Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 287: I have not seen

"Good! This is the Li Xiong figure I know!" Chu Yang sincerely applauded.

Have a meal. The overall situation of Chuyang has recovered more than 80%.

Immediately, I will make a farewell. I am now a right and wrong. The place where I am located will become a non-whirlpool center at any time. It is tiring and tired. When I am separated, Li Xiong is thoughtful: "Chu Yang, your current repair." Fortunately, I am afraid that I can improve my achievements in the end of my life?"

Chu Yang smiled faintly and patted him on the shoulder: "I can, but you, repair is not the most important, the most important thing, or the people around you, don't neglect the people in front of you."

Li Xiong figured a sigh, then sweated and said: "Yes! Yes! I will pay attention."

Chu Yang smiled slightly.

Li Xiongtu did not ask to fight against Mo Yuntian with Chu Yang. After knowing the current cultivation of Chu Yang, Li Xiong Tu never mentioned it again.

Because he knows that this matter, if he is forced to participate, then Chu Yang is really embarrassed.

Taking Chu Yang’s current cultivation, he participated in this battle, and it really only added a very cumbersome and cumbersome burden to him!

Li Xiongtu is born and proud, has never served anyone, can you be willing to make yourself a burden to others? So he kept silent about this matter.

Just made a decision in my heart: One day, I will catch up with you! More than you!

Looking at the figure of Chu Yang disappeared in the jungle, Li Xiongtu did not speak for a long time,

"Xiong, Chu Yang left this." Dream Huanhuan came with two vials.

There is also a letter from Chu Yang.

"Lie brother: Little care, not respect. You should save me, so I will not thank you; but I should send you something, so you don't particularly appreciate me, everyone knows."

"The things in the two bottles are for the younger siblings. They have nothing to do with you. They are not a great thing. They are a fountain of life and a Jiu Dan. How much can improve the qualifications of the younger siblings, and I will be with you in the future." Together with the nine heavens, otherwise, once you have practiced this martial art, it is a pity to leave the beautiful woman.

"Don't be a day, there will be a period later; if one day, you and I can be shoulder-to-shoulder, laughing and arrogant, not happy?"

"I am waiting for you, the next time I meet is still so weak, I will kick you!"

"Just like this, I have to go quickly; I will not hear you when I leave you early."


After reading this letter, Li Xiong figure can not laugh.

The letter written in such a complete vernacular, Li Xiong Tu is the first time I saw it in my life. This is the legendary work of the nine robbers. This is also... so awkward, when myths and legends appear in front of you, often It’s better to be famous than to meet!

"This guy is really..." Li Xiongtu laughed and stopped what he was about to say: "He is gone, let's go, he has gone very far. If I don't work hard, I can really chase. Not up."

Meng Huan nodded softly and followed him.

Li Xiongtu strode out.

Just a few feet away, suddenly the sound of the sound sounded, and in an instant, countless people fell from the air, surrounded by Li Xiongtu.

Everyone is mixed with an unusually strong atmosphere, and there is a murderous arrogance.

One by one, I looked around and saw what I was searching for.

Li Xiong’s heart moved, and Chu’s letter was turned into powder in his hand. He took his hand and the powder fell, completely annihilating in the wind.

No one paid attention to it, or no one had thought that the powder that was leaked in the hands of this guy was actually an important clue that these people would desperately get.

The appearance of an old man's sorrow is coming out, and his eyes are looking at Li Xiong and Meng Huan Huan.

Dream Huanhuan feels that the other person's eyes are extremely sharp, and the spirits of the spirits are generally unpredictable. They can't help but feel fearful in their hearts, and subconsciously hide behind Li Xiong.

Li Xiong’s face was angered, stepping forward, and asked coldly: “Who are you? What is the reason for stopping my husband and wife to go without a reason?”

The old man sank a bit and said: "You are not safe, I am waiting for the two to stop, but it is to ask the two to find the whereabouts of a person."

I saw the old man with both hands and one pull, in the void, suddenly the air blew, a picture appeared.

On the scroll, a young man in black, looking at the front with his unruly eyes, holding a cold sword in his hand.

Although it is only a portrait, it gives people the same feeling as a living person. It belongs to the youth of this black dress, and the charm, all the insults, both form and spirit, lifelike.

This black youth is Chu Yang.

As soon as this picture was published, Li Xiongtu and Meng Huanhuan had a strange feeling. It seemed that Chu Yang, who had just left, stood in front of his own eyes.

This hand is a special skill that is unique to the sage level, and it is a virtual image!

"No interest." Li Xiongtu did not lift his eyelids, and took a dream and walked forward: "Work hard to let."

