Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 282: Destroy the flying boat [third! 】

As for Chu Yang’s ‘the punishment of the day, the battle, everyone is even more speechless, only when Chu Yang put a fart!

And it's still no smell, no smell, no smell.

Every moment, every moment, thousands of tens of thousands of robbers will fall down in the sky. It’s too late for everyone to dodge, who has the time to fight with you? Besides, fighting with you is equivalent to indirectly facing the most violent robbery. Everyone still doesn't want to die so early...·····

A scream, a Mo Yunwei can not be robbed of the thunder in the sky; to say that in terms of its cultivation, in this mine, although it is necessary to be injured, but not yet deadly, but in the body robbery In addition, it is inevitable that it will be slightly delayed for a moment, and then it has been bombarded by countless roads and slammed on the body at the same time. The whole person has been turned into a black ash.

There is the first one, there is a second one! The third!

With the increase in the density of thunderbolt, this kind of thing will definitely become more and more frequent!

Ever since, one by one, the ink cloud guards and the silver armor soldiers, they are so grievous that they died under the horror of the day.

But to say that Chu Yang said before the battle under the penalty is not true, it is really smashing Chu Yang, Chu Yang this will not be deliberately dodged, only attack! He is like a wind that keeps sweeping through everyone's side, no matter who it is, it is a sword and a face to greet the past.

Then I just leave the body and ignore the result.

As long as the opponent of Chu Yang interfered with the opponent, where can I still avoid the lightning? Actively thundering is just as long as you get on the first road, it is a moment of paralysis; in this short paralysis, countless days of lightning and lightning hit the body!

The lightning in the sky is like being mad, and it takes a lot of life.

The sky robbery continues to fall, as if there is never a stop.

In the beginning, the robbery was only the thickness of the wrist, and then gradually increased to the thickness of the head, the thickness of the waist, the thickness of the water tank, and finally reached the room as thick!

With a blue color, the purple light flickering down and falling down, you can smash a mountain directly!

This is definitely not a metaphor. There is such a mountain, and it is a coincidence that a smashing lightning directly turns into a lake!

The lively sea of ​​mulberry fields is happening in front of everyone.

Everyone fled, but the punishment was followed by scattered pursuits, but the power was not cut at all!

Dreams have nowhere to look at all this, can not help but tears!

Suddenly, my heart suddenly rose to a strong hatred of Chu Yang.

Even if it is an enemy, the hand you play is too embarrassing and too great! ,

The dream has no place at the moment. The level of the saints has already passed the peak of the heavenly level. So his current situation is: as long as the dream is not moving, the punishment will not find him, nor will it Upgrade!

In the first period of time, Meng Tianya misjudged Chu Yang’s level of punishment, and also made various defensive measures. When the penalty was dropped, he accidentally noticed that the punishment was not directed at himself. This only awakened Chu Yang’s punishment. It is a heavenly-level punishment, as long as you don’t move, you won’t be implicated in yourself!

So the dream has never been dare to move, at most it is a voice prompt, because once it moves, the day to find the provocative person is the act of looking for death!

However, in the current situation, the dream is boundless and the torture of him is even greater: watching the tragic death of one after another with his own years, he can only look at it! Watching Chu Yang go and go, constantly smashing himself, can't move with one move, more accurately, he doesn't dare to move!

What is this feeling like? ,

This feeling, for the endless dreams, is not as good as death!

But he really can't move, don't dare to move: If he doesn't move, the penalty will not be upgraded! Then there are people who have the chance to survive! But if you move yourself, then the land that falls again is the sacred level!

That is the real one and will not survive!

The dreams are shaking with both hands and feet. Looking at Chu Yang’s mad laughter, he is constantly moving through the pouring rain, and his own hands are constantly being destroyed by the sky!

Two lines of old tears lie down.

In the meantime, it was not that there was no day of robbery and thundering to Chuyang. In fact, there were more than a hundred robberies in Chuyang, but the Chuyang Zhonglei was just a little wrinkled, no stop. Continue to fly and continue to avoid; although there are many places in his body that are constantly smoking.

That is the penetration of muscles by lightning bolts. Some muscles have even necrotic. They have started to burn and smoke like dry wood. But for these, Chu Yang completely ignores it!

Still swaying, still arrogant and dry.

Looking at it, the only thing that can be done without dreams is to sigh.

Mumbled and said: "If this is the end of the pursuit of Chu Yang is not dead, do not have to wait for what hundred years later, for up to ten years, Mo Yuntian will be a big disaster! Such an opponent ... is absolutely a nightmare for anyone Once he has given him time to grow, even after the nine emperors, he will...

