Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 296: The threat of snow and tears

Actually the owner of the East Emperor's Day - snow and tears! !

The Emperor’s projection is the demon’s harem.

After the demon, his eyes widened.

"Heart, don't you have a good year, can you be safe in these years?" the white man said with a smile.

The demon's lips twitched.

These bastards, the first sentence to meet, is still the same? ! It’s true that the first sentence of Yuan Tian’s sentence is even a word!

Is it a good discussion? !

The demon back can't sit still, faintly said: "You are still not dead, as healthy as ever, I am naturally good! Snow tears, what are you doing here? Really courageous! Actually dare to launch the sky? You I am not afraid of launching a ban, will you smash your soul and smash it permanently here? Or even smash it?"

After the demon, I also said that I had just said to Yuan Tianjun, and I said it again to the snow and tears. I have to see how the East Emperor answered.

The only difference in the whole paragraph is that it is the ‘Yuan Tian Limit’ in the original sentence, and the three words have been changed to ‘Snow Tears. At this moment, although there is anger in the heart of the demon, it is more funny and funny.

The white man is of course the Emperor of Heaven, the snow and tears.

The snow and tears heard a slight glimpse, and then smiled and smiled. The tone was soft and gentle. "We haven't seen each other for years. Don't you scare me with a slap in the face? Don't you scare me away?"

After the demon, he got a goose bump!

The black line full of faces, instantly surged!

This sentence, the reaction with Yuan Tian limit, returning, even if it is tone or demeanor, is exactly the same!

Did you really see the ghost, or said that the two people discussed it well, to play the game! ?

After the demon, his heart was angry and stunned. He immediately sank his face and frowned. Senran said: "Snow and tears, aren't the two of you discussing it well? I thought you should not be so bored. After that, the two of you really are like a collusion...·····

The snow and tears can’t help but sigh, and the subconscious asks: “Who are we? Another person who is said by the heart?”

"Is it necessary to put garlic?" said the wrath after the demon: "You both speak evenly!"

Speaking and talking, it’s even more tempting to fight one thing: "Is it so good in your eyes? Is it really a sense of accomplishment after the game? After the nine emperors! In the past, it doesn't mean that you are not as good as you are!"

The tears and cold heart of the true two monks can not touch the mind, said: "Heart, what are you talking about? You are not misunderstanding!"

The demon snorted and said: "Well, I am not arguing with you. I have dropped my identity. I asked you, if you come here, is there something I have to ask for?"

Snow tears haha ​​smiled: "Good, heart is really smart as ever, the Emperor's trip is nothing to go to the Three Treasure Hall..."

After the words have not finished, the demon finally can not hold back, completely broke out: "I dare not say that it is not good, even this sentence is the same! You can not change words more? As for this Do you have room for it? One or two of them are all virtues. If you are doing this, you will be a self-proclaimed party, I am!"

Although she was furious, she did not object to the snow and tears calling her a heart.

The snow and tears suddenly calmed down. Slowly said: "The other person mentioned in the heart of the mouth, the other side of the heavenly emperor, but is the Yuantian limit?"

After the demon, I was furious: "Isn't he still there? What are you confused? Do you think you can still get away with it?"

Snow and tears are dark and dark: "He came to you, is he trying to help you catch Chu Yang?"

After the demon said: "Yes, it really is a good discussion, and finally not concealed?"

The snow and tears smashed two steps, and suddenly looked up, covered with frost, cold and cold: "You promised?"

After the demon obviously feels. With these words, the snow and tears are getting more and more prosperous. There is a faint murderousness that gradually breeds, and the meaning of tyrannical tyranny has never been concealed.

After the demon finally realized that something was wrong, he couldn’t help but frown. He said, “How do I agree, I don’t agree, what? What is the decision of the next Emperor’s wishes?”

Snow tears faintly said: "How can the Emperor dare to interfere with the choice of the demon, but I come to you, but it is for this matter."

"I believe that your purpose will not be to kill Chu Yang, a younger generation in the district, how can you dispatch the two emperors, since it is not killing, then you have to protect Chuyang?"

Although the demon was a moment ago, because of the momentary anger, the anger in the heart burned slightly confused, but at this moment has long been restored to the wisdom of the past, and has already learned a mystery.

"But it has this intention, but it does not stop there." Snow tears cold eyes condensed: "I am here for the purpose, it is not so simple, but a special trip to tell you, do not intervene in this matter !"

"Come tell me?" After the demon laughed, "Why do you tell me? Snow and tears, the emperor's majesty! Do you think that the nine emperors will be led by you, you are really the boss of this group." To tell me to warn me, you are not qualified for this snow and tears!"

