Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 283: The last thunder! [First! 】

"Ha ha ha ha ..... this flying boat is really good, really anti-bang!" Chu Yang! Yang smile, said in the lightning and thunder, said: "I can actually resist the punishment for so long, hahaha... ...good things; dream generals! Dream generals! I know that you are so good to send me a boat, you say why you are suffering? Ah..."

In the end, it was a great sorrow, and it was smashed by lightning once.

Dreams have no teeth and teeth, and angered: "Chuyang! You don't want to be proud. After today, you and I have become deadly enemies!"

Chu Yang laughed, a sword forced a silver armor to rush, the lightning then fell, the silver armor became a fireball, laughing: "Dream general, what are you talking about? I thought we were early It’s a dead enemy. Didn’t you say that you have never been a deadly enemy before? Or if you have to be a deadly enemy after today... Are you old enough, your head is not good? Hahaha... ”

This time, Chu Yang only dared to stimulate the dreams of endlessness. He also knew that today's things can't be shot without dreams.

Now is the situation of nine deaths and one life, and there is still a glimmer of life. But if the dream is not bound, and the punishment is upgraded to the level of the saint, you will be completely dead, and absolutely ten dead.

Chu Yang haha ​​laughed, turned over and re-entered the battlefield. At this moment, it is already a huge lake area one after another. The original lush mountain forest is basically invisible.

There is also, Chu Yang looking for the target, no longer so convenient, or even very hard, because the enemy available for attack is less, and still very scattered. It can only follow the lightning, but the danger of doing so is undoubtedly increasing.

This time, the punishment of the day, the most uncomfortable person, is still Chu Yang.

Because, after the temptation to punish the Chu Yang, the pressure to bear, but several times other people. In particular, his nine dantians have to bear different types of punishments, which makes Chu Yang even worse.

If it is not the aura of the body is still more and more crazy spouting. If it is not the nine robbery sword can effectively resist a considerable part, if not for him there is Jiu Dan Dan·····

At this moment, Chu Yang has already become a piece of coke, flying in the sky.

This is the case, Chu Yang has also been turned into coke and turned into a fly ash several times!

A day of punishment, Chu Yang introduced the battlefield in this way! Completely rewrite the battle!

The damage caused by this campaign has been difficult to count!

Even from the most basic and conservative methods, the 6,000-year-old people who participated in the battle in this round of ruins were almost half of the ruins, and the three flying boats. There are other... Anyway, that's a lot!

Chu Yang used up the last spare force and continued to go out of his way. When he left, he actually passed the dreamless front, and actually recruited a beckoner: "Dream general, come chasing me, you are not going to die with me." Is it not?"

The dream has almost broken the teeth.

If you can chase, the old man will let you retreat so! ?

The problem now is that the punishment will soon pass. If the old man is shot at this time, there will be no more than a thousand people who will barely survive.

So, now there is a peculiar situation: the surroundings are full of enemies!

But everyone is self-sufficient and hard to survive!

Chu Yang was so swaying from the endless dreams, but the dream was boundless, but he could only watch Chu Yang "suddenly" leave. Can't stop it, can't stop it!

This kind of situation happened to both sides of each other's vengeance, which is simply an incredible scene.

However, under the great threat of punishment, it can only be staged.

Chu Yang took advantage of the final mark of the end of the day, the enemy did not dare to follow, the meteor generally flew into the jungle.

Behind the sky, nine huge one-eyed eyes followed the silky electric light, and the final blow was brewing!

If this attack is carried over, Chu Yang will be promoted to the level of heaven and earth.

But if you can't support it, you will die and die.

In a faraway place, Yan Rushan looked at it with the Emperor of the East, and everyone was scalp! No one can think of it, Chu Yang will actually take such a decisive way to fight with Mo Yuntian!

Counterbalance the punishment.

This is the less the number of people, but also to concentrate all the spirits, to do everything before you can, just dare to try, even if this is not necessarily safe.

The chance of failure is almost as high as 90%!

The breakthrough of Chu Yang has become ‘the more people, the better.

What is this **** mode? !

Looking at a mountain that stretched for two thousand miles, it was destroyed into a plain, and there were even lakes one after another. The vibrations in the hearts of the people were unparalleled.

For so many people in Mo Yuntian’s experience, everyone can’t help but feel a bit of sympathy: encountering such a madman, such a lawless and deadly murderer is really...·It’s really... ……so unlucky!

Following the mountain, he first condemned the innocent burning of the grassland, and extorted a large amount of property; then he followed all the way, how do you want to shoot at a critical moment?