"Let's relax!" A Mo Yunwei screamed: "I don't know children, can you know who is talking to you?"

Li Xiongtu looked up and looked at the Mo Yunwei. He sneered: "What is he who shuts me? Is it because the Emperor of the East is coming down?! If he is, I will immediately plead guilty to the Lord of the day, knowing There is nothing to say!"

That Mo Yunwei was instantly shocked and stunned. For a time, I didn’t know how to speak. Here is Donghuangtian, posing as the guilt of the East Emperor. No matter what position, what is the unforgivable felony!

That Mo Yunwei said half a sigh: "My family is not the lord of the East, but also..."

Li Xiongtu interrupted him again: "Oh, dare to ask your family is one of the nine monarchs, Li Xiongtu has no eyes on the mountains, here to pay for the crime, please give the name! In the next swearing aloud!"

That Mo Yunwei is once again dumbfounded, this question is too level, although the dream is boundless, although it is also very high, but it is far from the same with Jiujun. At most, it is just the people's hands, that ink Yunwei simply doesn't know how to answer it!

Li Xiongtu sees that Mo Yunwei does not speak, and turns to look at the dreamless endlessness, cold and cold: "Isn't Jiujun one after the middle? Is it that you are the saint of the saint? This big style, such a big battle, Really."

All the Mo Yunwei and the silver armor who heard this sentence felt that they had risen from the chest and abdomen at once, and they stopped at the throat!

How can this **** guy dare to say so.

The dream is a little bit stunned, and I took a breath: "You misunderstood, how to match the saints under the sacred priest!"

"This is a big show, so great, I really thought that you are the nine-day sacred prince! I almost scared me to pee, and it didn't work for a long time...not you said it earlier, isn't you a big garlic? Li Xiong said: "If it is not, please let us know, our husband and wife will pass, there is still something!"

Although Li Xiongtu’s personality is arrogant and overbearing, people feel that he is silent when he looks at it. But after all, it’s also a character in the middle of the three days. The rivers and lakes are not awkward. If you don’t want to say it, it’s also mouth. Just come, I don’t feel embarrassed at all. In fact, like him, saying that sarcasm is really mad at death.

And these people in front of them are clearly the people who chase and kill Chu Yang. Li Xiongtu is naturally not happy, and will give them a good face.


A few ink clouds will be on the spot.

"Do you want to do it?" Li Xiongtu laughed loudly and strode forward three steps.

In the eyes of everyone, he is just a small ant ant that was cultivated by the heavens, but after the three steps, it seems to have become a majestic mountain!

The level is repaired, facing thousands of holy heavenly people, there is no fear. Look at this posture, it seems that even a little hesitation!

The dream is boundless in the heart: it is also a genius, how God is so ignorant of the East Emperor, in time, is also a superb figure.

Such a strong heart is so arrogant; if this child grows up, although it is far from being comparable to Chu Yang, it is never under the seed disciples of this day and other young people.

The dream waved and stopped everyone: "The little brothers don't get angry, the old ones are not malicious, just want to ask the little brothers about this, nothing else."

Li Xiongtu said coldly: "But we are in a hurry."

The dream is boundless: "But just ask the little brother to look at it. The little brother has seen it and has never seen it. It will not delay the time of the little brother."

Li Xiong said reluctantly: "Okay."

Staring at the picture.

The eyes with no dreams immediately followed the eyes of Li Xiong.

Just in a flash, Li Xiongtu retracted his eyes and said: "There is no impression; this person is definitely not ours."

The dream nodded and suddenly asked the dream to joy: "Dare to ask this little lady, have you seen this person?"

Dream Huanhuan squatted behind Li Xiong, shaking her head and said: "I have not seen it."


Looking at Li Xiong, the two of them gradually drifted away, and the dreams wrinkled their brows.

"General, but this person has a problem?" asked one of the generals.

The dream didn't talk, but just sighed.

Just now, from Li Xiongtu, there is a strange thing in the dream.

Li Xiong's words and demeanor are not flawed, but the dream is boundless but clearly can be felt. In Li Xiongtu, there is such a strange atmosphere, this kind of breath, but certainly has some connection with Chu Yang.

This feeling is very strange, there is no justification, in a sense it is even very ridiculous.

Therefore, there is no explanation for the endless dreams; because he is afraid that once he explains it, his men will be instigated. To tell the truth, the dream is not bound to leave Li Xiong, but once it is incited, the consequences may be very serious. Every move now is under the supervision of Donghuangtian.

If it is really a matter of leaving Li Xiong, it is equivalent to giving Donghuangtian ample reason. (To be continued. Please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better and faster!)

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