Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 279: no way no money! [Fourth! 】

Chu Yang found that at least half a day, the dream of nowhere belongs to the cloud cloud! The army is quiet.

This rare silence made him feel a little surprised.

Is the guy really tired enough to catch up? Chu Yang also felt a little scary when calculating the road before and after.

Although the actual distance did not go far, it was always between the mountains and forests that stretched for four or five thousand miles. However, during this time, the timing of the journey was already terrifying!

There are no more than seventy-eight thousand miles of footsteps!

And in the rain, in the mountains, in the battle... And, everyone is always in the height of the spirit! This kind of hardship is not something that ordinary people can bear!

Even if it is a holy level, the master of heaven and earth, in such a pressure of death and bad weather at any time, continuous rushing seven or eight thousand miles...

That is undoubtedly a matter of testing the spirit of the human body and the tenacity of the body.

Not to mention that you have to participate in the fierce battle at any time.

"Everyone will rest almost?" Chu Yang straight up and looked at the crowd; this time is the longest break in the escape; not only a full meal, but also Have time to directly wash the hot water, wash the wound, and re-apply the dressing.

I even had a shallow sleep.

This is a miracle.

Everyone has been sleeping for more than half a month.

This feeling is really too much; even though everyone has already reached the valley and meditating, it can replace the realm of sleep. However, it is still necessary to have a comfortable sleep and to repair the human body.

Especially in such a sleepy situation.

When I heard Chu Yang talking, everyone stood up.


In the continuous battle of the past, only three people were lost.


Chu Yang gently sighed and looked at everyone's mental state, it seems that they are all pretty good.

"The owner, there is movement there."

Che Xu began to cry.

In fact, before he called everyone, they all looked up and looked at the sky.

The sound of screaming, and the overwhelming feeling of oppression.

All kinds of signs show a little: the flying boat of Moyuntian is coming!

Chu Yang, Bai Yuchen Che Xuchu and other brains are all frowning. At this time, the role of the flying boat can not be very big, the experience is so old and dreamless, why should we start the flying boat at this time?

Chu Yang frowned and said: "Go in the direction of the flying boat!"

Thirty-three people did not raise any objections. The moment the group went out at the Chuyang dialect, they had already turned into a sharp arrow and shot into the rain.

If it was before, some people would definitely oppose: Where did the flying boat come from? You went there. Isn’t it a self-investment?

But now, everyone has no doubts about this point, and even the heart will not ponder.

How does Chu Yang say, then how to do it, anyway, Chu Yang said absolutely no mistake! Even if it is really wrong, everyone recognizes it.

What should I do? Ambush on the other side?

For this problem, dreams are boundless.

When I saw the flying boat, which side would Chu Yang choose?

Is the opposite side chosen? Or choose another direction? Or is it simply advancing toward the defense line of the flying boat?

There is no way to think about it, but I still have no idea. In the end, I have to bite my teeth and say: "Buy in the direction of the flying boat!"

The drizzle in the sky finally got bigger, just like pouring down!

These days have been rainy and foggy, or even a little rain, but now, suddenly it has become a pouring rain; slap it down.

The clouds are densely covered in the sky, and it is already raining in the late autumn, but there is not much lightning and thunder.

Chu Yang took people, and carefully pushed forward toward the sky-circling flying boat.

This action can be said to be a huge adventure.

If the other party is ambushing on the other side, then Chuyang will attack the flying boat cleanly and neatly! Robbing a boat and fleeing directly.

Although I have never seen this thing, there are a lot of people among them who are going to open; these are all super-sects, and there are some high-tech things that can fly the boat.

But if the other person happens to be ambushing here, then he is self-investing!

Chu Yang's face is calm but his heart is anxious. Because, the compression of the aura has reached a limit, a limit; now in the meridian dantian, it has almost burned in five; the breakthrough will come at any time, and you can no longer control it.

Once it breaks out in a certain period of time, it will be all over.

If it is forcibly suppressed, it will not break through. The result is that it has been blasted. The same is done, and it will die even faster.

In the twinkling of an eye, the calm of the hundred miles was quietly spent at the foot.

The flying boat that has returned to the sky has begun to land slowly.

Chuyang’s actions are more cautious.

In different directions, all the ink clouds and the silver armor are also careful to the extreme to return to the side...·····

The rain in the sky seems to be like pouring money.

