Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 295: Double Emperor Gaitian! [The third! 】

Throughout the Nine Heavens, it seems that I feel the wind and rain, the taste of the wind and the wind >

It is clear that the Emperor Yunyun’s dispatch of troops this time is not to simply take Chuyang, but to stand up! The dream was unsuccessful, and Mo Yuntian instantly shouted. The entire ink cloud day can not accept such a shame!

Therefore, the Yuantian limit must be destroyed by the thunder and the ruin, and it is necessary to establish the immortal reputation of the ink cloud heaven!

The whole nine heavens, shaking for it!

Everyone, including the Saints, gathered at this moment to the south of the Wujiang River, in the direction of the Emperor.

However, at this moment of subtlety, the battle of Zixiaotian suddenly changed dramatically!

There is the latest news coming over there: After the long period of millions of years of recuperation, the Tianmo Devils will give up the small fights since this time, ready to throw out their troops, intending to capture the world and use it as a breeding ground. !

The entire nine-day sky, the instantaneous wind is tight!

The accident of this news struck, it seems that even the news of the strong attack of Mo Yuntian is also compared!

After the tears of the cold sent away the inexplicable Saint Jun, they immediately rushed to Zixia City. But after that, all the situations I saw, all the news I heard, made the East Emperor Jun furious!

"Miscellaneous things, what do you think in the end, do you do things like this?!" Looking at the blue general, the snow and tears were violent and almost fists.

General Lan has been following the snow and tears for more than a million years, and he has never really seen the great life of the emperor. Not to mention, still angry with yourself!

On the spot is sweaty, wet and heavy!

The most important thing is that General Lan has himself, and there are still some feelings of the second monk who can't figure it out. What am I doing is not good, how do I feel that I have not done anything wrong? !

"I let you block the army of ink clouds, are you so blocked?" Snow tears coldly sounds: "I let you protect Donghuangtian. Are you using the Moyuntian iron hoof to trample on the rivers and mountains to protect?"

General Lan Da touched the ground with his head, and he did not dare to answer it at all.

In the big account, only three generals were chilling and trembling.

Others were driven out early. However, the tens of thousands of miles, suddenly filled with the emperor's prestige!

The wind and cloud are discolored, and Qiankun is terrible!

The snow and tears of the emperor are angry, enough to affect the atmosphere of the world!

Although I knew that there was no such thing as the Emperor of the Emperor, the generals of the Blues were still honestly bowing their heads and admitting their mistakes. It is obvious that the Emperor’s anger is the most unwise.

"Chuyang has now confirmed to enter the demon kingdom world?" Snow tears cold and asked.


Snow and tears look up at the sky for a long time. The air of a thousand miles seems to have completely condensed into a whole piece in an instant. In the distant air, there are countless unknowns, so the master who is flying in the air for something, suddenly found himself frozen in the air.

Can't fly forward, can't go backwards, can't go up, can't go down!

Just a safe high altitude, suddenly the space was completely condensed!

Everyone is in a state of sorrow.

What's happening here?

After a long, long time, the snow and tears finally breathed a sigh of relief: "But it!"

Covering the blockade of a space of no less than a thousand miles, suddenly a "squeaky" sound is untied; it is like a sudden burst of glass; during this period, no matter who, as long as it is in the air, people are in the air, the body is in At the same time, it turned into powder!

Even the blood, did not leave a bit!

General Lan Da felt that his vest had become a big river, and the clothes had already been soaked and dripped down the corner of the clothes.

"Yuanshutu is dead. Yuantian is going to kill Chuyang?! But if Chuyang is dead!..." Snow tears said here, the voice suddenly stopped, and it took a long time to slow down: "Then I Just kill the Yuantian limit!"

A big jump in the heart of General Blue! Even the cold sweat on the scalp, the cold sweat of this moment, and even into the eyes, the blue general's eyes felt sour.

He finally understood one thing!

Until now he finally understood!

This time, the realization of the Ming, let him completely regret the intestines!

All the measures of the Emperor of the Emperor, all the orders under his own, are all in order to protect the Chuyang! This cognition makes the generals of the Blues cracked!

