Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 286: Are you repairing it? [Fourth! 】

"Oh? Hey!" Li Xiong looked at him inexplicably.

"In this piece of the nine heavens, whether you or I are outsiders, here is not the nine heavens! Our cultivation is more than enough to claim the king in the nine heavens, but in this place, basically nothing! ”

Chu Yang whispered: "So here, I am no longer a master of the nine robbers, and even no longer a top-level master. There are too many masters in the world... We must recognize our position."

"Otherwise, you must eat big losses!" Chu Yang whispered, but it was heavy.

Li Xiongtu was silent and said: "Thank you! I was taught!"

Li Xiongtu said this sentence and said it really.

Because he knows for himself that his own words have exposed his own arrogant mentality.

That sentence ‘What exactly is it that can make you so embarrassed? It doesn't seem like a big deal at first glance, but in fact it has already put Chu Yang at the height of the top players.

And Chu Yang is already a top player. Where does his Li Xiong figure put himself?

Even this "top-level master strength" is only to be measured by the level of Chu Yang at the time of the nine-day continent!

If Li Xiongtu has always maintained this mentality, as Chu Yang said: It is inevitable to eat big losses!

Even eating big losses are all said to be small, I am afraid that there will be a risk!

"The enemy I faced this time, you better not to blend, even do not need to know." Chu Yang smiled: "When I am a little better, I immediately walked away. Li brother, this time I have been grateful for your help!"

Li Xiong figure sinks his face: "Chu Yang, are you looking down on me?"

Chu Yang smiled bitterly, and the color said: "Li brother, you know the time is not short, have I ever looked down on you? But this time the enemy is too powerful, and the other party’s power is too It’s a bit bigger... you’re rushing in and coming in, but it will make me more scruples.”

Chu Yang’s words are very straightforward. Even if he directly tells Li Xiongtu, if you mix in, it will not help me, but it will be cumbersome. If you don’t add chaos, it will help.

Everyone has never made a deep connection, but Chu Yang understands the temper of Li Xiongtu.

If he does not simply dispel his thoughts, Li Xiong will never stop, and will definitely participate. That, it really hurts him!

However, Li Xiongtu has wrinkled his worries and said: "Chuyang, this time you will not be provoked to get a few super martial arts in front of the nine-day Scorpio?"

Chu Yang smiled bitterly: "If it's just a super martial art... I can still be a little easier, at least there is the strength to deal with it, but this time the enemy I provoked is ten times more horrible than the super martial art. Times! Even this contrast is still the most conservative estimate!"

Li Xiongtu sighed and took a sigh of cold air, and Meng Huanhuan smothered his mouth, his face full of strange colors.

For a long time, Li Xiong said cautiously: "Do you say, you are..."

"What I got this time is the whole ink cloud, and even the owner of the ink cloud, the Emperor Yunyun himself!" Chu Yang said straightforwardly.

Li Xiong's **** licked his own eyebrows and smiled bitterly: "I said Chu Yang... Even if you are so daring, but this time, you are too big to play? What are you doing? Let the whole ink cloud chase you?"

Chu Yang grinned: "In fact, I didn't do anything, just slaughtered the son of the Emperor of the Clouds, so that..."

Li Xiong figured a sly and almost fell to the ground. It’s hard to stabilize the figure, but it’s already speechless.

"I have to admit that this enemy, I am very old, but it is not so good." Li Xiong figure tangled.

Chu Yang almost laughed: "Who said no, I think it is quite good... his grandmother drops..."

After listening to Chu Yang's explanation of the cause and effect, Li Xiong figure slammed on his lap and angered: "Good! Killing well! This kind of idiot, slaughter is what it should be! He **, that The darkness of the Moyun Heavenly Emperor Yuantian is really ignorant! The practice of Chu’s brother is clearly to clean up the portal for him. He should be grateful to you. Actually, in turn, sending troops to chase and kill, it’s just a matter of enmity! No reason!”

Chu Yang’s stunned and stunned Li Xiong figure is really shocked by the incomparably powerful words of this cargo!

What the **** is this? !

Looks like I said very clearly, it is me, I killed someone else's son, how can people still appreciate me, and "should"...

Even if I know that you are talking to me, but the truth does not make sense, killing the enemy is not to wear the sky, if you really thank me for helping him clean up the portal, I believe it? I am sure I don’t dare. Even if he really doesn’t bother me, I have to worry about it for a lifetime. It’s estimated that it’s more horrible than looking at me now.

I’m afraid of it for a lifetime, I’m afraid of it!

