Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 284: Fall from the sky! [Second more! 】

Two thousand nine hundred and fifty people! !

Not long ago, I came to Donghuangtian with a thousand elite people Ma Haohao. I was full of confidence and confidence. Now the task has not been completed. Ten adult horses have already lost 70%!

In the face of such a huge loss, there is an unbearable and unacceptable feeling of frustration in the endless dreams.

More than 7,000 masters of the holy level and even the level of the heavenly people have fallen!

Just for a Chu Yang!

Even now, it is still not clear whether this culprit has been annihilated in the world!

"Distribute the human hand, look carefully, give birth to see people, die to see the corpse, even if it is flesh and blood ashes, but also to confirm the person's life and death!" The dream is incomparably ugly.


After a slight tilt, the people of Mo Yuntian stood next to a huge lake that was obviously just opened up, and was speechless.

Here, it is the place where the huge thunderball has just fallen. Now, the position in the middle is still bubbling, and the water level is still growing rapidly. It is filled with countless floods and floods by the downpour...

There are no traces around.

So is Chu Yang alive? Still dead? In the end, it’s a smog, there’s nothing left, or...······

"Search! Detailed search! Do not let go of any clues! I want the exact answer!" Dream nowhere again ordered.


At the same time, a little farther away, such as the mountains and other people have also landed, looking at it, it is also a burst of stunned, plus no words.

If Chu Yang is dead, this death will eventually come to an end, but if Chu Yang is still alive? ! That pursuit, but it is still going on.

Dreams are now endlessly praying: God, you will open your eyes and let Chu Yang die! Such an enemy is really terrible! I have no strength to play with him again...·····

Some people hope that Chu Yang will die. Some people hope that he is alive but now Chu Yang, where is it?

When the thunderball fell, Chu Yang had stopped.

Escape is meaningless. In the face of the last punishment, it is absolutely impossible to escape. If you bear it, you must bear it with it. If you bear it, you will live. If you can't bear it, it will be so simple.

At that point in time, the situation of Chuyang has completely left the dreamless and the eyes of everyone in the cloud, and the dream is not bound to chase other people is not self-satisfied, or has escaped. As long as you have passed this last blow, everything is hard work.

However, the degree of horror of the last blow of the day is still beyond the horror expected by Chu Yang!

At the moment when the huge thunderball smashed down, Chu Yang snorted, and the nine robbery swords flashed wildly, and it was like a crazy limit!

This is definitely the fastest time in Chuyang’s use of the Nine Robbery Swords and the highest frequency of wielding!

At that moment, even Chu Yang himself did not know how many swords he had in the end. Anyway, it was a sword that was strong, and the only thought in the heart of the sword without stopping.

Swords and thunder! ,

This is a trick to die, and it is also the ultimate move to defend itself to the extreme!

Jiuyi Fengqi Qi party, I am not worried when I am dead!

Chu Yang is like a maddening, the general nine robbery sword flashes out of the thousand.

In this short blink of an eye, this move was repeatedly used by Chu Yang for a minimum of ... 19 times!

At that moment, nine dantians were instantaneous, and all the power was swept away by the sword! There is also a strong aura that is constantly filling in and still scouring Chu Yang's body. It was also evacuated nine times at that moment, a full nine times!

A dense line of defense nets is so blocked on the route of the attack!

The intensity of the sword net compiled by Chu Yang has reached a hundred feet thickness! Surging, continuous is like a living Jianshan!

Chu Yang itself, hidden behind this mountain!

With a bang, the penalty fell, and all the flowers were hitting the sword net!

The layer of tearing, the layer of layer collapse, just in the blink of an eye, has already broken through half of the thickness of the sword net.

Chu Yang roared, and the sword smashed with all his spirits!

Immediately, it was a huge explosion of "Boom"!

Chu Yang felt that his brain was shocking, and then, then he didn’t know anything.

This sword can't stop it, and it can't stop it. Anyway, I have tried my best, and the rest are handed over to God!

If God wants to blame me, I will be born, if God wants to abandon me, I will die!

that is it!

If there is someone who happens to come to the vicinity of the last strike, it will be found that Chu Yang’s body is like a small grass in the hurricane. It is rolled up by the sudden hurricane and flies up and down the sky. In the blink of an eye, it turned into a pale hair, and I didn’t know where I was going.

