Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 276: Iron Man Chu Yang [first! 】

Seeing that Chu Yang was crazy, he rushed up. The Mo Yunwei couldn’t help but inexplicably stunned his body and turned his body away. It was actually letting go!

Chu Yang suddenly felt in front of him, and he had already rushed out of the encirclement.

"Bastard! Why don't you stop him! What are you doing? What are you afraid of that person!" The two ink clouds that are retreating are screaming loudly! The momentum of their retreat has not stopped, but they have already seen Chu Yang break through the last line of defense, and they can't help but scream and scream.

The ink cloud wei awake as a dream, screamed, turned and chased, but was immediately swarmed by the two sects who came immediately, and one person and one sword would turn him into a meat sauce.

"Everyone keeps up with me!" Chu Yangtou did not return, screaming, the body licked a lot of blood, and rushed into the opposite forest.

Behind them, everyone is doing their best to catch up!

This man, sneak into the jungle.

In the distance, the wind is wrapped in the sky, and the sky sweeps over. In front of the fire, it is the endless dreams and his men. Everyone is rushing to the side.

On the left and right sides, there are also countless figures rushing over.

Less than 30 minutes before and after, it is actually a difference between life and death!

"Chuyang? People?" Someone is questioning in violentness.

"嘶······" Someone looked at the scene of the tragic ruthlessness, and they burst into cold air.

In any case, Chu Yang finally broke through this death blockade and went away.

The best and most dangerous dead, broke!

Mo Yunwei and the Silver Armor did not hesitate too much. They immediately divided the soldiers. First, more than one hundred people chased them up. Then, after the people who came in succession, the more than a thousand people chased them up.

After another half of the incense time, the dream has finally arrived here.

"What about people?" asked the dreamless anger.

"...·································································· More than a dozen sword wounds in the horizontal and vertical are still in the future, and they are all out of the fresh

Every sword wound is a heavy blow to the bones. The wrong commander has also reached the peak of the heavens and humans. At this moment, he has already died because of the injury! .

"Escape? How to escape?!" There is something unbelievable in the end of the dream. It is already a lore. How can it be escaped? !

"The change of things has come too suddenly. The 5,000 people on our side have formed a huge net, and they have come from it, but because they are too scattered and too late to gather, they have already encountered Chu Yang and his people, stacked. In the first round of time, forty or fifty people at the same time exposed themselves and blew a road. The result..."

The leader of the ink cloud is shy, heartache, and sorrow.

Dreams are infinitely in a very short time. I have checked all the conditions on the scene, but I have a long sigh.

"It's all the body of our own family. There aren't even the bodies on the other side. At most, there are only some broken limbs!" There is a heart in the dreamless voice. "It's really thorough..."

"General, these individuals are afraid that they are already crazy! They just don't seem to care about their lives at all!" The ink cloud sergeant led the body and shook, finally unable to support, fell to the ground: "face Such enemies, we have nothing to do, the conventional tactics are useless, but they can't escape, they can only use their own hard resistance! So many brothers, it is so sacrificed. The situation at the time was really terrible."

"How many people lost this battle?" The dream asked nowhere.

"Mo Yunwei, one hundred and seventy people died, thirty-five people were silver armor." The ink cloud sergeant led a sneer: "There are more than two hundred brothers, and it’s half a cup of tea." A little bit of time.

The dream is boundless and low.

At the beginning, this 10,000 people followed themselves and so far, they have lost nearly a thousand!

Although the target enemy has said that it has killed more than 90%, the rest of the people are afraid that it is more difficult to deal with than one.

As a general, what kind of enemy is the most difficult to deal with?

Calm enemies, cruel enemies, enlightened enemies, wise enemies, etc., etc., but not afraid of the enemy of death, no doubt, can always be included in the top three of this list!

The dream is silent, and I look at the soldiers around me. I bring these people out. How many people can safely follow me back in the future?

How many more people are to be buried here forever?

Silent road: "Chasing!"

No matter what, things have reached the point where they are now, and there is no room for change, and they can’t turn back.

Chu Yang can't, he can't even be.

At the moment, Chu Yang, the body is almost rotten.

Since the inevitable encounter between the dense forests, the battle is directly one after another. I don't know when I will encounter a batch, kill one, fight hard, and finally break out, and then I will have another encounter after a long time. It seems that it has become a kind of cycle.

