Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 288: Is life or death?

This taboo, the dream is boundless and asks not to break. Once contacted, it will inevitably lead to the action of the Eastern Emperor Tianjun. That is not to say play!

"General, I think, that Chu Yang has a great chance to die..." A Mo Yunwei led the front and said cautiously: "Although this road has not found the flesh and blood of Chu Yang, but in such a robbery Underneath, what else can survive? There is no bones in the bones, and it’s not reasonable to kill them.?"

"Even if he has the strength of the heavenly peak, the half-step saint's cultivation, in the face of such a fine thunderbolt is absolutely not spared." The commander said.

Dreams nowhere to bow their heads and meditate, said: "The reason is that right, I can't wait for him to die, but this must get a detailed conclusion, because I always feel that he... is still alive. ”

He sighed long and said: "You must know that the existence of Chu Yang, if it survives, eventually grows up, and the wings are full... What a disaster!"

Speaking of this, everyone is all slowly and slowly nodding their heads. The destructive power of Chu Yang, but they have personal experience, that is, enchanting, is a scourge of a scourge!

It is true that the enchanting temperament of the anti-day series like Chu Yang, if it really grows up to be a master enough to counter the level of the Emperor of Heaven, then the whole robbery of the Mo Yuntian will come, and the period of the annihilation will not be far away. .

Just grabbed his wife, not so much, he can kill the nine princes, and even bring more than two hundred masters together to Huang Quan. Nowadays, he and others have completely ruined his foundation, and his men have almost been cleaned up. This is a big enemy. It seems that it is not an exaggeration to say that it is not shared.

Such a deep hatred and hate, with the personality of Chu Yang that must be reported, how to be willing to give up!

"Rup, you take a few people to check the files of the Nine Heavens, no matter what method, even if you are kneeling on the ground, you must see the files of Chu Yang, look at his picture, is it still bright! To do it, I understand it!" The dream took a breath and said.

"This... adults... I am afraid that the people of Donghuangtian will not cooperate so much..." Rupp is a bit embarrassed.

"You still haven't understood my words? I don't care what you use!" The dream is faint: "I just want to see the results I want!"


The three of the Rupp went away.

"Hurry up and continue to search. Waiting for Rupp news, if the avatar is really dark, you have to search for another day, and try to find some wreckage bones. If it has not been found yet, then it will be Chuyang dead." The end of the sigh, squatting a few steps, finally made the above decision.


"Divided three hundred ink clouds, and went to search for those who are in Chuyang. Others, I will give me a detailed examination of the 3,500 miles. Even if you dig three feet, you must confirm!" ”

Dream no end of the second order.


Three hundred ink clouds are led by a commander, and black feather arrows are usually shot into the dark woods, and then continue to pursue the journey.


Chu Yang went all the way, suddenly felt awkward and relaxed, it seems to be temporarily chasing the chase! ? Next, you should go and meet them...

It’s just that the mood is just relaxed, but it’s just a moment’s effort, and I’m seeing a figure of the North’s black pressure falling.

"I x, how come so fast, is this group of people who are born with rabbits, and still chasing after!" Chu Yang a cold sweat.

Fortunately, I left early, or else, if they found that Li Xiongtu was with them, then with Li Xiongtu’s current cultivation, facing this group of people, they will die when they squat, and they will hurt when they touch it. Have to lie down for half a year, directly is the situation of ten deaths!

That is the real tired friend.

God is still very concerned about my coming!

Under the ambition of the mind, Chuyang slipped out of the ground and slid out of the ground.

If you want to find the clues left by them, you must go back to the same place... I don’t know if the traces left by them can still be left under the thunder of that day?

Chu Yang converges on all the air and gas in the body, almost completely silent, like a civet cat sneaked from a mountain forest, even, he has shrunk his own power to the extreme, no longer overflowing with the flesh In addition, relying on the most primitive organs such as the eyes, nose and ears to distinguish their direction, to determine their whereabouts!

All the way carefully, fortunately, the people of Mo Yuntian have searched this place very carefully before, Chu Yang is very shocked and returned to where he was before the punishment!

At the sight of it, it was devastated, it was all over the place, and some of the branches were covered with flesh and blood. Under the washing of the downpour, it had become whitish.

