Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 280: A sword against the thousand army! [First! 】

Among the people around Chuyang, there are not many people who have the talents of the heavenly people, and almost half of them are.

But at this moment, everyone is a bit confused about this situation: it seems that when you break through the heavenly level, there is no such big movement!

This movement seems to be too big, right? !

But the next moment, Chu Yang shouted and shouted: "Dream is boundless!"


When he shouted this sound, suddenly nine dans in the body swelled at the same time, and at the same time exploded, all the aura, instantly converge into a group, rumbling in the body to tell the rotation, movement.

The clouds in the sky seem to be undergoing some kind of specific change.

But everyone did not notice the subtle changes.

How can there be no clouds when it rains?

On the cumulonimbus clouds, countless black clouds are popular. The electric cymbals generally rushed over, and in a blink of an eye, they formed a thick cloud with a strong devastating atmosphere.


Yes, it is a punishment!

The dark clouds in the sky are constantly gathering, forming nine huge one-eyed eyes in the air!

But this one-eyed, but formed on the cumulonimbus.

That awe-inspiring world of heaven and earth, with or without it, has not been noticed by anyone except the party Chu Yang.

Before Chu Yang’s previous breakthroughs, there was no natural punishment at all; that is because his nine-robbery space, with the power of those who transcend the punishment of heaven, the level of punishment is not more than the maker of the space of the nine-robbery itself. It is a decision that cannot be added.

But now, the nine robbery space can not be opened, closed in disguise, Chu Yang's breakthrough, it is inevitable to recruit a day punishment!

The breakthrough of the ordinary people's major stage has always been only one day.

The eyes of the sky, thunder and lightning! Going against the sky, you will be punished!

However, Chu Yang’s breakthrough has attracted nine at a time!

This has this infinite relationship with his nine Dantians.

When others have not noticed it, Chu Yang has already taken the lead in perceiving that his breakthrough has attracted a lot of punishment, and he has attracted more than nine in one breath. But at the moment, it is not shocking. He wanted to break through and tried hard, but now it seems that there is another way to go?

If you encounter a penalty on the road to death, will you be negative? !

"Once I rushed over, you immediately broke out, the farther you go, the better, absolutely don't care for me, hear no!" Chu Yang said quietly.

"Zhuangzhu!" The people were shocked.

"If you still regard me as the owner, listen to my orders!" Chu Yangdao: "Leave the secret number we arranged before. If I can get away, I will naturally look for you in the first place. Don't I have come here, I have gotten out of the way, but I can't take care of more. Do you understand what I said?!"


Chu Yang laughed and suddenly stood up and stood at the top of the tree and said: "Who wants to kill me? Who dares to kill me? Who can kill me?!"

In the big laughter, which kind of arrogant gesture of the heavens and the earth suddenly broke out.

Bai Yuchen and others revered and looked at Chu Yang and quietly evacuated.

Chu Yang has attracted everyone's attention and is coming to him. At this moment, under the cover of the strong breakthrough of Chuyang, in the pouring rain, the escape of Bai Yuchen and others did not attract anyone's attention.

Because · everyone's attention has been concentrated on Chu Yang!

Chu Yang, is the ultimate culprit!

It is also the first goal of everyone to come to Donghuangtian!

The crowds are rushing, just like the waves, rolling in from all directions.

Oh, there are countless others who jumped on the top of the tree and faced Chuyang. Although I don't know why there is only one person in Chuyang here, I don't know where other people are going.

However, as long as you seized Chu Yang, even if you completed the task.

As for the others, there is no Chuyang leader. That is definitely not a climate. It’s just a matter of time, and even if it’s all gone, it doesn’t matter.

The most difficult thing to do is always Chu Yang alone.

Chu Yang faces a thousand troops, his hands are behind him, his face is filled with a faint smile, and the wind is standing.

Although Chu Yang at this moment is only one person, the style of this moment is to make everyone's hearts and minds for everyone.

The clothes and trousers on his body are no longer the same. It is better to say that it is hanging on the body, full of muddy blood, and it is extremely embarrassing, but when he stands on the top of the tree and stands on the top of the tree, it seems to be a master. The emperor who controls the world is patrolling his territory.

Everything is empty, nothing is left 1

Unbelievable power and domineering, can not tell the sway! More unpredictable super-escape.

The dream is boundless and the crowd is coming out. Looking at Chu Yang, the second time after the meeting, the heart is actually mixed.

Finally, this young genius finally lost his time, and he finally surrounded him here, so that he has no way to go.

The legend is written, will today be the final chapter? !