Chu Yang and others are also a little hot: as long as they grab this flying boat, everyone can escape with ease until they completely bid farewell to this **** escape. !

But if the robbery is unsuccessful, the enemy will ambush here, then everyone will have to laugh a little.

And the people in Mo Yuntian are mostly confused: Chu Yang will not just come to this side? According to common sense, the flying boat falls there, and it is the most precarious place. Chu Yang should choose another direction to escape.

Under such inexplicable feelings, the two sides are rapidly approaching...·····

More than 6,000 Mo Yunwei and Yin Jiabing are also slowly completing the encirclement.

And the team of Chu Yang is ignoring the inside circle of the other side...

If someone else clearly sees the progress of the two teams, they can definitely suffocate the past. Once contacted, it is a desperate struggle, not a fish death or a net break.

But now, it is impossible to avoid contact.

The two sides are close to within 20 miles...·····

At this rate, it takes only three or five breaths at best, and both sides will be in positive contact.


Suddenly, in the pouring rain, Chu Yang seems to have seen a little shining, a sudden burst of heart, a wave of hands, the team is neatly behind.

Immediately, there was a sorrowful smile on the faces of everyone.

Finally encountered!

The other party also felt at the same time, and a tsunami shocked the rain curtain: "The goal is here!"

Immediately, countless people shouted at the same time: "Here!"

"it's here!"

In the rain curtain, the dense figure is vacated at the same time, around the front, back, left and right!

Chu Yang and others, in a moment, completely fell into the four sides of the Mo Yuntian army! The third floor and the third floor will be surrounded by the hidden areas of Chuyang!

This is an unprecedented situation.

In the past encounters, ambush wars, no matter how bad, there is always a chance to find a way to use, but this time, there is no dead space, no gaps!

"Zhuang Zong, it seems that everyone must go to Jiuquan to fight the world." Bai Yuchen said with a bitter smile: "This life can have such a time to fight with the owner, the old man has no regrets in his life!"

"No regrets in life!" Thirty-three people at the same time: "Zhuangzhu, has always been the pioneer of the Zhuangzhu to open the way, take us to escape. But this time, and let me wait for life, cover the owner once ~!"

Chu Yang's heart is hot and hot. Looking at the enemies that have come in all directions, an unprecedented sense of oppression has risen from the heart, and then it has turned into a full of anger!

My judgment this time is actually wrong! ?

Really want to be forced into a road?

I can not be reconciled! Never mind!

Since I am already in a desperate situation, I will break through the dead and survive in the dead!

Chu Yang haha ​​smiled, and he was so uncomfortable that he was so muddy that he suddenly straightened his spine; although he was as dirty as he was, he added a few extras.

"If it must die, I will take you on the road! But now, when it is not dead! Forgot what I said before? At any time, don't say ‘dead, this word!'

Chu Yang smiled a little: "We still have a chance! Let us now infinitely enlarge this opportunity and turn passive into initiative!"

Everyone is a bit wrong: the situation is already so bad that it is so bad, how does Chu Yang actually say that there is a chance? Is there a little chance there? How to turn passive into initiative? !

At this moment, everyone also felt the unprecedented surge of aura!

Infinite violent breath, from Chu Yang body surged out.

In this desperate and hopeless moment, Chu Yang is finally no longer suppressed!

He completely let go of the suppression of the aura; the turbulent airflow that has been suppressed to the extreme, instantly emerged, just between the electro-optic stone fire, through all the meridians of Chu Yang!

The people were surprised to find that the wound on Chu Yang had completely healed in an instant!

The pure aura of the rich to the extreme forms a specific vortex. At the top of Chuyang, surrounded by the body, it makes a loud voice. A breath of breakthrough, from the Chu Yang body fierce!


Everyone, including Bai Yuchen, was stunned.

Breakthrough, the word or this scene is no stranger to anyone present, saying that it is commonplace!

However, after being hunted for a long time, Chu Yang actually broke through and broke through the bones at this festival...·····

This cannot but be said to be a rare miracle.

However, immediately everyone's heart is a heartfelt sigh: even if you break through, at best, it is only the primary level of the heavenly level. And the heavenly level... simply can't make any changes to the immediate crisis!

The cyclone around Chu Yang is getting bigger and bigger, and gradually formed an aura storm. The scope of the breakthrough seems to be getting bigger and bigger and wider.

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