Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 285: I met an acquaintance [third! 】

Well, it looks like it should be a person. !

This person seems to have become a coke in the whole body, and there are still some places where the smoky blue smoke is still blooming. It was like a feeling that a body had been placed in a cremator, but escaped. It was full of surprises.

"It's actually a person, still alive..." The burly young brow wrinkled, and could not help but have a sigh of sensation: "This is really a good thing, flying from such a distant place, actually ruined my house." And broke into the ground, and all of them smoked and ignited, but they still couldn’t die..."

The girl in white said curiously: "Is this person not dead?"

The burly youth slowly daggers: "Well, there is also a heartbeat, life is not alive." Confused with a contemplation, said: "It seems that this guy is definitely a big trouble."

"Do you see if this person has saved? If you can..." The white girl's heart is full of ambiguity.

"Well, let me see." The burly youth promised, and then jumped off the pit and took the person who was lying in the bottom of the pit and was unconscious. He turned over and waited until he saw the appearance of the unconscious person. I couldn’t help but be a glimpse first, then a glimpse, and then I was shocked. I said with a sigh of relief: "My god? How come... How could it be him?"

The burly youth actually recognized the coming!

Who are each other? !

"He?" The white girl wondered: "Who is he? Is it our acquaintance?"

The burly youth did not answer, but the man was carefully taken out, and then he got some dry grass in a mess, simply laid a bed and put the man in his arms.

Immediately, the medicine bottle was taken out of his arms, and a medicine was taken out and stuffed into the population. Then, the work was done to help the person to open up the drug, stabilize the heart, and make his life endless; then he began to carefully handle the wounds of the person who were hundreds of times.

I have been busy for a while. I finally said: "Huanhuan, this person you know too; but we are handed over, he is a person who is envious of you and me; but is on the opposite side of us."

The white girl looked at the unconscious, seemingly weak face in front of her eyes. Suddenly, she felt a little bit aware of it. "That is this person from the mainland of the nine heavens? Otherwise, there is an old man!"

"Isn't it." The burly youth looked deeply at the people in front of him, and the accent was complicated. He said: "This person is the boss of my opponents, the master of the nine robbers, Chu Yang!"

"Ah!? Actually he?!" The white girl shook her mouth.

Do not blame the white girl surprised Chu Yang, the name of the nine robber sword master for the nine heavens mainland, it is too famous. Directly is a mythical legend.

It’s just that this legendary big man is now in front of the two in such awkward situation, and there are many feelings of legendary destruction!

"Is it not him, give me medicine, save my life, it is him, give me the treasure of heaven, help me to stabilize the foundation; or he, give us medicine, let you fly up with me, are he."

There are too many rumors in the voice of the burly youth. When I saw this person in front of me, there seemed to be many long-lost memories, and suddenly there was a scene in front of me.

"But it is precisely because he and I have been killed in the family for three days. No one survives except me. It is also because of him that many families in the last three days, including the Li family, were also destroyed. ··..." The burly youth smiled.

"The heartfelt grievances are intertwined."

"That······You can't save him?” The white girl asked a little.

"How could it not be saved?" The burly young man smiled happily: "I am going to defeat him, and I have to wait for his injury to recover. I am in a hurry. I am in danger, I can’t help but I can’t help you. character!"

This burly youth is exactly the same as Li Xiong, who was sympathetic to Chu Yang in the mainland of Jiuzhongtian, but who is entangled in grievances! As for this white girl, it is Li Xiongtu’s wife, also from the indigenous dreams of Jiuzhongtian.

The white girl dreamed of a sigh of relief, and then raised her heart: "But look at him like this, his enemies are only very powerful. With the strength of both of them, I am afraid..."

Li Xiong snorted and said: "Whether the enemy is powerful, even if the other party is the heavenly emperor of the world, can it make me arrogant and disregarding the grace?"

The white girl sighed with relief: "Xiong, I know, you are such a man of the top!"

Li Xiongtuhaha smiled: "This festival, I believe no one can deny it! I am a generation of people from the rivers and lakes, people respect me a foot, I am still a man; people cut me a knife, I kill him the whole family! Resentment is clear, it is just right. If the grievances are entangled and cannot be clearly defined, then it is to repay the grace and then complain!"

Speaking of this, said: "Chuyang's injury is not light, Huanhuan, you come to help the handle, take out my wounds, and take out my baby."

