Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 291: The situation reversed [the second! 】

In the face of this situation, there is no effective response to the dream.

"All staff gather the camp!"

The situation is stronger than the people, and the dream is boundless and nothing can be ordered.

Faced with the lonely night sky, the dream is boundless in the heart, he is very clear, he is very clear: in this moment of Chu Yang launched a counterattack, it means that this scourge has completely become a climate! In the future, the cloud will be ushered in a powerful and terrible enemy!

"What did you feel??" Chu Yang sat on a stump and looked at Che Xuchu and others in front of him. The scope of this discussion was very large and everyone participated in the discussion.

The atmosphere is very relaxed. I have been pressed for so long before, and finally I have a beautiful counterattack. It is undoubtedly a big win.

These days of sulking, finally exhausted!

"The situation is really unusual. Our surprise attack today is unexpected, but the resistance of the other side is too weak, and it is completely different from the enemies encountered before."

Bai Yuchen smiled faintly: "The courage of their previous fights at all costs seems to have completely disappeared. Even the fighting instinct seems to be very negative; it seems that it is only passively coping, completely inconceivable from the past. It’s hard to shake the feeling."

"Yes, I have a similar feeling. They are like tigers without fangs. Although they look fierce, they are already missing in the bones. The kind of..." Said: "It should be a courageous heart from the bottom of my heart, anyway, it almost means this!"

"Yes, I also have this feeling. They are far less difficult to deal with. Although the strength of each other is still roughly in the middle, but the other party without momentum and momentum is not afraid, there is no threat."

"Well, this battle is still fierce, but it has not felt the imminent life and death crisis..."

"I have the same feeling."

Everyone is talking about it and talking about it.

Chu Yang has been listening, and finally whispered: "According to my guess, according to the current situation, it can be basically concluded that the dream has not given up this time to chase!"

"Give up? How is this possible? Impossible?!" The crowd was amazed.

"Dream has no seriousness in the past because of the strange situation, and it is impossible to take it in person in a short time; as long as he does not force him into a mortal situation, the dream will not be desperate. But as long as he does not shoot, now they There, no one is my opponent!"

"Besides the master of the sage level, no one is my opponent!"

Chu Yang said faintly. Although the tone is light, but there is a kind of arrogance in the discourse!

No one is my opponent except the master of the saint level!

What a temperament!

Everyone who hears this sentence is shocked. Or, they are the ones who really witnessed the growth of Chuyang to this moment. When Chu Yang’s sword broke into the Mo Yuntian camp, when the sword was in the Yuan, it was just a small heavenly level.

But just after that, Chu Yang in the extreme oppression, gradually broke through the holy level, the peak of the holy level, even in the ambush of nine dead and lifetime, breaking through the level of heaven!

Or it should be said: It is under the pressure of Mo Yuntian's high pressure, and it has created a peerless master who swept the eight wilderness and Weiling world today!

Under the saint, I am invincible!

Just three or four months ago, maybe there will be no high-level people who will notice Chu Yang.

But now, under the universal sky, who else dares to ignore the existence of Chu Yang?

"So they are chasing our purpose now. Just to determine where we are going, but we will never take the initiative to kill!"

"Because, rushing up is equal to sending death!"

"They have lost their initiative to provoke our strength!"

"Now, the contrast of real power has been reversed!"

"With a dreamless character, it is absolutely impossible to allow his subordinates to die in vain. Therefore, they should now keep up with us. Don’t lose it, and then wait until the reinforcements arrive. This is their current stage of action. ""

Chu Yang said softly, while thinking and thinking.

"I don't think we are finally serving the old things of dreamlessness. For ten thousand years, it seems that I have never heard of this old thing and I have eaten it. The owner has let him eat this porcelain... ...haha·····” A master smiled happily. Everyone is happy.

As long as you think of the dreams of the endless, now everyone is just a big heart.

"I don't think this **** is today, hahaha..."

"That is, I really want to see the face of my dreams now, it must be very exciting."

Bai Yuchen is also laughing, but there is a certain meditation on his face.

For a long time, Chu Yang raised his hand, and everyone was still screaming at the moment.

"Our now is a sigh of relief. However, the dream is boundless now, but it is a sign that our future roads may be even more difficult. This is foreseeable."

Chu Yang said slowly, Bai Yuchen slowly nodded.