It turns out that my cognition has been wrong from the beginning, and the cart before the horse is upside down. It is no wonder that the emperor will be so angry!

I know so, where do I still have no dreams? Regardless of the fact that the three-seven-sixth one directly buried the dreamless people here, it is right!

I am so smart, confused!

For a Chuyang, the Emperor of the Emperor actually planned to kill the other Emperor? !

Then, what kind of person is Chu Yang?

"Chuyang······" Snow Tears seems to be explaining, or, I can't bear to see the pain of my loyalty, and finally whispered: "Chuyang, my brother!"

He looked deeply at the generals of the blue and said softly: "My only brother, the only recognized brother."

His voice was very dull, but the plain voice fell in the ears of the Blue General and the other two generals, but it was a shock! Everyone is shaking with dizziness.

Chu Yang is a brother who speaks like a mountain. This is known to the generals such as the generals of the blue, and even blames the mountains behind, and does not want to think about his identity. He is so afraid of falling down with such a small person. Your identity!

This Chu Yang is actually the brother of the emperor? !

My god? What's happening here!

General Lan Da was even very fanciful of his own slap. I didn’t kiss the people at the beginning, and I was close to Chu Yang!

Snow and tears took a breath and whispered: "If Chu Yang is dead... I am afraid that I will not live for a long time..."

After that, the snow and tears came out.

General Lan Da could no longer withstand such a blow.

The body shook twice, and suddenly sat down on the ground, wow a spit of blood!

For a time, like gold paper!

The consequences of Chu Yang’s life and death are so serious? !

His life and death can actually relate to the survival of the emperor?

Is this possible?

Why can the emperor say this!


"The sinner knows the sin, and the sinner goes to the demon king day and brings back to Chuyang! I would rather die than to return to Chuyang!" The general of the blue screamed and jumped up.

"Not allowed to go!" Snow tears have gone outside the account, a break.

Three people are at the same time.

Why? For the emperor, Chu Yang is so important. How can we not let us go to the rescue? !

"You don't have to go..." Snow Tears slowly turned back: "If we go there at this time, Chu Yang’s rushing before the miles will become meaningless! The reason why he will desperately escapes. East! Emperor, in addition to avoiding great hatred, there is another meaning... I understand!"!

He sighed in the sky: "I understand!"

Demon King, Tianhou Palace.

After the demon, he was lightly white, sitting on the snow white lotus in the middle of the lotus. The lotus slowly turned, and the hall was full of a strange aura.

Suddenly, the white light in the hall was inexplicably flashed and then fell into some extreme darkness. Only a little bit of starlight suddenly appeared, just like the starry night star.

"Gai Tian? Is it a cover?!" After the demon slowly opened his eyes, his eyes flashed a heartfelt horror. Looking at the front is his own hall, now the fantasy starry sky.

Covering the sky is a very special secret of the gods!

This can only happen if one side of the other world dominates the soul and projects in another world.

At this moment, the entire place of projection is back to nothing!

"I don't know who is coming to see this old friend like this?" The demon's eyes are sparkling with sparkling white light, calmly saying that the voice is wonderful - incomparable, it seems to contain infinite friendship.

In the midst of a boundless stardust, a black figure bears his hands and slowly walks out. Standing in front of the demon.

The person is very long, wearing a simple style with a golden crown on his head. It looks like only thirty years old. A face is like a knife and a sword. The outline is completely clear! A pair of nephews are cold and cold, and seem to have no feelings at all.

He walked out with his hands, like a **** on the top, walking in the world, the king is on the dust.

Although the person in front of me is only a projection of the soul, everything is exactly the same as the real person on the other side!

Only when you reach the level of the nine emperors can you have such a miraculous ability! !

"Heart, don't you have a good year, can you be safe in these years?" the black man asked indifferently.

The demon back can't sit still, faintly said: "You haven't died yet, and you are as healthy as ever. I am naturally well! Yuan Tian, ​​what are you going to do here today? It's so bold! Actually dare to rush to cover God? You are not afraid that I will launch this ban, leaving your soul projection permanently here, or even smash it?"

The black man is the projection of the Emperor Yuan of the Clouds.

