Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 278: Toss each other [third! 】

Everyone else is the same reaction. Looking at Chu Yang's eyes, it is the same enthusiasm and trust!

The performance of Chu Yang these days has already conquered everyone here, even many people who have already died in battle!

Which leader can you share with others?

When there is a leader, when you are with your subordinates, is the charge ahead and enjoy it?

Which leader, like Chu Yang, did not give in any adversity, did not give up? Always fighting? Are fighting in the first line!

Although he has been fleeing.

Although his strength is still very weak.

However, if such a person is not worthy of your allegiance, then who is worth it?

Even Chu Yang himself did not find out that in the recent period of time, Bai Yuchen and others have become more respectful about their attitude towards themselves. When I was talking to Chu Yang, everyone was straight and they were leaning on their necks.

But recently, it has been a little bent, bowed, and humble voice, and this move has gradually become a habit, a subconscious move.

In the past, the names of Chuyang were mostly ‘Chu Zhuangzhu, ‘you, or ‘Zhuangzhu adults, and so on; but now they have been automatically changed to ‘you, unconsciously.

Nowadays, at this moment, it is even more direct loyalty!

This is a very short time in reality. The process evolves as if it is a long drama. Even Chu Yang himself did not deliberately do anything, and did not pay attention to anything, but it is so natural that this step is reached.

Everyone stood up neatly and squatted: "Please ask the owner to accept our allegiance!"

Before they had no way to go, they could only rely on Chuyang. At that time, their hearts were full of unwillingness, but now they are full of urgency Chuyang can promise, their wholehearted loyalty!

Chu Yang’s heart was hot, saying: “Don't you want to go back to the ink cloud after this incident? You know, your family, your foundation is still in the sky, so stay here. ·······”

"We have all gone back.

Or, if you can survive, it is another matter. Bai Yuchen said sadly: "Now, we have no way to go, no way to go; it is rare to find someone who deserves our allegiance. Please also promise us. ”

"Good!" Chu Yang is not tempted. In this period of time, he also moved to these people, Shen Sheng said: "If this is the case, then we will come together for a day! Now everything is still It’s too early to say; I can only say that when we get rid of this crisis or make more achievements in the future, I will let you go home with great glory, and everyone must have the day to return home!”

"The scenery is coming, even the Emperor Yunyun does not dare to take you! But such a goal requires us to work together and create together!"

Chu Yang looks like electricity: "Since you have to be loyal to me, then from now on, my first order!"

"Please show the owner!" Everyone stood straight at the same time.

"At any time, don't say "death, this word!" Chu Yang took a deep breath: "Know that at least when you say 'death, this word, you are still alive, can live without dying! ”

"Yes! I am obsessed with the bishop of Zunzhuang!"

Everyone is low and promises.

Death is just a word.

But if it is said long-term from the mouth, from the mind, then naturally, when there is a major disaster, it will give up resistance from the bottom of my heart. Even if you are still fighting, but you have no hope in your heart, how can you survive?

This is a psychological problem.

Actually, there were a lot of victims before, but they didn’t have to fight harder. But they would rather choose to die, because their hopes are no longer on their own, and they are all pinned to others, so that they are intentionally or unintentionally. Lost the motivation to work hard!

As for the more systematic things, Chu Yang does not know, but he knows one thing: as long as you still want to live, there is a strong desire to live, then there must be a way to live!


No way to the road!

It’s another few days.

The rain is still not going on, and there is a growing trend.

Chu Yang and others have been exhausted to the apex, and they have been in a series of seven or eight battles. However, these battles have not seen any reductions. This is simply unbelievable in the eyes of Bai Yuchen and others.

"We are the flesh and blood, the enemy is also!" Chu Yang reveals the essence of the matter: "We are tired, they are only more tired! Because they have to do more work than we do. And we only need to do whatever we want." The escape, as long as they are not expected, is the sky high bird flight!"

"There is another point that is also very important. We flee, we can live for our own lives. They chase, but they are to complete the task of others! This is a fundamental difference!"

"Continue in the current situation. As long as we are not dead and always at large, then we can even drag this 10,000 people to life and die! Those of us here can finally get a sage-level strongman. Death is not fixed!" Chu Yang haha ​​smiled.