This point! Chu Yang thought, he also thought of it; but he did not directly say that it was said by Chu Yang, more able to shape the authority of Chu Yang; Bai Yuchen felt that he could say less, unless he said Yang has some omissions, and I will add it myself.

But now, looking at the current situation, will Chu Yang be missed?

Bai Yuchen’s heart smiles: If there is such a neglect and omission in a person who is so thoughtful and careful, then it’s a joke...

"At the moment, although the situation has changed, we still have to take further action. We must pursue the soldiers on the other side of the dream. We must completely get rid of them. If we can't completely get rid of them, once they have arrived, they will be the guiding lights. We will be swallowed up in the blink of an eye, so..." Chu Yang stood up and slowly paced.

He only walked around, but Bai Yuchen and others knew that he had made a decision.

Because, Chu Yang's kind of murderous murder is getting stronger and stronger!

Everyone cleared it and understood.

Chu Yang is wanting...

"They don't come, can't we just pass? The current initiative is in our hands!" Chu Yang smiled strangely and said: "Call me to order, immediately recharge and recharge, try to Rest, guarantee the full strength of the battle, every night, will belong to us!"

"Good!" everyone shouted!

Every one of them is gearing up and eager to try!

Just in the early hours of the morning, the moment when the East was about to turn white, Chu Yang led people, once again attacked the dreamless camp!

Chuyang's request is very simple: each person only has one stroke, and you can do it with one stroke!

A blow back!

Regardless of whether the result of the move is successful or not!

The whirlwind is generally rolled over, and then the Knife Mountain Jianlin whistling out; then, it is to pull back. It disappeared without a trace!

The army with no dreams has just reacted, and everything has passed, and it has not caught up.

Among the venues, only a dozen bodies were left there.

The dream has no teeth and creaking.

The original appreciation and respect for Chu Yang has now turned into an endless abomination! This bastard, this scourge, this **** thing, will really look at the scenery, see the wind and the rudder, I have just made a decision here, he has already grasped the opportunity to passively take the initiative, the anti-defense for the attack, one night We sneaked us twice.

However, it is bound to be incapable of leaving Chu Yang to leave the line of sight, and can only passively track all the way...

On this road, the positions of both sides remain, but the situation of each other has undergone a mysterious change!

The original situation was that the dreamless people and others chased Chu Yang, and all the way to triumph, at the edge of the enemy at any time, but after that night, the situation became unusually subtle!

On the surface, the situation is as it is -

Chu Yang and others are still at large.

Dreams are still chasing!

But what about the real situation? !

Every time the attack was first launched, it was no longer the side of the ink cloud, but it was replaced by the side of Chuyang. They are like a group of leopards being chased, maybe when they turn their heads and bite!

Just a bite, but it is a three-pointed bone, painful heart and lungs!

In the past few days, as soon as the night is over, the alert of the Mo Yuntian army is more rigorous, as if it were an enemy. But it is such a defense, but still can't avoid being attacked by the Chuyang side.

With such a continuous seven or eight days of rushing, the Chuyang side has launched more than 30 attacks!

Every time, there is a gain, more or less!

Of course, there is no loss at all in Chuyang. In these 30 attacks, there is still a loss of one person. The reason is very simple. I don’t listen to the order, greedy and admire, surrounded by the enemy.

The loss of the army of Mo Yuntian is a little bit more, and it is probably counted in hundreds!

Two thousand and two hundred troops, after seven or eight days, there are only one thousand and six people left!

For such a result, the people of Mo Yuntian almost bitten their teeth and blushed their eyes; the grievances and depressions of one heart are simply huge waves.

But now the situation is not as good as people, only the share of the loss.

In seven or eight days, more than tens of thousands of miles traveled under the feet, and hundreds of ink clouds soldiers, fell in the Chu Yang sneak attack. Chu Yang is like a sneak attack on the addiction, endless continuous action.

No one can accurately predict the timing of the next Chuyang raid; the whirlwind comes, the whirlwind goes, as if it comes at random, it is instantaneous. Everyone in the ink cloud day is doing their best.

As soon as the river was over, there were only a thousand people left in the dream, and the last thousand

And can only be far behind, no longer as close as before.

Almost everyone who has survived this thousand years is so thin. One by one, the eyes were deeply stuck in the eye socket, and the face was dark and black, and the face was unmanned.

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