two burly figures squatting back on both sides, Chu Yang screamed, straight flutter!

There is only one person left in the front to stop the Mo Yunwei who is on the way. The last one.

It has always been said that he is not afraid of death, and Mo Yunwei, who is shocking the world, this person can see that there are many swords in Chuyang, no matter how many swords he falls on, he can still have a posture of rushing forward and rushing forward; then he sees many of his own The companion is like a snow layer under the sun's rays, and the place where Chu Yang goes, a piece of flesh and blood is scattered and splashed. At this moment, I can't help but numb the scalp!

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