Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 292: Enter the demon day! [The third! 】

After arriving in the Wujiang River, Chu Yang and others collected all the nearby ferries in the first time. Only one large ship was used for the crossing of the river. The purple xiasha of the Chuxi Wang Zihuahua was smashed out and other The boats are also purchased together!

Then a fire, burned all the boats!

When the fire rose to the sky, together with Chu Yang, thirty-three people got on the boat neatly and sailed away.

At the moment when the ship was offshore, Chu Yang stood on the top of the mast and said loudly: "Dream old general, laboring all the way to send, this grace, Chu Yang remembers in the heart, there will inevitably be re-reported in the future! The water is long, the rivers and lakes are forever; the old generals, everyone, we will have a period!"

The wind whimpered, the big ship was in the midst of the dreams and the likes, and slowly entered the Wujiang boundary area!

The dense fog that covered the sky was only a moment before and after, and the ship had been covered up so tightly that nothing could be seen.

"Through this river, it is the demon king day! It is no longer in the category of the East Emperor." Chu Yang looked at this fog, muttered to himself.

Demon King.

There is a mysterious place there, which is full of mystery in addition to its vast territory.

After that, it is equal to half of getting rid of the rear chasing troops. Even if Mo Yuntian has another reinforcements to come, the only thing that can do is to slowly search for himself. Just when you look at it again, you need to be in this demon day. The people of Mo Yuntian are desperately fighting.

Chu Yang took a deep breath.

Hiding, is definitely not hiding.

These people who are brought by themselves are famous on the Moyuntian list, and will be caught up sooner or later.

This time, the Emperor Yunyun Tiandi came to the dream and waited for people to come. Although it can already be regarded as a heavy force, but in the current results, it is still a small look at the resilience of Chuyang. Therefore, once Mo Yuntian sends troops again, he will not make the same mistake!

At that time, the Thunder will be blasting, the mountains will be crushed, and the world will collapse!

Chu Yang knows that the temporary ease is just like the brief calm before the storm. Although his face is light and easy, in fact, he does not dare to have the slightest meaning.

"Finally left the East Emperor!" Looking at the thick fog between the heavens and the earth, Chu Yang could not help but say a little sigh.

Dong Huangtian, the land where he first came to the Nine Heavens, there are too many pasts here, too many memories, it is really unforgettable.

Although the heart is not sad, Chu Yang does not regret.

Bai Yuchen stood beside him, and the sleeves of one arm less fluttering in the wind could not help but feel: "Yes... finally left Donghuangtian."

Chu Yang stunned and shook his head and laughed.

In the heart of Bai Yuchen and others, Donghuangtian is simply a nightmare!

Everything is bad, starting from here, and now leaving, of course, feeling good.

But Bai Yuchen did not know, Chu Yang said the true meaning of this sentence.

"Donghuangtian, I actually wanted to leave." Chuyang looked at the front of her heart, and her heart was screaming: "Donghuangtian is too comfortable for me! And, too, I am too cuddling... don't leave Donghuangtian I can never grow into a male."

"This time the pursuit of killing, although the process is dangerous, nine deaths but I know, Donghuangtian official is helping me, spare no effort to help me."

"If you really encounter a moment of life and death, I am afraid that the snow and tears will be shot in person."

"I am not afraid of sacrifice, not death, but relying on it, especially this kind of infinite reliance." Chu Yang has no self-deprecating in his heart: "With reliance, you will inevitably lack an enterprising heart."

"So, I have to leave and have to leave."

"When I came to the Emperor's Day, I was unaccompanied. The power of Donghuangtian was too long to be lifted. Only I was here. I will continue to use the current team."

Chu Yang said faintly: "Although in the demon day, we must face a worse form than before, but I have no choice but to be ashamed!"

Whether it is the heart of the strong, the soul of battle, or the road to the peak, are...·Nothing!

"Yes, we have no choice!" Bai Yuchen said with deep feelings that Chu Yang muttered to himself, and he heard the last two sentences.

"Not rising in battle, just dying in battle!"

Che Xuchu said quietly.

Everyone stood on the boat, watching the fog in front of them, and the unpredictable squatting road, feeling the voyage of the hull slowly. Everyone was silent, and they were silent.

The future is like this fog.

Only in one direction, without going back to sprint, can go out, if hesitant, will only circle in place, then, will be lost, will die.

The ship sailed quietly.

The wind and waves are quiet.

"Out of this foggy river, is the demon world." The dream looked at the fog in front of him, faintly said: "I will immediately send a message back, saying that Chu Yang led thirty-two subordinates and has entered the foggy river. Geography, the destination should be in the demon day."


“Going farther to find boats, we have to cross the river as quickly as possible and do everything possible to hang their whereabouts.”