However, until now, even the words are like a mountain, I feel a little speechless.

Dreams are endless...·····哎, at this moment, the dream general is really terrible...·····

If I was played like this... oh, it would be better to die than to die.

However, Chu Yang faces the last day of punishment, and is also the strongest one. Can it continue? It’s like a mountain, guessing, worrying, dreaming, waiting, and expecting

Suddenly, a burst of colorful light burst out in the sky. A group of bright, thundering **** with purple luster suddenly formed. Immediately, it seemed to be the whole earth to be cut through, and the bomb fell!

Going to the direction of Chuyang!

An unprecedented blow of the attack 1

The dream is blind and squinting, and the eyes are full of hopeful light. Under the eternal annihilation of the thunder, can you still not be enchanting? ! It doesn't matter if you don't die!

Yan Rushan and others are also squinting, and the eyes are also full of hopeful light. Under such a ruin, you can still not die, you are a enchanting, you are a legend, you are a legend! Come on, create another miracle again, you are a enchanting man who created miracles!

Live it! Praying in the heart of the mountain.

I saw this huge thunderball, as if it was hollowed out, and the whole sky was gracefully descending all the way with a long tail, and the distance between the sky and the ground was between the flashes -

Even the people clearly saw that the lightning turned a corner, crossed the strange trajectory filled with heaven and earth, and traced it away. It seems that Chu Yang is still desperately dodging, but under the vast expanse of everything It’s just in vain, in vain...···



A loud, shocking, shocking, and shocking sound.

This loud noise shook the earth, shocked the sky, and even shocked everyone in the room!

Even in the moment when everyone is the highest dream in the crowd, at that moment, I feel that my head is dizzy.

Immediately, far away, a huge mushroom cloud rises, hehe...

Numerous large and small gravels are scattered more than a thousand times more densely than the most dense rainstorms.

The next moment, thousands of miles round the mountain forest, the instantaneous riddled holes are devastated.

Everyone responded very consistently and neatly took a sip of air.

Looking at the gravel piled up in front of me, everyone was silent for a while. The shallower lakes that had just been blasted were instantly filled and turned into gravel mountains.

Fang Ziqing, fortunately, under the punishment of the day, countless people who were lucky enough to steal the money were in the midst of interest adjustment. So unprepared, they were pressed under the gravel and waited until they climbed out of the gray face. Then they looked at the situation before, one by one. Feel creepy.

It’s the first time that I’ve seen it for the first time in my life.

It is ten times more than the legendary power, even one hundred times! too exaggerated!

Then, under such a horrible power, can Chu Yang survive?

This is undoubtedly the biggest question that straddles everyone's heart.

After all, Chu Yang’s punishment this time is completely beyond the extent that he should bear the punishment of the day, even more than doubled! The last blow, can't escape, can only be **** the front!

But this is the blow, even if the dream is boundless in the heyday, it is also unpredictable to be able to pick it up, let alone Chu Yang just broke through the level of heaven and humanity?

Under this attack, is it already doomed to be dead?

The dream is boundless, and it must be that this enchanting is not dead!

Yan Rushan firmly believes that Chu Yang has always been a miracle, miracle existence, there will be nothing!

Just after this big bang, the nine insane eyes of the sky suddenly disappeared and re-formed into a thick cloud.

Gradually, the wind is also small, only the pouring rain continues, and it is still getting bigger.

The raindrops of the size of the soybeans fell wildly, and the eyes of the people could not be opened.

"Put the number of people first, and summon the survivors and the former escapers to one place." The first command after the death of the dream, his face was pale and his body was a little trembling. When I said this sentence, even the voice showed a kind of ‘old and powerless.

These conditions have never appeared in the previous dreams, and it is definitely not the case.

But at the moment, these conditions are there!

This time, Chu Yang, the confidence in the endless dreams, is a huge blow!

In a short time, the team of the Mo Yuntian team gathered together.

"Reporting the general, the day is fine, we have two hundred and fifty-five people left, and the rest... have been..." The silver armor led the army to report.

Hearing this number, the heart of the dreamless heart slammed a bit, and an unspeakable pain made him black in the blink of an eye.

The day is the birthday of the cat's small lazy children's shoes, well, that is, the greasy wife of the cat in the book, the original shape of the cat is lazy.嘿嘿············ Let us wish you a happy birthday to you, every year, today, and now! >

day! All the plot questions have been sorted out for me, let me answer, don't answer no, that is, bubble gum is generally sticky and not rude...

Finally, when I came home, I was sweating... I’m so tired...···

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