Yuan Tianzhi heard a slight glimpse of the news, and then smiled, and the tone was softer and gentler. "We haven't seen each other for years. Don't you scare me with a slap in the face? Don't you scare me away?"

After the demon, I said coldly: "It’s like saying that I have something to do with you. ···························································

Yuan Tian’s limit was silent. He said: “The heart is as bright as the past, nothing to go to the Three Treasure Hall, my heart, I am coming here, there is indeed something to ask for, and I hope you will answer.”

After the demon slowly raised his head, his voice suddenly became awkward: "Yuan Tian, ​​you call again

‘Hey, try? ”

In the hall, suddenly fell into extreme cold.

Yuan Tianjun smiled helplessly and waved his sleeve: "Well, I don't call it, I only call you when you like me."

"There is something to say, there is a fart to release!" After the demon cold and cold: "After the release, I will quickly roll it for me!"

It’s very polite to talk after the demon, but Yuan Tian’s limit is not the slightest anger, and his face always carries a few gentle smiles.

Each of them is in charge of a world, each of whom is king in their own world, one is supreme, but whenever they set foot in the world of others, it is equal to using their own heavens, to overwhelm others' days!

So it will be called Gai Tian.

It’s only natural that the demon will be so unkind.

"My people have been divided into five ways and entered the demon world!" Yuan Tian limitedly said: "This is really offensive to the majesty of the demon, the emperor apologizes here, I would like to explain to you The purpose of my people entering the demon day is just to arrest a person named Chu Yang. It is not to fight with the demon king. As long as the person is caught, my person will leave immediately and never stop doing anything! In order to make up for your loss, I will compensate the demon after a piece of mysterious Tianpei, and talk about my heart!"

After the demon frowned, just about to speak, Yuan Tianji went on to say: "This person killed my son, so he must die!"

The demon immediately followed.

Kill the enemy!

"My subordinates will never dare to take the initiative to conflict with the demon emperor's people. Therefore, if there is any accident, please open the net." Yuan Tianjun's gesture is very low, whispered: "If yes, if the demon is willing to help If one's strength is in force, Yuanmou promises to owe a demon to a person, and he will return."

After the demon took a deep breath and said: "I know this, I will consider it."

"Thank you so much!" Yuan Tian limited dagger smile: "In order to express the return, if you have something to cover the Emperor's Mo Yuntian, I will allow you three times!"

After the words, Yuan Tian’s figure slowly moved back, and the starry sky seemed to suddenly shrink back and disappeared rapidly; just as the last star flashed and dissipated, Yuan Tian’s figure just stepped in.

Covering the gods, the mysterious reality is the same.

Let Yuan Tian's soul projection project across the distant space of 18,000 miles, like a real person, appearing in a different place, talking to the opposite level of the demon.

The back end of the demon can't sit still, silently speechless, just a little more doubtful between the eyebrows.

"The son of Yuan Tianjun was killed by this Chu Yang..." The demon has been in the palace. It has been apologetic for many years, and such a big thing has not been known until now. .

Thinking about it, suddenly smiled: "This guy has provoked Yuan Tian, ​​but it is really bad luck."

I am thinking about how to help Yuan Tian limit this thing; after all, the conditions under this Yuan Tian limit are very generous, and the posture is still so low.

Not only makes the demon very hearty, but my heart is still very cool.

The words "Lairen······" just shouted out, and suddenly there was a flash of white light in front of them, and then there was a dim! Then there was a darkness, and the Yingying starlight gradually lit up.

With the cultivation of the demon, it is almost rude at this moment!

Cover the sky! Actually it is the sky!

Is it evil today, less than half an hour before and after, the aging mother's demon emperor was actually covered by others twice!

Between the eyebrows behind the demon, a few black lines emerged clearly, apparently angered to the extreme: really used the old mother as a soft persimmon?

But who is this time?

If it is still Yuan Tian, ​​the demon is ready: then directly punch a projection, what promises you!

The starlight flashed quietly, and a white shadow flashed with one of them. One person carried his hands and walked out from a starry sky. A white coat like snow, elegant and elegant, but with a natural world to dominate the world.

East Emperor!

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