Chu Yang still can't help but breathe a cold air, can not help but think of the battle at that time, the entire back is also brushed out of cold sweat! Before I was in the game, my mind was wondering how to use the punishment, killing as many people as possible on the other side of the cloud, and no longer thinking about other things!

I have to say that at that time, if I was not on the verge of punishment, I was afraid that I had already become a dregs.

Not only for myself, but also seems to have the thirty-three people who follow themselves, and it is difficult to be spared!

Looking at the remaining trees, the flesh and blood hanging in the corners that could not be found, Chu Yang sighed in his heart.

"It is hostile to each other, but still can't refuse to admit it, you are a good man!" Chu Yang is in a piece of grass, some silent: "Whether it is Mo Yunwei or Yin Jiabing, you are all good men."

"Just the spirit of not dying, you are already worthy of a good man, a good soldier."

"No matter who you are loyal to, no matter who can get your allegiance, you are proud."

"Good journey!"

Chu Yang remembered the scene of the first day of punishment, a scene of awkwardness, escape, hiding, but also desperately; but the screams he heard, at most, the scream before the death!

No one has ever screamed in panic!

This is a large team of thousands of people!

In the meantime, there was no panic manifested by any one person.

Or they don’t have every heart, but they don’t show up until they die!

This kind of military quality can be respected!

However, such a good man is a real man, why not go to the war?

Chu Yang’s body fish usually left here, slowly touching the last hit of Tian Lei; there is nothing here – even the mountains are gone, what else do you want to find?

Chu Yang faced the lake where the end of the day was the weather-bearing place, and he was dumbfounded and stunned!

What's going on?

This... this is too forked!

I remember there was no lake at the time, now... Where did this come from?

This *** who did a good job, all his high mountains have become a big lake, where should I go to find clues?

Chu Yang burst into speechless.

In desperation, I had to search the past a little bit, and it was only 500 miles away. Chu Yang discovered that there was a tree that had been blown down by the strong wind and was completely removed from the tree by the violent vibration. Was cut a knife, revealing a strange trace.

It’s like the eagle’s claw catching the bird, and catching it in the tree, it’s not at all eye-opening.

Chu Yang sighed, this is really dead.

**, deviated from the original position, I have to find their direction, only to move to the original position, and then can see the direction, but there are so many people around me who are killing me, buddy.

Chu Yang Lingji moved, took out the nine robbery sword, silently and slammed the tree half down, leaving only a trunk of three or four feet long, thinking about it, simply smashing the roots of the tree, Then, take advantage of the trunk of enough for thirty or forty people to slowly find the place where the big guy should have existed!

Perhaps after the passing of the day, the luck turned better, and the total did not go far, and the original tree pit was found along the broken tree root. Carefully correct it, look at the traces above, mutter: "The guys are not stupid... actually went to the road..."

Distinguish the direction, Chu Yang is like a breeze, flashing from the woods, the black clothes disappeared.

"The master of the Zhuang master does not know how life and death are now..." It is already two thousand miles away, and Che Xuchu sighed.

This sentence, this topic, everyone on the road has said more than a thousand times.

However, no one has ever dared to answer.

Everyone's face is extremely heavy.

That is a kind of extreme respect, and worship, or worship!

For the things that Chu Yang made at the last moment, these people have no other feelings besides the resentment and gratitude!

In the face of the cloud-like army of Mo Yuntian, the owner left alone, and suddenly launched a day penalty!

One person and one sword, alone against the army! ,

I would rather choose to go with the enemy, but also create opportunities for myself and others to escape the birth!

At the beginning, Chu Yang swept out, standing in the tree, the sword of the world's hegemony decided, has already become a timeless classic, immortal legend in everyone's heart!

At that moment, even the old monsters that have lived for hundreds of thousands of years, such as Bai Yuchen, can hardly help but shed tears!

Who can be desperate for the subordinates?

In this life, who used to cover me with my life?

How can I repay this friendship? Can I repay it?

Such a leader, do not follow, do not cherish, then, what does it mean to live?

"The owner is for us, this time is really a life of nine deaths!" Bai Yuchen sighed with a deep breath, and his eyes were a little shocked: "The old man thought that the old man was so old, even if he died, there is nothing to regret... But this time... If the old man is so dead, he really feels that he can’t live with the owner!”

Everyone has a silent silence.


I continue to code the third more! (To be continued. Please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better and faster!)

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