Above a thick fog, on the north bank of the Wujiang River, in a cloud, the face is like a mountain, whispering, "Brothers, come to Japan, there will be a period! You must take care of yourself!"

"It's the incompetence of being a brother, I can't keep you."

"I hope that when you come back again, it is the day when the king returns, and he is a brother who has the honor!" Yanshan eyes looked deeply at the dense fog in front of him and said quietly: "Brother, take care!"

This chase, when both sides have not given up, seems to have already come to an end in advance.

But this one has a headless pursuit, but it almost shocked the entire nine heavens!

There is a person who killed the youngest son of the Emperor of the Clouds!

This person is called Chu Yang!

He not only killed the son of the Emperor Yunyun, but also killed more than 200 first-class masters in the battle.

The Emperor of the Clouds and the Emperor of the Clouds was angered, and the generals of the wind and thunder were sent to the end of the 10,000-strong army to catch and kill Chu Yang.

This road, killing 80,000 miles before and after!

Chuyang escaped with incomparable wisdom, and counterattacked all the way. He used all means to deal with the enemy. In the constant battle with the enemy, he made a cumulative breakthrough all the way. Finally, he climbed to the level of heaven and humanity. Chuyang, with great strength, sharply counterattacked. The murder of the Moyuntian army was smashed, and the 10,000-strong army and nine thousand people were permanently buried in the East Emperor. In the end, Chu Yang led his subordinates to successfully get rid of the dreamless pursuit and entered the Wujiang River!

Entered the demon world!

This news, like a gust of wind, quickly spread throughout the Nine Heavens!

Everyone who hears this news feels like listening to a mythical story: How can there be such a fierce person in this world? I rely on it. This is really a living idol.

Especially after the major sects returned with grievances, this rumor with obvious prejudice was passed on and over. Gradually deducted to the point of the population.

In the rumor, Chu Yang is an incarnation of justice, not afraid of power, not afraid of evil forces, and struggles. However, Mo Yuntian and the dreamless endlessness became indiscriminate, ten-tenth of the wicked bastard.

Although this is the case, the rumors are too much for the smearing of Mo Yuntian.

In particular, the dream of the infinite dream general, was directly written as a snobbery who could not afford to be early.

The original intention of this action has also become a flattering for the Emperor of Heaven, and the aunt’s flattery gave him the opportunity to send troops. However, he was afraid to shoot on the horse’s leg. He sat on a hard scorpion and tied it. Chrysanthemum bright red and so on...

As for the Yuan Tian limit, there is no measure, partial bias, and no distinction between right and wrong.

All in all, it’s how hard it’s to hear.

The entire Nine Heavens has been quiet for tens of thousands of years. It seems to be quiet for too long, this time it is completely open. In particular, these rumors have been pushed by the promoters, and the situation has become more and more intense...

Although the major sects have asked themselves to sneak up on Mo Yuntian, but they can use this way to disgust with Mo Yuntian, and it’s good to have a sulking sigh in the chest!

The entire Nine Heavens are discussing this matter.

Most people's eyes are directed to the Emperor's Day in the target location. Looking forward to the news of the Chuyang War Mo Yuntian, it is enough to meet the hearts of the people.

Of course, it is largely for the sake of gas, and this time, Mo Yuntian has offended all the super sects!

Only the response of Zhongjitian was somewhat indifferent. In addition to the clear statement of the geocentric pavilion and the complete irony of Mo Yuntian, the first Tianjian League was silent.

"The rise of Chuyang is already unstoppable; but we can't help it any more, even when necessary, give Mo Yuntian some help without prejudice to our interests." Yun Zhongtian said, set the tone: "In my opinion, Chu Yang is a much more dangerous person than Mo Yuntian."

At the same time, in the Jiuzhong Tianzhu, the shock caused by this news is completely different.

Red dust is like a dream.

Mo light dances anxiously sitting in a group of little guys, chattering.

"You are the people of the Tianbing Pavilion?"

"Your big brother is called Chu Yang!?"

"Is your big brother a black suit, a big eye, a handsome, handsome, and attractive Chuyang?"

"Right, when he laughs, will he frown and laugh again?"

"Is he..."

"Is he..."

If it is a series of hundreds of questions, ask a bunch of little guys to go up and down, completely do not know the so-called.

Originally thought that the first day of the martial art came over, and people are still so beautiful, everyone is somewhat flattered, but these questions have been answered for several days, and each question has to be answered several times, the little guy We suddenly got rid of...·····

By the way, you said that you have asked how many times, no trouble, ah...·····

Is this the first day of this martial art? What mind, what memory, what IQ? !

A small loli is screaming, very hostile and very jealous. "You asked me in detail about my Chuyang brother, what do you want to do?"

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