Oh, is it that I am crazy or that Li Xiong is crazy, how can he think about it? !

During the speech, Chu Yang was keenly aware of the itchiness of the cockroach, which is a good phenomenon. The appearance of this feeling means that the wound is about to heal.

After waking up, Chu Yang did not take Jiuzhong Dan and resumed his body, because after every day of punishment, as long as people are still alive, there will be heavenly welfare. At such a moment, it is the infusion of the body with the power of the heavens and the earth, easy to slash the marrow, and reborn.

If you use Jiuzhong Dan rashly, it is a waste of repetition. Now any little waste is shameful and the consequences are serious!

Just as Li Xiongtu’s eyes were stunned, he saw only so many horrible wounds on Chu’s chest healed a little. Then, the wounds became scarred, and then the scars fell, and the skin recovered as if it were not injured. .

At the same time, the aura of the whistling in Chu Yang has also been motivated, gradually advanced, and then reconnect all the broken meridians, and the mountains and tsunami generally travel through the meridians.

Every cycle, Chu Yang can feel that his injury is gradually recovering, and his own cultivation has also gone one step further.

Under the thought of the mind, the internal vision was unfolded, and it was discovered that his current meridians are as wide as the Yangtze River. The infuriating flow in the meridians is not as foggy as it was, but has increased a lot. The pale gold color, whistling, whistling away, like the endless waves of the sea, the cycle, the endless.

There are also nine of their own dantians, which have obviously expanded.

Another change is the Hongmen Silk in Dantian, which has now had a large group in each Dantian. Originally Chu Yang can count the number: another one! Well, there are three more...

But now, it’s just a matter of numbers. It’s really a surprise.

Although there is still no movement in the space of the nine robbers, as the rich and pure aura of the past is still infused with endless flow, but the Dantian inside is already very empty; even if there is a huge amount of aura insanely injected, It also seems that it can't change anything in general, and there is no such thing as the urgency of swelling and filling.

Heavenly level!

Although only junior! But it is always stepping into the level of heaven, and it is officially on the level of the top talents of the nine heavens!

Chu Yang gently breathed a sigh of relief, the threshold of the heavenly person, he finally crossed over.

On the road of practice, a big step forward.


"Chuyang, what is your current cultivation, is it a step? Is it a prefecture level? Or is it higher?! It should be almost up to the level?!" Li Xiongtu was at the barbecue and asked Chu Yang.

Chu Yang has already replaced a black suit and sat next to Li Xiongtu watching his barbecue. Dream Huanhuan is going to pick wild vegetables.

"It's okay! Slightly higher than the heavens!" Chu Yang replied.

"Is it higher than the heavenly level? Do you already have a holy place to repair it? How is this possible, you only come up for a few days!" Li Xiongtu really can't believe Chuyang's words!

"No, no, not a holy place!"

"Oh, I know, are you a middle class in the sky? Or a high level!"

"Oh, my current cultivation is more than a word in the sky!"

"What is it that is done, do you give a sentence to you?"

"Well, well, I should have just arrived at the heavenly level, just one more word than the heavens..." Chu Yang said carelessly: "Come on, I am starving to death..."


Half of the rabbit fell from the hands of Li Xiong, and slammed into the fire.

"I x, how good rabbit meat, how can I waste it?" Chu Yang hurriedly fished out, heartache.

However, he did not hear Li Xiong’s response. Chu Yang turned his head and saw Li Xiong’s picture looking at himself as if he were a ghost: “Heavenly level?~!”

"Coughing cough..." Chu Yang found that he had some unintentional intentions, but he still owed it.

"You, you, you... are you still people?" Li Xiongtu is sorrowful and dying to live: "I am so hard to practice, and there is still a big chance, but now it is only a heavenly level, and you have already passed the heavenly level." Holy level, reached the level of heaven? Is it a little higher, a word difference?!"

"Cough... I don't really have anything, it's just a little better." Chu Yang was speechless and didn't dare to say anything more.

I knew that Li Xiongtu would be hit by myself so much that I couldn’t hide it.

Li Xiongtu was shocked for a long while, then he came back again, haha ​​smiled and said: "It's good! I have a new goal!"

He smiled happily: "I have been chasing you all the time... chasing you, chasing Mo Tianji, Gu alone, Dong is not hurting... but never catching up. If you don't catch up, if you catch up, only I am afraid that I will slack off... I just have to run in front of you! I am constantly chasing, it is also a pleasure!"

In the voice of the heroic dry cloud, there is no sense of loss at all!

............(To be continued. Please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!)

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