"Chuyang, this is our second meeting. It seems that this time, it should be over." The dream sighed for a long time: "I am sorry, but also very sorry, if you are not good, if Give you another hundred years, I believe that it is hard to find a few people who can compete with you in this world.

The meaning behind the sincere praise is just the same as the announcement of Chu Yang today!

No future, even if there is any high evaluation, what is the point? !

Chu Yang smiled faintly and said: "It should be over!? Really? I don't think so! Especially after hearing your praise to me, my life is more intense!"

Dreams are not smiling at the end: "You will not have a chance! Under such circumstances, you have to be alone, facing my six thousand army, each repair is almost not weaker than you, can you still have a day back? The power? Do you think that you are the soul of the undead?"

"Chuyang, don't do unnecessary resistance anymore. In all fairness, we all don't want to be embarrassed about you, and we don't want to kill you. If you are willing to let go, we can give you the highest specification on this way back to Moyuntian. Let the last journey of your life be a lighter and more enjoyable."

The dream is boundless and sincerely said: "I believe you can always believe me!"

"I really don't doubt this, but after I got to Yun Yuntian? What will happen?" Chu Yang smiled and smiled: "Everything is over!"

At this point in time, everyone is speechless.

Did you see the Emperor of Heaven, actually still want to have a way to live? We can't be embarrassed on the way back, which is already a big risk. This is still to see you as a real man and a good man to give you the ruling.

If not, just for the countless robes to die in your hands, this way you can not easily, can definitely make you die.

You actually still want more, but it’s too ignorant and too uninteresting!

Wind hunting.

Everyone has found that the wind between the world seems to have grown in a flash. The wind was soaring, and the whole forest was bursting with a creaking sound. It was the sound of countless big trees being blown up by the sudden increase in wind.

However, even if the wind is big, the trees that everyone stands on are still motionless.

In addition to the sharp increase in the wind, the rain curtains of the sky are getting denser and denser.

There are clouds!

The clouds in the sky also seem to be getting lower and lower.

"Thank you for the good intentions of the general, I will not be able to get rid of it." Chu Yang smiled and said lowly. The voice is low and hoarse, but full of an uproar.

He slowly looked up, and the kind of indifference in his eyes was contrary to the indifference of his tone.

The dream is boundless and the face is suddenly solemn.

Then Chu Yang’s voice suddenly became louder.

"Only Chu Yang, who died in battle, has never given up Chu Yang!" In the voice of indifference, Chu Yang's body is like an arrow, leaving the top of the tree, swooping down with a stream of light, and rushing into the crowd.

After he left, the big tree underneath was slamming and was blown off by the wind!

The magnificent swords of the Nine Robbery Swords came out in a mighty way, and the two enemies encountered in front of them were screamed and screamed, and they were divided into four sections by the waist!


Faced with more than 6,000 enemies in front of him, Chu Yangyi chose to take the initiative!

A sword against the thousand army!

In such a dead end, he is like a never-spoken and lonely hero who fights without fear.

However, a sword is a choice for the Qianjun army. It is the result of his hopes. This result is too difficult to achieve!

The sound of Chu Yang increased a little bit.

From loud, to big, to yo!

"I will never lose!"

Chu Yang haha ​​laughed, his body flashed like a ghost, and his nearest few Mo Yunwei almost had no time to react, and there was already a lot of blood spurting out of his body.

"This piece of heaven and earth, I have not served anyone! Not in the past, not at the moment, there will be no future!"

Chu Yang 嚓嚓嚓 三 三 三 三 三 三 三 三 三 楚 楚 楚 楚 楚 楚 楚 楚 楚 楚 楚 楚 楚More than a dozen figure, rolling and spinning out.

"Want to catch me, come up with the ability!"

"Want to kill me, pay the price!"

"Even if I am not good, but you have to give me three bloods!"

"I am Chu Yang! Once a throne, also known as the king!"

"Grassroots start, smog competition; step by step, step by step, life and death; end of the road, not only once; nine deaths, still solid me! From nothing, to now against a party, even if it is not, Laozi is Chuyang!"

"Still in the world, the sword is nine!"

"Dream is boundless, see how many lives you can take, to bury me!"

Chu Yang is bursting!

The long sword in the hand suddenly broke out in a thousand ways!

Real, thorough, nine robbery swordsmanship, the first sword!

Under the pressure of such extreme pressure, in such an extremely inferior situation, Chu Yang successfully squandered half a move!

Although only half a stroke, but see countless screams and mourning!

The power of half a move is enough to make Chu Yang under the heavy siege, a sword!

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