After the demon, the heart burned in anger.

Once you say something, you actually call me ‘after the demon, then... I’m not even screaming!

Snow tears coldly said: "Is there any qualification, is the mouth useful? You will naturally know a lot about this opportunity. But I still tell you, you don't help Yuan Tian limit this time! The weather limit will not be like, After all, he has so many sons, I believe that he will really do something with other worlds for a younger son! Especially to face the same level of the Emperor!"

After the demon suddenly felt a sudden pressure, and lost the voice: "Don't you? You must know that Yuan Tian's face is the enemy of killing, and revenge is a matter of course!"

"There is no meaning to me! I only tell you that this Chuyang is my brother!" Snow tears faintly said: "Others don't know, but you don't know, what can I do for my brother? Come!"


After the demon, the heart trembled fiercely.

Yes, others do not know, but the same as the nine emperors, but they are well aware.

At the beginning of the Purple Emperor, it was the brother of the East Emperor. The purple scorpion Tiandi Zihao died, and the snow and tears burst into the middle of the sky, looking for a saying.

The final thing turned out to be a big fight with the Holy King!

After the event, the snow and tears did not return, but since then, the supreme authority has been established between the nine emperors and the future!

No one has ever dared to do it with the Holy King!

Only snow and tears have this guts, and eventually they have retired.

For the sake of his brother who dared to fight the Holy King, if he killed his brother, what would happen?

You don't even have to use your own hands. As long as you blend in with this matter, you will indirectly kill the accomplice of his brother. This is really a big enemy!

"If Chu Yang eventually died in the Emperor's Day, we will fight in two big worlds!" After the snow-scarred and sharp eyes looked at the demon, faintly said: "I am definitely not scaring you."

"Do you think you can live with me!"

Snow tears and hard states said: "So I said that I am not scaring you! Not only will you fight with you, but also fight with Mo Yuntian!"

"My emperor has since vowed to face the world! The day of Chu Yang’s death is the beginning of the three worlds of heaven and earth!" Snow tears slowly retreat, retreating to the piece of wild starry sky: "And see if I can put three Datiandi has completely defeated it!"

"Snow tears cold!" Screaming after the demon, angry and ruined: "You stand for the aging mother!"

But the last step of the snow tears has already gone out. The starry sky shrinks and disappears.


After the demon, a slap in the front of the table, suddenly a table of cold jade smashed. Roared: "Bastard! Big bastard! Snow tears cold, you bastard!"

He smashed, and he put the hot potato in the queen of the queen! I don’t want to make this post better!

Donghuang Snow tears cold, Mo Yun Yuan Tian limit, Lao Niang remembers both of you!

After the demon, he was angry and difficult, and he smashed everything in the hall!

"Snow and tears, you are a bastard! It is a threat to the aging mother!" After the demon has been tempered for almost 100,000 years, but this time, it is indeed mad, almost out of control.

Within one day, I was covered by two Emperors for two days!

Is this not enough?

If it is only this, it will be enough, but the **** East Emperor Snow Tears has actually thrown a vow to threaten!

This is the contempt of the red fruit, the red fruit and the red fruit of the fruit!

"Does the aging mother have to listen to you this soul?" After the demon screamed: "The old lady is stunned with you, is to help Yuan Tian limit! Just to kill your brother! I see how you can take the aging mother like What! I am mad at me, mad at me..."

"After coming, the demon screamed and screamed at the entire demon palace.

Brushing brush, three consecutive people into the rapid progress.

When I saw the magnificent hall of the past, I suddenly became full of stunned, all of them were dumbfounded.

What's happening here?

Is there a field attack? But... Although it’s full of woes, why don’t there be any traces of fighting? !

After the demon, his face was murderous, and he waved his hand and shouted: "Call me orders!······"

The three stood up straight at the same time.

After the demon, there is not such a strong voice in the years, it seems that there are big things going to happen...···

After the demon, the old saying was half, and the sentence of killing the fruit decided suddenly turned into a sharp turn: "Preach my order... clean the hall!"

Then he sighed: "Hey!"

The three were fainted at the same time.

My God, Your Majesty, Your Majesty, You are too embarrassed...·····

Your old man has screamed us in such a big way, so the solemn order of the matter is that... is it necessary to clean the hall?

After the demon deeply sighed for a while, the heart was so incompetent that it was inhuman. She clearly understood that the words of the snow and tears were definitely not a joke. He can do it all, and dare to do it! If it really makes the snow and tears mad, snow and tears can definitely drag the two worlds and destroy at the same time!

As the first emperor of the Nine Heavens, Snow Tear Cold definitely has this ability.

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