Speaking of this, I am so moved, I dare not think about it any more, and then think about it, I am afraid that I will smash the confidence that I have only left.

This time, the Emperor Yunyun Tiandi had a knot with Chuyang. The Yuantian Limit will never give up the pursuit of Chuyang and the result of each pursuit will only make the hatred of Chuyang more intense.

If it is not enough to chase and kill Chu Yang, then it is this layer of killing, which will in turn create Chu Yang!

The real powerhouse can only be exercised after countless times of death.

However, it is the endless dreams of the Chu Yang, the killing of the nine dead lives, has been countless.

The life-and-death crisis that the strong in the general sense encountered during his tens of thousands of years of life all add up, or, not as good as Chu Yang’s half-month experience!

And this experience will continue!

There are only two results: First, Chu Yang will seize and kill! Second, Chu Yang gradually grew up, and eventually grew up to the Mo Yun Tiandi Yuan Tian limit and did not dare to deal with it easily!

What kind of existence is such a existence? ?

There is no doubt that it is the level of the nine emperors!

Or, higher...? !

However, Chu Yang is still so weak, it has already stirred up the world, and will never admit defeat; never give in to the personality; once it has reached the point where Chu Yang will choose to swallow, peace and live?

Nothing is possible!

The dream is boundless and scared by his own ideas.

Because, now he can foresee that if Chu Yang can survive in this punishment, he or he will be powerless to him...···

There are more than a thousand Mo Yuntian masters who have been ruined here. The rest is also hard support, and it is only a matter of time before it is destroyed.

Chu Yang suddenly screamed and screamed, and he passed through the dense lightning bolt.

The nine robbery swords made a dazzling brilliance. The sound of "咻" with Chu Yang's body disappeared in front of everyone, and immediately there was a day of lightning and followed the bombardment.

The lightning here is still going on and going on.

The dream is full of horror, but still can't move, don't dare to move. Only the anxiously grasping the stone on the ground, smashing!

The destination of Chuyang is the direction of the three flying boats!

In the eyes of the patrolling personnel on the flying boat, Chuyang is like a peerless demon god, flying with the boundless wind and thunder!

This is definitely not a description!

But the facts! It is reality!

Chu Yang himself is small, but he came from the sword at this moment, and the thunder and lightning in the sky followed him to tell the move, but it was mixed with the terrifying power of earth-shattering! It is like a small body, but with wings that connect the heavens and the earth!

"Fast! Start the flying boat and avoid the **** at full speed!"

"Hurry up!"

But everything is too late.

When they saw Chu Yang in the naked eye, it was too late to start the flying boat. ,

Seeing that Chu Yang is getting closer and closer to himself, the lightning is becoming more and more violent, and the people on the flying boat are so eager to jump down and flutter.

You have already squandered so many people, so don’t even let us clean up together...···

Chu Yang’s body quickly approached the flying boat like a lightning bolt. The nine robbers smashed a brilliant Guanghua·狠狠 and dug a big hole in the solid body of the flying boat. Chu Yang swept forward, ghosts generally sneaked into the interior of the fly.

Finally, I could breathe a sigh of relief. Chu Yang took the opportunity to take out a super version of the nine-density Dan.

I just put Jiuzhong Dan in the import, and even before I had time to look at the furnishings in the flying boat, I felt that my body slammed a bit. At this moment, at least a thousand lightning hit the flying boat.

A glaring white light suddenly shimmers. That is the protective force of the flying boat itself, the strongest self-defense mechanism is activated; Chu Yang is like a rolling gourd generally rolling back and forth among the flying boats.

The second wave of the day’s fine robbery has fallen. Then there is the third wave, the fourth wave...·····

Only supported the third wave, the protection of the flying boat has been completely scrapped. The next moment, a flying boat has been blasted and opened.

Under the tens of thousands of robbing, there is no indestructible, although the texture of the flying boat is specific, there is still no resistance!

Chu Yang pretend to be a scream, like a housewife, like a fish that slipped through the net, smashed out, goal, the second boat.


So, this is the case!

Chu Yang’s bright and sullen laughter, ignoring his body and being hit by lightning, several wounds are smoky and rushing back.

Behind him, three super-flying boats from Mo Yuntian have now become three huge fireballs.

The burning light is almost illuminating half of the East Emperor!

Three flying boats were abolished by Chuyang.

Dreams are cold and cold.

How much manpower and material resources are required to build such three super-flying boats? No one can be clearer than dreams.

But now, just under the hands of Chu Yang, it is completely scrapped, and there is less than a cup of tea before and after!

Scrapped to a level that is worse than scrap iron!


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