He smiled bitterly: "Chuyang, this guy really counts, and said that most of my treasures, he gave it to me that year; this will be used again in him! Since he is, is it true? This guy has been counted in the year? Why don’t I give it up! Regret, sorry!”

Dreams are happy and crying: "You, who can count for so long...··························

Li Xiongtu smiled.

In a short time, under the hands of the husband and wife, many of the scars on Chu Yang’s body were carefully treated. And they are all bandaged properly.

If Li Xiongtu came to get these injuries, even if he can finally be cured, it is estimated that Chu Yang has to be packaged into a big scorpion. And definitely the one that is unsightly.

But under the joy of Huanhuan, every wound is taken care of, and the bandage is extremely careful, and at the same time it is extremely gentle.

I will never let Chu Yang suffer even more unnecessary pain.

"This guy's vitality is as tenacious as ever." Li Xiongtu sighed: "The bones on the body are almost completely scattered, and the flesh of the body is about to be baked into coke. It is still alive, and the vitality is still very strong. It’s really different...······

Dream Huanhuai grinned.

Just now, Chu Yang handled the wounds on the body, and the number of wounds was so great that both Li Xiongtu and Meng Huanhuan were surprised.

There are more than seven hundred scars, big and small, nearly eight hundred!

From top to bottom, there is almost no awkward place! Seeing such a dense wound distribution, Li Xiongtu was silent for a long time, and finally said a sentence: "It is the legendary nine-robbery sword master, so many injuries, if it is replaced by me, I am afraid that nine lives are dead!"

I don’t want a hoarse voice to sound suddenly: "It’s been like this for a long time. It’s not as good as you. The nine lives are dead.... This is really not tolerable, Li Xiong, you said is not it?"

Li Xiongtu and Meng Huanhuan were taken aback.

The person who spoke was actually Chu Yang.

Before Li Xiongtu saw the injury of Chu Yang, such a serious terrorist injury, in his expectation, three days can blink, ten days to speak, it can be said that quite good.

However, I never thought that this guy in Chuyang would have been awake now. Not only can he speak, but he even recognizes who he is. It is too enchanting.

I hurried back, but I saw that Chu Yang had opened his eyes and looked at himself. His eyes were smiling. "Li Xiongtu, it really is your kid. It’s really like a dream. I really can’t think of it. I met the first in the world. An acquaintance, actually not my brothers, but you."

Li Xiongtuhaha laughed: "It is the legendary nine-robbery sword master, the myth and legend of Jiuzhongtian, suffered such a heavy injury, actually woke up so quickly, and can keep his mind clear."

As I walked over, I sat down beside the bed.

The barely supported bed swayed in a row, indirectly affecting the wound in Chuyang. Someone screamed and screamed: "Grass! Can you talk, do you praise me or yell at me?! You **** hurry up and get It hurts me!"

Li Xiongtu laughed haha.

Dream Huanhuan carefully handled Li Xiong's movement, and Chu Yang's wound was torn apart. While blaming it, "You are really a hero, you can't stand or sit on the ground, you have to join in the bed, you are Deliberately uncomfortable..."

Li Xiong said with a smile: "When this **** comes, I have been ruined by a house that I worked hard for a long time. I will not retaliate against him. Can I be worthy of my hard work?!"

Dreams are joyful and funny.

I have never seen it, Li Xiong, who has always been like a wood, and is always a heroic and arrogant Li Xiong, and there will be such a ghost.

Even when I was in the Li family, I have never seen Li Xiongtu so relaxed. But at this moment, I saw this entangled Chu Yang, but it is an uncharacteristic.

It seems that this Chuyang, there are really many unusual places.

Then Meng Huanhuan discovered an incredible fact: since Chu Yang was awake, the streaks on his body actually recovered at an extremely fast speed!

Even the ruptured muscle tissue healed a little.

Also, his body is filled with a powerful and powerful aura in the auxiliary repair. And this kind of repair, unlike the repairs I saw before, is clearly not the same thing.

Only a very short time before and after, Chu Yang's body has actually recovered a lot.

Dream Huanhuan naturally does not know, this is Chu Yang spent the day punishment and confirmed not to die, the benefits given by Heaven; and Chu Yang's nine robbery space constantly scouring the body's aura, at this moment, seeing such a situation, only surprised.

"Chu brother, who is the other person? Can you make you so embarrassed?" Li Xiongtu asked.

Chu Yang smiled and said: "Li brother, you are a bit wrong, I have to remind you."

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