The pursuit is like a rain in the sky, and the rain in the autumn; as long as the head is opened, it will never stop again.

Now, it is raining in the sky and the ground is fighting.

The rain has been going down, and the battle has been going on in one battle.

The only thing Chu Yang can guarantee now is to use all the methods and not be surrounded by enemies. However, the encounter is already a situation that is destined to be inevitable and must be faced.

Compared with other people, Chu Yang’s injuries are undoubtedly the most. Although he is not the highest among himself, he must be at the forefront.

Because, now, he is already the soul of this team.

If it wasn't for Chu Yang who had always rushed all the way, and there was no return to the charge, I am afraid that these people have long been desperate.

Only Chu Yang rushed to the front, can give these people a ‘we have hope, subtlety’ feeling!

Roughly estimated, the injuries in Chuyang have been at least four or five hundred in the past few days!

Four or five hundred!

This is a shocking number.

The incomplete version of Chu Yang, Jiuzhong Dan, has used four pieces so far.

If it is not the aura of the body that has never stopped continually scouring, and continue to restore the wound to improve physical strength, even if there is a hundred Jiuzhong Dan in Chuyang, I am afraid that it has already been consumed!

The blessings of the blessings, the blessings of the blessings!

The combination of the Nine Robbery Space and the King of Medicine, caused the ultimate reversal of Aura, which caused the space of the Nine Robbery to be temporarily sealed, which caused Chu Yang to lose the biggest life-saving trump card, but gave Chu Yang another near-perpetual motion. The aura, supporting the permanent power source of Chuyang!

Now, everyone looks at Chu Yang's gaze and changes again, just like the mountains, or it should be said to be like watching the gods and devils.

I have never seen anyone fighting like this.

Or simply use the word "fighting", simply not enough to describe the degree of horror of its state!

Chu Yang, this person, is almost like playing dead. Just a moment ago, he just rushed out from the Knife Mountain Sword Forest. He was dying of blood, but the next moment he was full of energy and his state was fully invested in the next wave of battle. in.

Once again, the wounds of the body were once again bruised and bruised; then once again fled, once again participated in the battle, or the first charge, starting the battle...···

Not to mention the meat man, even if it is iron, I am afraid that it has already fallen apart, but Chu Yang has not fallen down until now. If you look at it, you can stick to it, maybe it will last for a long time, even Persevere forever...···

The crowd was surprised first, then it was amazed, then it was weird, then admire, and in the end it was simply worship, worship!

With such continuous escape, Chu Yang now has only fifty people left and the last fifty.

The original team of two hundred people, in addition to the three who did not listen to the orders and were beheaded to show the public, the other people, have fallen on the road to be chased, turned into a shock, full of flesh and blood. But on this road, there are more than six hundred Mo Yunwei, more than four hundred silver armor, also fell here, become a cold body, a total of nine springs.

Only after these days of chasing down, count the original encounter, the people of Mo Yuntian have paid an expensive price of not less than 1,300 people! At such a high price, the dream is boundless and the beard is in the air.

Let all the ink clouds and the silver armor also bite their teeth and become more desperate.······

This kind of mentality has led to a more dangerous battle after the battle.

Even if the 50 people who can still follow Chu Yang’s escape, it’s already everyone’s all-round bruises, and they can’t find one that is embarrassing.

Now, at this moment, we can still support everyone to stick to it, and there is only the unyielding fighting spirit of Chuyang!


Chu Yang plunged into a water raft, and no matter how turbid and dirty the water in the otter was, it opened his mouth and swallowed.

Nine robbery space can not be opened, Chu Yang has never been regarded as a problem of fresh water resources, has also been completely warned for a long time.

The continuous autumn rain is like a continuous spring.

In the earth, one after another, the water rafts, each with watery yellow color, with unknown things floating on it.

Fifty people were so supportive of each other, squatting in the leeches, swallowing their mouths.

Hungry, for them as a top-level master, it is nothing, but thirst, but it is any master, any strong can not be lacking, especially in the field of rushing, a lot of blood loss!

Countless sediments, along with the muddy water, rushed into the stomach.

Right now, it was a very short break, and after defeating another killing, I got a very short breathing time.

Everyone knows in their hearts that such a time must not exceed half a column of incense, and it is time to start another escape!

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