Everyone laughed and relaxed, and they laughed a lot.

Everyone knows that the so-called death and exhaustion of the enemy is absolutely impossible. As for what to say to kill the saints, it is even more nonsense. But Chu Yang said so, but it is undoubtedly very deflated. Everyone has a heartfelt comfort. It seems that they have already been dragged to death and exhausted. Even the old guy who is dreamless is also awkward...·····

In the delusion of the people, the dream of falling to the state of death is not as far as the fart, but this time is also really uncomfortable, really tasted what is called ‘focusing.

Since the beginning of the battle in the forest, it is not only the beginning of the nightmare of Chu Yang and others, but also the beginning of the nightmare for the dreamless end!

After the war, the sky began to rain. Then everything goes into an unknown state.

Originally thought that as long as the lock of Chu Yang and others, catch up with the tail, then Chu Yang and others are unable to escape.

At least in the hearts of everyone in the ink cloud, whether it is Mo Yunwei, Yin Jiawei, or even dreamless, I think so!

Ten thousand people deal with a hundred individuals, and everyone's cultivation is still almost the same. There is still a dream of nowhere, this saint is strong, and if there is an accident, it is better to die.

However, the result of the matter proves that the dream is boundless is the one who should be killed.

Exhausted all the means that can be used, surrounded, intercepted, ambushed, and so on...

However, Chu Yang is always able to find the weakest link to break through. Then once again and again, once again hovering back and forth.

Every time, Chu Yang has to reduce the number of people; but the problem is that there is no end to the dream, but also to reduce the staff.

After dozens of consecutive kills, the 10,000-year-old Mo Yuntian soldiers have now reduced their staff to less than 6,000!

The master of more than 3,500 people disappeared, and the casualties were more than ten times that of the other party.

And the **** culprit Chu Yang, how to escape, or how to escape. At the last moment, I have already felt that the gang has been exhausted and got the extreme, but the next moment is still able to kill the tiger.

I thought that even if it was awkward, it would be possible to collapse these people; but now it seems that the final result is likely to collapse. It may also be that the people on their side have collapsed first, and the people have not collapsed. The only thing that is not possible is that they have not collapsed on their side, and the other party has collapsed first. Why is it impossible?······

I really don't know what kind of evil method Chu Yang used in the end. Although the gang is dead more and less, but one by one is more and more difficult. And clearly can feel it, the mental endurance of these people, the psychological toughness is actually getting higher and higher

Not desperate and desperate, only for the sake of hope and longevity!

This can't be done.

The dream is boundless and the brow is contemplative. I feel that my mind has always been clear and clear. Now it seems like a paste.

The air master is hundreds of times stronger than the other, enough to crush the opponent's tyrannical strength, but it can not be fully used. Just chase it from one side, people can run relaxed. Two sides of the attack, this opportunity is too few, besieged on all sides, not to mention too few opportunities, and there must be weak points.

The other party concentrates on attacking the weak points, and as long as they break through, they can go far.

If you want to completely encircle the other side into an iron bucket, there is no such opportunity. The **** Chu Yang does not know what medicine he has eaten, and he can always find his intention in advance.

It’s not an individual, it’s a enchanting, it’s a monster!

If you are not injured, you can kill these guys as long as you are alone, and you don't have to bear any losses.

But the same **** catastrophe, the trauma left to himself is too serious, although not fatal, but fundamentally obliterate the possibility of his own shot. Once forced to take the shot, the only result is that the meridians collapse and die!

This situation is really depressed.

If the flying boat is used, the target is too obvious. As soon as the other side sees the flying boat hovering, the other party will immediately know that his plan is calculated, and it is even more impossible to play.

There is no such thing as a dream, and there is a lot of trouble.

With so many people constantly tumbling in the mud every day... It’s not something that ordinary people can do. Every time I see the eyes of the subordinates, and the tired body, the dream is boundless. Tremendous stress.

"Hey, you can't get together, you can't catch up... The boat can't be used...···················································································· .

Then the brush stood up and said: "Tell me orders!"


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