I don't know how far it has drifted.

I don't even know, Chu Yang is dead or alive.

In the current state of Chu Yang, I still have to fall into a coma, waiting for the wind to stop, and a free fall.·····

Is it the strongest nine-robbery master in the legend of Jiuzhongtian, who is finally going to be killed! ?

Will this kind of death be too funny? It’s too human, but as far as the current form is concerned, it may seem that maybe it’s really possible...

Here is a quiet little valley.

At the end of the valley, there is a small hut.

A white girl, gentle and gentle on her face, drowning in the stream by the stream, picking up a bucket in a wooden bucket, and carrying it back easily, fell in the tub, but there was a pile of clothes inside the tub.

The sky is extraordinarily gloomy, and it is obvious that it is going to rain.

There is a faint lightning thunder in the distance, and I don’t know where it will start to rain, but it’s not yet extended. But the dullness in the air is already depressing.

In front of the hut, a burly youth is sitting with his eyes closed, and there is a crystal blue light flowing down his body.

This color is obviously a sign of the peak level of the heavens; obviously, this young man is concentrating on sports. A broad sword, just beside him, this sword, and the body of this young man, is full of majestic taste.

For a long time, the young man opened his eyes and stood up with a "call".

"How is it today, is it going well?" the girl asked with a squint, and the tone was full of care.

"The progress is very smooth. I believe that as long as you have a few more days, you will be able to absorb the hidden effects."

The burly youth smiled slightly and said: "The nine heavens are really good places. You and I have been chasing and killing before. I thought it would be hard to have a chance, but I didn't expect it to be so big at the moment of life and death. Fortunately, let us get this rare medicine, if it is true, the blessings of the blessings, the misfortunes and the blessings; my cultivation, in two months, before and after the promotion of more than a dozen orders, and The efficacy has not yet been fully absorbed, and there is room for improvement!"

"This is your blessing." The white girl grinned.

"It is the blessing of both of us." The burly youth took the girl in her arms and spoke in a pampering manner.

The white girl was soft in his arms, and his face showed a happy glow.

"When I completely absorb the medicine, I will take you out to go to the rivers and lakes, look for the old opponents, I believe they should have made considerable progress." The burly youth laughed, and there was a kind of mighty overbearing between the eyebrows. : "I want them to taste, my strength now!"

The white girl is full of trust and said: "They are definitely not as good as you now!"

The burly youth nodded and said: "This may not be the case. Since I can get such an opportunity, their chances may not be as good as me. Even if I meet now, the outcome is hard to say."

He said in his mouth that ‘winning is only difficult to say, but his face is full of confidence! All are the confidence to win!

"After the end of that wish, the two of us are on this piece of the nine heavens, building our own foundation and creating the future!" The burly youth faintly said: "Base on one side, the sword will test the world!"

The girl in white said softly: "What do you say, what to do, what you said is definitely right. I listen to you, anyway, wherever you go, I will go with you."

The burly youth smiled and satisfied, saying: "Yes, where do I go, where do you go with me. Where are you, where am I."

The girl snorted, her eyebrows were full of happiness.

At this moment, suddenly there was a bang, and it seemed that something had flown over.

The burly youth glimpsed and looked up.

Just as he looked up, a humanoid object had already flown from the sky, and a "bang" was squatting on the little hut.


The huts are instantly split, and the sound of "咣" is immediately followed by 咔嚓嚓······

It looks like the only bed in the huts, and it has been smashed by the sky.

Then there was a bang, the human figure smashed the huts, smashed the bed, and the spare capacity was not lost, and a deep hole was found on the ground to end the impact.

Both the burly youth and the white girl opened their mouths with surprise.

Because of this sudden change, I was so surprised that I could not touch my mind.

What's happening here?

How could this look like this? !

It’s amazing that I’ve watched my house, my bed has become a piece of debris, and there’s no warning at all.

A blink of an eye, there is only ruin in front of you!

This is too...

My house has offended you? You just gave it to you...·····

The burly youth strode forward: "What is the shape of the man? How can he be so overbearing, and it will ruin my house at once..." He is also a daring artist, and he does not care what he is, so he rushes. Go in.

The white girl worried that he had lost, and hurriedly followed.

The two came to the big pit, which was originally the location of their house, and now it has become a big pit with a depth of three feet.

Underneath, actually holding a person?

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